Super black turtle clone

Chapter 236 Mysterious Undersea Spring!

() "Hoo hoo!"

Just as Wang Yanrou walked into the bathroom, Zhuo Yun, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, immediately opened them and heaved a sigh of relief.

When Wang Yanrou first woke up, he was still asleep because he was too tired, but when Wang Yanrou got up, he was still awakened, but the situation at that time was a bit embarrassing, so he didn't know How to solve it can only be covered up by sleeping.

Standing up with a wry smile, Zhuo Yun lifted the quilt covering his body, revealing the wet trousers underneath which were holding up the big tent.

Secretly circulating the vitality in his body, he was a little surprised that after a whole night last night, his grasp of vitality has increased a lot.

"Last night was really a great exercise for the spirit." After sighing, recalling the scene last night, even he had to secretly admire himself. It was hard to imagine how he resisted the temptation and endured the temptation. for one night.

When Zhuo Yun calmed down the yu fire in his body and finished arranging the messy lower body clothes, Wang Yanrou also came out of the bathroom.

The two looked at each other, and then quickly shifted their gaze to the side. Regarding what happened last night, both of them subconsciously chose not to talk about it, and packed their bags as if nothing happened.

When the two left the hotel and drove to the previously blocked road, they found that it was unimpeded, and finally went home smoothly.

Lying on his own bed at home, Zhuo Yun felt a little amused by his mother's reaction just now, with that happy look, it seemed that his son had done something extraordinary. In his mother's opinion, it must be a shame if he didn't come home all night. The relationship with Wang Yanrou has improved a lot, so the daughter-in-law and even the grandson are not far away.

After calming down his emotions, Zhuo Yun suddenly remembered something, reached out and patted his forehead, and quickly locked the door of the house. With a slight movement of his mind, he lay on the bed weakly.

Far away at the bottom of the deep sea, how many miles away, the mysterious turtle, which has been obeying Zhuo Yun's orders [-]%, is quietly crawling on the ground, looking like a huge stone from a distance, and there is a living thing not far from Xuangui's side. The restless fire python also hovered among the seaweed, although a pair of snake eyes turned back and forth, it didn't move casually.

"Gulu!" The mysterious tortoise, which had been lying on the ground for nearly two days, trembled, its head and limbs protruded from the shell, and a pair of blood-red eyes shone with spiritual light.

"It's time to explore the mysteries of the cave." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun, who was attached to the mysterious turtle, immediately controlled the mysterious turtle to swim towards the direction of the cave in his memory. Behind it, the fire python twisted its body cheerfully. follow.

Soon the huge dark cave entrance appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight. Groups of deep-sea crabs were coming in and out near the cave entrance. The scene looked like an ant nest.

"Hiss!" The fire python, who had been holding back for two days, could no longer suppress his bloodthirst and appetite when he saw these delicious deep-sea crabs, and twisted his body with a hiss, turning into a flame and rushing up. , the huge mouth opened, and each deep-sea crab was sucked into its mouth by the strong suction.


The group of deep-sea crabs that were originally orderly fled toward the entrance of the cave as if they were in a retreat. Several crabs among them were trying to find the trouble of the fire python, but they were naturally easily killed and smashed into meat sauce.

The scene was basically a one-sided killing. In a short time, all the deep-sea crabs that were still outside were swallowed up by the fire python.

Zhuo Yun did not stop the behavior of the fire python. In addition to the aura contained in the deep-sea crabs was helpful for the growth of the fire python, he also wanted to kill the group of deep-sea crabs to draw out possible dangers in the cave.

After all, this cave is the old nest of deep-sea crabs. Who knows if there will be one or two giant crabs in it. If they can be lured out, it will be much easier to deal with than in their old nest.

It's a pity that his idea couldn't be realized after all, and the killing like the fire python couldn't make the deep sea crab group in the cave have any counterattack.

Let the fire python digest the deep-sea crabs in its body, Zhuo Yun controlled the black turtle to bear the brunt of swimming towards the cave, and the fire python followed closely behind it, the scorching water in the snake's mouth was constantly surging.

Although the fire python does not have Zhuo Yun's wisdom, he also understands that this place is dangerous, and his biological instinct keeps him ready to fight at any time.

In the process of advancing, Zhuo Yun had a whim, and tried to transfer the water control field he had comprehended on his own body to the black turtle. What surprised him was that the black turtle seemed to have an instinct for the water control field, and easily The field of water control will be displayed.

