Super black turtle clone

Chapter 255 Thunder Punishment Elder!

Walking in the slightly quiet courtyard, Zhuo Yun suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. It seemed that the whole process was too smooth, and there were no major obstacles at all. Judging from the strength of the killer hired by Nils before, just based on It is impossible for the guards outside to make the killers disappear quietly.

"Be careful for a while, I feel something is wrong." Zhuo Yun said with a serious expression, using the water control field to the extreme, and paying close attention to the surrounding situation.

Caesar and the others also nodded when they heard the words. They also felt that something was wrong, and each displayed their abilities vigilantly.

Pusalu raised his body defense to the extreme, and black Chopper also had sharp blades all over his body, holding a long knife in one hand and a shield in the other.

As for Chopper's younger brother George, he came to the lawn of the courtyard in a flash, and with the ability to change color, he disappeared with the lawn as one.

Caesar was the only one who didn't use his ability, and he was ready to use his flashing ability at any time.

"Squeak!" Just as Zhuo Yun and the others came to the inner courtyard, the door of the inner courtyard opened suddenly, and a figure stepped out from inside.

Almost at the same time, four figures flew out from all directions, and these four surrounded Zhuo Yun and the others, obviously preparing for an ambush long ago.

When seeing these people appear, Zhuo Yun knew that he was still a little careless. It seemed that he and others had destroyed the killer base, so they should have noticed and made preparations for an ambush.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, there seems to be something wrong. There are so many supernatural beings on the other side." Feeling the aura emanating from the four people surrounding them.Caesar's face changed slightly.

Although it has been guessed in advance that this family is not simple.But he didn't expect that there are so many supernatural beings in a mere Egyptian family, judging from the breath, they are not ordinary characters.

"Be careful yourself in a while. Once you find that you can't do anything, run away from here immediately, go to a crowded place as much as possible, and gather in the hotel if you get separated." Zhuo Yun sealed off the surrounding area with the water control field, and confirmed the voice Will not leak out.Only then did he speak to Caesar and the others.

While Zhuo Yun and the others were discussing, the figure walking out of the room finally appeared in everyone's sight.

"How could it be possible? It turned out to be the Elder Thunder Punishment from Hell." Seeing the figure that appeared, Caesar's face suddenly turned pale, and he stared forward in horror.

Hearing this name, except for Zhuo Yun, the faces of the others became extremely ugly, and even the two brothers Qiaoba were horrified.

"Elder Lei Punishment!" Looking into the line of sight, the figure was tall and mighty, about four or fifty years old.Zhuo Yun said in surprise to the white man exuding a fierce and domineering aura.

"Hell Heaven's Punishment has different levels according to strength. The highest level is the Punisher, followed by the two elders, namely the Thunder Punishment Elder and the Death Elder. The Thunder Punishment Elder in front of him has the ability to control thunder and lightning, and his strength is very Terrible, it looks like we are going to be in danger this time." Caesar's expression was full of bitterness.

Usually, the supernatural guardians are guarding the Swedish royal family and rarely go out to act. This is the first time Caesar and the others have taken the initiative to attack. I didn’t expect to encounter such a powerful enemy when I first came out. It’s really a bad time. ah.

"Haha, let me tell you who is so brave to come to my place of hell and heaven. It turns out that he is the supernatural guardian of the Swedish royal family." When Caesar and others recognized the identity of the elder Leifei, the white man also recognized the identity of the elder Leifei. their identities.

"Elder Lei Fei, our Swedish royal family does not have any deep hatred with you, why did you let your subordinates blood-wash the manor of Earl Nils, and still plan to ambush us here? Are you really going to anger my Kingdom of Sweden? Suppressing the fear in his heart, Caesar shouted boldly.

"Haha!!" Hearing Caesar's shout, Elder Lei Fei laughed a few times, and looked at Caesar with lightning eyes.

"So what if you angered the Kingdom of Sweden? Could it be that with you trash, you can still severely injure my great hell and heaven's punishment organization? Since you have thrown yourself into the trap today, then use your blood to pay homage to Kulari and Alexandra Della."

At the same time Elder Lei Xun finished speaking, four supernatural beings who had prepared earlier attacked Zhuo Yun and the others at the same time.

"I'll deal with that Thunder Punishment Elder. Each of you will deal with one. If you can't beat it, run away. Remember not to fight recklessly." After Zhuo Yun finished shouting, he reached out and took out the Village Rain Knife. Punish the elders at the opposite side.

"Hmph!" Elder Lei Punishment snorted coldly, and a net of lightning and lightning appeared in front of him while waving. He didn't take Zhuo Yun's attack to heart at all. Feel the breath of a strong supernatural being.

It was precisely because of Elder Lei Punishment's underestimation of the enemy that he became tragic next time.

