Super black turtle clone

Chapter 272 Auction Storm!

Compared with the people on the first floor, the boxes on the second and third floors are the real powerful people. The appetizers in front of them will naturally not attract their attention.

Whether it is abroad or in China, there is a tradition in the auction, that is, for every ten items, there will be a relatively heavy one, which is also to hold everyone's interest and appetite, after all, there are too many appetizers. It's also easy to feel unremarkable.

"Boss Zhuo Yun, the good show is about to begin now." Seeing Zhuo Yun's indifferent appearance, Dao Feng said with a smile.

Zhuo Yun, who had participated in several auctions, naturally knew this trend. Hearing Dao Feng's words, he nodded with concentration.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the central position of the auction platform rose again, revealing the purple nanmu table. On the table was an object with a height of fifty or sixty centimeters. The object was still covered with red. scarf to completely cover it up.

"What the hell is it!" Everyone present focused their eyes on it one after another, and some people couldn't help but become short of breath.

The red silk scarf was lifted, and under the illumination of the light, a piece of golden light flickered, making people focus on the people above, only feeling a piece of gold in front of them, and quickly closed their eyes, and waited for a while to get used to it before opening them again. open your eyes.

"What a majestic Buddha statue!" Through the tablet in front of him, Zhuo Yun could clearly see the Buddha statue on the purple nanmu table, and he was secretly amazed.

This golden Buddha is not a traditional Buddha statue. Generally, traditional Buddha statues have benevolent eyebrows and benevolent intentions, but this golden Buddha is glaring and frowning, revealing a murderous look all over his body.The lifelike shape is like a living angry King Kong.The momentum is mighty and domineering.

"This wrathful Vajra Buddha statue. It is a genuine pure gold Tibetan Buddha statue inherited from India. Its value is immeasurable. It was originally intended to be used as a treasure at the bottom of the box. After some discussions, it was auctioned as the first piece. product." The white man in charge of the auction on the auction platform spoke with a somewhat excited expression.

Hearing the Caucasian man's words, Zhuo Yun also showed a look of astonishment on his face. Originally, he thought that this golden Buddha was just a gilded Buddha statue, but he didn't expect it to be pure gold.What I want in the end is that this Buddha statue is still a hidden Buddha statue.

The so-called storage is a technique derived from ancient Buddhism. When shaping Buddha statues, it is estimated that a hollow Buddha statue is cast, and then a hole is opened at the bottom or other positions to store precious things such as gold, silver and jewelry. Put it inside, and then block the hole. From the outside, it is completely indistinguishable from the general Buddha statues that have not been hidden.

"This hidden golden Buddha has been appraised by professionals. It has not been opened, and it is a complete hidden golden Buddha. As for what is inside, because of the material of the golden Buddha, even with the current technology It is also impossible to detect, and in order to avoid damaging the Golden Buddha, it has not undergone any manual disassembly."

"The auction is now going on. The reserve price of this gold Buddha set is 30 US dollars!" The auctioneer shouted loudly, looking at everyone present with burning eyes.

The enthusiasm of the people present was ignited at once, not to mention all kinds of treasures that may appear in the hidden golden Buddha, the pure gold golden Buddha alone, plus the historical value is definitely far more than one hundred thousand US dollars, Even if there are no treasures inside, it is still a good deal to buy this mighty and domineering King Kong Buddha back.

Almost at the same time as the auctioneer finished shouting, various quotations on the big screen began to rise rapidly by swiping the screen. From the initial base price of 30, it increased to 50 in the blink of an eye. There is no slowdown at the moment.

"These guys are really crazy!" Seeing the flashing prices on the screen, Zhuo Yun admired secretly.

Everyone present is a wealthy party, and 50 US dollars is nothing to them. Naturally, the bidding keeps soaring, and the US dollar keeps rising like a blank sheet of paper. It seems that the US dollar has become worthless.

