Super black turtle clone

Chapter 265 Put away your tricks!

"You three, hurry up, don't be dawdling." The three got out of the car, and one of them, a relatively short Caucasian man, yelled at Zhuo Yun and the three, and was about to kick him. Zhuo Yun's ass.

Before he kicked down, Qiaoba, among the three of them, turned his head abruptly, his eyes shot out fierce murderous intent, those eyes that were like poisonous snakes that wanted to bite someone, made the white man who was planning to kick Zhuo Yun, Feeling a morphing chill, goosebumps appearing on the exposed skin.

"Damn, evil door!" The white man exclaimed inwardly, but he dared not kick down his raised leg.

As a soldier who has been on the battlefield, the white man still has a certain instinct to judge. He can feel it. If he dares to kick down, his end will definitely be miserable. This is a soldier's intuition.

"What are you looking at, hurry up!" Resisting the fear in his heart, the white man swallowed, retracted his raised right leg, and yelled a little sternly.

Under the escort of the six people, the three of Zhuo Yun walked to the inside of the manor. A row of people stood there in sight, holding all kinds of purebred ferocious famous dogs, including Tibetan mastiffs. Until this time, Zhuo Yun Only then did I realize that this manor was used to raise dogs.

The five famous ferocious dogs ranked among the top ten in the world either crawled or stood there. When they saw the arrival of Zhuo Yun and the other three, they all got up immediately. , one of its paws kept grabbing the ground, as if it couldn't help but want to rush up, if it wasn't for the constant comfort of the trainer behind him.I guess I couldn't bear it long ago.

"Haha. It seems that my little babies are very interested in the three of you." When Zhuo Yun's eyes were attracted by the ferocious and famous dogs, a playful and teasing voice suddenly sounded. A white man with an oriental beauty walked out at a leisurely pace.

"James!" Zhuo Yun said coldly when he saw the person coming.

"Is your excellency's memory quite outstanding? You even recognized me at a glance. Unfortunately, I won't let you go because of this." James smiled triumphantly, and put one hand on the chest of the oriental beauty. Kneading wantonly.He was eating the grapes handed to him by the oriental beauty.

Looking at the triumphant and superior James, Zhuo Yun was both amused and annoyed.

"James, are you so sure that the three of us can't fight back, so you can only let yourself be eaten?" Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently, and sat on the sofa not far away, tilting his head up. Erlang smiled.

James, who was originally complacent, saw Zhuo Yun's arrogant appearance, and his face suddenly sank.

"Does this Huaxia kid have other helpers?" Thinking to himself, James glanced around nervously.Soon he calmed down again.

This is his manor, not only raising all kinds of famous dogs.There are also quite a few bodyguards, even Zhuo Yun and other helpers are impossible to come in.

"Boy, stop bluffing. I want to see what the three of you have to escape." James sneered and waved to the five dog trainers who were leading famous dogs from all over the world.

The five dog trainers stepped forward understandingly, issued instructions to the hound in their hands, and pointed to the two brothers Qiaoba George.

Although there were many weird tones in the dog trainer's words, he could still hear the general meaning. He was directing five famous dogs from various countries to hunt and kill the Chopper brothers as prey.

After issuing some orders, the five dog trainers let go of the ropes in their hands at the same time, and looked at the two Chopper brothers cruelly.

These five famous dogs are the best among the many hunting dogs in the manor. In addition to feeding with perfect mouth and nutritious food, each famous dog will also be trained in various fighting skills, and even use various live cattle and sheep to train these dogs. The hunting skills of famous dogs.

Not to mention human beings, even a burly bull will only end up being hunted to pieces in the face of five ferocious and unusually famous dogs.

"Woo, woof, woof, woof!!" Roaring roars came from the mouths of the five famous dogs. The five famous dogs, headed by the Tibetan mastiff, showed the ferocity of wild beasts. After a brief roar, they immediately ran with all four limbs. Grinning, he rushed towards the two Chopper brothers.

The six people who were originally responsible for escorting behind the two brothers Qiaoba also quickly retreated to the distance, fearing that the five famous dogs would also attack themselves.

"Hehe, it depends on how you die now. You dared to scare me just now, and I will throw your body to the dogs later." The shorter white man who was frightened by Chopper just now shivered, with viciousness in his heart. Thinking about it, the pleasure of revenge was revealed in his eyes.

"Strange, this Chinese boy is not afraid at all." James, who embraced the oriental beauty, originally planned to see Zhuo Yun's frightened appearance, but he was greatly disappointed in the end. Zhuo Yun who was sitting there was surprisingly calm.

Just when James secretly wondered, thinking that Zhuo Yun was pretending to be calm, the five famous dogs had already rushed in front of the two Chopper brothers.