"Break it!" Looking at the thunder net in front of him, Zhuo Yun yelled softly, and the vitality in his body surged out, turning into a cold wave and rushing towards the thunder net in front of him. Under the impact of the cold wave, the overbearing thunder and lightning were inevitable. Was instantly frozen.

At the moment when Lei Wang was frozen, Elder Lei Punishment suddenly came to his senses, but it was too late to escape at this moment. The Village Rain Knife in Zhuo Yun's hand turned into a huge ice sword, sweeping away with sweeping momentum. On the frozen minenet.

The frozen thunder net was as fragile as a layer of newspaper, and it was easily shattered by the ice sword, and then chopped towards the shocked-looking elder Lei Punishment.

"Ahhh, the body of Thunder God!" At the critical moment, the elder Lei Xing raised his head to the sky and yelled angrily. Overbearing thunder and lightning burst out from his whole body, and he seemed to be transformed into a thunder ball in an instant, enveloping his whole body in it.

"Boom!!" The ice sword slashed on the thunder ball, and the huge force sent the thunder ball flying.

"Chi Chi Chi!" While knocking the thunder ball into the air, Zhuo Yun was inevitably struck by lightning through the spread of the ice sword, and a burst of raging lightning flashed across his body.

Just when Zhuo Yun felt his whole body was paralyzed and felt uncontrollable, the jet-black patterns on his body suddenly burst into black light, and the raging thunder and lightning were completely swallowed by the black patterns in an instant.

Looking at the black patterns that had returned to calm again, Zhuo Yun secretly marveled at himself. He did not expect that the black patterns on his body not only gave him a super strong defense, but could even swallow energy like lightning, and he was surprised to find that , after devouring the power of lightning, the black pattern seemed to fade a little.

Zhuo Yun was attracted by the black pattern on his body. When he was observing, the elder Lei Punishment who was knocked into the air rushed towards him angrily from a distance. His whole body was covered with thunder and lightning, and his muscles bulged as if he had changed into a different person. Really turned into Thor.

"Boy, you dare to plot against this elder. Today I will let you taste what is called five thunderbolts." Elder Lei Punishment roared angrily, with thunder and lightning splashing in all directions, that terrifying appearance made Zhuo Yun secretly speechless.

In his opinion, the attack just now was definitely well-designed by Zhuo Yun, deliberately concealing his strength to plot against him. Even though the sword just now was resisted by him with all his strength, the huge power still made him who had not been injured for a long time , tasted the taste of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, he is indeed the elder of Hell's Heaven's Punishment. This strength is too terrifying." Feeling the thunder and lightning aura emanating from the Thunder Punishment Elder, Zhuo Yun hurriedly backed away from him to stimulate the vitality in his body, exuding The bone-chilling chill.

Elder Lei Xun yelled loudly, it seemed that the previous blow made him feel lingering fear, and he didn't attack immediately, instead the two showed a stalemate.

In the stalemate, Zhuo Yun turned his head and glanced at Qiaoba and others who were fighting in the distance. After finding that their lives were not in danger for a short time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Elder Lei Punishment, who was in a stalemate with Zhuo Yun at first, saw that he dared to ignore his own existence, face to face with him, and even dared to pay attention to observe other people's situation, and immediately became furious.

"Looking for death!" shouted angrily, the thunder and lightning emanating from the elder Lei Punishment soared, and his figure disappeared instantly, and his whole body shot towards Zhuo Yun like a thunderbolt.

Don't look at Zhuo Yun turning his head to pay attention to Qiaoba and others, but the water control domain has been maintained. The speed of Lei's punishment for the elder is fast, but he can't hide the induction of the water control domain.

"Humph, ice shield!" With a cold shout in his heart, an ice shield with a thickness of [-] to [-] centimeters appeared in front of Elder Lei Fei, and the elder Lei Fei who was galloping at full speed inevitably hit the ice shield.

"Boom!!" The [-] to [-] centimeter thick ice shield was immediately splashed by the shards of ice struck by the elder Lei Punishment, and it only resisted for a moment before being shattered into pieces by the thunderbolt.

Just after the ice shield was shattered, a sharp ice spear greeted Elder Lei Punishment. Under Zhuo Yun's powerful swing, the sharp ice spear made an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air.

"Crush it!" Elder Lei Xun yelled angrily, and struck the ice spear with his thunder-wrapped fist.

The powerful ice spear exploded under the attack of Elder Lei Punishment's fist. Although it failed to hurt him, it still prevented his forward figure.

"Very good!" Seeing that his plan was successful, Zhuo Yun was about to take the opportunity to throw the ice spear again, so as to block the elder Lei Punishment a few meters away from him and avoid being bombarded by lightning. And so it came about.

"Boom!" At some point, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky. Even though he had the ability to control the water field, it was too late to resist it. The speed of the lightning struck Zhuo Yun's body in the blink of an eye. The violent lightning power Wrap his whole body in it. (To be continued..)

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