Super black turtle clone

Chapter 249 Man of Steel!

After some introductions, everyone sat down in order. As for Zhuo Yun, he was placed on the right side of him by King Joey. Also more profound.

Zhuo Yun had a bit of indigestion after eating a meal. Of course, this is not to say that the food is not to his liking. The dishes at the royal family dinner can definitely be called luxurious and delicious. Zhuo Yun couldn't bear that graceful movement.

Facing such a group of people, he can't get rid of his cheeks, he can only imitate their movements, and the amount of food he eats in one meal is less than one-third of what he used to eat. Fortunately, he only needs to eat one meal. If he continues to eat like this every day, it is estimated that he will starve to death.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, I heard that you fought against two members of the Hell's Heaven's Punishment Organization by yourself, and in the last move you instantly froze the two of them. Can you tell us how you did it?" When the coffee was served, one of the members of the royal family asked with interest.

"Yes, I heard that among the members of the Hell's Punishment Organization at that time, there was also a person with ice abilities. Why is your ice ability stronger than him?"

The other members of the royal family also looked at Zhuo Yun with great interest. Even though they had all come into contact with supernatural beings, they were still very curious about Zhuo Yun, a supernatural being from China.

"It's actually nothing, it's just that the two of them were too careless, which gave me the opportunity to sneak in." Zhuo Yun made up a reason and smiled politely.

"That's it!" Hearing that, the members of the royal family present looked disappointed, but they also knew in their hearts that if Zhuo Yun really had some unique skills or something.Will not really speak out.The reason why they asked like that just now.It was just out of curiosity, and now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit rude.

The few supernatural beings sitting upright curled their lips in disdain, taking Zhuo Yun's modest words as truth, and could not help but disapprove of Zhuo Yun even more.

"If the royal family really wants to see His Excellency Zhuo Yun's strength, in my opinion, it's better for me, Pusalu, to compete with His Excellency Zhuo Yun." Among the supernatural beings guarding the royal family, they were tall and burly.The man with muscles as strong as steel suggested in a somewhat rude voice.

Hearing Pusalu's words, the royal family members present showed interest in their eyes. For them, they had never seen a few scenes of supernatural beings fighting, especially some of the young royal family members. Looking excitedly at Zhuo Yun.

Not only the members of the royal family present, but even King Joy was very interested. Instead of stopping, he asked instead.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun. I don't know what you want." King Joey asked with some expectation.

Feeling the eager look of King Joey and others, Zhuo Yun couldn't refuse.Besides, I will go to Africa with Pusalu and others to show my strength in a timely manner, so that Pusalu and others will not be hostile all the time.

"Okay, since you are all interested, I have no opinion." Zhuo Yun nodded, and glanced at Pusalu who was full of fighting spirit.

Soon everyone came to the wide lawn behind the palace. This is a place for playing golf. The ground was covered with thick cement slabs, and a layer of sand was spread on it, and a layer of green weeds were planted. , forming this lawn full of earthy freshness.

Zhuo Yun and Pusalu stood in the middle of the lawn, facing each other at a distance of ten meters, while a group of royal family members and several supernatural guardians watched quietly at a distance of nearly 20 meters.

"You say Zhuo Yun and Pusalu are fighting, who will win? I think Zhuo Yun can defeat two supernatural beings who are punished by hell. His strength must be very powerful. Pusalu is probably not Zhuo Yun's opponent. "Among the members of the royal family, a young man said with some excitement.

"This is not necessarily the case. His Excellency Zhuo Yun also said before that the other party was too careless to allow him to win in one fell swoop. Don't forget Pusalu's nickname, that is the Iron God of War, even if it is His Excellency Zhuo Yun's." The ice ability is very strong, and it is probably very difficult to freeze Psalu."

"Hey, since you all have your own opinions, why don't we just gamble, and I bet 100 million to bet that His Excellency Zhuo Yun can win."

"Okay, then I'll also bet 100 million on Pusalu's victory."

Without the knowledge of King Joey, a group of royal family members directly started a bet, and even the remaining few supernatural beings also participated in the bet. Of course, they definitely won’t bet on Zhuo Yun, and they all bet on Pusa Lu's body.

Pusalu and they are also the guardians of the royal family, and they are the most clear about Pusalu's strength. Among all people, Pusalu's strength can be regarded as top-notch, second only to the crowd Caesar, the captain of the supernatural beings, claims to have the strongest power and the strongest defense.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, I, Pusalu, are here to experience your strength." Pusalu waved his thick and strong arms, and smiled confidently in his eyes.

