Super black turtle clone

Chapter 246 Bird Bomb!

() "How about it, have you two discussed it? Do you plan to fight together, or do you want to fight one-on-one." Standing on the spot, Zhuo Yun smiled and put his arms around his shoulders, with a playful look in his eyes. This look of contempt made Alexandra and Kurala very angry.

No matter what they say, they are also members of the punishment of hell. Even if it is the life of an earl like Nils, they can easily take it away, and they have never been treated with such contempt.

"Huaxia boy, you do have some strength, but if you think that your strength can defeat me, Ku Lali, then you will die a miserable death." While speaking, Ku Lali took out the cucurbit silk again, flew to the side and lightly Lightly played, a sound similar to ultrasonic spread rapidly.

"You can't let him continue playing." Zhuo Yun's expression changed slightly. He wanted to use the two of them to determine his own strength, but he wouldn't be so stupid as to stand there and be beaten.

"Hmph, if you want to attack Ku Lali, pass me first." Alexandra stepped in front of Ku Lali, and the golden python twisted its body and appeared when Zhuo Yun attacked On the route, a pair of icy eyes flashed with a hint of spirituality.

"Hiss!" Although this golden python is different from ordinary pythons, it has a trace of intelligence, but it can't be compared with humans at all. After feeling the murderous aura on Zhuo Yun's body, it was the first to attack uncontrollably, screaming and screaming. Xing quickly rushed towards Zhuo Yun, and his huge body pulled out a ravine on the ground.

"Alright, let this silly python take the lead, so I can take advantage of the opportunity to attack." Alexandra on the side formed a spear of ice in her hand, but she didn't strike right away, but hung behind the golden python , intending to use the golden python with rough skin and thick flesh as a shield.

Facing the imposing golden python, Zhuo Yun's demeanor remained unchanged. With a slight movement of his mind, he put away the village rain knife in his hand. While the vitality was surging in his body, the turtle's breath formula was fully displayed, and a layer of strange patterns emerged again On the surface of his body, it is only covered by clothes, which is not noticeable.

"Come on, let me see if it's your thick skin, or my fist power." A flash of fighting intent flashed in Zhuo Yun's eyes, and he rushed towards the golden python without retreating. They ran into each other in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss!!" The golden python hissed, its thick tail was like a steel whip whipping towards Zhuo Yun, and the howling wind tore apart the ground.

"Touch!" There was a dull impact sound, and Alexandra, who was following behind, looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment. Zhuo Yun blocked the golden python's vigorous tail flick with his bare hands. The force of the impact only made him take a few steps backwards.

Just when the golden python seemed to be startled, a pair of icy snake pupils revealed a trace of doubt, not understanding how the human being in front of him did it.

"You're done attacking, it's my turn." Zhuo Yun sneered after dispelling the golden python's heavy flick of its tail. The vitality in his body surged and turned into a huge driving force. The ground splashed under his feet, and his whole body disappeared instantly. land.

"Boom!" The golden python, who was wondering, suddenly shook and flew upside down, and the huge figure that was more than ten meters long was blown away nearly ten meters away.

Alexandra, who was following behind the golden python, looked at the scene in front of him in shock. As a professionally trained supernatural user, he still recovered in an instant. Zhuo Yun, who had restrained his strength, threw out the icy spear in his hand without the slightest hesitation.

"Chi Chi!!" The icy spear pierced the air and made a sharp piercing sound. With Alexandra throwing it with all his strength, it came to Zhuo Yun at a speed of almost a blink of an eye, and Zhuo Yun seemed to There was no time to dodge at all.

"Haha, I hope you're still alive this time." Alexandra yelled, and the sharp ice spear stabbed Zhuo Yun's chest heavily.

"How, how is it possible!" Just when Alexandra was about to admire Zhuo Yun's miserable expression when he died in pain, the situation in his sight made him stunned and shouted in disbelief, as if he had discovered something Unbelievable thing.

I saw that Zhuo Yun, who was hit by the ice spear, was not pierced by the ice spear as he imagined, but his body was hit back a few steps, and the ice spear seemed to hit the steel In general, he just didn't make the slightest progress.

Inside the clothes that no one saw, a pattern like a tortoise shell was shining. It was this pattern like a tortoise shell that completely blocked the ice spear from the outside of the skin, allowing Alexandra to be able to The one-hit kill move has completely lost its due lethality.

