Super black turtle clone

Chapter 258 The Temptation of Yellow Velveteen!

"My lord, do you want me to teach them a lesson?" George, who was standing aside, asked angrily when he saw the arrogance of James and the others.

"No, how can a person be as knowledgeable as a dog!" Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently.

Angela, who had listened to the conversation between George and Zhuo Yun, had a flash of light in her eyes, glanced at the business card, and said with a surprised smile: "Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, I'm afraid you are in trouble, James just now It seems to be someone from the Morgan family."

"Is the Morgan family very powerful?" Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, Angela showed a speechless expression on her face, looked Zhuo Yun up and down, and wondered whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know.

In fact, she really wronged Zhuo Yun. In the past, he was just a Chinese girl. Although he came into contact with more high-level things later, it was only compared to China and Sweden. As for the United States, he really didn't have much research.

"The Morgan family is one of the most powerful families in the United States, and has even vaguely become the largest family in the United States. It has huge connections and strength in politics, military, and business circles. Even the selection of the president , are all fueled by the Morgan family behind the scenes."

"So powerful!" Zhuo Yun looked slightly surprised, but he didn't care too much, and smiled indifferently after being surprised.

No matter how powerful the Morgan family is, it doesn't matter to him. After all, James is not equal to the entire Morgan family. If it is just James, he is really not afraid.

Faced with Zhuo Yun's indifference, Angela couldn't help being a little surprised.If ordinary people hear about the power of the Morgan family.It must be scary.Even pretending to be calm can be seen from some changes in demeanor.

Accompanied by the beauty Angela, the meal time, which originally only needed half an hour, was abruptly postponed by nearly an hour.

"Miss Angela, just now you said that you wanted to have dinner with me, do you want to come to my room?" After eating and drinking, he glanced at the darkened sky outside, Zhuo Yun's mouth turned ambiguous smile.

It was used by Angela just now as a shield to offend James of the Morgan family.Zhuo Yun was also a little upset, and deliberately used words to run on Angela.

However, what he didn't expect was that Angela was not embarrassed at all, but nodded with a charming smile on her face.

"You, are you sure you want to go to my room." Looking at Angela in astonishment, Zhuo Yun asked again uncertainly.

"Of course, haven't I already said it just now, I hope today will be a wonderful night." While speaking, Angela slightly licked the corner of her mouth with her tongue.

Facing Angela's temptation, Zhuo Yun now feels a bit in a dilemma.After a little hesitation, he walked towards the elevator.And Angela followed closely behind him, not intending to change her mind at all.

"Report, the target just took the elevator upstairs with an Asian man, do you want to continue to follow me?" In a coffee shop opposite the hotel, a man wearing a hat and wrapping himself like a spy whispered to himself. language-like way.

"Yes, I understand!" The man listened for a while, nodded his head, and reached out to press a button on his collar.

"Nighthawk One, follow the target immediately, determine the location of the target, keep close and don't let her escape from this hotel, and report any news at any time."

After giving the command to the communicator on the collar, the man raised his head, revealing an oriental face.

"Damn, I'm a big man, what are you afraid of?" Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun regained his indifferent expression, pushed open the door and walked in, while the two brothers, George, stood guard outside the door. Although their expressions were indifferent, There was a strange ambiguous look between his eyebrows.

When he came to the living room, Zhuo Yun glanced at Angela, who was dressed sexy and had a slim and charming figure, and felt a burst of anger in his heart.

Now he is no longer the original innocent little virgin. He has tasted the taste of women, and his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary men. Naturally, his demand for this is very strong. These days, he has never met a woman in Sweden. For such a stunner, it would be a lie to say that he is not attracted.

"Honey, I'll take a shower first, wait for me." Angela smiled charmingly, turned around and walked towards the bathroom. In an instant, there was a sound of rain in the bathroom, through the translucent glass, even You can vaguely see the slim figure inside showing an S-shaped figure.

Hearing the sound of running water coming from the room, and the looming slender figure, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but feel a surge of energy and blood, and his lower body was about to move.

"I'd like to see what this foreign chick wants to do." After calming down the desire in his heart, Zhuo Yun calmed down and thought.

When he met Angela just now, he felt that this foreign beauty was not simple, and he didn't think that he was so attractive that he could make Angela fall into his arms as soon as they met. With Angela's appearance and figure, what kind of Most men can't find it, no matter whether it is a man with power or money, as long as he is healthy in all aspects, he will definitely be fascinated by Angela's beauty and figure.