"75 U.S. dollars, the 28th customer bid 35 U.S. dollars, does anyone have a higher bid?" On the auction stage, the white male auctioneer shouted loudly.

The number of US dollars that was constantly refreshing on the big screen stopped at 75 US dollars, and the number 28 was displayed next to it.

75 US dollars is not a small amount, and if converted into Huaxia currency, it would be 600 million. Although it is very likely that there are many more valuable treasures in the hidden golden Buddha, that is only possible, and no one dares to I am 100% sure that the things inside are really precious treasures, so the price is considered relatively high.

It's just that Zhuo Yun still underestimated everyone's purchasing power, and soon the $75 was refreshed again, but this time it jumped directly to $80.

"My good guy, it has increased by fifty thousand dollars all of a sudden. What kind of person is this? It's so rich."

"Stupid, didn't you see the price displayed on the big screen? It was the price offered by the people in Box No. [-]."

"Box No. [-], isn't that the box where the Huaxia Chu family is located? I didn't expect that since they hugged the Morgan family's thigh, they not only solved the crisis of the group, but also became so generous in their actions."

"Idiot, keep your voice down, you don't want to mess around anymore, if the Morgan family hears it, we both will be in trouble, it's not like you don't know the Morgan family's dominance."

The two people in front whispered, one of them quickly stopped his companion's words, glanced around, and continued to stare at the auction table as if nothing had happened.

The two talked with laughter and muttered, thinking that other people around didn't hear it, but in fact their words were clearly heard by Zhuo Yun.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the conversation between the two of them. He only paid a little attention when he heard that the Chu family was involved. Unexpectedly, he got a lot of news, which was enough for him to figure it out carefully.

Through the conversation between the two, he can basically confirm that there must have been some crisis in the Chu family before, which put the group in a precarious state. Later, he embraced the thigh of the Morgan family, which solved the crisis of the group and has the current state. The lavish shot.

Why does the Morgan family help a group from China? At this moment, Zhuo Yun can only think of one possibility.That was the relationship between Chu Meier and Witt.

"Don't tell me there is no real relationship between Sister Mei and Witt. The reason why she wants to marry Witt is for her own group family." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun felt a slight pain in his heart.

This kind of thought came into his mind, and he suddenly said that when he met Chu Meier, she was obviously very excited and happy when she first saw him, but in a blink of an eye, she became indifferent and unfeeling, maybe it was true There is something hidden.

"Whether it's for the Chu family or for other reasons. I have to ask in person. Only in this way can I give up." A flash of determination flashed in Zhuo Yun's eyes. If it wasn't for him, he would still have to go through this auction. , to get what he wanted, he can't wait to go to Chu Meier immediately to ask for clarification.

While Zhuo Yun was thinking about it secretly, the competition for storing the golden Buddha finally came to an end, and the box where the Chu family lived finally bought it at a price of 85 US dollars.

To Zhuo Yun's surprise, the auction seemed to be a series of auctions, after the auction of the hidden golden Buddha was completed.The auctioned items have shifted from porcelain and gold wares to celebrity calligraphy and paintings.

After the auction of ten famous calligraphy and paintings, another authentic work by Tang Bohu appeared.It is rumored that someone has been collecting a picture of eighteen beauties that has never been released. It is a hand-painted picture of eighteen long beauties of national beauty and heavenly fragrance by Tang Bohu. It was purchased by another person in the box.

Zhuo Yun has no interest in these celebrity calligraphy and painting antiques at all. If he had been interested before, he would not have given the national treasure-level cultural relics to Leng Ji and the others.

Just when Zhuo Yun was a little disappointed, he auctioned off the pictures of eighteen beauties, but the items that were auctioned next caught his eyes, and he secretly admired that this time it was not in vain.

After the auction of literati calligraphy and painting, the next is the auction of various precious medicinal materials that he has been looking forward to for a long time, including formed Polygonum multiflorum, [-]-year-old ginseng, and some weird herbs in hot rainforests.