Compared to the shocked Alexandra, Zhuo Yun was also very pleasantly surprised. He was able to dodge the defense just now, but at the moment when the ice wall was about to condense, there was an instinctive feeling in his body, that is, he could dodge the defense. Resisting the attack of the Ice Lance, he stood there with a bit of trepidation and endured the attack of the Ice Lance, and the result was beyond his expectations.

Feeling the impact of the ice spear on his chest, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, the vitality in his body surged, and he suddenly raised his chest, a surge of force came out through his body, crushing the ice spear, because of the control The existence of the water realm doesn't even give Sandra a chance to detonate the pressure.

After shattering the ice spear, Zhuo Yun's eyes burst into murderous intent, and Jianmura's sword reappeared in his hand, ready to give Alexandra a fatal blow with the vitality surging in his body.

"Quack!!" A sharp cry suddenly sounded, especially harsh in the silent night. Zhuo Yun suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. There were bursts of chaotic and sharp birdsong.

"A lot of birds!" Zhuo Yun couldn't help but exclaimed as he stared at the black curtain made up of large flying birds in the sky.

When he saw so many flying birds, he would definitely not be able to help admiring them, but at this moment, he was not in such a mood. These flying birds must have been summoned by Ku Lali, the animal control messenger.

"The number of flying birds is indeed quite a lot, but do you think some ordinary flying birds can defeat me?" Zhuo Yun put away his surprised expression, glanced at the injured golden python and stopped playing, looking at the injured golden python with a murderous look on his face The steaming bitter pull.

"Stupid guy, the potential of any creature is infinite. Today I will let you see one of my unique moves, Bloody Sonata, and let you see the powerful power of ordinary birds." Ku Lali screamed with gloomy eyes Dao, a pair of snake pupils have turned into sharp eagle eyes at some point.

"Bloody Sonata!" Alexandra, who was shocked by Zhuo Yun's super defensive power, changed her face suddenly, as if thinking of something terrible, she quickly came to Ku Lali's side in a flickering figure, It seems that only by his side is the safest place.

"It's weird, it looks like I have to deal with it carefully." Seeing Alexandra's behavior, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, not daring to be careless.

Ku Lali put the cucurbit silk up, took out another red flute from his bosom, and played it softly.

"Quack quack quack!" The sharp hiss resounded through the sky, and there was a shrill scream faintly revealed in the hissing sound, as if the birds in the air were suffering some kind of pain.

"What does this guy want to do!" Zhuo Yun looked at Ku Lali suspiciously, his water control field expanded to the extreme, and the vitality in his body was surging, ready to attack at any time.

Just when he was getting ready, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and within the envelope of the water control domain, a rapidly falling figure appeared.

"What!" Zhuo Yun exclaimed, and hurriedly dodged to the side, almost at the same time he dodged to land, a blood-red streamer flew towards him.

"Boom!" The blood-red streamer, like a bomb, exploded the moment it hit the ground, turning into a violent impact.

"Ice Shield!" With a soft shout, a shield made of ice appeared in front of Zhuo Yun.

As soon as the ice shield condensed, a series of strong forces hit the ice shield, and in the blink of an eye, blood-red pits were punched out of the ice shield.

Resisting the impact of the splatter, Zhuo Yun raised his head and looked into the air, only to see several blood-red figures falling downward at an astonishing speed.

"These are birds in the sky!" In an instant, Zhuo Yun saw the true face of the blood-red figure, which made him stunned.

"Boom boom boom!" The violent bomb blast exploded around Zhuo Yun, besides the explosion itself, flesh and blood splashed everywhere like steel balls.

"Damn it!" Accompanied by an angry shout, Zhuo Yun jumped out of the impact in a panic, even though he was not injured, he was still in a hurry.

"Haha, have you seen it? This is my bloody sonata. A bird that has been stimulated to its full potential can also be transformed into a weapon like a bomb. This is just the beginning. I want to see how many attacks you can dodge." Bitter Lali's pupils dilated slightly, and he laughed ferociously.

More birds in the sky descended from the sky, their bodies were red like flames rubbing through the atmosphere, and their speed was almost comparable to bullets.

Continuously dodging the birds, Zhuo Yun felt extremely aggrieved. If he continued to dodge like this, the situation would become more and more unfavorable to him, and the number of flying birds falling in the sky at one time was constantly rising.

"It's strange, why doesn't this black egg let all the birds fall at once." Zhuo Yun, who was dodging, suddenly thought of this question.

If he charged down at once, with the power of the explosion, it is estimated that even he would be injured. As for whether he would lose his life, he would have to try it out.

"Could it be!" Dodging a bird's suicide attack again, Zhuo Yun's heart skipped a beat, thinking of a possibility.

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