Super black turtle clone

Chapter 257 The blond beauty who throws herself into her arms!

() After continuous trials, he gradually got a clue. The situation in his body was probably due to the black tattoo.

Apart from the mysterious beads in his body, there is only a black tattoo that makes him confused, and now the black tattoo has disappeared strangely, so there is an 80.00% possibility that it is because of the black tattoo.

The suction of the black tattoo is very strong, and Zhuo Yun can't stop it at all. In this way, he can only practice constantly, trying to make the black tattoo absorb enough vitality. In his opinion, black tattoos should absorb vitality like this. There is also a limit, as long as you reach the upper limit, you may give yourself an unexpected surprise.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. If you want to rely on the condensed vitality of practicing turtle breath, you can't satisfy the big stomach king with black tattoos. After practicing for an afternoon, black tattoos have not stopped at all. Trends are simply a bottomless pit.

"No, I don't know how long it will take to practice like this. It's best to find some wild ginseng, so that you can quickly cultivate your vitality. I don't believe that this can't meet the needs of black tattoos."

The next day Zhuo Yun went to the palace to meet King Joey and Caesar, and asked King Joey to find wild ginseng and other elixir for him.

This time Zhuo Yun went to Egypt, apart from such things, King Joey also felt very embarrassed. After all, it was supposed to be an easy task, but it almost cost everyone their lives. He didn't hesitate at all for Zhuo Yun's request. So I agreed.

With the help of King Joy, although Sweden does not produce wild ginseng and other medicines, it took two days to get some wild ginseng with a medicine age of 60 to [-] years, and even one of them was [-] years old.

With these wild ginseng, Zhuo Yun couldn't wait to retreat immediately, wanting to rely on these wild ginseng to feed the black tattoo in his body.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed, and Zhuo Yun, who was retreating in the secret room, sighed a long time, shook his head weakly, swallowed all the wild ginseng, and absorbed the spiritual energy gushing out from the mysterious beads , he still couldn't satisfy the bottomless pit of black tattoos.

"It seems that it is impossible not to fill the bottomless pit of black tattoos in a short period of time. I can only find a way in the future." Zhuo Yun, who was originally full of hope, stood up with a depressed face.

Of course, this day's retreat was not in vain. Although he failed to fill the bottomless pit of black tattoos, he also discovered something that lifted his spirits.

That is, after the black tattoo absorbed vitality, his originally weak body began to recover a little bit of strength, and now he has recovered the level that he had no tattoo before.

Of course, because of the lack of vitality in his body, Zhuo Yun's strength is still very weak at the moment, even George is no match for him.

The matter of strength could not be answered in a short time, so Zhuo Yun had no choice but to give up temporarily.

Then he stayed in Sweden for another three days, finished dealing with the matter of the battleships, and bought twenty top-notch battleships with both money and goods.

Not only that, in order to express his gratitude, King Joey also sent people to make some improvements to the battleship, and its performance in all aspects is better than before. It can be used as a pirate ship, which is absolutely invincible.

The Swedish royal family specially sent a team to escort [-] combat ships, and Zhuo Yun also asked Xuan Gui to escort them all the way. After finishing all these things, he got on the plane to the United States.

"Sister Mei, I'm here!" Looking at the blue sky outside through the window of the plane, Zhuo Yun muttered to himself.

The United States is an economically developed and open country, and it is also one of the most powerful countries in the world today.

The racial discrimination in the United States is very serious. The Jews were almost exterminated in the United States. In the past, the blacks also had no status in the United States. It has not been eased until now. As for the Chinese and other oriental yellow races, they are also discriminated against by white Americans. Of course, now This discrimination has been reduced a lot.

Stepping out of the airport in New York, Zhuo Yun secretly felt a little excited as he looked at the bustling city. Of course he wasn't excited about the prosperity of the United States, but he was about to see Sister Mei, so he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. nervous feeling.

"Should I go directly to see Sister Mei?" Thinking about it, Zhuo Yun finally denied this idea. Anyway, he has already come to the United States, so there is no need to worry about such a day.

As the largest city in the United States, New York definitely has the level of a top city in the world in all aspects, and there are all kinds of people in the crowd.

Leading the two brothers Qiaoba, Zhuo Yun took a car to a five-star hotel in New York and stayed.

After flying all the way, he also felt a little tired, especially because his body is not as good as before, and now he slept in the hotel room, and in the evening, he went downstairs and ordered a sumptuous dinner in the restaurant .

Sitting on the chair, Zhuo Yun was about to start, when he suddenly found that the two brothers Qiaoba were standing there like logs, and they didn't seem to want to eat together at all.

"Sit down, let's go together!" Zhuo Yun shook his head and said after glancing at the two standing there like door gods.

The two brothers, Chopper, are very good in every aspect. Whether it is sincerity or strength, they are remarkable. What makes him a little unbearable is that these two guys have a cold face all day long, and they treat him with special respect. Zhuo Yun was not used to it, after all, he was not from a big family, he was used to eating and playing with bodyguards watching by himself, while bodyguards watched him.

"My lord, we are not hungry!" Chopper replied seriously.

"This is an order!" Zhuo Yun yelled angrily with his face slightly darkened, this is the only way to deal with these two guys who are like logs.

Sure enough, seeing that he was angry, the two brothers Chopper and George hesitated for a while, and sat on the two sides with a little stiffness.

Seeing the reserved looks of the two, Zhuo Yun shook his head helplessly. He understood that people like Chopper and George had been brainwashed by the killer organization, and it would probably be very difficult to completely change some of their habits.

While eating steak and drinking red wine, Zhuo Yun looked through the glass window at the bustling street outside, when a gorgeous figure appeared in his sight.

