Super black turtle clone

Chapter 273 Unexpected contention!

"In addition, this plant must have other effects, but it has not been excavated yet, and to tell the truth to all the rich people present, several major families have conducted a comprehensive inspection of this plant, but they have not been able to find it. The origin of these miraculous effects."

Many people who were originally curious and even eager to try, hesitated when they heard these words. After all, even a few big families couldn't research anything, and the possibility of them wanting to benefit from it is estimated to be very small.

The auctioneer on the auction stage saw the hesitant looks of some people, and didn't worry or care at all. After all, those who really wanted to buy would never give up because of his words, and those who hesitated didn't say anything. They definitely wouldn't be willing to pay a high price, but saying this would make their auction fair and just.

"Okay, let's not say much else. The base price of this mysterious plant is 30 U.S. dollars, and each increase should not be less than [-] U.S. dollars. Now the auction begins."

With the auctioneer's soft shout, the auction officially started, but it fell into a cold scene at the beginning, and no one who offered the reserve price appeared for a while.

In the brief cold spot, just when many people thought that this plant was likely to fail the auction, the words 30 US dollars suddenly popped up on the screen, and the seat number [-] appeared next to it.

"Wow, someone really made a bid, no, someone really dared to buy this kind of thing."

"I guess I want to try my luck, but even the big families can't find anything, so buying it back can only be used as a decoration. This guy is stupid."

Immediately there was an uproar among the wealthy crowd, and many people sneered at the person in seat [-].

"Boss Zhuo Yun. No way. You paid the auction price just now!" Dao Feng next to him suddenly came to his senses.Turning his head to look at Zhuo Yun next to him, he confirmed the clearly written number [-], and said in amazement.

Seeing Dao Feng's unbelievable look, Zhuo Yun glanced at him differently, and nodded indifferently. Of course, he couldn't miss such an interesting thing. righteous wealth.There is no need to worry about the distress when the dollars are spent.

"Boss, are you crazy? You can't spend money like this!" Seeing Zhuo Yun nodding in recognition, Dao Feng was completely stunned.

Not only the blade, but even Can Leopard looked at Zhuo Yun as if he was looking at a fool. In their opinion, this plant was just a tasteless plant with no real value.

However, when everyone was astonished by Zhuo Yun's bid, the price originally displayed on the big screen of the auction table was 30 US dollars, but it flickered again and changed to 35 US dollars.

This price stayed for less than two seconds and changed to 40 again, which made all the rich people present stunned.I secretly marvel at how many fools there are.

The most important thing is that the price has been increased twice in a row, and each time it has increased by [-] US dollars.When they saw the actual location number, they showed a clear expression. The two price increases were the number of the box.

At the New Sink Auction, despite the fact that all the rich people present spent a lot of money, there was no comparison with the rich people who could enter the box.

The people in the box are not only rich, but also have their own influence, and have considerable influence in the United States and even the entire United States. Only such people can get the honor of the box.

For example, the Chu family also relies on the relationship of the Morgan family to be able to have a box position. Otherwise, with their economic strength and their own status, they are far from reaching the level of obtaining a box position, and they will not even be able to get a box position on the first floor. With few people, their influence and economic strength in the United States far surpassed that of the Chu family.

What happened next surprised everyone present. The prices of the plants they thought would be unsold soared at an astonishing speed. Except for Zhuo Yun at the beginning, the rest were almost all between boxes. competition.

The personal assets of the rich people in the box each have billions or even billions of dollars, and their company groups are even more valuable. Naturally, the sales are also extraordinarily generous. In the blink of an eye, the price has increased from 30 dollars To 80 US dollars.

"No, this garbage plant can be photographed for 80 US dollars, and it looks like it may break through to 100 million US dollars."

"We don't have the ability to explore the mysteries of this plant. People like those in the box are rich and powerful. Maybe they think they can find out the secrets of the plant. After all, this plant is really amazing. If you can Even if it costs [-] million U.S. dollars to get the medicine to eliminate cancer, it will not be a loss.”

The people present were discussing a lot. Some people thought that the rich people in the box had their heads flooded, or they were kicked by donkeys, while some people thought that these rich people were gambling and investing. Anyway, no matter how others understood it, The price of the plants has not stopped climbing.

