Super black turtle clone

Chapter 256 Fight hard, pass out!

"Haha, go to hell." Elder Lei Punishment laughed wildly, and punched Zhuo Yun through the thunder and lightning, knocking him into the air instantly, smashing through a wall and disappearing into the smoke and dust in the distance.

Chopper and the others who were fighting in the distance heard the loud impact, and all looked in the direction where Zhuo Yun was. Only Elder Lei Fei was standing there laughing wildly. cloud at the moment.

"My lord, Your Excellency Zhuo Yun!" Chopper, Caesar and the others exclaimed, and they all rushed to a moment of powerlessness.

Originally they thought that Zhuo Yun was very strong, and maybe they could fight Elder Lei Punishment for a period of time. As long as they got rid of their opponents and joined forces to deal with Elder Lei Punishment, they still had some hope, but now this hope was completely shattered. .

"Die to me!" Chopper roared angrily, shooting dense swords from his whole body, attacking his opponent like crazy, and suppressing him firmly for a while.

On the other side, George was not to be outdone. Zhuo Yun's life and death were uncertain, which filled his heart with anger. All the plants in the yard seemed to feel his anger, and they surged crazily. In a blink of an eye, the whole yard almost turned into plants ocean.

"Plant-type supernatural beings, interesting!" Seeing the wildly growing plants, Elder Lei Punishment looked a little surprised, but he didn't care too much. In his opinion, as long as Zhuo Yun is eliminated, the remaining few people will not be able to deal with it at all. It's not a problem. With his strong strength and his four subordinates, he can completely wipe out Caesar and others.

Caesar and Pusalu, who were fighting on the other side, had to consider their own situation even though they were worried about Zhuo Yun's life and death.I couldn't help thinking of retreating.

Just when Caesar was about to use his flashing ability.When fleeing here quickly with Pusalu.A figure in the distance came out from the gap in the wall that was knocked open.

"You, you are not dead." Looking at Zhuo Yun who came out of the gap in the wall, Elder Lei Fei exclaimed in disbelief.

He is very confident about his attack just now, no matter it is the thunder and lightning condensed by consuming a lot of energy, or the last punch, the electric current contained in it should be enough to kill Zhuo Yun, let alone him A powerful punch obtained by stimulating the cells of the whole body through lightning.Even a stubborn stone can be blasted into pieces.

"Your attack just now is indeed very powerful, but it is far from enough to kill me." Zhuo Yun walked out of the dust, his face was neither sad nor happy, and he didn't have the slightest injury from the outside.

Seeing Zhuo Yun who was safe and sound in the distance, the two George brothers burst out more violent attacks in joy, especially Chopper, who fought with a desperate attitude for every attack, making his opponent exhausted.

Except for Zhuo Yun.Under the stimulation of Zhuo Yun's appearance, Caesar and others also gained a certain advantage, especially the cooperation between Caesar and Pusalu made their opponents hard to guard against.

Obviously Caesar was fighting his opponent.It disappeared suddenly, but when it reappeared, it was already behind Pusalu's opponent, and Pusalu also skillfully cooperated with the front and rear pincers, almost hitting Pusalu's opponent directly and severely on several occasions.

Elder Lei Fei looked at all this gloomyly, especially Zhuo Yun who was opposite him, whose expression changed from time to time.

Now his subordinates are all in a hard fight, and the strength Zhuo Yun showed, especially his ability to fight and fight, shocked him. Even if Zhuo Yun was not seriously injured by the attack just now, he was able to recover his mobility so quickly under the lightning attack. , is enough to make him vigilant.

In addition to the super destructive power of thunder and lightning, the effect of paralysis is also very important. Now it is clear that the effect of paralysis has almost no effect on Zhuo Yun, and the strong destructive power has not hurt Zhuo Yun. This thunderbolt elder was caught in a dilemma.

"You are lucky today, but if you dare to kill the members of my Heavenly Punishment Organization in Hell, sooner or later, you will bear the wrath from Heavenly Punishment." A flash of thunder disappeared into the night, and his four subordinates quickly got rid of Caesar and the others.

Chopper and the others looked at the group of elders who had left suddenly, in astonishment, until they had completely disappeared, then came to Zhuo Yun's side quickly after recovering from their senses.

"Puff!" Almost at the same time as they came to the side, Zhuo Yun couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood, and he fell limply to the ground, and was quickly supported by Qiaoba, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

"Get out of here quickly." Suppressing his dizzy head, Zhuo Yun uttered the last words, and he almost fainted.