Accompanied by Zhuo Yun's slight nod, the eyes of Qiaoba who stood there expressionless suddenly burst out with a murderous light, and the cold light between the waving of his hands enveloped all the five famous dogs.

"This Qiaoba, what a pity." Seeing Qiaoba's movements, Zhuo Yun shook his head helplessly.

The five famous dogs are all good, but unfortunately, their opponent is Chopper who kills without batting an eyelid, and they are doomed to an inevitable tragedy.

"Wow, woof, woof!" A shrill scream sounded in the hall. Under the horrified eyes of James and others, the five famous dogs that had just jumped in front of the two Chopper brothers trembled suddenly, spraying water from their necks. With warm blood, his head flew up out of thin air.

"Plop, plop, plop!!" A headless body of a famous dog fell to the ground, and the heads that were thrown into the air also fell everywhere, and one of them even fell on James. Under the instinctive reflection, He reached out and took it.

Catch the bloody dog's head, looking at the pair of dog eyes that were full of panic and staring wide, James' expression changed in an instant.

"Ah!!" The oriental beauty, who was originally held in James' arms, screamed in horror, and was so frightened that she arched into James' arms like an ostrich, and James himself was frightened. Turning pale for a while, he quickly threw the bloody dog's head aside.

Compared to James who was terrified and at a loss for a while, his bodyguards came back to their senses much faster. After all, they were all soldiers who had seen blood and corpses on the battlefield. Immediately after that, they reached out for the pistols in their pockets.

If it was before, the two brothers Qiaoba would definitely be subdued immediately, but unfortunately the two of them now have received Zhuo Yun's order to do it, and they no longer have the slightest scruples.

Just when a group of bodyguards pulled out their pistols and were about to point them at the two Chopper brothers, vines suddenly appeared from nowhere, binding them in the blink of an eye, and the arm holding the pistol appeared even more. Strangely bent, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at their own heart instead, and a vine spread to the position of the trigger. Just lightly pull the trigger, and the bodyguards present would be sent to hell by the pistol in their hands.

"Devils, they are demons, help, let us go quickly." The bodyguards who were stunned by the situation in front of them tried to struggle one after another, and the few with weaker minds even yelled with forgetfulness.

Faced with the shouts of the bodyguards, George did not waver in the slightest. He looked at Zhuo Yun, waiting for his order. As long as Zhuo Yun asked him to do it, he would immediately manipulate the vines to pull the trigger and take the bodyguards. Life.

The bound bodyguards were all frightened and their legs became weak, and they didn't dare to look at Zhuo Yun with the slightest movement, for fear that if Zhuo Yun gave an order, they would all go to hell.

Zhuo Yun was not interested in these young men, he glanced at these bodyguards indifferently, ignored them, and walked towards the stunned James.

"No, don't come here. I'm a member of the Morgan family. Even if you are protected by a supernatural being, you will never be able to escape the pursuit of my Morgan family. As long as you let me go now, I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to escape from New York." James suppressed the panic in his heart, and shouted sternly.

"Really!" Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently, and his figure disappeared into his eyes in a blink of an eye. The speed was so fast that James, who usually only knew how to eat, drink and play, couldn't react at all.

"Ah!" Exclaiming, Zhuo Yun, who was dodged behind him, kicked his ass, flew forward and fell forward, just landing on the sofa where Zhuo Yun was sitting just now. The oriental beauty in her arms had already been so frightened that she collapsed to the ground, shouting the linen belt.

"Kick the others out, I want to talk to Mr. James alone." A chair was moved, and Zhuo Yun sat on it, looking at the panicked James opposite with a smile on his face.

"Yes, my lord!" The two Qiaoba brothers nodded respectfully, and pulled out the bodyguards who had no resistance at all, and the Japanese woman who was lying on the ground and only knew how to shout a linen belt.

"You, what do you want to do? If you want money, I can give it to you. As long as you don't hurt me, I can agree to any request you want." Seeing that it was useless to threaten the Morgan family, James's mind turned quickly. Hastily tempted with money.

"Okay, put away your tricks!" Zhuo Yun glared at James impatiently, Zhuo Yun shouted displeased.

Looking at James with a terrified expression in front of him, Zhuo Yun suddenly had a thought, thought for a while and asked: "James, as a member of the Morgan family, you should know many high-class people in New York .”

"I often go to some receptions or charity banquets. I almost know most of the celebrities in New York."

"Well, do you know a man named Witt?"

"Witt!" Hearing this name, James' expression changed slightly. Although this expression was only fleeting, it was completely noticed by Zhuo Yun who was opposite him. (To be continued..)

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