Super black turtle clone

Chapter 269 Naked Temptation!

Feeling Zhuo Yun's naked eyes, An Jina felt flustered like never before, now she is like a lamb, and Zhuo Yun is the drooling wolf who may swallow her at any time.

"What on earth do you want to do? If I listen to you, can you let me go?" Suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, Angela asked seriously.

Staring at An Jina for a while, Zhuo Yun had a wicked smile on his mouth, his words were ambiguous, and he said with an ambiguous smile: "Well, it depends on your actions, if it satisfies me, let it go." It's not impossible for you either."

Angela's face turned pale slightly, she bit her lips, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, she closed her eyes gently, and put on a look of giving up resistance completely.

"Come on, I won't resist."

"Puchi!!" Zhuo Yun couldn't help laughing out as he looked at Angela who looked like she was letting you pick.

"Little foreign girl, you won't be so horny, and I didn't say I want to fuck you, why are you acting so horny?"

Angela, who was waiting with her eyes closed, heard that her fair face turned red all of a sudden. She opened her eyes and stared at Zhuo Yun angrily. If eyes can kill, Zhuo Yun's body is probably broken into pieces.

She finally made up her mind and gritted her teeth to let Zhuo Yun spoil her, but in the end such an oolong appeared, which made her secretly relieved and at the same time felt an inexplicable sense of grief and indignation.

Angela has always had absolute confidence in her appearance and figure. In her opinion, as long as she is a man, she can't help but want to hug her to bed when she sees her.She didn't expect that she was so obviously ready.Zhuo Yun actually used this to tease her.It seems that there is no idea in this regard at all.

"Okay, don't stare at me with such resentful eyes. Believe it or not, if you stare at me like this again, I will really eat you." Zhuo Yun glanced at her delicate body with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth while speaking: "If I didn't If you guess wrong, you're still a virgin!"

Angela's pupils shrank suddenly, and she almost instinctively turned her eyes away, not daring to stare at Zhuo Yun with that murderous look.

The longer she spent with Zhuo Yun, the more Angela felt that she couldn't see clearly what kind of person he was.The feeling of being surrounded by clouds and mist made her feel uncertain. She didn't know what Zhuo Yun would do next, and she didn't know how to change herself.

The men she met before would become fascinated when they saw her, and they seemed to only use their lower body to think. She could see through it completely at a glance, but now she felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Before you ask me, shouldn't you untie me, it will make me feel very uncomfortable." Bound by the rope formed by weeds, Angela said uncomfortably.

"Okay. As you wish." Zhuo Yun nodded indifferently, and stretched out his hand to break the rope wrapped around Angela's body.Set her free.

After moving her blood-poor arms, Angela subconsciously sat on the sofa next to Zhuo Yun with a distance.

Zhuo Yun didn't care about Angela's little actions, and asked out his doubts.

"Angelina, you should be a person with supernatural powers. I'm curious about what your supernatural powers are. How did you leave my room out of thin air before?"

"You really want to know." Angela took a deep breath, obviously already guessing that Zhuo Yun would ask this question, she seemed very calm.

"Of course!" Zhuo Yun nodded without the slightest hesitation. Judging from a series of signs, Angela's ability should not be an attack type ability, but more of an auxiliary type, so he is not worried that Angela will have What trump card is not good for yourself.

Angela's eyes flickered slightly, and she said seriously: "My ability can't be used immediately, I have to take a shower before I can use it. I used to use the ability before leaving the room after taking a shower."

Hearing Angela's ridiculous reason, Zhuo Yun didn't object. Out of self-confidence, he wanted to see what kind of tricks Angela wanted to come up with.

"Okay, then you can take a bath in the bathroom, I hope you don't fool me, otherwise you should be able to imagine what will happen." Zhuo Yun replied indifferently, lying on the bed with his legs raised, with a relaxed look on his face.

Zhuo Yun's reaction was beyond Angela's imagination. In her opinion, Zhuo Yun would at least question her behavior if she didn't object directly, but now it made her feel a little uneasy.

