Super black turtle clone

Chapter 253 Human flesh bulletproof!

"That's right, this piece of quicksand is artificially made. Just jump into the quicksand and sink a meter or two to enter an entrance of the base passage."

"This killer organization is really ingenious. It even thought of using this method to deceive people." Zhuo Yun was amazed secretly, and his contempt for this killer organization had completely disappeared. Not very strong, but enough to make him treat it with caution.

Propping up the water control field, covering all four people present in the field, Zhuo Yun looked at them and jumped into the quicksand at the same time.

The quicksand was like a quagmire, completely engulfing the four of them in the blink of an eye. Of course, this kind of thing was normal for the four of them, and the four of them calmly were swallowed up by the quicksand even their heads.

After sinking for a moment, Zhuo Yun felt that his feet were suddenly empty, and his figure fell from the quicksand. At the same time as he fell, he immediately sensed that there were at least three guns pointed at the three people around him. This should be The killer guarding the entrance that Chopper the Black said.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" With a slight movement of his mind, three ice picks were shot out in the water control area, and they were accurately shot at the three killers, killing them instantly before they even had time to scream.

When the three of Caesar came back to their senses, the three killers armed with guns had all been killed, which made them secretly heave a sigh of relief. If Zhuo Yun hadn't attacked in time just now, they might have been injured. maybe.

After finishing the three killers, Zhuo Yun glanced at the clothes on the three killers, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After a while, the four of them walked along the passage towards the direction of the pyramid.It's just that at this moment, except for the black Chopper.Zhuo Yun and the others had already put on the clothes of the three killers just now.If you don't watch carefully, it's hard to see that the three of them are other people in disguise.

Under such a disguise, a group of people walked quickly through the passage, and encountered several checkpoints along the way, but they were easily resolved by them.

Soon after passing through a passage of several hundred meters, they came to the gate leading to the base of the killer organization. As long as the door is opened, the inside of the base is inside.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, what shall we do now." Standing at the entrance to the base.Caesar asked solemnly.

When Caesar inquired, Zhuo Yun's water control area had spread to the extreme, and he probed the other side of the door clearly, with a murderous intent on the corner of his mouth.

"We have no choice. Do you know what is behind this door?" Zhuo Yun glanced at Caesar next to him with a wicked smile on his lips.

Seeing Caesar shook his head, Zhuo Yun smiled and said: "Behind this door, there are at least a dozen gunmen with submachine guns or even heavy machine guns guarding them, and there may be more powerful weapons. We just need to open this door door, it will be treated as a living target."

"What!!" Hearing Zhuo Yun's words.The expressions of Caesar and others changed suddenly, and even Psalu's expression became a little ugly.Regardless of his strong defense, if he was attacked by more than a dozen gunmen, including heavy machine guns, even he couldn't bear it.

"How is it possible? We have always been careful and have not let anyone live. How did they know?"

Glancing at Caesar, Zhuo Yun glanced helplessly to the upper left. Just now he was too busy to see if there was anyone, but he ignored the pinhole cameras on both sides of the wall. Their whereabouts had already been discovered through the pinhole cameras. Waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

"Leave this alone. I'll go out later. After I control the scene, you go out again. Remember not to leave anyone alive. By the way, if you see a killer who looks like Chopper, don't kill him. "Zhuo Yun thought for a while and said to Caesar and Pusa.

"Understood." Caesar and Pusalu nodded, looked at the black Chopper in surprise, and dodged to the sides.

Originally, Caesar wanted to use his ability to flicker in space to create chaos, and then let Zhuo Yun and others rush in. Now that Zhuo Yun said so, he did not continue to express his thoughts, secretly curious what Zhuo Yun thought How to resist the attack of a dozen gunmen behind the gate.

Seeing that the three Caesars dodged to the sides, Zhuo Yun put his hand on the red button next to him and pressed the button lightly.


There was a roar, and the iron door was quickly opened from both sides. Almost at the moment when the iron door opened, bullets bursting with sparks flew towards them like raindrops.

"Da da da, bump bump!!" The hiss of firearms and the sound of impact filled the entire passage, and sparks from bullets could be seen everywhere.

Under the stunned gazes of Caesar and Pusalu, Zhuo Yun stood in the middle of the gate, completely enduring the bombardment from the firepower inside the base.

