Super black turtle clone

Chapter 274 Finale!

No matter what other people think or think, the auction price keeps soaring due to the mutual bidding between Zhuo Yun and Qiao Ruier. In a short time, it soared to 500 million US dollars. Everyone present was shocked by the bidding price in front of them. .

"My mother, I didn't expect Boss Zhuo Yun to be so rich. This is tens of millions of RMB. Where did he get so much money?" Dao Feng, who was sitting next to him, opened his mouth wide, feeling a little envious Looking at Zhuo Yun, his brain couldn't make a turn.

When I introduced Zhuo Yun into the fifth army before, I also knew about his family background. Zhuo Yun's parents are just ordinary people, and their family background is not even rich, let alone tens of millions of RMB. Even 10,000+ couldn't get it out, but now Zhuo Yun easily spent tens of millions on a plant, which is simply too crazy.

Although the seats in the auction venue are not arranged in order from low to high, there are certain rules to follow. Soon many people discovered the existence of Zhuo Yun, the number [-].

"This oriental boy is really a big spender. It's crazy to pay $500 million for a plant."

"Tch, I think this kid is a prodigal at all. He bid 500 million dollars for this plant and offended the rich man in box No.18. This is simply an extremely stupid behavior."

When everyone around had different opinions on Zhuo Yun's actions, and when most people sneered, Qiao Ruier in the No.18 box also had violent chest heaves and heaves.

"Damn Dongfang boy, don't you want this plant, then I will give it your wish. But it will be mine sooner rather than later." Jorill's eyes radiated a serious chill.The tone was a little gloomy and he was talking to himself.

He could see it.Zhuo Yun is determined to buy this plant. Judging from the price increase, it is far from his limit price. If the two continue to increase the price, even if he can finally buy it, he will probably have to pay thousands of dollars at that time. Ten thousand dollars, that's nearly [-] million yuan.

What worries Jorill most is that he is afraid that he will buy this plant at all costs.It will attract the attention of Morgan and other families. If the real situation is known to several big families, his plan to make a fortune alone will be ruined.

"Buyer No. 500 bid $[-] million. Is there any higher bid? Now count down for three seconds. If no one bids a higher price, then this magical plant will belong to buyer No. [-]." All, count down now!"

"Three, two......!" The white auctioneer shouted loudly, looking in the direction of box No.18 from time to time.Other people present also stared at the NO.18 box, expecting a higher price again.However, the result was destined to disappoint them.

Until the white auctioneer shouted, Qiao Ruier in the NO.18 box did not continue to increase the price, and finally this strange plant was successfully auctioned by Zhuo Yun at a price of 500 million US dollars.

Although the auction of exotic plants had such a situation that exceeded people's expectations, it did not attract everyone's attention. After all, the auction is still going on, and the more good things come, the finale auction is even more of an auction. It will be the real secret, and the auction price will be absolutely astonishing.

The finale auction of the New Sink Auction the year before last was sold at a price of 500 million U.S. dollars, which is at least nearly 1 million yuan when converted into RMB.

Such a large amount of money is used to auction and buy a thing, which is considered an extremely high price. In the history of the New Sink Auction, the highest auction price was a high price of [-] million US dollars. It only happened once.

Zhuo Yun didn't have any interest in the next auction items, he just joined in the excitement a few times and didn't increase the price.

With the rotation of the auction items, the auction price is also showing a continuous upward trend. Zhuo Yun's auction price of 500 million US dollars was quickly refreshed.

After nearly an hour of auction, the highest auction price was a precious relic of the French royal family, which was bought at a high price of 700 million US dollars.

More than an hour passed, but everyone present did not feel bored in the slightest. Instead, their eyes showed excitement and anticipation, because the next auction will be the finale of this auction, and it will definitely set a new record. This auction set a new record for the auction price.

In order to create a truly exciting atmosphere, the auction did not proceed directly to the finale auction, but chose to let everyone watch a dance performance first, to ease the tense atmosphere, and at the same time to enhance everyone's inner expectations and curiosity.

The original auction platform was turned into a dance stage, and the dance performed was the legendary little swan. It was also the first time that Zhuo Yun watched the performance of the little swan dance without TV.

A beautiful Caucasian girl dressed attractively, completely outlining her bumpy figure, danced on the stage, feasting the eyes of the rich people present. As for how many of them understand the art of dancing, it is not an auction What I want to know is that a group of people are watching it with great interest anyway, but most of the rich people's eyes are fixed on the body of the slender, attractively dressed Caucasian girl.

The wretched Dao Feng stared at the beautiful white girls on the stage, showing a look of a pervert, and Leng Ji next to him was upset.

Dao Feng, who was staring at the chest of a beautiful white girl, keenly felt a chill descending on him, couldn't help shivering, and quickly and decisively withdrew his colored gaze.

"Well, Boss Zhuo Yun, what do you think will be the final auction item? I heard news earlier that it is likely to be some kind of weapon, but what kind of weapon can be used as the finale auction." The blade shifted cleverly topic, looked at Zhuo Yun with a serious look.

Looking at the pretentious blade in a funny way, Zhuo Yun shook his head: "How could we know this kind of thing, but since it can be used as the finale auction, it must not be a simple item, and haven't you seen it? At the auction, only people from a few boxes bid for the previous items, and if I guessed correctly, their goal should be the final item."

"As expected of Boss Zhuo Yun, the analysis is really ingenious. Like those rich people in the box, they must have known in advance what the final auction item will be. It seems that this time it will be a battle between dragons and tigers." Dao Feng nodded flatteringly, There was a look of ready to watch the excitement in his eyes. (To be continued..)

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