Super black turtle clone

Chapter 266 Huge deal!

"Why, you know Witt." Zhuo Yun continued to ask with a slight movement in his heart.

James hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously: "Your Excellency, there are quite a few people named Witt in New York. Which Witt are you talking about?"

Hearing what James said, Zhuo Yun was slightly taken aback. He really hadn't thought about this question, like Paul, George and so on. Many people have this name. Without knowing the surname, it is impossible to tell the difference. Find out who is who.

After thinking about it carefully, his eyes lighted up slightly: "By the way, there seems to be a red dot-shaped thing between Witt's eyebrows."

James, who had just changed his face slightly, immediately changed even more after hearing Zhuo Yun's words, revealing a touch of awe and fear in his expression.

"Say, it seems that you know this Witt, you better not try to play tricks, or you will be miserable." Zhuo Yun glanced at James coldly, Zhuo Yun said indifferently.

Although he didn't stare at James with fierce eyes, or threaten with harsh words, James on the opposite side felt an inexplicable chill.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, can you tell me how you met Witt, and what is your relationship with him?" James hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously and tentatively.

Glancing at James coldly, Zhuo Yun shouted dissatisfiedly: "You don't need to know this, you just need to tell me what you know."

It stands to reason that with James' fear of death, he should immediately tell all he knows, instead of asking these nonsense first like now, from his expression.Zhuo Yun saw deep fear.It seemed that he was afraid that what he said would have bad consequences for him.

"Interesting. It seems that Witt's family background is very unusual."

After hesitating for a moment, feeling Zhuo Yun's increasingly cold gaze, he swallowed and gritted his teeth with determination.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Witt you mentioned should be Witt Morgan, one of the heirs of the current Morgan family."

"The heir of the Morgan family!" Zhuo Yun repeated in astonishment.

Before, he thought that Witt's family background was unusual, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. You must know that the Morgan family is one of the oldest families in the United States.After hundreds of years of accumulation of strength, it can be said to be extremely strong, and the status of one of the heirs is enough to make people shy away.

After learning of Witt's identity, Zhuo Yun also had a little doubt in his heart. It wasn't that he had any opinion on Chu Meier, but in his opinion, with Chu Meier's status, apart from her appearance and figure, she had nothing to say. In other aspects, there is really no comparison with Witt, one of the heirs of the Morgan family.

Although in the United States there is no clear concept of having a right family, but that is only relative to ordinary people, as one of the heirs of the Morgan family.Even if the family doesn't put pressure on him to marry a Chinese with no family status.This will definitely not be beneficial to Witt.

"Perhaps Wit really likes Sister Mei." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun felt relieved, but did not feel agitated.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing his irritability, Zhuo Yun thought for a while and asked, "As a member of the Morgan family, how much do you know about Witt Morgan? What kind of person is he? Tell me about your personality and some of the things you have done, don’t try to hide it.”

James, who had already made a desperate move, hesitated for a moment, and immediately told everything he knew.

Zhuo Yun, who originally thought that Witt really liked Sister Mei, was still a little relieved, but as James continued to narrate, his brows became more and more wrinkled, and his face became a little ugly.

"What you said is true. If you dare to lie to me, I will let you know how to write the word regret." Zhuo Yun sneered coldly.

Panicked, James quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't dare, dare not, everything I said is true, and none of it is a lie."

Staring at James for a while, Zhuo Yun could see that he was not lying, which meant that what he said was true.

According to James, Witt looks sunny and handsome from the outside, giving people a feeling of positive energy, but he is actually a very sinister and ruthless black-bellied man. He is ruthless in order to compete for the position of heir. According to James James knew that Witt had cultivated a lot of forces in secret, and even intervened with the American underworld. He was one of the powerful candidates for the heir.

In the fight for heirs, apart from their own power, the support of the family is also very important. Witt used various means to win the support of many branches, among which was the existence of James. He still remembered that Witt called them several times. In one branch of the family, more powerful people got together and asked them to submit to allegiance on the spot. As a result, one person was unwilling to take a step and wanted to leave, but was shot to death by Witt. Still fresh in my memory.

Zhuo Yun didn't believe that the other party would give up fighting for the position of Patriarch for such an ambitious and ruthless character like Chu Meier. You must know that the United States discriminates against Chinese people, not to mention how many inheritances they have inherited. In the century-old Morgan family, this kind of discrimination is even more deeply rooted. Once he really marries Chu Meier, not to mention it will be beneficial to the fight for the position of the head of the family, it will probably backfire.

"It's strange, then why did he pursue Sister Mei? Could it be that he just wanted to see Sister Mei's beauty and possessiveness." Thinking about it, Zhuo Yun shook his head secretly. Strong can be used.

Besides, with Witt's status and status, as long as he takes the position of Patriarch, there is no need for any kind of beauties.

The more Zhuo Yun thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. He always felt that there seemed to be some conspiracy in what Witt did, but he didn't have the slightest clue at all, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

"By the way, do you know that Witt is pursuing a Chinese woman recently, and it seems that she is going to be engaged to her." Zhuo Yun asked tentatively.

"Engaged!" James was slightly taken aback, and shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible, how could Witt be engaged to a Chinese woman. It's absolutely impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Zhuo Yun continued to ask.