In a coma, Zhuo Yun had a long, long dream. In the dream, he was surrounded by beauties. Whether it was Lei Baoer or Mu Xue, they all became his own women. They were like ancient women, and they didn't mind his third wife The four concubines live a life like a fairy every day.

I don't know how long it took, when Zhuo Yun was almost completely immersed in this happy life, a huge thunderball suddenly landed in the clear sky.

"Boom!!" The doomsday-like thunder and lightning raged, and Zhuo Yun, who was enjoying the treatment of an emperor, also woke up suddenly at this moment.

"Huhu!!" Dressed roughly, Zhuo Yun looked at the surrounding environment with a flustered expression. After finding out that there was no danger, he let go of his hanging heart.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Qiaoba and others rushed in from the outside with anxious faces. They rushed over as soon as they heard the sound, and they all showed surprise when they saw Zhuo Yun wake up.

"My lord, you finally woke up!"

Rubbing his aching head, Zhuo Yun shook his head with a puzzled expression: "Chopper, where are we now, and what happened?"

Chopper was slightly taken aback, and said differently: "My lord, you forgot, we sneaked into the Egyptian family that offended Earl Nils before, but we were ambushed by the punishment of hell, and you had a big battle with Elder Lei Punishment." Field, scare him away, and then you pass out."

"I know all of this. Where are we now? Are we still in Egypt?" Zhuo Yun said feeling a little powerless after recovering some memories.

"My lord, in order to avoid another sneak attack by the punishment of hell, we have left Egypt overnight, and now we have returned to Sweden. After Caesar waited here for two days, he returned to the palace to return to his command."

After listening to Qiaoba's words, Zhuo Yun nodded, and let the two brothers go out. He lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling, and couldn't help thinking about the situation after he was hit by the elder Thunder Punishment.

At that time, he first directly endured a thunderbolt falling from the sky, and then 100% accepted the berserk punch of the thunder penalty elder.

With his body's defensive power, this kind of attack can't really hurt him, what really hurt him is the lightning power contained in it.

Thunderbolt is different from ordinary energy, it can spread and penetrate. Even black tattoos can't stop the domineering thunderbolt from outside. He still has lingering fears about the feeling of being hit by thunderbolt.

Just when he thought he was going to die, the black tattoo radiated black light again, and actively absorbed the vitality in his body, almost evacuating all his vitality.

And the black tattoo, replenished with vitality, turned into a ferocious beast, directly devouring the lightning that spread into his body in one gulp.

"By the way, the black tattoo devoured the thunder and lightning at that time, and there seemed to be some kind of change." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun quickly raised his hand and looked at his arm.

"No, the tattoo is gone!" Seeing the white arm, Zhuo Yun was overwhelmed with surprise, and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. After some observation, he found that the black tattoo on his whole body and his face had disappeared.

The emotion of surprise gradually faded away, but a complicated mood emerged in his heart instead.

The disappearance of the ugly black tattoo is a good thing, but without the black tattoo, it means that he has lost his super defense power, which will weaken his strength a lot, at least not daring to block bullets like before.

It's not just as simple as the black tattoo disappearing. After calming down and observing carefully, he tragically discovered that the vitality in his body has become empty, and it seems to have disappeared completely. His body is weaker than before when he was incapable. It was a little bit worse, this extreme gap made it difficult for him to accept.

"No, could it be that I have become a useless person." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun's back broke out in a cold sweat.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he quickly expelled it from his mind. If that was the case, he really didn't know what he should do.

"This should only be temporary, and I believe it will recover soon." Consoling himself in his heart, Zhuo Yun connected to the practice turtle's breathing point sitting cross-legged.

He was already familiar with the turtle's breath **, and he could not be more familiar with it, and he easily entered the state of cultivation. However, when he cultivated a trace of vitality, a huge suction suddenly appeared, and devoured the trace of vitality in a predatory manner. It's spotless.

"Damn it, what's going on here." Feeling the changes in his body, Zhuo Yun almost couldn't help scolding his mother, this is simply a robber's behavior.

At first he thought it was the mysterious bead on the center of his brow, but after some observation, he realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

With a skeptical attitude, he entered the cultivation state again, and when he cultivated a trace of vitality, he immediately concentrated on the vitality.

Almost at the same time, an invisible suction appeared again, and this trace of vitality was sucked into his body without any resistance.

After trying several times in a row, Zhuo Yun had to admit bitterly that he couldn't cultivate vitality at all, as long as he cultivated it, it would be absorbed by his body. (To be continued..)

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