Super black turtle clone

Chapter 281 Leveraging Strength to Fight!

Swallowing the lightning power on the Thunder Sword, Zhuo Yun immediately felt his whole body full of strength. Now if he faced Terence again, even if it was Terence in his heyday, he would not be afraid at all.

What made him depressed was that this powerful feeling had not had time to feel it properly, but it receded quickly like a tide, and a feeling of weakness flooded his heart.

"Damn it, don't play around with people like this." Sitting on the bed, Zhuo Yun smiled helplessly.

He really has nothing to do with the black tattoo, and there is nothing he can do in this situation, he can only maintain this short-term strength, and this strength also requires the existence of the Thunder Sword.

"Since the black tattoo can devour lightning, I wonder if it will be able to restore its original strength if it is struck twice by lightning in a thunderstorm."

As soon as this idea came up in his mind, Zhuo Yun quickly killed it in the bud. Was directly chopped into ashes.

In the midst of chaos in the center of New York, in a manor far away in the suburbs of New York, Terence was lying on the bed like a dead body, his whole body was scorched black, besides all the members of Hell and Heaven's Punishment , and a huge chimpanzee.

A flash of thunder came from outside the house, and in the blink of an eye, there was an old white man in the room.

"Elder Thunder Punishment!" Except for the chimpanzee, all other members of Hell's Punishment bowed their heads respectfully and shouted.

"En!" Elder Lei Fei nodded indifferently, and glanced at Terence, who was no different from a dead person on the bed, if not for his chest still slightly heaving.His brows frowned all of a sudden.

"What's going on here. How did Terrence become like this. Where is the Thor sword I asked you to bring back?"

Hearing Elder Lei Fei's inquiry, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird. After a while, one of them told the story with some trepidation.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!" Elder Lei Fei shouted angrily. Originally, in his opinion, this operation could be said to be foolproof. With the defensive power of the auction at that time, it was impossible to be the opponent of Terence and others. It turned out to be what it is now.

Suppress the anger in my heart.Elder Thunder Punishment walked to Terence's side, and used his lightning power to suck out the lightning that remained in Terence's body and was destroying his body cells. This was the real way to save Terence's life, otherwise His body will completely collapse in ten minutes.

After the turmoil of the auction, Leng Ji and the others did not continue to stay in New York in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, and left directly by private plane.

After Zhuo Yun sent Leng Ji and the others away, he asked George to secretly protect Chu Meier, using George's ability to control plants.Absolutely the best candidate for secret protection, if someone is against Chu Meier.Even if George is not the other party's opponent, he can still save Chu Meier by virtue of the plant's ability.

"Angelina, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate? Did you find any clues?" Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Zhuo Yun said impatiently.

Over the past few days, Zhuo Yun has been trying to find some clues about Witt, but in the end, he has not found anything. Although he has George's protection and does not have to worry about Chu Meier's safety, he still feels uneasy all the time.

Looking at the impatient Zhuo Yun, Angela shook her head slightly in fear, hesitated and said: "My lord, if you really want to deal with Witt, it is very unwise to do it directly. According to me Knowing Werther himself seems very unfathomable, and there are guards of supernatural beings around him all the time, if the Lord really wants to deal with Werther, I have an idea."

"Oh, whatever you want to say, just say it!" Zhuo Yun nodded and said after calming down his emotions.

Now he has no good solution, and can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"It's like this. Witt is not the only heir to the Morgan family. Among them, his biggest competitor is Sean, the eldest son of the Morgan family. We can use Sean's power to deal with Witt. Not only will we have greater confidence , and can avoid the Morgan family's investigation." Angela said tentatively.

Hearing Angela's words, Zhuo Yun's eyes suddenly lit up. Before that, he had been thinking about how to investigate Witt and how to deal with Witt, but he never thought of suppressing the investigation through the eldest son of the Morgan family, Sean, using their internal relationship. .

"The method you mentioned can be considered. You can find out Xiao En's whereabouts for me. I want to meet the young master of the Morgan family."

"Yes, my lord!" Angela nodded with a charming figure, twisted her fat buttocks, turned and walked out of the room.

If it was normal, Zhuo Yun would definitely appreciate it, but at this moment he is not in the mood,

Ever since he knew that Witt had other plans, he was secretly anxious. Although he didn't know why Witt pursued Chu Meier, he didn't want Chu Meier to be hurt no matter what.

"Witt, if you dare to hurt Sister Mei, I will never let you go." While speaking, Zhuo Yun's eyes shone coldly, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

Another day passed, and after Angela searched through her contacts, she finally let him grasp Sean's itinerary. Today he is going to a manor with an area of ​​several hundred hectares controlled by the Morgan family. A good chance to get close to him.

"Are you sure Sean will come here?" Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously after glancing at the endless walls of the manor.

"Of course, Sean took over the family business very early on. This huge manor is one of the businesses he took over. It specializes in the production of various vegetables and other flowers and plants. He will come here every once in a while. Take a look." Angela, who was sitting next to Zhuo Yun, said affirmatively.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun nodded. With his current status in the United States, he would not be able to meet Xiao En directly under normal circumstances, and could only use other methods.

Sitting half-lying in the car, Zhuo Yun closed his eyes and waited. Angela's Dao Xiaoen was going to the manor, but he didn't know the exact time, so they could only wait here quietly, while Chopper was in the manor Waiting for another entry to ensure that there will be no loopholes.

After calming down, a burst of delicate fragrance floated into Zhuo Yun's nasal cavity. The seductive fragrance seemed to show the charm of a woman, which made his originally calm mood become a little irritable. (To be continued..)

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