Super black turtle clone

Chapter 247 The Royal Family Summons!

() Maybe it's not that Ku Lali doesn't want to let a large group of birds fall at once, but that he can't do it with his ability, or it will take a certain amount of time. After all, it is not easy to control a bird to burst into full potential , incrementing state like this, is just a disguise.

Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun didn't hesitate, no matter what he couldn't continue to dodge like this, the vitality in his body surged with a slight movement of his mind, and his figure quickly rushed towards the direction where Ku Lali was.

"Hmph, it's impossible to rush over." Ku Lali sneered, and continued to play the flute. The birds falling in the air began to consciously block Zhuo Yun's forward path. If he wanted to continue to rush in the direction of Ku Lali , it must withstand the self-destructive attacks of these birds.

Three blood-red rays of light flickered over Zhuo Yun who was rushing forward, and the distance was only four or five meters away in the blink of an eye. With the speed of the flying bird after stimulating its potential, it almost only took a tenth of a second.

"Ka Ka Ka!" At this moment, a sharp chill burst out from Zhuo Yun's body, and the three blood-red flying birds were immediately frozen by the hard and thick ice.

"Bump!" The frozen bird fell powerlessly to the ground. The bird wrapped in hard and thick ice not only lost its impact, but even exploded.

"How could this be?" Ku Lali's complexion changed suddenly, and Alexandra, who was standing beside Ku Lali, didn't dare to stand by and stand in front of Ku Lali, and once again formed a team with the golden python defense net.

"Kulali tried his best to control those flying birds. Freezing the flying birds like this will definitely consume a lot of energy. Don't be frightened by him." Alexandra, who is an ice-type superhuman, calmly shouted.

As an ice-type power user, he naturally knows ice-type powers very well. This kind of trick that directly bursts out cold air to freeze creatures is different from condensing ice to fight the enemy. He doesn't think Zhuo Yun can do it unlimited display.

Hearing Alexandra's words, Ku Lali immediately manipulated the birds in the air with all his strength, and more birds fell from the sky and flew towards Zhuo Yun, turning into bird bombs.

"Hmph!" Facing Ku Lali's bombardment, Zhuo Yun snorted coldly, continued to use the cold air to freeze the birds, and rushed towards Ku Lali quickly.

As Alexandra said, doing so would indeed consume a lot of energy, but for him, the energy consumption of being close to Ku Lali was worth it.

It was precisely because of Alexandra's wrong judgment that she thought that Zhuo Yun's vitality could be exhausted in this way, and in the end they killed both of them.

It was too late to say so, the real process was only a few short breaths, even with the blocking of birds, Zhuo Yun quickly rushed to the front of Alexandra and the golden python.

With the help of the village rain knife in his hand, the covering distance of the water control field has reached more than six meters, which is enough to cover the Ku Lali behind Alexandra and the others within the range of the water control field.

"It's time to end." Feeling the consumption of vitality in his body, Zhuo Yun thought to himself, the area that was originally filled with cold energy changed in an instant.

"It's raining, what's going on!" Alexandra, who was on alert, felt the raindrops falling on her body in astonishment. Before he could figure out what was going on, the rainstorm The raindrops had completely soaked his body.

"Not good!" When her clothes were soaked, Alexandra suddenly felt that her whole body became extremely heavy. He, together with Ku Lali and the golden python, also formed ice sculptures.

The switch between rain and cold was almost instantaneous, and the three tragic people had no time to react at all. What they didn't expect most was that there were people with two kinds of abilities in this world.

The whole process took almost an instant. The black Chopper, who was watching the battle from a distance, did not recover until Alexandra and the others were frozen.

They were evenly matched just now, but in the blink of an eye, Alexandra and Kulari turned into ice sculptures.

"Quack!!" The flock of birds in the air, losing control of Ku Lali, fluttered their wings and fled amidst a mess of hissing.

It wasn't until the end of the battle that the tragic Earl Nils woke up from his coma. Seeing the scene in front of him, he almost didn't frighten him into fainting again.

After a battle ended, the follow-up matter was not that simple. This time, two members of Hell's Punishment invaded the Earl's Mansion and almost killed all the bodyguards in Earl Nils' manor. The huge roar had already exploded. Not only did it attract the attention of the Swedish police, but even the royal family knew about it.

