Super black turtle clone

Chapter 286 Destroy the Red Coral Pirates!

() "Parker is, do you think if we really want to harm the two of you, do you have a way to stop it?" Zhuo Yun glanced at Parker indifferently, Zhuo Yun smiled.

The guarded Parker's complexion changed slightly, and his expression was a little ugly, but thinking of the amazing power that Zhuo Yun had erupted before, a touch of fear emerged in his heart.

"Okay Parker, since Your Excellency Zhuo Yun saved me, he wouldn't hurt me. Otherwise, as long as he didn't make a move, we would have been killed by the people of the Holy See." Xiao En waved to Parker calmly. It shows the generosity and wisdom of the son of the big family.

Regarding Xiao En's sense of unruffled in danger, Zhuo Yun nodded secretly. He wanted to use Xiao En to deal with Witt and find out the real reason why Witt wanted to marry Chu Meier. If there is mud on the wall, then things will become more troublesome.

"Your Excellency Sean is indeed a smart person, so I won't go around in circles." Reaching out and hitting the table, Zhuo Yun said seriously: "I can help you deal with Witt, after this incident, you should have seen it When it comes to Witt’s ruthlessness, I didn’t succeed in killing you this time, and no one knows whether there will be a second or third time, so I think you need my help.”

Xiao En didn't show the slightest expression on his calm face, his gaze was slightly lowered, and he pondered for a moment.

"Your Excellency should not help me for free. What kind of request do you have? Tell me together."

"I just need you to check one thing for me. It won't be too difficult for you at all, and I will give you some help."

Both of them are smart people, the conversation went smoothly, and they quickly reached a consensus. Zhuo Yun also expressed his request and formally reached a united front.

"Lord Xiao En, why did you agree to his conditions? The person's origin is unknown, and he is an oriental man, and the conditions he proposed are really incomprehensible. Originally, the subordinates thought that he would speak loudly, but unexpectedly it was just Such a simple condition is really unbelievable, I'm afraid he has other schemes." In the car driving to the Morgan family, Parker said with a puzzled and worried expression.

Leaning on the seat, Parker closed his eyes and meditated. Hearing this, he slightly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of amber pupils full of calmness and even coldness.

"Parker, you have also seen what happened today. Witt has colluded with the Holy See. We have no way out now. I don't care what his background is or what his purpose is. As long as he can help me get rid of Witt and sit in the Morgan family If he has no malicious intentions, he will be our solid partner. If he has any ulterior motives and intends to get involved in my Morgan family, then it will be his. time of death."

"Yes, my lord!" Parker's body was slightly shocked, and he nodded suddenly, looking at Xiao En with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Although Xiao En does not have the powerful ability of a supernatural person, he has the mind and will of a hero. He can quickly keep himself calm at any time. You will be in awe.

In the villa where Witt lived, the three dead men of the Holy See stood upright, and their expressionless faces were like three stone sculptures.

"What's going on, why did you three dead men of the Holy See, plus a knight of the round table, miss it?" Witt shouted angrily on the sofa in front of the three dead men of the Holy See.

He has been plotting this plan for a while, in order to kill Xiao En when the defense force around him is the weakest, so that the position of the family patriarch must belong to him, and the current situation is that he does not have it. Thought-of.

For this operation, he spent a lot of money. Not only did he invite three dead soldiers of the Holy See, he even let him get the Knight of the Round Table, Ospin. He thought it was foolproof.

"My lord, everything went according to the plan. With Lord Austin, the Knight of the Round Table, Sean is sure to die. As a result, a group of forces rushed out halfway, and the strength of the leader broke the round table. The holy guardian of the knight Ospin." One of the dead soldiers of the Holy See replied respectfully.

"What, how is this possible, who is the other party, why are you against me." Witt stood up in amazement, and asked quickly in disbelief.

As the hidden son of the Holy See, Witt's understanding of the Holy See far exceeds that of ordinary members of the Holy See. He naturally understands how strong the holy protection displayed by a Knight of the Round Table like Austin Sting is. This is not the Middle Ages. In the World War, the supernatural powers have been severely damaged, and they are not as strong as before. People who can break through the sacred protection of Austin nails can be counted, even if they gather the supernatural beings of the entire world.

Powerful people like this generally belong to various organizations. Of course, there are also a few lone rangers, but there are very few such people. After all, with advanced technology, superhumans also need organizations to rely on. Witt thinks that he does not seem to be Have not provoked some other powerful organizations.

