Super black turtle clone

Chapter 254 Self-destruct explosion!

"Haha, just because you want me to surrender Lunza, it's wishful thinking. You will be punished by heaven sooner or later. No one can escape the punishment of hell and heaven. Even if we die, you will have nothing Good end." There was a touch of madness in Renza's expression, and he looked more like a devout and fanatical believer.

Frowning and looking at Rensa in front of him, Zhuo Yun knew that the possibility of recovering this guy is very slim. A believer like this is the most difficult to deal with. He has been completely brainwashed. do anything.

Relying on his strong control over the water control field, Zhuo Yun quickly discovered something unusual. There was a console behind Rensa, on which were clearly written the four characters of self-destruct system, and on the console On the screen, a string of numbers is flashing.

"Damn it, he has activated the self-destruct system." Seeing the jumping numbers, Zhuo Yun's face changed suddenly, he didn't expect Rensa to be so crazy.

Although the general situation is over now, he thought that Renza would fight him, and the self-destruct system would only be activated when the end of the road was reached.

"Crack!" Just as Zhuo Yun was observing the console, the door of the control room behind him suddenly closed.

"Haha, I have activated the self-destruct system, and the entire base will explode in one minute, and you will also be buried here." Renza's eyes were full of madness.

"The door of this control room is made of special metal. It is impossible for you to destroy it. After the self-destruct system is activated, once the door is closed, it will be impossible to open. So you can wait here to die."

Hear what Lenza said.Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly.Originally, he planned to delay the time, but now he wants to make a quick decision.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun decisively took out the Village Rain Knife, and with a slight movement of his mind, ice shrouded the Village Rain Knife, turning into a huge ice sword, and slashed towards Lunsa with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Rensa's ability is to control flames, but it's a pity that it's not enough to see in front of Zhuo Yun, and he kills Frozen just by following it.The controller of the self-destruct system was also destroyed.

"Although the controller is destroyed, it doesn't necessarily prevent the self-destruction of the base. I have to rush out quickly."

With a slight movement in his mind, Zhuo Yun's vitality surged, and he slashed towards the door of the control room with all his strength while holding the village rain knife.

"Boom!" The entire room shook violently, and a loud roar echoed in the room.

Holding the Village Rain Knife, Zhuo Yun was shocked to find that the door made of special metal was only cut with a gap.

"Damn it, open it for me!" I didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation.Zhuo Yun waved the Murasame Knife in his hand, and slashed towards the opening frantically.Relying on the sharp Murasame Knife and his great strength, the gap became bigger and bigger with each blow, and finally opened a hole in the door.

Dozens of seconds had passed by the time Zhuo Yun rushed out of the door, and it was less than 30 seconds before the explosion.

Thinking about the time in his heart, Zhuo Yun rushed towards the hall at full speed, and at the same time called out the black Chopper and others to gather in the hall.

It took him ten seconds to arrive at the hall where he had fought against more than a dozen gunmen. At this moment, the hall was in a mess, with dead bodies and broken things everywhere, but he didn't see the black Chopper, Caesar and others.

"Damn it, I hope they make it in time." Waiting anxiously in my heart, only ten seconds were left in the blink of an eye, and a black boy in the distance, Chopper, ran over quickly with a seriously injured black boy on his back, followed closely behind It is Caesar and Psaru.

"Get out of here quickly, the self-destruct system has been activated, we only have less than ten seconds to escape." After Zhuo Yun finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards the passage at full speed.

When Caesar and the others heard the words, their faces changed greatly, and they did not dare to hesitate to catch up, and the group rushed towards the exit of the passage at full speed.

"Boom!!!" As soon as the group of people came to the bottom of the exit, there was a deafening roar, followed by a huge wave of fire. Whether it was Zhuo Yun, Caesar and the others, they were all overwhelmed by this surging wave. engulfed by waves of fire.

