Super black turtle clone

Chapter 287 clouds and rain!

() "Sure enough!" Hearing Thomas' words, Zhuo Yun was not surprised. In fact, he had long wanted Thomas to attack the Red Coral Pirates, but it was different from Thomas' idea of ​​revenge. He had other deeper ideas. consideration.

"I don't have the slightest opinion on your extermination of the Red Coral Pirates, but have you ever thought about what will happen to the future of the Thomas Pirates after the Red Coral Pirates are exterminated?"

"Here, Lord Neptune, please give me some pointers." Thomas said quickly at a loss for words.

He is not bad at leading troops in battle, but if he thinks about these things, it is a bit beyond his ability, and he belongs to the type of general rather than commander.

Taking a breath, Zhuo Yun sorted out his thoughts in his mind, Zhuo Yun said slowly: "You have to know, now that the Thomas Pirates are incorporated by the Japanese country, if they continue to maintain the form of the pirate group, sooner or later they will be completely assimilated by the Japanese country, or they will be completely assimilated by the Japanese country. The Japanese extermination is in the bud, and this attack on the Red Coral Pirates is an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to turn the Thomas Pirates from an illegal group in name to a legal organization on the surface."

Thomas, who was far away in the pirate base, felt his heart skip a beat when he heard Zhuo Yun's words, with a thoughtful look on his face, as if he had realized something but didn't think clearly.

"The Malay Archipelago has always had a variety of forces, full of unstable factors, and there is fierce competition between the national political parties. This is an excellent opportunity. As long as you can eliminate the Red Coral Pirates, you will You can replace it, and recover the other two major pirate groups one by one, becoming the largest pirate organization in the Malay Archipelago. At that time, someone in the Malay Archipelago will definitely offer you an olive branch, and you will be able to turn the illegal pirate group into a Regular army, and strive for sufficient freedom and power, relying on the strength of the pirate group, it is not impossible for you to become the leader of a certain country."

Thomas, who originally had only a flash of inspiration in his mind, suddenly burst out with terrifying ambition when he heard this, and his admiration for Zhuo Yun climbed to another peak again in his heart.

In the past, he only wanted to strengthen his own pirate group, but now he realizes that he is really short-sighted. Zhuo Yun's words make him feel like he can't open the clouds.

Compared with Zhuo Yun, Thomas undoubtedly has a better say in the understanding of the Malay Archipelago. Because of the many islands in the Malay Archipelago, it is difficult to manage and there are various forces. There are pirate gangs, drug gangs, and even some private ones. Armed forces, even the countries of the Malay Archipelago cannot be stopped. This is the unique environment created by the special circumstances of the Malay Archipelago.

The Red Coral Pirates may be regarded as a major pirate force at sea, but in the complicated environment of the Malay Archipelago, they can only be regarded as a second-rate pirate force, and they cannot even attract the attention of some countries in the Malay Archipelago. The unified pirate forces in the archipelago can definitely develop into the most powerful pirate gang in the Malay archipelago.

With his current top-level battleships, coupled with the unified power, it is comparable to or even surpasses the naval forces of some countries in the Malay Archipelago. At that time, it will [-]% attract the attention of some national forces, and recruiting is also a sure thing.

At that time, it will not be the current state of relying on the Japanese country. After all, he still has to obey the dispatch of the Japanese country in name. Interests, own the dominance of self.

The two talked on the phone for nearly an hour. What made Zhuo Yun depressed was that this was the longest time he had called on the phone, but his first time was given to Thomas. depressed.

Letting Qiaoba guard him, Zhuo Yun lay down on his bed. In the blink of an eye, a person who was still alive was like a dead person. Except for a faint breath, the decline in vital signs was very doubtful. Will die immediately.

"No!" As soon as his consciousness shifted to Xuan Gui, Zhuo Yun was stunned by what he sensed.

During this period of time, the length of the black turtle's body unexpectedly increased to more than [-] meters without knowing it. The size of the terrifying giant is even bigger than some merchant ships, and its strength has increased several times compared to before. times.

The bottleneck that originally blocked Xuangui's cultivation speed had already been broken, and Zhuo Yun felt a little ashamed of that powerful feeling.

Even if his full strength is fully recovered, it is impossible for the current Xuan Gui to be right. It is estimated that he will not be able to take a round in front of the Xuan Gui. , It seems to be omnipotent in the rolling and surging.