Zhuo Yun secretly guessed in his heart, while he was hiding on the side of the bed and waiting, the sound of rain in the bathroom gradually disappeared, the bathroom door opened quietly, and a seductive figure wrapped in a towel came out of the bathroom.

"Gudong!" Seeing the picture of the beautiful woman getting out of the bath, Zhuo Yun couldn't help swallowing, his eyes became a little hot involuntarily.

Some people say that a man is a lower body animal. Zhuo Yun didn't think so before, but now he really understands what is a lower body animal.

In the line of sight, Angela is wrapped in a layer of bath towel that is partly visible, and the snow-white and deep cleavage on her upper body is completely exposed. Through the partly visible bath towel, you can even see some of the contents inside, while her lower body is covered with snow-white legs that reach almost to the thighs. The white flowers make people feel that they can't see it.

Angela herself is Caucasian, and her current state is even more snow-white, which makes people feel almost crystal clear. Zhuo Yun's suppressed impulse just started to move again, and the blood in her body began to pool towards a certain part below.

Feeling Zhuo Yun's fiery eyes, Angela didn't show the slightest bit of shyness on her face. Instead, she deliberately pulled the bath towel to reveal more of her snow-white breasts, and even faintly saw two red areolas.

"This foreign girl wants to get hot." Thinking to himself, Zhuo Yun got up and walked towards the bathroom. Since Angela wanted to play, he would play with her to the end.

Walking into the bathroom, smelling the leisurely body fragrance that has not dissipated, Zhuo Yun couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He glanced at the big machine gun standing upright on his lower body, and helplessly poured cold water to cool himself down. After completely suppressing his desire, he stood upright After the big bird limply lay down, he walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, the scene in front of him made Zhuo Yun, who had suppressed his desire just now, almost roared and turned into a pervert and charged forward.

"Damn it, this is a naked temptation." Looking into the line of sight, he lay on the bed in a seductive pose, fully revealing the beauty of the S-shaped curve, especially from his angle, where he could vaguely see The color of a piece of yellow velvet on the inside of the thigh.

"I've seen some blockbuster movies in America before, but the female pigs' feet in them are specially shaved. Could it be that their bottoms are also yellow." Thinking secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but secretly curious, and wanted to get into it immediately. Take a good look and see what is the difference with Huaxia women.

"Zhuo Yun, I feel a little itchy here, come here and scratch it for me." Lying on the bed, Angela stretched out her slender fingers and stroked her snow-white chest twice. Her cheeks were slightly rosy, and her red lips parted Make an alluring sound.

"Okay, then I'll grab it for you." Staring at Angela, Zhuo Yun said with a lewd smile on his lips, rubbed his palms and walked towards Angela who was lying on the bed.

Coming to the side of the bed, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but swallowed, looking at the two snow-white big buns in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to touch the place Angela pointed to just now.

Seeing that the palm is getting closer and closer to the snow-white meat ball, he can immediately touch the soft and elastic meat bun.

Angela lying on the bed, a cold light flashed in her charming eyes, the palm that was originally resting on her hips suddenly grabbed Zhuo Yun's arm, and instantly twisted his arm behind her back, her whole body was pressed against the On his back, Zhuo Yun was completely controlled.

"Anjina, what are you doing, let me go quickly." Zhuo Yun pretended to be panicked and shouted hastily. After struggling twice, he couldn't shake Angela's suppressing power at all.

"Be obedient and don't move, or I can't guarantee your safety. There are only two of us here. You'd better be honest. Otherwise, when the two bodyguards outside rush in, you will have turned into a dead body." "The charming Angela said in a cold tone.

Hearing Angela's cold words, Zhuo Yun's body froze slightly, with a look of fear on his face, he begged for mercy quickly: "Angelina, what do you want to do, let me go quickly, as long as you don't kill me, you I can give you anything you want, and I can give you a lot of money."

"Hmph, don't worry, as long as you cooperate with me obediently, I won't kill you." Angela's mouth showed a look of disdain. She had looked at Zhuo Yun with admiration before, but now she realized that she was just pretending before. In fact, it's just a rich pussy.

Fortunately, Zhuo Yun didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise he couldn't help turning Angela under him. He was deliberately controlled by Angela, just to see what this white chick wanted to do, and the current posture felt quite not bad. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks for a monthly pass for dsgsgsgsg children's shoes, this month only has [-] chapters, not as good as last month, hey!

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