Super black turtle clone

Chapter 282 Shootout in the Manor!

As a normal man, Zhuo Yun is much stronger than ordinary men in terms of sexual needs, especially when he is surrounded by a person like Angela who has had an affair with him, and her figure and appearance are enough to make people The beating beauty made him feel his heart beating fast.

Slightly opened his eyes, looked sideways at Angela who was staring at the door of the manor, dressed like a secret agent, Zhuo Yun could only feel a heat flow down.

The low-cut collar on the upper body reveals the pair of huge white meat buns that make people drool, especially when paired with the black color of the clothes, it looks particularly attractive. The deep cleavage is like the Mediterranean Sea, which makes people once Entering will silence the bottom of the sea.

Below is the slender waist exposed in the air, which looks as sexy as the waist of a water snake. Coupled with the plump buttocks, it makes people want to have an old man push a cart and feel the surging touch of the buttocks.

Below the buttocks are the white and slender thighs, a pair of beautiful legs wearing leopard print stockings, full of wild temptation, making men involuntarily have a strong desire to conquer them.

Under Zhuo Yun's scorching gaze, Angela's expression became a little unnatural, her eyes were flickering and she dared not look directly at Zhuo Yun's gaze, even though the United States is a very open country, Angela's usual behavior is also charming, But a real chick.

Feeling the fiery eyes, Angela's heart was pounding, and the atmosphere in the car became delicate and awkward.

Just when Zhuo Yun and An Jina felt their energy and blood surged, and it was difficult for them to control themselves, the phone rang suddenly.Break this delicate atmosphere.

Got the call.Chopper's voice came from inside.Sean had already entered the manor through another door by car.

Hearing Qiaoba's words, Zhuo Yun immediately woke up. He didn't come here this time to play with the car.

"Buzz!" Just as he was about to sneak into the manor, a roar suddenly sounded, and a luxurious Land Rover off-road roared to the gate of the manor, and a dozen figures dived out of it. The burly man, who moved like the wind, controlled the guards in front of the manor in the blink of an eye.

"What's the situation!" See what's happening in sight.Zhuo Yun was shocked, the whole process was so fast that even he didn't react.

In addition to the dozen or so men, another car drove up from behind, and three people who were tightly dressed and almost completely wrapped themselves got off from it.

The other people around seemed to be very afraid of the three of them, and stayed by the side respectfully, and the three of them walked into the manor like this.

When the three of them were about to enter the manor, one of them suddenly turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Yun's position, hesitating for a while.Followed the other two and walked in.

"Who are these three people!" A look of shock flashed in Zhuo Yun's eyes, although he just glanced at them just now.But he felt strong murderous intent and blood from those eyes.

That kind of strong murderous intent and blood is definitely in the top three of the people he has met so far. Even Terence, a master of hell and heaven's punishment, does not have the look just now. The smell of blood is strong.

Although Zhuo Yun didn't figure out what was going on, he could keenly feel that the matter was not simple, especially the three tightly wrapped people, they were definitely three ruthless characters.

"My lord, it seems that this group of people came here with bad intentions, and they will not come to deal with Sean." Angela, who was sitting next to her, recovered from the bloody gaze just now, and said with a slightly pale face.

Hearing Angela's words, Zhuo Yun was slightly shocked, and a thought immediately appeared in his mind.

This manor is the property of the Morgan family. Judging from the whereabouts of the group just now, it is definitely not like they came to discuss business or discuss things, but more like a group of well-trained killers, and they came just at the right time When Sean was at the manor, Angela's words were absolutely 80.00% likely.

"If someone really wanted to kill Xiao En, who would it be?" Thinking, Zhuo Yun's eyes lit up sharply, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is a good opportunity for me."

After confirming his thoughts, Zhuo Yun recruited Chopper, and the three of them sneaked into the manor quietly. As soon as they entered the manor, they found that many guards of the manor had disappeared, and in some hidden places, they could still be seen lying in a pool of blood dead body.

"What a ruthless and professional method." Zhuo Yun glanced at the slain guards of the manor, and secretly admired in his heart.

All of these men were killed with one blow, most with a hole in the neck or a slit of the throat, and no one died with more than one wound.

"My lord, this kind of killing method is usually only practiced by killers or special forces. This group of people seems to be very simple." Chopper next to him said seriously.