"It's too powerful. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that I haven't paid attention to Xuangui for a while, and it has undergone such a huge change." Feeling the aura emanating from Xuangui, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but secretly horrified.

"Master, master, master!" Just as he was terrified, there was a faint sound, like a baby learning to speak, and it reached Zhuo Yun's mind.

"Who, who is talking!" Zhuo Yun jumped in shock, controlled the figure of Xuangui, and looked around in surprise, only to find that there were no other creatures around, and the fire python didn't know where it went Yes, the black tortoise is in a large grass at the moment.

"Lord, master, it's me, I'm Xuangui!" The crisp voice sounded again, compared to the last time, this time the words were clearer and louder, but after reaching Zhuo Yun's mind, it shook like a thunderbolt He was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? The sound just now was made by the black turtle. Could it be that it will turn into a monster?" Horrified, Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent heart, and his consciousness came to the black turtle's sea of ​​consciousness , feel the soul consciousness of Xuangui.

In the past, Xuangui's soul consciousness gave him the feeling more like a smart puppy, who could understand his simple commands, but he still felt muddled. Now the feeling revealed by Xuangui's soul consciousness, But full of agility and clarity.

Like a cataract patient, using medicine to remove the layer of cataract wrapped around the eyeball gives people a completely different feeling.

"Xuangui, it's really you, you already have your own consciousness." Zhuo Yun tentatively conveyed his thoughts to Xuangui.

"Yes, master, ever since the black turtle killed a sea monster and its strength has greatly increased, its spiritual intelligence has been gradually opened, and it has learned to use consciousness to convey words." The soul consciousness of the black turtle conveyed clearly Compared with the first two sentences, Zhuo Yun is not so blunt now. Zhuo Yun is secretly ashamed of this learning ability. Compared with human beings, he is far behind. He is worthy of being a mysterious turtle with extraordinary talents.

After chatting with Xuangui, Zhuo Yun realized that when Xuangui came back, he met a beast on the bottom of the sea, and that guy's strength was not much worse than Xuangui's. Only then did he kill it with the defensive power of his own turtle shell.

After devouring the beast on the seabed, he fell asleep in this piece of aquatic plants, and he didn't wake up until the last few days. After waking up, not only his intelligence increased greatly, but his body quickly became much bigger. Even his strength There have also been earth-shaking changes.

"Xuan Gui, not only your strength has greatly increased this time, but you have also possessed some magical powers. What are the specific abilities?" Zhuo Yun asked curiously.

"Master, the black tortoise can't understand clearly, let me show you." During the conversation, the black tortoise's consciousness mastered its huge body, and it took 10 minutes to swim to a place only ten meters away from the sea surface. The huge turtle shell can be seen through the clear blue water.

"What kind of ability the mysterious turtle possesses is really exciting!" Zhuo Yun secretly looked forward to it, looking at the sky above the sea through the eyes of the mysterious turtle.

In some fairy-tale novels, animals will become monsters after cultivating to a certain level, have many strange abilities, and even transform into human beings. Now Xuangui has the equivalent of seven or eight-year-old human children. Lingzhi is enough to prove that these are not completely fabricated contents, which makes him look forward to and see the unique ability of Xuangui even more.

"Ho Ho!" A deafening roar sounded suddenly, and the originally calm sea immediately oscillated violently with the roar, and the sea water was like a fountain amid the surging air waves.

Immediately after the roar, the clear sky was shrouded in dark clouds in the blink of an eye, and the strong wind raged on the sea surface, rolling up huge waves more than ten meters high. That violent scene was like the end of the world.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !

If someone is watching from a place ten miles away at this moment, they will definitely be shocked, because the weather in this ten-mile sea area is still sunny and fine, and the sea is calm and calm, completely unaffected by the surging waves in the ten-mile sea area.

"This, this is too crazy." Through Xuan Gui's eyes, Zhuo Yun saw everything in his eyes, and felt a strong shock in his heart.

"The black tortoise can manipulate the weather. It's just like the legendary dragon king. Could it be that the legendary dragon king who can move clouds and rain is real." Zhuo Yun was full of shock as he was thinking wildly in his heart.

"Huh, huh, huh!!" The downpour was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the sea area with a radius of ten miles was immediately shrouded in downpours.

After waking up from the shock, Zhuo Yun quickly focused his attention on the black turtle. He could feel the vitality in the black turtle's body being consumed rapidly, but compared to the huge viscous liquid vitality in the black turtle, Enough to last for over an hour.

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