"If Witt really takes a Chinese woman as his wife, then he will completely lose the right to compete for the heir of the family. It is impossible for the family to let a Chinese woman become the wife of the head of the family, and the children born in that way will be It is absolutely not allowed to have one-step Chinese blood." James shook his head decisively. In his opinion, Witt has been trying hard to compete for the position of the family heir, unless his head was kicked by a donkey, otherwise it is It is absolutely impossible to do such a stupid thing.

Hearing James' categorical words, Zhuo Yun's doubts became more intense, and he was basically sure now.That kid Witt is definitely not a good guy. He has some shady purpose in getting close to Chu Meier, but he can't figure out what purpose it is.

I got what I wanted to know from James, Zhuo Yun didn't kill him, but when he left, James was already lying on the ground like a pig's head, almost no part of his body was intact, even It is treated with the most advanced medical methods, and it is estimated that it will not get better in a year or so.

After beating James, Zhuo Yun vented a lot of his depressed emotions.I was eager to go to see Chu Meier immediately and tell her what I knew.But he had to suppress the impulse in his heart.

Now he is only suspicious, and there is no real evidence, and he doesn't know how deep Chu Meier's feelings for Witt are. If he goes rashly now, he will not only startle the snake, but also cause Chu Meier's misunderstanding. .

"Forget it, anyway, even if they are engaged, they can't be so fast. We should wait until we get some real evidence before going to see Sister Mei." Zhuo Yun secretly looked towards the tall buildings.

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Yun called Dao Feng and asked him to help investigate Witt's situation, and he promised to help them figure out the thieves who stole the national treasure cultural relics and give them back the national treasure.

Hearing such a good thing, Dao Feng naturally nodded and agreed without the slightest hesitation. Although they are all elites, they are too busy looking for and stealing national treasure cultural relics. Now almost all the clues are broken. Now Zhuo Yun His words are undoubtedly nectar from heaven.

With Dao Feng and others inquiring about the news, Zhuo Yun believed that he would soon be able to have a detailed information about Witt, and by that time he could find some clues about Witt through the information.

One night in the practice passed quietly, and before dawn, Zhuo Yun led the two Chopper brothers out of the hotel, and arrived at the meeting address they had obtained from Angela's phone.

Angela's cell phone disappeared before, which also made Zhuo Yun a little worried. If Angela took it away, it might change the meeting place. Now he can only secretly pray that there will be no change, otherwise he wants to follow the vine , that is almost impossible.

Arriving at the abandoned manor at the agreed location, Zhuo Yun led the two brothers Qiaoba to hide and waited quietly.

This manor has obviously been abandoned for a long time, even the ground is covered with all kinds of weeds, it looks inaccessible, and the house is full of dust. Nice location.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sun hung high in the blink of an eye, and it was almost noon. Just when Zhuo Yun was waiting impatiently and was about to leave, a roaring motor sound suddenly came to the ears of the three of them. middle.

In sight, two off-road vehicles roared towards them, and a group of mixed-colored people dressed strangely, including whites and blacks, got out of the vehicles and stood in the spacious open space of the manor.

"It's finally here!" Glancing at the eight people in sight, Zhuo Yun showed a happy smile on his disappointed face.

The eight people obviously belonged to the same organization. Although the leaders were dressed differently, the battle formation was very formal. It could vaguely include the 360-degree surroundings into the attack range, and also be able to integrate offense and defense. Protecting a black man in the middle.

This person's long hair was braided into little braids like poisonous snakes, which looked particularly perky, and his eyes were even more fierce and cold.

"These eight people are not simple!" Feeling the evil spirit emanating from the eight people, Zhuo Yun secretly exclaimed. This is definitely the aura that can only be possessed by killing to a certain extent, and looking at their waists, it is obvious that they all have with the guy.

Not long after this group of people arrived, two more off-road vehicles came from the other direction and stopped more than ten meters away.

The car door opened, and the familiar slender figure and the blond hair shining like a waterfall appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight. There were also six or seven heavily armed men and women with Angela, compared with the eight people on the opposite side. , these people are also not inferior.

Seeing Angela, whose body was almost perfect, with the tough lines of a Caucasian face, and the softness of an Oriental, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed brightly.

He still didn't know anything about how Angela left his room before, which made him very curious about Angela.

Both parties lifted the box containing the goods from the car, walked to the middle of the four off-road vehicles, and put the box on the ground.

After some tentative opening remarks, the two parties officially turned the topic to the transaction, and Zhuo Yun finally determined that Angela was the culprit who stole the Chinese national treasure, and they are now dealing in these national treasure-level cultural relics.

The two parties had clearly discussed it before. After a brief conversation, they each opened the suitcases in their hands and proceeded to the second step, the so-called inspection.

In Angela's large suitcase, there are various stolen national treasure cultural relics, including calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, as well as some porcelain and bronze wares. The number of things is not small.

In the suitcase of the trader on the other side, there are piles of dollar bills that make people look green. Zhuo Yun roughly estimated that it is at least a billion dollars. This money is comparable to what Thomas and others got from robbing the gambling ship. , which is dazzling.

Each side sent a professional to step forward to carry out antique identification and survey of these dollar bills.

The amount of this transaction is too huge, and the personnel of both parties dare not be careless in the slightest. All kinds of professional equipment have been put into battle one by one, and almost all of them have been checked. It took almost half an hour.

After careful inspection by both parties, both parties have confirmed the authenticity of the other party's items, and the next step is the final step of the transaction, which is the so-called payment in one hand and delivery in the other. (To be continued..)

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