In an instant, the clothes on his body were riddled with holes, and his figure had to take a step back under the impact of a large number of bullets. However, every bullet shot at him could not penetrate his body.

Seeing everything in front of him, Pusalu was completely stunned. With his steel body defense, he would definitely not be able to bear such high-intensity bullets.

After all, no matter whether it is steel or anything else, there is a so-called period of hardness weakness. If you attack the same part continuously, heat will be generated and the internal structure of the steel will be changed, resulting in deformation. Under such dense bullet shooting, even if the Even Pusalu dare not face it directly like this.

"This, this is too tough." Looking at Zhuo Yun who was under the hail of bullets, Caesar thought a little weakly.

He didn't understand why Zhuo Yun's defensive power suddenly became so strong. If Zhuo Yun had such a strong defensive power during the fight, just standing there without moving would be enough to be invincible. Let Caesar feel a deep blow.

He had seen a lot of supernatural beings before, but he had never seen someone with such a terrifying increase in strength like Zhuo Yun.

Just when Caesar was shocked and the black Chopper was full of admiration, Zhuo Yun closed his eyes and endured the bombardment of bullets, while feeling the changes in his body, to be precise, feeling the black tattoos on the surface of his body. Variety.

Under the constant bombardment of bullets, the black tattoo finally changed. A black light flashed on the tattoo, blocking the bullets from the outside. At the same time, it was absorbing the vitality in his body to supplement the consumption of the black tattoo.

"The defensive power of black tattoos is very strong, but the vitality consumed is too terrifying." Feeling the rapid consumption of vitality in his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, Zhuo Yun couldn't help complaining. Before he felt that the vitality in his body The vitality is already abundant, but now I realize that it still seems to be too little.

Even though the hail of bullets couldn't penetrate the defense of Zhuo Yun's tattooed surface, the force of the impact made him feel sore all over his body, especially under the hail of bullets, his clothes were almost destroyed, even his crotch Big Bird took several bullets.

"Damn, you guys are addicted to ejaculation!" After confirming the defensive power of the black tattoo, Zhuo Yun stopped standing there doing nothing and being beaten, he was not a masochist.

"Ice wall!" With a soft shout in his heart, an ice wall tens of centimeters thick instantly condensed and appeared six meters in front of him, and the roaring bullets shot at the ice wall, smashing the ice wall into pieces Splashing in all directions, the ice wall was riddled with holes and completely collapsed in an instant.

Although the ice wall only blocked the kung fu for a moment, it was enough for Zhuo Yun to prepare for his next move. At the same time as the ice wall collapsed, densely packed ice cones floated in the air in the sight of all the gunmen.

"Swish!!" The densely packed ice cones flew out and turned into black shadows all over the sky. The gunmen who were shooting vigorously just dodged in panic, and some even tried to hit the ice cones in the air with the guns in their hands. broken.

It's just that these are all in vain, the ice cones all over the sky are almost overwhelming, completely covering them in the blink of an eye.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Caesar and others who were rushed out were easily wiped out.

After killing more than a dozen gunmen, Zhuo Yun didn't stop at all, and immediately issued an order. The four of them spread out and charged in different directions, making sure to kill all the killers in the organization.

What worries Zhuo Yun the most is the self-destruct system mentioned by the black Chopper. Once the entire base explodes, he doesn't know if he can withstand it. Of course, he is not stupid enough to try it.

After getting the location of the base's central control room from the black Chopper, Zhuo Yun rushed there as fast as he could, killing all the killers he encountered along the way.

With his current strength, not to mention that these people are just ordinary people who have been specially trained, even ordinary supernatural beings are impossible to be his opponents.

All the way to kill, Zhuo Yun soon came to the central control room of the base, but when he came to the central control room of the base, he was shocked to find that there was a supernatural person in the control room, and this supernatural person The strength of the opponent is not weak.

Staring at the short-haired middle-aged man in front of him, Zhuo Yun thought about it, and said suddenly, "You are the leader of this killer organization, Lunza!"

"That's right, I'm Lunza. It seems that you guys have investigated my organization very clearly, and it was premeditated." Lunza looked at Zhuo Yun expressionlessly, his eyes flickering like a wolf. fierce gaze.

"Surrender, if you choose to surrender, I can let you live." Staring at Rensa in front of him, Zhuo Yun enveloped the water control area in the entire control room, trying to stabilize his emotions while looking for a suitable place. (To be continued..)

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