"Come on!" Zhuo Yun nodded calmly. These people have been hostile to him from the very beginning, and the easiest way to get rid of their hostility is to use violence to prove himself. Let them understand what the gap is, and they will get rid of the jealousy and resentment.

Pusalu, who had no idea that Zhuo Yun had already decided to use him to stand out, saw Zhuo Yun's indifferent appearance, and felt angry. In his opinion, Zhuo Yun was contemptuous of him. As the guardian of the royal family, Pusalu Saru and the others all had a sense of pride and honor in their hearts, never had they ever received such disregard.

"Humph!" Pusalu snorted, his majestic figure rushed towards Zhuo Yun like a tank, his strong and sturdy figure did not appear stiff and slow, but pushed by the huge force of his legs, his whole body instead Quickly rushing towards Zhuo Yun, there were five or six centimeters deep footprints on the ground. If it wasn't for the cement slab underneath, it would have been even deeper.

Feeling the pressure emanating from Pusalu, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a gleam. Since he wanted to stand up, if he used the ice ability, he would not feel too much shock. According to his judgment, Pusalu should be For those who are good at strength, the best and most exciting way is to fight with strength.

Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards Pusalu with similar steps. As the vitality in his body surged, a mysterious pattern of a turtle's back emerged on the surface of his body.

"Oh, my God, what is your Excellency Zhuo Yun trying to do? Could it be that he wants to fight Pusalu head-on, this is really crazy." Members of the royal family looked at Zhuo Yun in the distance in astonishment , They all looked unbelievable, and they didn't understand why Zhuo Yun would do this.

On the other side, the guardians of the supernatural powers looked at all this as if they were looking at the dead, and there was even a disdainful sarcasm at the corner of their mouths.

The superpower possessed by Pusalu is metal strengthening, which can decompose metals such as steel into molecules and fuse them with his own body cells, making his whole body as hard as steel, and thus gaining huge power, becoming a mobile Human tank.

Although Psalu can't absorb metal elements without limit, otherwise even he would die from metal poisoning, but even so, his defense power is enough to withstand the attack of bullets, and even ordinary shells can't kill him The damage and strength can even dent a tank with a single punch.

With Pusalu's defensive power and power, so far no one with supernatural powers has dared to fight with Pusalu head-on. Even Caesar, the captain of their supernatural team, only relies on his own strange supernatural powers to fight against him. Psaru defeated.

In the eyes of the guardians present, Zhuo Yun's behavior was simply looking for death. If he faced it head-on, it would probably only take one punch to send Zhuo Yun flying, thus completely losing his fighting power.

When the members of the royal family and the guardians had various guesses, the distance between Zhuo Yun and Pusalu was only three or four meters, and this distance was only a blink of an eye for the two of them.

"Huaxia boy, since you want to die, I will help you." Pusalu had a grin on the corner of his mouth, and the muscles on his right arm bulged, showing a faint metallic luster.

People with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that he is a powerful supernatural user. Zhuo Yun dared to face the enemy head-on even though he knew his superiority. This made Pusalu very angry and no longer Keeping any of his strength, he decided to go all out to knock Zhuo Yun into the air.

What he likes most is to use his fist to knock the enemy into the air. The sound of the enemy's bones breaking is the most beautiful movement to him.

"Boom!!" Two fists with obvious differences in size collided together, colliding with violent force, bursting out an invisible impact force.

"Hoohoo!" A gust of wind whizzed towards both sides with the two of them at the center, and the weeds that had been built on the ground shook violently. If it wasn't for the restraint of the lawn, it would have been swept away long ago.

"This, how is this possible, he, he actually blocked Pusalu's fist."

"Are my eyes hallucinating? It's unbelievable that he really blocked Pusalu's attack. My God, what is his body made of? It can be compared with Pusalu who has melted into metal. It’s too unbelievable.”

The crowd of onlookers burst into exclamations when they saw the stalemate. The guardians who were originally confident and disdainful were all surprised, looking at Zhuo Yun in the field as if they had seen a ghost.

In sight, Zhuo Yun's fist collided with Pusalu's. Both of them shook for a while, but they didn't take a step back. The ground under their feet was deeply sunken, and even the cement under the soil The stone slabs were all cracked by stepping on them. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you for the two monthly tickets for Shenchen Huanhai Children's Shoes. It's almost the end of the month, and it's time to explode.

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