Zhuo Yun nodded, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes: "This group of people should be here to deal with Xiao En. Naturally, they are not idle people. If there is any conflict in a while, they must go all out, otherwise it will not work out. We'll end up here instead."

If this group of people really came to deal with Sean, then things might become a little troublesome. Zhuo Yun hoped that Sean and Sean would be on guard against being killed by them, and also wanted Sean's subordinates to resist Can't stand the attack of these killers, at that time they appeared to rescue Sean, so the cooperation with Sean will become logical.

The only thing that made him uneasy were the three men in black. He couldn't maintain his fighting power for a long time now. If he couldn't deal with each other in a short time, the three of them would be in a dangerous situation.

"Angelina, you use your invisibility ability to sneak into the highest part of the manor, and wait for my order to be ready to strike at any time." After thinking for a moment, Zhuo Yun glanced at the two pistols in Angela's hand, slightly shaking his head in his mind With a slight movement, he took out a brand new sniper gun that was placed in the space between his eyebrows.

These firearms were all obtained from Sweden, so that during the period when he lost his combat effectiveness, there would be no room for fighting back. In addition to the blocking gun, he also had a large number of high-explosive grenades and even rocket launchers in the space between his eyebrows. .

Against the three men in black and other professionally trained killers, Angela, whose ability is only invisibility, is undoubtedly too weak to fight. However, if combined with her invisibility ability and a sniper gun, then it can become a A terrifying long-range killer capable of turning the tide of battle, even if discovered, is not enough to find her who is invisible.

Looking at the brand-new sniper gun that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, even Angela, who had a strong endurance, was stunned for a moment, feeling like magic.

"Yes, my lord!" Angela reached out to take the blocking gun, nodded and stepped into a nearby house. In almost three or four seconds, the door opened again, and Zhuo Yun and Qiao appeared in front of them. What Ba saw was a fast-moving sniper gun.

Regarding the speed at which Angela took off her clothes, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but be amazed. It's a pity that she is already invisible at this moment, otherwise she would be able to see the almost perfect and graceful body.

After Angela left, Zhuo Yun and Chopper quickly moved towards the inside of the manor, but the manor covers an unusually large area, even the housing area took nearly 10 minutes before they came to the killing Outside a manor villa with endless screams.

At this moment, a fierce and bloody fight is taking place in the villa, the sound of gunfire and screams is endless, more than a dozen killers have already rushed into the villa, and the three men in black who are wrapped all over their bodies are still indifferent outside the villa. Standing there, he didn't have the slightest intention to go in and help.

Waiting and watching from tens of meters away, Zhuo Yun did not step forward immediately, not to mention that the three men in black were difficult to deal with, the most important thing is that it is not yet the moment to decide the winner, he does not believe that as a The eldest son of the Morgan family, Sean, who came out to run the family business very early, would not have one or two powerful people around him.

In the blink of an eye, two to three minutes passed, and the fierce gun battle and screams in the villa gradually subsided, and finally disappeared completely, and the silence was terrifying.

"Wow!!" There was a tidy voice, and a series of submachine guns stretched out from the villa, all aimed at the three men in black on the open space.

"Xiao En, there is indeed a second mover. It seems that it is not my turn to make a move." Looking at the situation on the scene, Zhuo Yun thought to himself, his eyes swept around, and soon locked on the tallest building 200 meters away. At the top of the floor, with his keen eyesight, he could see the looming sniper gun.

The door of the villa opened, and two men and a woman came out of the villa. The three of them were all dressed as bodyguards, and each of them exuded a forceful aura.

Behind the three of them was a handsome blond-haired American sunny man. The identity of this man could be judged just from the invisible temperament of the man.

"You three, tell me who ordered you to come here. In this case, I may spare your lives. Otherwise, even if God is here today, you will only have a dead end." It reveals a domineering and unquestionable tempered in the market.

If it is an ordinary person, facing the high-ranking Sean, he will feel a little shorter invisibly, under his shouting, he will unconsciously feel pressure, and those who cannot resist will tell the eighteen generations of his ancestors .

It's a pity that what he is facing now is three men in black whose strength is unfathomable, full of blood and murderous aura, and he will not feel the slightest pressure at all. (To be continued..)

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