Above the ground, the pyramid that originally belonged to the killer organization collapsed, and the violent impact turned into a wave of fire that spewed out of the collapsed pyramid.

"Ahhh!" At the same time, accompanied by a scream, hot flames also spewed out on a quicksand ground several hundred meters away from the pyramid, and several figures flew out with the flames soaring into the sky.

"Plop plop!!" Several figures fell weakly on the soft sand, everyone was completely black, and looked almost three points darker than blacks.

"Bah bah bah! I almost turned into a roast suckling pig." Getting up from the ground, Zhuo Yun glanced at his almost naked body helplessly, and quickly took out a suit of clothes that he had put in between his eyebrows, and it was finally Not naked.

With his defensive strength, the fire waves from the explosion were not enough to hurt him, but his black hair was all turned into ashes, turning him bald.

Compared with Zhuo Yun, Pusalu and the black Chopper seemed even more embarrassed, and the only one who was not affected was Caesar.

At the moment when the fire wave hit him, he escaped to the ground flickeringly by using the space, avoiding the fate of being bombarded by the flames.

Three hours later, in the hotel room in Cairo, Zhuo Yun and the others cleaned up their blackened bodies, and finally got rid of that embarrassing appearance.

Touching his bald head, Zhuo Yun was secretly depressed. The black horror tattoo on his body has not disappeared, and now he has become bald again. This day is really impossible. If this continues, I think he will really wrap himself up in the future. He was so tight that he didn't dare to see people anymore.

"My lord, hurry up and save my younger brother. He was tortured by the organization, and he was hit by the explosion just now, and he is almost unable to hold on." The black Chopper looked nervously at the black boy he suspected. There was a look of tension and pleading on the cold face.

Ignoring the question of his own appearance for the time being, Zhuo Yun looked at the black boy and found that he was really as the black Chopper said.

There are scars all over the body of the black teenager.It was obvious that he had been severely tortured.He was almost dying at the moment.It is estimated that if they go a few days later, the younger brother of the black Chopper will die.

"Don't worry, as long as he doesn't die, I can revive him and bring him to my room." Zhuo Yun comforted with a smile, and led the two black brothers Chopper to his room.

As for the fact that he has the water of life in him, the fewer people who know about it, the better, otherwise, if it is leaked out, people in the Holy See will definitely be provoked.

Just offended the punishment of hell.He didn't want to turn around and offend the behemoth of the Holy See again. Even if he was already very strong, he had to consider staying in Huaxia in the future.

Asking the black Chopper to put the black boy on the bed, Zhuo Yun took out the bottle containing the water of life, took out a drop from it with some reluctance, and poured it into the black boy's mouth.

"There are three drops of water of life left, and we need to use it sparingly in the future. Let's see if the water of life can help the black boy's abilities." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun put away the jade bottle and stared at the beginning. Reacting black teenager.

Just drank it.The super repairing power of the water of life began to appear, and the skin trauma on the black teenager's body healed and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.In the blink of an eye, the black teenager, who was still in a precarious state, had returned to normal, and his shortness of breath also calmed down.

The black Chopper, who had been nervous all this time, let out a long sigh of relief. His gratitude to Zhuo Yun made him secretly swear that he would become a sharp blade in Zhuo Yun's hands.

The black boy's reaction was almost the same as that of Chopper on the surface. After half an hour passed, the potency of the water of life gradually faded.

Seeing that it would take some time for the black boy to wake up, Zhuo Yun left the room first. This action made him feel a little tired, and he came to the sofa in the living room to practice while recovering his exhausted vitality and spirit.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and Zhuo Yun withdrew from the cultivation state. Since the black tattoo appeared on his body, not only his own defense and strength have been greatly improved, but even the recovery of vitality has improved his physical condition. The recovery has been greatly improved.

It's just an hour of practice, not only has all the vitality recovered, but the whole person's spirit has also returned to its peak state.

