Super black turtle clone

Chapter 288 Departure!

() In addition to the consumption of vitality, Zhuo Yun also discovered a situation that shocked and surprised him.

When the black tortoise was casting clouds and rain, the strange pattern on the turtle's back was constantly flashing with black light. As soon as his consciousness focused on the pattern on the tortoise's back, he immediately felt a mysterious feeling in his heart. Immersed in that feeling, the understanding of the pattern on the turtle's back is also constantly gaining new insights.

I don't know how long it took, Zhuo Yun, who was immersed in this profound perception, came back to his senses with a jolt. At this time, he found that the sea area above the wind and rain had calmed down, and the surging vitality in the black turtle was almost consumed. Not much left.

"It seems that I should have comprehended for an hour or so, but it seems to me that I have spent several days." Feeling slightly, Zhuo Yun let the black turtle swim towards the sea area where Thomas was, and He himself was immersed in his own consciousness, sorting out the insights of more than an hour.

Zhuo Yun also has some understanding of the tattoos on his body through the perception of the turtle shell pattern. This kind of pattern is very strange, like a kind of inheritance. I don’t know if it is because of the cultivation of the turtle’s breath or the clone of the black turtle. Because of the relationship, the unique inheritance of Xuangui also appeared on his body.

The lines on the back of the black tortoise avatar can be used to communicate with heaven and earth, displaying wind, rain, thunder and lightning, giving the black tortoise great power.

In Zhuo Yun's mind, the tattoo on his body can release such a powerful force after absorbing the lightning from the Thunder Sword, which must be a characteristic of tattoos, but he still can't fully grasp the black tattoo. The stimulation of the Thunder Sword is stimulated for a short time.

When he has fully mastered the black tattoo, Zhuo Yun believes that his strength will be greatly improved compared to before, just like the progress of Xuangui.

The speed of the black turtle may not be very fast on the ground, but if it is in the sea, even the fastest ship is weak compared to it, if it is not considered that the speed is too fast in the sea, it is easy to lead Still, the black turtle can continue to accelerate.

In the past, its speed was very fast, but now its strength has increased greatly. Its control over seawater is just like Zhuo Yun's water control field, but Zhuo Yun's water control field is only a few meters away, while Xuangui's control over seawater is much stronger. It can reach a hundred meters or even farther, and it can definitely be called the overlord of the ocean.

Before reaching the sea area where the Thomas Pirates were located, Xuangui sensed the whereabouts of the pirates first. They had already left the previous sea area, and passed through relatively remote ocean routes in a mighty way, avoiding the detection of the Japanese and Huaxia , heading in the direction of the Malay Archipelago.

"Thomas is really impatient, but now is indeed the best time to attack. Once Waguo notices the combat ships of the Thomas Pirates and the crew of retired special forces and mercenaries secretly recruited, it will definitely attract attention. It's going to be a big trouble." Letting Xuangui follow Thomas's pirates behind, Zhuo Yun thought to himself.

He doesn't think Waguo is so reassuring about Thomas, there must be some deployments that Thomas doesn't know about, and the matter of combat ships and crew recruitment will be leaked sooner or later.

A small island far away in the country of Wa, the entire island has been converted into a naval base, surrounded by a large number of troops deployed, with all kinds of advanced equipment, this is a high-tech preparation for the future navy of the country of Wa Naval Base.

"Sir, Thomas has moved a long distance. It has entered the high seas and is still heading in one direction. According to the route, it seems to be going to the Malay Islands." In the underground base, a person in charge of monitoring various signals The Japanese soldier quickly came to a Japanese official and saluted.

The Japanese officer who closed his eyes and rested his mind suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of triangular eyes exuded a cold light.

"Closely monitor, and at the same time mobilize satellites to observe along the road and report information at any time."

"Yes, sir!" The Japanese soldier who reported responded loudly, and quickly ran back to his work post.

Soon under the precise locking of the satellite, the images of Thomas's pirate ship and his party appeared on the big screen, and the simple camouflaged combat ships were driving fast, and various advanced maritime weapons could be seen on the ships.

"Baga, why do these pirates have so many battleships!" Looking at the battleships in sight, the Japanese officer, who was calm and indifferent just now, suddenly shrank his pupils, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes. The se.

After some locking operations, he could see that the battleships were all top-notch ships made in Sweden. The Japanese country also spent money to buy one. At that time, it was still for the sake of friendly cooperation between the two countries. , Now Thomas has launched more than 20 top-level combat ships at once, which makes him a little unbelievable.

"Baga, immediately inform Chief Wolf Ozawa of the news, and request a meeting to discuss the solution to the Thomas Pirates." The naval officer's pupils showed a murderous intent, and he gave the order in a gloomy and stern tone.

Originally, they incorporated the Thomas Pirates, just wanting to use it as cannon fodder for a surprise soldier, or to use it as a scapegoat. They didn't take Thomas the Pirates to heart at all. It is of no use.

The current situation made the naval officer realize that something was wrong. The Thomas Pirates were completely beyond their control, and even had enough sea power to make it difficult for the Wa Kingdom. After all, the Wa Kingdom has been suppressed by the United States and other countries for a long time. However, the naval power is only focused on the defense segment, which is one of the reasons why they need to incorporate the Thomas Pirates.

Just when Wa held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the Thomas Pirates, Thomas and his party of battleships were still on their way to the Malay Archipelago. The fateful battle of Thomas and his party.

"My lord!!" Zhuo Yun had just transferred his consciousness from the black turtle back to his true self, when Qiaoba's respectful voice sounded in his ears.

"What's the matter!" Zhuo Yun asked in a good mood after getting up from the bed and stretching.

"It's like this, Xiao En called just now, found some clues, and sent them by fax." Chopper handed the two pages of paper to Zhuo Yun.

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