Super black turtle clone

Chapter 248 Conditions!

() "Brother Zhuo Yun, this is His Majesty the King of Sweden, King Joy XVI!" After introducing Zhuo Yun, Nils introduced the Swedish old man in front of Zhuo Yun.

Even though he had already guessed the other party's identity and confirmed it from Nils, Zhuo Yun still admired him a bit. This aura is worthy of being a king.

"Hello, Your Majesty Joey, it's a great honor to meet you." Zhuo Yun said with a smile after imitating the etiquette he had asked from Nils before.

King Joy nodded happily, and returned the courtesy with the Swedish aristocratic etiquette: "It is a great honor to meet you, a powerful Chinese stranger."

Seeing King Joey's move, Nils next to him was stunned. Don't underestimate King Joey's seemingly polite gesture. The people who can make him return the salute can be counted with a slap in the whole of Sweden. Even he is not enough to make King Joy pay back.

From this action, it can be seen that Zhuo Yun's position in King Joey's heart made Nils secretly happy. After all, Zhuo Yun was recommended by him. The higher Zhuo Yun's position in King Joey's heart, he The greater the benefits that can be obtained.

In fact, Nils is not aware of the strength of Hell's Punishment. For these supernatural organizations, even though he is the count of Sweden, he has not paid special attention to them. Naturally, he understands that Zhuo Yun has the ability to kill two Hell's Punishment Members with this kind of strength will be recruited vigorously no matter which country they are in.

After being polite to each other, the three of them returned to their respective positions, and King Joey turned the topic to the two supernatural beings punished by hell.

"Mr. Zhuo Yun, this time you not only saved Nils' life, but also saved the reputation of my Kingdom of Sweden. Please introduce my gratitude to Joey." During the speech, King Joey stood up and bowed. Bow, Zhuo Yun secretly smiled wryly in his heart, and had no choice but to get up quickly to stop it.

"Your Majesty is being polite. This is what I should do. Niels is my friend. Naturally, I can't watch him being hurt by villains."

"Anyway, this time, you are very kind to me in Sweden. I learned from Niels that you want to buy some top-notch combat ships from Sweden. After discussing this matter, it has been decided to pay the ex-factory price , sell your Excellency twenty battleships, hoping to express our gratitude."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will always remember Sweden's friendship." Zhuo Yun nodded gratefully. Don't underestimate the [-] combat ships sold at ex-factory prices. Buying them all can definitely save nearly hundreds of millions. Not a small return, after all, Sweden is not owned by the king alone, and it is not easy to be able to do this.

King Joey smiled in satisfaction, hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, besides this matter, I have one more thing I want to trouble you with."

"Sure enough." Zhuo Yun had guessed when he saw King Joey's extraordinary enthusiasm, and now he really answered his guess.

"Your Majesty, please tell me that as long as I can do it, I will try my best to help." With the matter of the battleship before, Zhuo Yun couldn't refuse directly, so he could only answer in a way with a lot of space. As for whether it can be done, The final interpretation is still in his hands.

"This time, two supernatural beings from the Hell Heavenly Punishment terrorist organization tried to kill Count Nils. This is a great provocation to Sweden. If we can't fight back, it will be an indelible shame for Sweden." Having said this with an angry expression, King Joey paused.

"However, regarding the strength of the Hell and Heaven's Punishment organization, I believe you should also know something about it. Even the international supernatural organization has always wanted to uproot the Hell and Heaven's Punishment terrorist organization, but it has never been able to do so. The strength of my Swedish superhuman is simply unable to compete with the Hell and Heavenly Punishment Organization."

"This time I invited Your Excellency Zhuo Yun to come here, and I hope that Your Excellency can go to hire killers to attack Earl Nils' African family together with my Swedish supernatural powers, find out their relationship with the Hell and Heaven's Punishment Organization, and eliminate them. Hell will punish the local branch of the killer organization."

He had already guessed that it would not be a good thing, but Zhuo Yun couldn't help but frowned after hearing King Joey's words.

