Super black turtle clone

Chapter 270 New Sink Auction!

After stabilizing her emotions, Angela carefully explained: "My ability is invisibility, but unlike ordinary invisibility, my invisibility ability cannot make the things I carry invisible, whether it is a pair or a weapon, maybe Because of this limitation, this invisibility ability is more excellent in other aspects. It can not only hide the body shape, but also can completely hide the sound and smell. No technological device can detect my figure."

"So that's it, so you are relying on your invisibility ability to steal the national treasure of China."

Angela nodded cautiously, and looked at the expressionless Zhuo Yun with some anxiety.

"Anyway, now that the national treasure and cultural relics have been recovered, I don't intend to pursue you, but you are now being targeted by Witt, and after this incident, if you appear again, Witt will definitely arrest Ai. You are suspected of Sac's death, what are you going to do." Zhuo Yun looked at Angela indifferently, without the slightest emotional change in his eyes.

Angela, who was originally nervous, suddenly changed her face when she heard the words, and a bitter feeling emerged in her heart.

As Zhuo Yun said, she now has almost no way out in the United States other than relying on Witt. After all, the Morgan family in the United States is too powerful.

"No, I absolutely can't rely on Witt!" As soon as the thought flashed through, Angela immediately denied the previous idea.

She is still very clear about Witt's cruelty, and she believes that if she takes refuge in Witt.Witt likes to control everything.She will definitely be Witt's plaything and tool.Since then, there is no freedom at all.

An Jina, who was distressed, saw Zhuo Yun sitting there from the corner of her eyes, and a sudden impulse surged in her heart.

Zhuo Yun gave her a feeling full of mystery, both Zhuo Yun himself and the two subordinates have great strength, she would rather rely on Zhuo Yun than to rely on Witt, at least after these few times of getting along, she can feel inferred.Zhuo Yun is a very principled person, not the trash she has seen before who can only use his lower body to think about problems.

"I don't know, do you have any good suggestions." Angela's eyes flickered a few times, and she didn't directly say that she wanted to seek refuge with Zhuo Yun, but turned the topic to Zhuo Yun by throwing stones and asking for directions.

"What a foreign girl, at this time she still wants to increase her social status, let me say it." She glanced at Angela with a funny look, although Zhuo Yun still guessed what she was thinking, she didn't point it out.

"I'll give you a way out, rely on me. Do things for me in the future, so I can guarantee your safety."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's initiative to invite.It stands to reason that Angela should be secretly happy in her heart, but she couldn't be happy at this moment. The look in Zhuo Yun's eyes just now made her understand that her narrow-mindedness had been completely seen through by him.

"As long as you can guarantee my safety and don't force me to do something I don't want to do, I'm willing to rely on you." Angela smiled helplessly.

She never thought that her imposing international thief would be reduced to such a situation, and she had to rely on a Chinese man to ensure her safety.

"No problem, you know, what I dislike the most is forcing others, but I also don't like the kind of subordinates who don't obey orders."

After giving Angela a vaccination, Zhuo Yun asked Chopper to open a room opposite, which will be Angela's temporary residence in the future.

Arranging for Angela, Zhuo Yun called Dao Feng, half an hour passed, Dao Feng and others hurried over.

"Wow, it's really a stolen national treasure. It's amazing. I didn't expect this task to be completed so easily." Looking at the open box on the floor, Dao Feng couldn't help exclaiming.

"Zhuo Yun, you are really amazing, you actually brought back these national treasures so quickly." Can Leopard, a man of few words, couldn't help admiring.

Only Leng Ji looked a little unnatural. I don't know if it was because of the ambiguity between the two of them on the bed, or because she said before that Zhuo Yun was with the thief who stole the national treasure.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it now, Zhuo Yun is really in the same group as the thieves who stole the national treasure. After all, Angela is his now.

"Don't be too happy, you should check the number of national treasures, right?" Zhuo Yun reminded after glancing at Dao Feng and others amusedly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Dao Feng nodded his head quickly, took out a tablet computer from his arms, and compared the national treasures in the box with the information in the tablet computer one by one. After more than ten minutes of comparison, finally It is determined that these things are the national treasures that were stolen before, and none of them are missing.

"Great, this task is completed, at least you can get hundreds of thousands of rewards, and now you have money to spend." Dao Feng happily stuffed the tablet back into his arms, and excitedly covered it with a national treasure-level cultural relic of boxes.