The arrow had to be fired, and Angela could only suppress the uneasiness in her heart, and walked into the bathroom not far from the bedroom.

Perhaps to increase the interest between men and women, the hotel bathroom is the same as the bedroom, and the bathroom door can be clearly seen in the bedroom.

Under Zhuo Yun's watchful eyes, Angela walked into the bathroom. Following the vague movement of undressing, a naked naked body appeared in the bathroom. Unfortunately, Zhuo Yun could only vaguely Seeing her figure, but unable to clearly see inside through the glass door.

Looking at the looming S-shaped figure, Zhuo Yun touched his nose subconsciously, and glanced to the side. When he turned his eyes to look at the bathroom again, Angela's looming figure disappeared.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention, thinking that Angela had weighed heavily in the bathtub, but soon he thought of the last time Angela disappeared out of thin air.

"Anjina!" Zhuo Yun yelled, staring in the direction of the bathroom.

The voice sounded but there was no answer. After waiting for a while, Zhuo Yun hurriedly stepped forward to the bathroom door, and stretched out his hand to push open the half-closed door.

The water from the rain in the bathroom was still dripping, and bursts of water mist floated in the bathroom, but Angela had completely disappeared. The clothes she was wearing just now were still hanging in the special hanging place in the bathroom. Beyond the proof that she had come in, completely lost track of her.

"How is it possible? Why did she suddenly disappear in the bathroom? Could it be that this foreign girl also has a space ability similar to Caesar's, but it's not right. If it is a space ability, there is no need for her to take off her clothes." Guessing secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun imagined that Angela moved out of the room naked.This is absolutely totally unreasonable.

Although only a few times.He can be sure.Angela is not an exhibitionist, there is no need to take off her clothes and move outside.

Negating the existence of the spatial ability, Zhuo Yun suddenly heard that Angela specifically asked to come to the bathroom to take a bath. The two consecutive disappearances seemed to be related to this, and they disappeared only after taking off her clothes. In this way, her ability It is very likely that you can only cast it when you take off your clothes.

Just when Zhuo Yun was secretly guessing, his eyes glanced at the bathroom floor inadvertently, and his pupils shrank suddenly.A flash of light flashed in my mind.

The floor in the bathroom is different from the floor outside. It is the kind that is specially non-slip but non-absorbent. At this moment, some footprints with water can be vaguely seen on it. The most important thing is that these footprints seem to have spread all the way to the outside of the bathroom door. .

This discovery attracted Zhuo Yun's attention. Of course, he still pretended not to find anything on the surface. He stepped out of the bathroom and left the bathroom. Due to the relatively high temperature, the footprints with water are about to disappear.

Under Zhuo Yun's observation.It was soon discovered that the footprints with water stains had spread to the corner of the door of the guest room and disappeared, and that position happened to be the corner to the left of the door.

A picture emerged in his mind.Chopper and the others opened the door and came in. During this process, if someone hides in a corner without being noticed, they can walk out of the room.

"If my guess is correct, what she possesses is not a space ability, but an ability similar to invisibility. It is very likely that the invisibility power cannot even hide clothes, so she can only take off her clothes." Thinking of this, Zhuo The cloud has been basically a certainty.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth. He pretended not to notice anything, and walked towards the door of the guest room with his head downcast. Just before he came to take the door, he stretched out his hand to open the door. His arm suddenly changed direction.

His right arm slammed towards the corner where the watery footprints disappeared. There seemed to be no one in the corner, but he suddenly grabbed a soft and elastic thing.

"I've caught you!" Zhuo Yun shouted in surprise, and without thinking about what he was grabbing, the other hand also quickly grabbed the opponent, restraining him completely, and pressing him down on the bed as he walked.

The bed was suddenly sunken, and when viewed from a third perspective, one would be surprised to find that Zhuo Yun's body seemed to be floating on the bed, without touching the bed at all.

"Anjina, show your figure obediently, you can't escape." Zhuo Yun smiled triumphantly, and subconsciously pinched the palm holding the soft thing.