When he was in the manor, the reason why he killed the two supernatural beings was that he didn't want them to kill Nils, and also couldn't understand their cruelty, but it didn't mean that he wanted to deal with the punishment from hell.

Seeing Zhuo Yun's frown, King Joey hurriedly said again: "Of course, we can't ask you to help me unconditionally. You can ask for whatever you want, and I can agree to any reasonable request."

Zhuo Yun, who originally wanted to refuse, swallowed back the words he wanted to say when he heard King Joey's words.

For Nils, he has already offended Hell's Punishment, killed the two supernatural beings of Hell's Punishment, and already has a hostile relationship with Hell's Punishment, even if he doesn't want to be an enemy, it's useless, besides Originally, he was solving the matter of the warship, and he also had to go to Africa to rescue Chopper's brother.

Now coupled with King Joey's promise, Zhuo Yun was secretly a little moved, but now it was a bit difficult for him to put forward conditions.

After all, the biggest purpose of his coming to Sweden this time was to deal with the battleships. Now that this matter is over, he really doesn't have any conditions to put forward.

"Could it be money, no, this level is too low, besides, money is not so important to me now." Thinking secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly.

"Your Majesty Joey, I can promise you, but as for the condition, I hope to keep it and use it when I really need His Majesty's help."

King Joey, who was waiting for Zhuo Yun's reply, had a strange expression on hearing the words. He didn't expect Zhuo Yun to propose such a condition, which made him feel a little flustered while waiting for the condition. Can nod yes.

Seeing that King Joey agreed, Zhuo Yun was secretly happy. To get a promise from King Joey of Sweden is definitely a big hole card. If it is not used now, it does not mean that it will not be used in the future.

Thinking to himself, he glanced at King Joy's study in a good mood. When he saw something on the bookshelf, his eyes couldn't help but be attracted.

There is an item placed above the bookshelf, which is a completely sealed bottle, which has obviously been specially treated. Inside the bottle is a ginseng plant that is much larger than the ginseng Zhuo Yun has seen before, and it is similar to the ginseng plant. Ordinary ginseng is different. This ginseng has a blood-red color on the surface. It is a mutated blood ginseng among ginseng. It is said that this kind of blood ginseng may not be able to appear in [-] wild ginseng. It is very rare. Treasures.

Zhuo Yun stared at the blood ginseng on the shelf, and soon attracted the attention of King Joey and Nils. The two turned their heads and saw that Zhuo Yun was looking at the blood ginseng. King Yi's complexion changed slightly, showing some hesitation.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, I bought this blood ginseng in a place where ginseng was produced in your country, and I have kept it here. If you like it, I will give this blood ginseng to you." After hesitating After a while, reason finally prevailed over reluctance, and King Joey said with a bit of heartache.

After recovering from the surprise, Zhuo Yun quickly thanked King Joey without the slightest hesitation, as if he was afraid that King Joey would repent, which made King Joey feel depressed for a while.

He has always treasured this blood ginseng, ready to use it when necessary. After all, this kind of mutated blood ginseng is a good thing that is hundreds of years old. Even he has been reluctant to use it. After Zhuo Yun, it would be a lie to say that he doesn't feel sorry for her.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, I held a welcome banquet for you in the palace. At that time, the supernatural guardians of my Swedish royal family will participate. Let's get to know each other." Suppressing his distressed feeling, King Joey smiled a little weirdly road.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhuo Yun nodded gratefully, looking calm.

Don't look at his calm appearance, but in his heart he longed to leave immediately. He got a hundred-year-old blood ginseng, which made him very excited. Swallowing it will definitely make his strength greatly improved again.

In this way, even in the face of the revenge of the Hell and Heaven's Punishment terrorist organization, he will have an extra level of confidence.

Hell and Heaven's Punishment can become a terrorist organization that has caused headaches to all major countries in the world, and they want to get rid of it but have no choice. Zhuo Yun is also a little worried once the opponent's high-level executives come out, so now he needs to improve his strength as much as possible.