Nils is now the spokesperson of the Swedish royal family, representing the reputation and interests of the royal family. Now in his own country, Nils was almost killed by terrorists, especially when he knew that there were two supernatural beings among them. At that time, the Swedish royal family was completely angry. This was no longer a personal issue, but an honor and disgrace to Sweden as a whole.

If he is allowed to kill the distinguished count in his own country, then how can Sweden stand up internationally in the future, and there may even be a bad situation where more people will be assassinated. Not allowed.

Although the Swedish royal family was extremely angry, they did not lose their rationality. If it was just the actions of supernatural beings from ordinary organizations, they would immediately send people to wipe out the organization in order to deter some youngsters.

It's just that this time it's different. The two supernatural beings are both punished by hell. Even the entire Swedish country has to be careful in dealing with this supernatural terrorist organization that is famous in the world.

"What, your king of Sweden wants to summon me!" Zhuo Yun, who recovered from a battle and was leisurely watching TV in the evening, looked at Nils with a shriveled belly after a busy day with a surprised face.

"That's right, Brother Zhuo Yun, His Majesty the King knows that the two supernatural beings were killed by my brother, and I admire your strength very much, brother, so I specially asked me to invite you to the palace." Nils said with a full face. He said with a smile, in addition to the original friendliness, there was also a touch of flattery in his expression.

Zhuo Yun's strength is unquestionable. If it wasn't for him this time, even if Nils had nine lives, it wouldn't be enough for two supernatural beings to kill him. the awe of the

Hearing what Nils said, Zhuo Yun frowned slightly, he was not interested in the king or anything like that, now it is not like in ancient times, it is a great honor to see the king and emperor, besides, there is no need for him to intentionally Ingratiate yourself with the King of Sweden.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn't like to be restrained. A place like the Swedish royal palace must have many rules. Compared with a royal family known for its aristocrats, he prefers to get along with some beggars. In terms of grades, he really has no interest.

"Nils, thank the king for my invitation. I don't know much about palace etiquette, so I'd better not bother him." Zhuo Yun shook his head and said.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's obvious refusal, Nils was slightly taken aback. In his opinion, being summoned by the king is a very honorable thing in itself. If ordinary people know it, they will be very excited, and it is impossible for them to say no.

But after thinking about Zhuo Yun's super strength and his confusing background, Nils felt relieved.

"Brother Zhuo Yun, this time His Majesty the King summoned you. In addition to thanking you for your help this time, he also promised to give you top-level combat ships, and promised to sell you [-] internationally renowned warships at ex-factory prices. A top combat ship." Nils quickly tried to persuade him again.

"Oh!" Hearing this, Zhuo Yun looked a little surprised. He didn't expect the king to agree to such a thing. If this was the case, he would have to meet the Swedish king.

"Okay, I agree." After thinking for a moment, Zhuo Yun nodded. If he could have twenty top-notch battleships, he could definitely form a fleet. With the weapons supported by the Japanese kingdom, once established, the combat effectiveness would be astonishing. than the navies of some countries.

Zhuo Yun's answer made Nils heave a sigh of relief. He secretly rejoiced that he had told the king about the matter. Otherwise, if Zhuo Yun really didn't want to go, he would not only offend the king, but also make him lose an opportunity. , through Zhuo Yun, it is possible for him to elevate his status in the royal family and even the whole of Sweden again.

After half an hour's drive in Niels' specially modified car, he arrived at the Swedish Royal Palace that night.

Compared with the palaces on TV, the real palaces are much simpler and more simple, retaining some medieval architectural styles in many aspects, giving people the feeling that there is not much luxury, but a special charm, simple and unsophisticated And dignified.

Under the leadership of the palace attendants, Zhuo Yun and Niels came to the interior of the palace, and soon came to a simple study.

Sitting on the middle seat of the study is a Swedish old man who is about five or sixty years old and looks energetic. He exudes the aura of a high-ranking person who has been in a high position for a long time. No one needs to introduce him, just this aura People can easily judge the identity of the old man.

"Nils, this is the Chinese alien Mr. Zhuo Yun who is the artifact." The two walked into the study, and the old Swedish man who was sitting on the chair stood up.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is my savior, the powerful supernatural being Zhuo Yun." Nils quickly introduced him a little flattered.

I have seen the king several times before, except for the last time because of the crown, the king stood up to greet him, this is the second time, of course he also has self-knowledge, the king stood up to greet him not because of him, but because of Zhuo Yun's existence.

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