"How did you get these cultural relics? Did you get the news from that white female thief?" Leng Ji asked with a cold expression, but the tone of the words made people sound a little sour.

Dao Feng, who was just happy, had a wretched smile on his face when he heard the words, and looked at Zhuo Yun with a smirk, as if to say, you see what I said is right, this girl Leng Ji just fell in love with you, otherwise she would not There will be so much jealousy.

If it was before, Zhuo Yun would definitely have said something more serious immediately, since the ambiguity on the bed before, he felt a little guilty, and he was not as confident as before.

"You don't need to worry about this, anyway, I have already helped you find the cultural relics, how is the information I want now?" Touching his nose, Zhuo Yun shifted his gaze to Dao Feng while speaking.

"Oh, for the information you want, I have collected all the information about Witt through the army's news network and some intelligence agencies in the United States, as well as some reasonable speculations." Said Daofeng took out his tablet again Computer, hand it to Zhuo Yun.

After recalling the information stored in the tablet, Zhuo Yun spent more than ten minutes carefully reading the introduction to Witt.

"This Witt is one of the heirs of the Morgan family. Not only does he have a profound background, but he is also ruthless and suspicious. It is said that he has a lot of connections with the Holy See. Among his subordinates are monks from the Holy See. , is one of the biggest hot spots in this competition for inheritance rights." Dao Feng looked at Zhuo Yun with some anxiety and said, "Boss Zhuo Yun, it's better not to provoke a person like this. Now is a sensitive time, and it is easy to cause discomfort. Necessary trouble."

"Don't worry, I'm just curious, I don't want to do anything." Zhuo Yun smiled, pretending not to care.

"That's it!" Dao Feng heaved a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Zhuo Yun was very powerful and a supernatural being, a big family with a long history like the Morgan family did not lack the existence of supernatural beings. I'm really afraid that Zhuo Yun wants to deal with Witt.

"By the way, you have also found the national treasure and cultural relics now, are you planning to return to China immediately?" Zhuo Yun said to avoid Dao Feng's further entanglement with this topic, changing the subject.

Dao Feng shook his head, and said with an interested expression: "We discussed it before coming here, and we planned to fly back immediately today, but I heard that the largest auction in New York will be held, such a large auction It’s only held once a year, and we’ve decided to leave after attending this auction.”

"Auction, you mean that there will be a large auction in New York tomorrow." Zhuo Yun said with some surprise.

"Yeah, you don't know yet. I really don't know how you live. The auction is held at New York's largest auction venue, New Sink Auction. It officially starts in the evening. Many people have already booked the auction. seat."

With the existence of black tattoos in his body, Zhuo Yun urgently needs all kinds of medicinal materials like wild ginseng to replenish his vitality.

Now that he knows that Witt has bad intentions for Chu Meier, it is still too weak to rely on the two brothers George to deal with the young master of the Morgan family, so he is eager to restore his own strength, and now this auction His appearance is undoubtedly an opportunity, and besides, he just got more than one billion US dollars, which is not short of money.

The happy Zhuo Yun immediately came to the auction venue with Dao Feng and others by car. For such a large auction, the seats in the venue sell out very quickly. If you wait until tomorrow to make a reservation, not to mention the seats, even the standing places are probably already sold out. Gone.

"What! A position costs 10 US dollars!" Everyone came to the window for selling positions at the auction. After hearing the words of the staff, Dao Feng opened his mouth slightly in shock.

These people are the elites of the fifth army, and they can get a lot of money for every mission, but they also spend a lot of money, so they don't have much savings. If it is 10 yuan, they may still be able to get It can be concluded that one hundred thousand dollars is definitely not a small sum for Dao Feng and others.

"Hello, of the 10 US dollars, only 1 is used to buy seats, and the other 9 is a deposit. After the auction, if the price of the item you bought does not exceed [-] US dollars, then We will return the rest to you." The staff explained politely.

Zhuo Yun and the others also understood the behavior of the auction, and they did this to prevent people from standing in the latrine and not taking a shit, like Dao Feng and others going in to join in the fun.

"Whether you still want to book a seat, there are only five seats left, please make a decision quickly, if you don't want to buy, please step aside." The staff still said politely, but the words revealed A hint of contempt.

Those who can enter the auction are rich and powerful people. They are used to those rich people who spend money like water. When they suddenly see someone like Dao Feng, they will naturally feel a kind of disdain, even dissatisfaction. (To be continued..)

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