Led by King Joy, Zhuo Yun and Nils came to a living room of the main hall. A long table in the living room was already filled with all kinds of Swedish delicacies, which were extremely rich. It will make people drool and show the luxury of the royal family.

Around the long table are a dozen people scattered or standing or sitting. Most of these people are wearing formal royal clothes, which are only worn by the royal family when they attend banquets. The ones are more casual, and the most important thing is that these people all exude fluctuations of supernatural beings.

When Zhuo Yun looked at everyone present, these people were also observing Zhuo Yun. Only a few members of the royal family knew the specific situation of this banquet. Many people did not know that the protagonist of this banquet was Zhuo Yun. Seeing him Appearing with King Joy, I can't help but secretly guess.

Soon everyone present reflected, and saluted King Joey one after another, and King Joey also saluted symbolically.

"I believe you all already know about the terrorist attack that happened last night." Coming to the end of the long table, King Joy said solemnly.

Hearing his words, everyone present nodded slightly, with different expressions, ranging from fear to calmness, and even anger.

These people are either royal elites or supernatural beings who guard the Swedish royal family. Naturally, they knew what happened yesterday, especially those who knew that the terrorist attack was the punishment of hell and heaven, which made many people feel confused. There was a layer of shadow.

Hell and Heaven's Punishment is definitely a terrifying terrorist organization in Europe. It used to share rent with many terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and anti-armed organizations, which caused a lot of panic in European countries. It's a very disturbing thing.

Of course, although the punishment of hell and heaven is terrifying, it is not invincible. Not to mention that the leaders of major countries are also guarded by supernatural beings. It is hard to taste the good fruit even if it is the punishment of hell.

"Thanks to His Excellency Zhuo Yun's help in this terrorist attack of hell and heaven's punishment, otherwise our Kingdom of Sweden would be disgraced. Today's banquet is held for His Excellency Zhuo Yun. Let us welcome His Excellency Zhuo Yun." Joey The king changed his dull tone just now, smiled and clapped his hands and turned his eyes to Zhuo Yun beside him.

Although he had already guessed that King Joey held this banquet for himself, he did not expect him to carry himself out in such a high-profile way.

Feeling helpless secretly, Zhuo Yun stepped forward to King Joey's side, smiled and nodded to everyone present.

"He is the Chinese man who killed two members of Hell and Heaven's Punishment. I thought he was a muscular guy, but he doesn't look so powerful now!"

"I heard that the two members of Hell and Heaven's Punishment were frozen into ice sculptures. It seems that this Chinese man should be an ice-type superpower."

All the people present immediately discussed with each other. Members of the Swedish royal family looked at Zhuo Yun with a trace of curiosity and awe in their eyes, and the eyes of the few supernatural beings who protected the Swedish royal family looked at Zhuo Yun in addition to curiosity. Most of them are provocative and disobedient expressions.

Seeing the eyes of those supernatural beings, Zhuo Yun was secretly depressed. He didn't seem to have offended them, and he didn't understand why these guys were provoking him when they were idle.

He didn't know that these supernatural beings were raised by the Swedish royal family from an early age, and their loyalty to the Swedish royal family was almost blind. In their hearts, it was only their pride to be the guardians of the Swedish royal family.

This time Zhuo Yun did the work that belonged to them, and killed two members of Hell and Heaven's Punishment, and was treated like this by King Joey. How could this not make them feel jealous? Glory should be theirs.

Next, King Joey introduced Zhuo Yun to everyone present. Among them, there are princes and princesses in the royal family, as well as several important royal officials. In addition, he introduced the supernatural beings who guard the Swedish royal family. enthusiasm, the attitude of the few of them is much colder.

Zhuo Yun didn't care about this either, the other party was very cold, and he himself responded with a cold attitude. After all, these supernatural beings have no direct relationship with him, and besides, he doesn't have a hot face and a cold ass. Habit.

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