Compared with the previous auctions of antiques and calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, the auction of medicinal materials is undoubtedly not so enthusiastic. After all, foreigners still have limited understanding of medicinal materials and are not very interested. Only some wealthy businessmen from China will be interested.

Zhuo Yun, who has been waiting impatiently for a long time, how could he let others take away these good things, he decisively auctioned off all the precious medicinal materials, except for a few that were useless to him, most of them were bought by him A total of more than 100 million US dollars was spent.

Dao Feng and the others next to him secretly marveled at Zhuo Yun's behavior of spending money like water. They only knew that Zhuo Yun was rich before, but they didn't expect to be so rich, nearly 1000 million Huaxia coins, and they threw it out as soon as they said it.

"Hey, Boss Zhuo Yun, you are so rich, why don't you help me, a poor man, and I don't want too much, just give me one or two million dollars, and you can do whatever you want by then." Zhuo Yun's brows twitched at the sight of his coquettish appearance. If he hadn't considered that this was an auction venue, he really wanted to kick this guy flying.

Soon after the auction of ten auction items was completed, Zhuo Yun didn't care about arguing with Dao Feng, and focused his eyes on the auction stage with interest.

According to the previous model, the items to be auctioned next should also be a series of treasures of medicinal materials, and they will far exceed the previous ones such as Polygonum multiflorum.

Soon under Zhuo Yun's expectant eyes, as the auction platform rose slowly, a plant with a height of one meter appeared in his sight.

"What is this? Isn't the auction a fool? This is obviously an ordinary small tree, but it can also appear in an auction of this level."

"Yeah, there's nothing special about this tree. Could it be that it's a money tree, and if you shake it, it will drop gold."

After seeing this plant, the rich people present expressed their opinions in dissatisfaction. Some people directly questioned the purpose of this auction.

Not only the people present, but even Zhuo Yun didn't see any difference in this tree, its appearance was no different from any random small tree in the woods, no matter it was color or other aspects, it was hardly noticeable. any manifestation of value.

"The auction shouldn't be an ordinary plant." Thinking secretly in doubt, Zhuo Yun turned his gaze to George behind him.

George has the ability to sense plants. If there is something special about this plant, George is undoubtedly the one who can sense it the most.

George, who understood, immediately closed his eyes and carefully felt the plants placed on the platform. His expression was calm at first, but then it became a little weird.

"My lord, this plant is not simple. Because of the distance, I can't get rid of it, but I can tell that this plant contains powerful energy." George bowed his head slightly in a respectful manner, and said in a low voice. Looking at the plants on the auction stage in the distance, there was a strong curiosity.

Hearing George's words and the curious look in his eyes, Zhuo Yun understood that there must be an unusual secret inside the seemingly ordinary plant. Now he has George who knows how to control plant abilities by his side. If he buys this plant , Maybe the secrets in it can be unraveled.

"This plant was found in the Amazon rainforest. It doesn't look strange from the outside, but it has magical abilities. As long as it is within a radius of [-] meters around this plant, the growth rate will be higher than that of plants in other places. It is much better, and if it is to plant medicinal materials, it will be able to shorten the time for the medicinal materials to mature to half, and it has been found through experiments that some cancer patients who live within [-] meters of this plant for a period of time can obviously find The spread of cancer cells is suppressed, and even the condition of the cancerous part has been greatly improved."

The people who had questioned and criticized the appearance of this plant immediately burst into exclamations when they heard the words of the white auctioneer on the auction stage.

No one will doubt the credibility of the auction. After all, this is an auction jointly organized by Morgan and other big families. There is no need to deliberately lie for this little money. their reputation.

After all, for the major families, reputation is more important than money to a certain extent.

Even Zhuo Yun, who had some guesses about this plant, was also surprised when he heard the auctioneer's story, and his curiosity about this plant became even stronger. (To be continued..)

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