"My lord, according to Lord Austin, the other party casts the lightning power, and the physical power is also very strong, very similar to the thunder punishment elder of hell, but the other party is not the thunder punishment elder, It's an image of a young oriental man." The dead man of the Holy See still narrated with a blank expression.

"Oriental man, he is using lightning power." Witt's eyes narrowed slightly, he fell into a short thought, and soon came back to his senses: "Does Austin remember the other party's appearance?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shengzi. You also know that Mr. Austin's memory is not very good. He just knows that the other party is an oriental man. He looks more handsome and handsome. According to the aesthetic point of view of the oriental people, he should be regarded as a handsome guy, but." Said. At this point, the dead soldiers of the Holy See paused slightly.

Witt said with some dissatisfaction: "But what, tell me quickly, when did you learn to be tricky?"

"However, Master Austin once said that the other party held a long sword that exudes lightning in his hand, very similar to the thunder sword that was the finale of the last auction."

"Thunder Sword, are they really the people punished by hell? They are really getting more and more presumptuous. First they disrupted the auction and snatched the Thunder Sword, and now they have something to do with Xiao En!" Witt's eyes revealed a touch. Yin ruthless, the more he thinks about this matter, the more he thinks it is possible. After all, the punishment of hell has become more active recently. Even if he is involved with Xiao En, it is not impossible to try to gain certain benefits in the process of competing for the head of the family. things.

"Okay, you guys go back first, remember to tell Archbishop Wilson about the matter, and ask him to pay close attention to the movements of Hell's Punishment. If people from Hell's Punishment participate in the patriarchal competition, things will become very troublesome." Finally In a word, Witt said almost to himself.

Just as Sean knew that Witt had connections with the Holy See, and sent someone to assassinate him, but he could not be tried by the family, even if Sean was really connected with the people punished by hell, without clear evidence, he would Can't have any blow to Sean.

Although the power of the Holy See and Hell's Punishment is great on the bright side, almost every member of Hell's Punishment is a master. For the members of Hell's Punishment who are often in the dark corners, fighting secretly is their strong point.

In addition, the abilities of the members of Hell and Heaven's Punishment are different, and no obvious clues will be left because of this, but the Holy See is different. Almost all of them practice holy power, so every time the power of the Holy See is dispatched, Witt must carry out Once the careful arrangement fails, it will definitely be a fatal blow to him.

Time passed day by day, apart from eating, drinking, sleeping, and calling girls like Lei Baoer, I spent most of my time studying the black tattoo on my body, trying to find the mystery of the black tattoo, but there was nothing reward.

Through the phone, Zhuo Yun learned that his company in Huaxia was running smoothly, and Almighty Maritime was growing at an astonishing speed. Through the lead of Mingtian Ecological Park, it has now cooperated with several companies.

In addition, it is the research situation of mysterious aquatic plants. With the investment of large sums of money, the research of mysterious aquatic plants has made a great breakthrough. According to the estimation of Ming Zhenbo and others, it will only take a few months. , the skin care products developed using the mysterious aquatic plants will be released, which will definitely cause shock in the skin care product industry.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and the next step is to use aquatic plants to conduct research on various medicines, and fully dig out the value of mysterious aquatic plants.

As for Mei Daizi, who is in the Japanese country, she once called the villa, but at that time Zhuo Yun had already come to the United States. Through understanding, Zhuo Yun knew that Mei Daizi was now the patriarch of the Kitano family.

For Beiye Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun felt a little guilty. At the beginning, Meidaizi returned to the Wa Kingdom for her own sake. In order to fight for the position of the head of the Kitano family, it must have been a fierce battle. Needless to say, the danger involved, but he has always been I didn't take the time to go to Wa country to see her.

He secretly decided in his heart that when Chu Meier's matter was resolved, he would go to the Wa country in person to help Mei Daizi develop the Kitano family, at least he would no longer need to be attached to the Musashi family and become a vassal of other families.

"Thomas's phone, with the battleship, it looks like this kid can't wait." Glancing at the unfamiliar phone number, Zhuo Yun smiled.

"Master Neptune!" The phone was connected, and Thomas' solemn and respectful voice came from inside.

"Thomas, say, what's the matter!"

"My lord, after this period of recruitment, nearly a hundred retired special forces and some mercenaries from all over the world have been summoned, and the battleships have been equipped with a complete range of weapons, so I would like to request to go to war to wipe out the Red Coral Pirates, It’s a shame.” Speaking of the Red Coral Pirates, Thomas’ voice immediately became much higher, revealing deep hatred and murderous intent in his tone.

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