"Ah!!" There was an exclamation from the bed, and then a completely naked and perfect ketone body leaked into the air. Zhuo Yun's whole body was just pressed on the **** ketone body, and one hand was holding the position, just in time. It is one of the soft and majestic peaks.

Angela deserves to be a Caucasian, not only her whole body is as white as snow, especially her huge breasts are so white that you can clearly see the blue veins on them, like crystal clear white jade, or like a water polo filled with clear water.

It was only at this time that Zhuo Yun noticed the position of his palm, but he did not move his palm away because of this. The soft and elastic touch made him want to stop, and he felt comfortable after kneading. Much better than kneading water polo.

Zhuo Yun was so happy here, her whole body naked, Angela who was kneaded by him was not so relaxed, the kneaded breasts continued to transmit fiery stimulation, which made her body tremble slightly, with a white face An intoxicating blush welled up on his cheeks.

"Let go of me!" Angela, who was so soft all over her body, resisted the fiery stimulation, and shouted almost coquettishly, but the charming voice not only did not have the slightest deterrence, but made it even more impressive. Unable to stop, as if shouting harder, harder.

"Let go of you, why should I let you go? I told you very clearly at the beginning, telling you not to use any tricks. If I hadn't found some clues to judge your location just now, I would have almost died. You were escaped, and you should have relied on this method to escape in the chaos last time."

Staring at Angela, whose face was blushing and blue eyes rippling with spring, Zhuo Yun was secretly pleased with himself, kneading his palms to continue to feel the surging touch, and a certain part of his lower body couldn't help but raise his head Come, it happened to be on top of Angela's lower body, even through the clothes, she still couldn't help but exclaimed.

Looking at the glamorous and moving Angela below her, especially her who is emotional at the moment, is even more attractive.

Zhuo Yun has had relationships with Mei Daizi from the Japanese country, and Lei Baoer from the Chinese nation, but he has never tasted foreign white beauties, and now he is completely under him, the naked Angela, He has no strength to resist at all. He only needs to take off his pants and underwear, move his body forward slightly, and he will be able to taste a foreign white beauty. The most important thing is that this foreign beauty is still a virgin.

"Hoo hoo, it's killing me." Taking a deep breath, resisting the urge to pierce in, Zhuo Yun reached out and grabbed a blanket from the side to cover Angela's body, and put it on the soft chest. He also reluctantly moved his right hand away, he was afraid that if he touched it again, he would really be unable to bear it.

Sitting on the side, covering his lower body with the tent, Zhuo Yun suppressed the desire in his heart.

"Don't worry, I don't like to force others. Just now, it's just a punishment for playing tricks on you. Remember, I don't want to have a next time. Even if I don't like to force people, some people like to force."

Angela, who was holding the blanket, heard the words for a while, and she understood the meaning of Zhuo Yun's words. He may not violate her, but he can find someone else, one or two, maybe more. Come strong man.

Angela's face was slightly pale, and she looked at Zhuo Yun who was sitting next to her with a fearful expression. Before that, she still had the idea of ​​her own invisibility ability, but now even her only support has been known. In front of Zhuo Yun , she feels that she has no secrets at all, she is not an opponent at all, and she can't see through.

Nodding submissively, Angela returned to the bathroom cautiously, put on her clothes, and sat back on the bed like a frightened little woman without the aura of a gangster at all.

"What is your special ability? Why can't I not only see you, but also feel your existence?" Zhuo Yun looked at Angela amusedly, and asked suspiciously.

His current strength is much weaker than before, and he can't use the water control field to sense the surrounding situation, but his body's sensing power is still very strong. The villa said that such a short distance, even at 30 meters He can hear and feel someone passing by in a place outside.

When facing the invisible Angela, he didn't have the slightest sense at all. If it wasn't for the watery footprints, he wouldn't even know that she was hiding in the corner. (to be continued..)

ps: Thank you 43413366 for the two monthly tickets!

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