"My lord!" The two black brothers Chopper, who were sitting on the opposite sofa, saw Zhuo Yun wake up, and immediately stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"En!" Zhuo Yun nodded, glanced at the black boy who had recovered to his original appearance, and his appearance was five points similar to Chopper's. He could feel a unique aura from the black boy.

"My lord, this is my younger brother George. It is thanks to the help of my lord that I was able to rescue George this time. The two brothers Chopper are willing to dedicate their lives to the lord, to become the two sharp swords in the hands of the lord, and to kill all the enemies who are not good for the lord. " Chopper swore respectfully.

"Very good, I hope you will remember your oath." Zhuo Yun nodded happily when he heard Qiaoba's solemn oath.

With the two brothers Chopper, he finally has someone available under his command. With the abilities of the two of them, they can definitely become his right-hand men.

"By the way, George, after taking the water of life, have your abilities improved?" Zhuo Yun asked with interest after accepting the oath of the two.

The black boy George could not suppress the surprise on his face when he heard the words: "My lord, since I took the magical water of life, my powers have more than doubled. Before, I could only brush some small things. Plants, even big trees can be manipulated now, and it feels like being one with all the plants.”

Hearing George's words, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, and he called the two of them to the garden behind the hotel. It was already evening and there were not many people there.

"Let me take a look when you activate the ability." Zhuo Yun said with interest.

"Yes, my lord!" George nodded and raised his arm slightly while speaking. Not far from him, the weeds on the lawn grew wildly at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, the weeds grew to one person. How tall, it condensed into the shape of a human hand, grabbing a small tree next to it.

"Crack!!" The small tree that was as thick as a person's arm was easily crushed by the palm of the weed.

Next, George continued to show off some of his other abilities, which opened Zhuo Yun's eyes, and he was secretly happy that he could get George, a plant manipulator.

George's ability is more inclined to support. It is not very good among abilities in terms of attack power, and it can even be said to be relatively poor. However, if it is attacked suddenly, it can still have unexpected effects. .

In addition, George's ability can also observe the surrounding enemy situation through plants, and even obtain some information by communicating with plants. At certain times, it can achieve a lot of effect.

The most important thing that interests Zhuo Yun is the last ability of George, which is to use plants to achieve the effect of invisibility. This ability is similar to that of a chameleon, which can change the color of its body into that of plants when it is close to plants The color plays the role of blinding the enemy's sight.

"By the way, George, do you have to have plants to use this ability? What if it is in the desert?" Zhuo Yun asked with some doubts.

"Don't worry, my lord, I can prepare some plant seeds in advance, and use these plant seeds to cast supernatural powers, and the same effect can be achieved."

After listening to George's words, Zhuo Yun's heart skipped a beat, and the weird aquatic plants under the water sounded in his mind. With the amazing vitality of the aquatic plants, they can be worn on the body at any time. If combined with George's ability, they can definitely show Extraordinary fighting power.

Aquatic plants can only be obtained when they return to China, and now they can only imagine. As for whether they can produce extraordinary effects, we will have to wait for real experiments to know.

After learning about George's abilities, Zhuo Yun and the three returned to the hotel. At midnight, a group of five people left the hotel and went outside the family that provoked Niels.

Regarding this Egyptian family, Zhuo Yun and others have detailed information. According to the above statement, the strength of this Egyptian family is not very strong. Apart from being relatively rich, there is nothing special about it.

"Everyone, from the data, there is nothing worthy of attention in this family, but being able to hire people from hell and heaven to take action, and the assassins who came before have disappeared without a sound, which is enough to see that this family is not simple. You have to be careful when dealing with it.”

"Yes! My lord!" "Brother Zhuo Yun is right!"

After a brief discussion, everyone quietly sneaked into this Egyptian family, and easily eliminated the guards in the open and dark along the way. It only took 10 minutes, and all the guards in the entire family were wiped out by them. Only then did the man walk towards the inner courtyard of the family. (To be continued..)

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