A head of long blonde hair, a tall and firm chest, a slender waist, a buttocks so high that you can even put a glass of water on your buttocks, and slender white thighs, it is a perfect match Sensational Goddess.

Because of the different races, the beauty of foreign women is different from that of oriental women. Compared with the soft lines of Chinese women's faces, the faces of Caucasian women are a bit rougher, with a strange sense of beauty.

And the Caucasian beauty in Zhuo Yun's line of sight, besides having the hot and sexy body of a foreigner, the lines of her face are softer than that of ordinary Caucasian women, revealing a touch of coquettish coquettishness, especially those amber-like eyes. The blue eyes give people a kind of ecstasy-like charm.

As soon as this white beauty appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of most of the men in the restaurant. Whether it was a white man, an Asian man, or even a black man, they were all attracted by this charming and coquettish white beauty.

"What a beauty that can overwhelm the country and the city!" Zhuo Yun admired secretly as he looked at the fair-haired beauty.

While admiring, he also saw that this Caucasian beauty was not simple. Although she looked charming and coquettish, her amber blue eyes emitted sharp gazes from time to time, like the eyes of an eagle, which made people feel creepy.

Just as Zhuo Yun was sizing up the white blonde beauty, the other party's eyes swept across the restaurant, and finally fixed on him.

Looking to the side, Zhuo Yun found that there was no one else around him, and the beautiful white blonde woman in his line of sight walked towards his direction.

"It's strange, why is my charm so great?" Thinking secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun continued to eat steak leisurely, and looked at the beautiful white woman who was walking over.

The two Chopper brothers, who were sitting on both sides of the meal, immediately stood up from their seats after the blonde beauty walked over. They glanced at the blonde beauty cautiously, and once again stood beside Zhuo Yun like door gods. .

Seeing the behavior of the two Chopper brothers, the white blond beauty showed a slight surprise on her face, but the look of surprise disappeared soon.

"Handsome guy, I can sit down." The fair-haired beauty winked at Zhuo Yun, and blinked her big amber eyes as if she could speak.

"Of course!" Zhuo Yun nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand indifferently, and looked at the white blonde beauty in front of him with interest. He wanted to see what this foreign beauty wanted to do.

Compared to the calm Zhuo Yun, the other men in the restaurant stared at it with envy and hatred, secretly angry why a white blonde beauty would go to Zhuo Yun, an Asian, which made many white men puzzled.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Angela Dyer, you can call me Angela!" The white blonde beauty said with a charming smile on her lips.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Angela, my name is Zhuo Yun, I am from China." Zhuo Yun nodded with a smile.

"Huaxia people!" Angela looked at Zhuo Yun in some surprise, and then glanced at the two Chopper brothers who were standing there without looking sideways, expressionless, with a thoughtful look in their eyes.

While the two were talking, a tall Caucasian man wearing a name tag walked over not far away. Behind the Caucasian man were two burly bodyguards. From the proud expression of the Caucasian man, you can tell It can be seen that he must be a powerful person.

"Beautiful lady, my Majesty James, your beauty makes my heart move, can you have dinner with me, I have already reserved a place at the Wilson Hotel, and I am waiting for the beautiful lady to nod and agree." The white man looked like a gentleman. Standing beside Angela, with one hand bent on her stomach, she smiled gracefully with aristocratic etiquette.

"Wilson Hotel, this guy is really rich." Hearing this, Zhuo Yun sighed secretly. He had also heard a little about this hotel. It seemed to be named after a famous person. It was a six-star hotel in the United States. All aspects of the layout can be called luxurious, no less than the blue paradise.

After saying these words, James looked at Angela expectantly. As for Zhuo Yun next to him, he was directly ignored. In his opinion, a yellow-skinned Asian could not be compared with him at all.

"I'm sorry, I have already agreed to have dinner with Mr. Zhuo Yun from China." Angela smiled gracefully, and pointed at Zhuo Yun charmingly.

Hearing Angela's rambling words, Zhuo Yun felt a little depressed. This was simply a prelude to prelude. When did she mention the dinner with herself? This was obviously asking for trouble for herself.

Just as Zhuo Yun thought, after hearing what Angela said, James' face immediately changed slightly, and he turned his head, looking at him with hostility in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, I would like to invite Ms. Angela to dinner, and you should have no objection." James' gaze revealed a threatening chill as he spoke.

"Damn, you're too young to pretend to be aggressive in front of me." Feeling James' threat, Zhuo Yun cursed inwardly, and glanced coldly: "I'm sorry, I have already invited Angela Miss, she has already promised that if you have nothing to do, please leave here, I don't like people watching while eating."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's blunt words, Angela was slightly taken aback, with an interested smile on her lips.

James could still maintain a calm expression, but his expression changed suddenly when he heard that, not to mention that he is still in front of Angela, Zhuo Yun is so disrespectful to him, which made James feel a surge of emotion Intense anger.

If it was normal, James would definitely explode immediately, but the background of the hotel where he is now is very strong, even he dare not make trouble here casually, and another reason is that he does not want to be rude in front of Angela.

Taking a deep breath, James suppressed the flame of anger in his heart. Although he really wanted to teach Zhuo Yun a lesson immediately, he finally suppressed the idea of ​​doing it.

"Beautiful lady, it's a pity that I can't have dinner with you. If you change your mind, you can call me." While speaking, James reached out and took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to Angela gracefully.

"Thank you, I will consider it." Angela accepted the business card with a smile.

James glanced at Zhuo Yun coldly, turned around and left while suppressing his anger, the two bodyguards behind him looked at Zhuo Yun maliciously, their eyes full of warning.

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