Compared with the water control field displayed by the main body, the range of Xuangui's water control field is ten meters away. In addition, the control of the water flow within ten meters has also reached a very good level. After this expedition, Zhuo Yun became more confident.

"Hiss!" Not long after entering the huge cave, the fire python screamed excitedly, not only it but also Zhuo Yun's heart was filled with surprise.

"What a rich and pure aura, it's like the legendary fairyland where immortals live." Feeling the aura contained in the water, Zhuo Yun's whole body became excited.

Not only that, the more you swim in, the more intense the aura contained in the water.

The aura in the cave is definitely more than ten times that of the outside. Relying on the rich aura in the cave, even without the help of Yaocaidibao, he is confident that Xuangui can make a breakthrough in a short time.

"It's strange, this cave is really weird. The inside of the cave is so full of spiritual energy, but you can't feel the slightest bit of spiritual energy outside the cave, which means that the spiritual energy can't leak out at all." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun put away his happy mood, and at the same time After reminding the fire python, he continued to move forward cautiously.

The depth of the cave was beyond his imagination, it was hundreds of meters deep, and some crawling deep-sea crabs could be seen along the way, but there were no huge groups of deep-sea crabs.

"Hey, it's the end!" Looking at the rock wall at the end in front of him, Zhuo Yun stopped in astonishment.

There are large and small caves on the rock wall that look like mouse holes, and deep-sea crabs can be seen coming in and out of the caves.

After looking at the passageway of the deep-sea crab's lair, he shifted his sight to the right, where there was a huge spring, and water flowing with spiritual energy gushed out from it.

"What I said, it seems that the reason why this cave has such a strong aura is probably because of this spring." After looking at the spring for a while, Zhuo Yun was secretly excited.

The size of this spring eye can completely submerge the huge figure of Xuangui. The most important thing is that the spiritual energy contained in the spring eye has reached twenty or thirty times that of the outside. It is definitely an excellent place for cultivation.

Even Zhuo Yun doubted whether Xuangui would turn into a monster like a monster if he practiced in this kind of place for a hundred years or so.

While Zhuo Yun was looking at the spring's eyes, his thoughts were in turmoil, but the active guy, the fire python, had already rushed forward. The strong aura was definitely a fatal attraction for a strange beast like it.

"Gollum Gollum!!"

Just as the fire python rushed to the top of the spring, there was a bubbling sound from the spring below, but it was much louder than the normal bubbling sound.

"No, come back quickly." Zhuo Yun exclaimed in his heart, and immediately controlled the water flow to condense into a defensive water shield in front of the fire python.

As a powerful beast, the fire python's sensing ability is not weak, and it was reflected when Zhuo Yun condensed the water shield, and hurriedly fled to the distance.

I saw that with the surge of the spring water, colorful bubbles gushed out of the spring, and quickly spread towards the direction of the fire python.

"Boom boom boom!" The multicolored bubbles hit Zhuo Yun's condensed water shield, and immediately exploded like explosives. The powerful impact immediately tore the hastily condensed water shield.

"Hiss!!" The fire python, who took this opportunity to escape to Xuan Gui, hissed while looking at the spring with some horror in his eyes.

The explosive power of the colorful bubbles may not be enough to kill the fire python, but it is also enough to explode the fire python before it can react. No one knows what kind of attack will appear in the spring, even if it is a fierce and brutal fire python. , I can't help being frightened by the unknown and weird dangers.

"There is indeed danger in the cave. I don't know what is under the spring." Zhuo Yun was secretly vigilant as he stared at the seemingly ordinary spring that was bubbling with spring water.

What made him depressed was that after waiting for a while, he didn't see any creatures jumping out of it.

After thinking it over and over again, Zhuo Yun ordered the fire python to let it spray flames to attack the spring, believing that as long as there were strange beasts inside, it would definitely not sit idly by.

"Hiss!" The fire python, who was almost injured just now, had suppressed the fire a long time ago. After receiving the order, it immediately screamed and circled up. A crimson flame gushed out, and the moment the fiery fire wave appeared, the temperature of the surrounding water rose significantly, and the deep-sea crab group not far away screamed in fright.


Under Zhuo Yun's gaze, there was another bubbling sound under the spring, followed by a huge white bubble gushing out of the spring, completely enveloping the entire spring.

"The guy inside wants to destroy this spring."

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun's heart trembled suddenly. He also attached great importance to this spring. The reason why he let the fire python attack was just to stimulate the strange beasts inside. He did not expect the other party to have such a fierce reaction.

Just when Zhuo Yun felt a little regretful and retreated secretly to defend himself, the next scene made him dumbfounded.

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