Super black turtle clone

Chapter 268 Half Man, Half Beast!

Just as Chopper and the two rushed out, there were terrifying and piercing screams outside, as well as the sound of flying bullets.

This manor itself has been abandoned for a long time, and weeds are everywhere on the ground. At this moment, these weeds are soaring like stimulants. The men were restrained and wrapped around their necks like pythons. In an instant, the men who were struggling violently pulled their heads together and stopped resisting.

Compared with George's ability to control plants, Chopper is much bloodier. A sharp long knife turned into a bloodthirsty sharp weapon. A man with a gun was beheaded by the sharp long knife, and some even It was directly cut off at the waist, and the sound of coming and going like the wind made it too late for the men with guns to attack. Even if they shot, they could only hit the air. Metal bullets fly.

The two are like killing demons. Under the cooperation of each other, no one is the opponent of the two of them at all. Even Isaac, who was extremely ferocious and powerful just now, is like a powerful force under the obstruction of the wildly growing plants. Like a black blind man who can't get up, he is furiously tearing the weeds that are constantly entangled around his body.

Under the urging of George's ability, these ordinary weeds have become tough and difficult to entangle. No matter how they are torn, they cannot be completely wiped out, and they will soon entangle themselves again.

In just less than 5 minutes, dozens of people were all killed under the pincer attack of the two, and in the end it was exactly as Zhuo Yun wanted, only Angela was left and she was still struggling frantically, as if Isaac in the form of a werewolf.

Kill others.George noticed that Isaac who turned into a werewolf was madly attacking the soaring weeds around him.Looking at the situation, if you don't stop it, you will soon rush out of the weeds.At that time, with Isaac's speed, if he just runs away, he will escape from here.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, George immediately gathered his abilities to deal with Isaac who had turned into a werewolf.

The soaring weeds quickly gathered together, turning into a python that recognized the thickness of the thighs, and quickly wrapped around Isaac's body, while four relatively thinner weed pythons wrapped around his limbs.Instantly subdued the violent Isaac.

Looking at Isaac who was tied up and hung in a large font, Zhuo Yun, who was standing by the window, nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, with Isaac's ability to transform into a werewolf, if he was fighting George, he wouldn't be so useless and quick. It's his bad luck. When he met George who could manipulate plants, his strength With sharp claws simply can not fully play out.

George's ability to control plant abilities may not be very strong in terms of offensive and defensive power, and he has a huge weakness for fire-type abilities.Against speed-type opponents like Isaac, it is easy to catch.Literally the nemesis of Isaac.

Soon, a box of national treasure-level antiques worth more than a billion dollars, and Isaac and Angela were seized by the George brothers in the dilapidated room.

"It's you!" Angela guessed it was Zhuo Yun when she saw the two George brothers, and she was still very surprised to meet them now.

She didn't expect that the person she just randomly found to escape would turn out to be a powerful person with two subordinates with supernatural powers. If she had known this would happen, he would not have been casual even if the form was dangerous. To provoke Zhuo Yun.

"Anjina, let's meet again. It seems that we are related." Looking at the astonished blonde in front of him, Zhuo Yun had a teasing smile on his face. In that ambiguous scene, his gaze involuntarily became a little fiery.

As if sensing Zhuo Yun's ambiguous eyes, the fair-haired beauty showed a blush on her fair face, she turned her head and looked aside, complex emotions surged in her heart

After molesting Angela, Zhuo Yun shifted his gaze to Isaac who had recovered his human appearance and looked tired.

"Boy, let me go quickly, otherwise, you will regret it. You can't offend the Morgan family." Even though he was exhausted, Isaac still shouted fiercely, and Zhuo Yun's ferocious look made Zhuo Yun There was a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.

Stepping to the front of Isaac, Zhuo Yun slammed his fist on his stomach, and the violent power penetrated into his body like a tide. Although he didn't fly out under the pull of the plant python, the blood did not fly out. It flowed down the corner of the mouth.

"You'd better recognize your current situation. If I were you, I would answer the questions honestly, otherwise I will let you know what life is worse than death. Believe it or not, I will sell you to other countries as a guinea pig Carry out scientific research in the same way, dissect you without letting you die, and experiment with various chemicals." A devilish smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, an Aisa who thought he was cruel and cold Ke, seeing Zhuo Yun's harmless smile, felt a chill in his heart.

