Super black turtle clone

Chapter 237 The Powerful Bubble!

() The imaginary explosion did not appear, the crimson flame hit the white bubble, not only did not detonate the white bubble, but blocked the red flame, and was hit by the red flame after persisting for two seconds wear.

"Gulu Gulu!" A series of small white bubbles gushed out from the spring, resisting the crimson flame that had pierced through the white bubbles, and finally dissipated and extinguished.

"By the way, the bubbles just now are colorful, and this kind of bubble is white, which means that colorful bubbles can explode, and white bubbles are bubbles with strong defense! "Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun's eyes showed interest.

After wandering in the deep sea these days, he has seen many strange beasts in the sea, but he has never seen such a miraculous thing.

It seemed that the fire python's attack angered the strange beast in the spring, the water flow in the spring suddenly became faster, and a fierce breath emerged from the spring.

"Good guy, it looks like a difficult opponent. In order to avoid damaging the spring, we should go outside and knock it down." Thinking of this, the black turtle controlled the sea water, condensed into a hammer and smashed down the spring, and he himself Called the fire python to quickly swim out of the cave.

"Touch!" There was a dull impact sound from behind, and at the same time there was the roar of a strange beast.

Successfully angering the beast, Zhuo Yun's goal has been achieved, and he swam out of the cave with the fire python at full speed, and came to the top of a coral group 200 meters away from the cave.

After waiting for a while, a black shadow rushed out of the huge cave amidst the surging water.

Compared with the huge cave, the black shadow looks nothing to mention. For the black turtle, this guy is definitely a huge monster, but after a vague glance, the figure is not much smaller than the black turtle, and the aura is extremely fierce , like an iron-blooded general.

"Damn, is this guy a genetic mutation?" The water flow dispersed, and when Zhuo Yun saw the true face of the strange beast, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

It wasn't that he made a fuss, it was that the thing in front of him was really unacceptable, and it was even more surprising than the black turtle growing so big.

"Crackling!" A pair of large pincers made of steel were opening and closing, that domineering walking posture, and a steel-like stomach.

That's right, the guy who appeared in front of Zhuo Yun was a huge deep-sea crab that had been magnified ten times or dozens of times. The size of this crab was two circles smaller than that of a black turtle, which was unimaginable for a crab. volume.

The deep-sea king crab rushed ten meters in front of the black turtle and the fire python, stopped its domineering way, and scanned the black turtle and the fire python with its huge eyes protruding from the outside.

"Squeak!!" The deep-sea crab king let out a sharp roar, and swung a pair of big pliers twice like a hammer, posing like a bully.

"Interesting, this guy is planning to start a war. Recently, Xuan Gui's cultivation has entered a bottleneck period, and he just uses this big crab to practice his hands." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun's spirit was lifted, and a strong battle emerged in his heart. meaning.

For ordinary deep-sea creatures, even for strange beasts like fire pythons, this deep-sea crab king is definitely an extremely difficult character.

The whole body has a shell like a steel armor stomach, a pair of powerful scissor-like pliers, coupled with its strange ability to spray air bubbles, it can definitely be called a mobile tank, not only the defense is absolutely awesome, but even the attack methods are superb. Incomparably powerful.

It's a pity that the deep-sea crab king met the black turtle. With the astonishing defense of the black turtle shell, it can ignore even the big pincers of the deep-sea crab. Coupled with the vitality in the body and the ability to control the current, Zhuo Yun Have the confidence to make this crab king bow his head.

With a fighting spirit in his heart, Zhuo Yun didn't stop at all, he directly controlled the black turtle and rushed towards the deep-sea crab king, "Squeak!!" The deep-sea crab king seemed to be enraged by Zhuo Yun's behavior, roaring and rushing forward , A pair of huge pincers smashed towards the back of the black turtle.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort in his heart, Zhuo Yun advanced instead of retreating, controlling the surging vitality in the black turtle's body, and controlling the water flow behind him to explode with astonishing impetus, like a rocket whose fuel had been ignited to rush towards Deep sea crab king.

"Boom!" The poor deep-sea crab king didn't react at all, even before the waving pincers hit the back of the black turtle, he was blown away by the huge impact.

While the water was surging, a wave of mud surged on a seabed mountain in the distance, turning the surrounding seawater into a turbid state.

Stretching out the locked nipples and claws, Zhuo Yun looked in the direction of the deep sea crab king. Although the blow just now was powerful, he didn't feel that the deep sea crab king's armor was broken.

"Squeak!" Just as Zhuo Yun thought, a sharp and angry hiss sounded, and then a black figure rushed out of the turbid sea water, rushing towards the black turtle domineeringly.

"Gululu!" Before rushing in front of the black turtle, the deep-sea crab king spit out colorful bubbles, and a series of bubbles with a diameter of at least two meters shot towards the black turtle.

The bubbles spit out by the deep-sea crab king seemed not to be affected by the buoyancy of the sea water, but more like sharp arrows shot out, appearing in front of the black turtle in the blink of an eye.

"Good time, I want to see how explosive your colorful bubbles are." Thinking, Zhuo Yun decisively shrunk his body and limbs again, mobilized the vitality in his body to turn his head into water shields The gaps with the limbs are completely blocked, turning into an absolutely defensive ball.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Deafening roars sounded continuously, and the Deep Sea Crab King seemed to blast the black turtle into pieces, continuously shooting out strings of multicolored bubbles.

The roaring explosion lasted for more than a minute. The water around the explosion surged violently, the large area of ​​coral below was broken, and even the sea above was affected.

"Hiss!" The fire python, who was watching the battle from a distance, hissed anxiously. If Zhuo Yun hadn't sent a message to make it not allowed to participate in the battle, he would have rushed up right now.

The explosion subsided gradually, and the Deep Sea Crab King suspended in the sea gasping. Just now, he sprayed out a lot of multicolored bubbles, even it couldn't bear it.

"Squeak!" The deep-sea crab king let out a proud and fierce hiss, as if to say, this is the fate of offending me, the deep-sea king crab.

Just when the deep-sea crab king was complacent, thinking that the black turtle had been bombed into pieces, the sea level of the explosion calmed down, revealing the scene of the sea area where the black turtle was.

The deep-sea crab king who was screaming proudly just now, immediately stared straight ahead with a pair of protruding eyes, his eyes full of unbelievable expressions.

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