"100 million US dollars, NO.18 box bids 100 million US dollars, is there anyone else who wants to offer a higher price, if no one offers a higher price, then this magical plant will belong to the buyer of NO.18 box." On the auction stage, the white auctioneer shouted loudly, with a hint of excitement in his expression.

Originally, in the auctioneer's opinion, this plant could be sold for 80 US dollars at most, but he did not expect it to break through 100 million, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

"100 million US dollars, the buyer of NO.18 is really worth the money. I don't know if anyone else has offered a higher price. No one will raise the price. After all, the uncertainty of this plant is too great."

While everyone was secretly guessing, in room No.18, a white middle-aged man was drinking coffee leisurely while holding the winning ticket. Behind the man stood two burly bodyguards exuding an intimidating aura, like an iron tower. Guarded by white men.

"I must have this miraculous plant." Staring at the seemingly ordinary plant, the middle-aged Caucasian man's eyes shone with excitement, as if in his eyes this plant was a gleaming plant. Jinshan.

When he was excited, the middle-aged Caucasian man took out a quaint book in his arms, which was full of various ancient characters. When he opened the pages of the book, a picture of a small tree appeared on a page. If you look carefully Then you will find that the portrait of this small tree is very similar to the auctioned plant, almost exactly the same.

"The legendary golden apple tree, I didn't expect this kind of thing to exist. As long as I get it, I will have endless wealth." Trembling slightly.

If anyone saw the expression of the middle-aged white man at this moment, they would be very surprised. It is hard to believe that Jorill, a calm and cold pharmaceutical tycoon, would have such an abnormal expression change, which is enough to show that there is some emotion in his heart. How intense.

"110 million, I read that right. The auction price has been raised to 110 million. The buyer of seat 110 bid [-] million. Has anyone offered a higher price?" The unique hoarse voice of the white auctioneer suddenly sounded, Waking up Jorrell, who was immersed in excitement.

"Who dares to compete with me, Jorel." Looking at the eye-catching words of 110 million displayed on the screen, Jorill's eyes burst into serious eyes.

As a tycoon in the pharmaceutical industry, although Jorill doesn't have the background of Morgan and other centuries-old families, he is only second to these big families in terms of economic strength and status in the United States. Except for a few big families, he is really There is nothing to be afraid of, and now someone is provoking him.

Compared to the angry Jorill, everyone on the first floor below was also shocked, completely shocked by the scene in front of them. They thought that 100 million was the limit, but now there is a buyer on the first floor who offered 110 million, which made everyone present Everyone's enthusiasm suddenly aroused.

Before everyone present could react, looking for Zhuo Yun, the buyer of seat [-], a new price figure flashed on the screen again.

"150 million, the buyer of box NO.18 has increased to 150 million dollars, is there anyone who has a higher bid!"

"200 million, I read that right, God, the auction price of this plant has increased to 200 million, which is simply beyond my imagination."

The white auctioneer on the stage shouted excitedly. The price increase of this plant has completely exceeded his expectations. This kind of competition between the two sides is exactly what he likes to see. The whole person shouted excitedly .

This auction not only surprised the auctioneer, but even the people in other boxes were shocked. They never expected that this plant would cause fierce competition between the two, and even increased the price by 50 US dollars at one time, which is equivalent to several millions of RMB.

Although the money is nothing to these rich people, but the things bought at auction are not for business after all, some are just for fun and love, and if you spend more than the value of the auction items, you will definitely lose but not earn Few people will make a big deal for one thing, unless they really like it.

"Could it be that this plant is really of great value?" Whether it was the people on the first floor or the rich people in the box, they all secretly guessed in their hearts, but they just thought about it in their minds, but they didn't participate in it. Among them, for businessmen, it is too early to be unprofitable, and it is a very taboo behavior in business to rashly pay a large price without confirming that there is a profit to be made, and it is also a relatively stupid behavior.

Only those who have nowhere to go, or those who want to get rich overnight, will like to take this extreme way. Everyone present is rich and powerful, but they don't have that kind of drive, and they prefer to do some transactions that can be controlled . (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins, the cute tiger and the overlord, and a monthly ticket for Zilinger on a moon night. It seems that a brother gave a monthly ticket before, but unfortunately I can’t see it anymore , Xiao Zhai would like to thank you.

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