Thinking of being treated as a material for scientific research, lying on the operating table, being dissected by a group of doctors holding scalpels, and having all kinds of strange injections pierced into his body, a strong sense of fear surged into Isaac's heart .

Regardless of his cruel and bloodthirsty personality, distorted and ferocious personality, in fact, there has always been an indelible shadow in his heart, that is, when he was integrated into the beast gene, he was tested again and again, and became a test product without knowing his life or death. that fear.

Now Zhuo Yun's words suddenly detonated the shadow of depression in his heart. The whole person became extremely ferocious, and he struggled violently with fear. back to being human.

"This guy!" Looking at the crazy Isaac in front of him, Zhuo Yun felt a little sympathetic to him.

After injecting the beast gene, even though he gained power far beyond ordinary people, it also turned him into an out-and-out monster. Although he looks ferocious and ferocious on the surface, in fact, he has a fragile side far beyond ordinary people in his heart. .

After a long while, Isaac finally stabilized and regained his human form, panting violently, with a dull look in his terrified eyes.

"Say, what is Witt asking you to come here this time, is it for blackmail, or for other purposes." Looking at Isaac who had calmed down in front of him, Zhuo Yun put away his sympathy and said coldly. asked naturally.

Perhaps because of the violent emotional fluctuations just now, this time Isaac did not contradict him, but honestly told what he knew.

Angela next to her saw the scene just now in her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel awe of Zhuo Yun. Just a few short words actually subdued the bloodthirsty and leopard Isaac, which made her It's unbelievable.

"Master Witt asked me to come here. Apart from wanting to steal the cultural relics and US dollars, he also wanted to kill Kenny, who had defected to Sean, and captured Angela, who had supernatural powers."

"This foreign girl really has supernatural powers." Hearing Isaac's words, Zhuo Yun turned his head and glanced at Angela.

Sensing Zhuo Yun's sight, An Jina secretly groaned in her heart, and stared at Isaac with a blank face with her beautiful eyes, wishing she could go up and give him two punches.

"What is Angela's ability?" With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhuo Yun continued to ask Isaac.

Hearing that Angela froze slightly, she looked at Isaac solemnly, as if she was worried that Isaac would reveal her abilities.

"I don't know either. I just learned from Master Witt that Angela has a supernatural power, and it is the supernatural power that Master Witt wants to get. As for the specific supernatural power, I didn't tell me." Isaac's eyes blankly He glanced at Angela, shook his head and said.

After listening to Isaac's words, Angela breathed a sigh of relief, which made Zhuo Yun even more curious about what this foreign girl's abilities are.

Next, Zhuo Yun asked Isaac some things about Witt, and he was sure that Witt was definitely a heroic figure with strong ambitions. And give up their great future.

It's a pity that Isaac didn't know many things, and most of them only learned through some missions. As for some private things about Witt, he didn't know about them, so naturally he couldn't learn about Chu Meier. .

For Isaac, Zhuo Yun felt a little pitiful in his heart, but he understood that it is impossible to recover a person like Isaac, staying by his side would only be a disaster, and letting him go would be even more violent. leak yourself.

Looking at the dead Isaac, Zhuo Yun didn't feel the slightest sense of guilt. The world is like this. There are so many miserable people in the world. If it doesn't involve your own interests, you can help and save him. , once it has a bad influence on him, these things will not be a reason to prevent him from killing.

After finishing Isaac, Zhuo Yun did not immediately interrogate Angela, and the group drove directly back to the hotel where they lived.

Throwing Angela, who was tightly bound, on the bed, Zhuo Yun glanced at the two boxes on the ground, feeling secretly refreshed.

This time, not only did he get a box of national treasure-level antiques, but he also got more than a billion dollars for no reason. Initial capital to build your own business empire.

"Okay, now Chopper and the others have gone out, and there are only two of us left. I advise you to be obedient, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Sitting on the bed, Zhuo Yun raised Angela's pointed With a lewd smile on the corner of her mouth, she glanced at her curvy figure. (To be continued..)

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