Super black turtle clone

Chapter 293 Violent Sharkfish!

"Hey, Thomas, die to me, with the equipment and strength you sent, my Red Coral Pirates will become the most powerful pirate group in the Malay Archipelago." Blue said confidently.

In order to get this weapon, he spent a lot of money, and he has been reluctant to use it, just to give the enemy a fatal blow at the most critical moment, and now is the time for Thomas to go to God.

"Haha, good job guys, kill these bastards for me!" On the Thomas, as the captain, Thomas excitedly pulled the trigger of the heavy machine gun, unaware that death was quietly approaching him, maybe the next In a moment, he and Thomas will be blown into the sky.

"Launch!!" Bruce, who recovered from his obsession, shouted firmly and solemnly.

As Bruce's words fell, the hull of the ship he was on trembled for a while, and then it was on the sea in front of the ship; immediately there was a wave of five or six meters, and it rushed towards the direction of Thomas at high speed. Go like a fast-swimming shark.

"Thomas, farewell!" Bruce waved a farewell gesture to Thomas in high spirits.

Different from ordinary torpedoes, the torpedo bought by Bruce is the most powerful torpedo today. It is called Violent Shark, which means a violent shark. It is three times more powerful than ordinary torpedoes. Once it hits Definitely will blow Thomas Good to pieces.

With such a big momentum, Thomas and others also noticed that something was wrong, but it was too late to dodge, after all, the distance between the two sides was too close.

"Oh my god, what's going on, no no!!" Bruce was waiting for the moment of the explosion.A look of fear suddenly bloomed in the pupils.Exclaimed looking at the tide of the fish impact.

The violent shark that originally rushed towards the Thomas.Seeing that he was about to hit, he played gracefully in an unbelievable way, and when he turned a corner, he rushed back instead.

Not only was Bruce stunned, even Thomas and the others were stunned by the thrill in front of them. Some crew members who originally planned to jump off the ship kept their diving postures in a daze.

"Boom!!" The violent shark bombarded the battleship where Bruce was, and the violent explosion completely enveloped the entire ship, as if a mushroom cloud had exploded on the sea.The sea waves with a height of more than ten meters flapped in all directions, and several pirate ships of the red coral pirate group next to them were photographed under the waves.

The raging waves lasted for nearly a minute, and when the waves subsided, Thomas and the others saw a messy sea.

The pirate ship Bruce was on was blown to pieces, and the surrounding red coral pirate ships were also impacted by the waves to varying degrees, especially the last three were tragically swept into the sea by the waves.

The remaining pirates of the Red Coral Pirates looked at the scene in front of them and wanted to cry. Originally, they were supposed to be watching Thomas and his party, but now there was a fundamental change. Boomed to pieces.This is simply the greatest irony.

"Master Neptune, it must be the omnipotent Lord Neptune who is protecting us. Long live Neptune, long live Neptune." Waking up from the shock, Thomas immediately shouted excitedly, his whole body seemed to be pumped like a fanatic Shouting like roaring.

Except for those mercenaries and retired special forces hired at a high price, the other members of the original Thomas Pirates all followed Thomas crazily and shouted.

They are all people who have truly witnessed the power of the Neptune, and only the Neptune can do the scene in front of them. Even those retired special forces or mercenaries who did not believe in the matter of the Neptune before have some doubts at the moment. There is the existence of the god Neptune.

The scene just now was so weird that it was impossible to understand with ordinary scientific knowledge. The flying sharks would automatically turn and attack Bru, which itself is an incredible thing.

Just as Thomas and his party were shouting wildly and jubilantly, a huge black turtle was floating in the sea water tens of meters away.

The turn of the violent shark fish just now was caused by Zhuo Yun letting the mysterious turtle control the water flow. This is not a difficult task for the mysterious turtle whose strength has greatly increased.

"I didn't expect the Red Coral Pirates to have such a powerful fish. Fortunately, I asked the black turtle to follow, otherwise Thomas would capsize in the sewer." Through the induction of the black turtle, he could see all the explosions in his eyes Zhuo Yun secretly rejoiced in his heart.

In order to support Thomas, he has spent a lot of effort. If Thomas is really reimbursed here, it means that all his busy days these days have been scrapped.

At the beginning, he was worried that the Red Coral Pirates had some powerful tricks. After all, the other party was a big pirate group that had been in business for decades. He would never believe it if he had no background.

Bruce was blown to death by the violent shark torpedo he fired, and the remaining pirates could not resist Thomas and his party at all, and the battle came to a perfect end soon.

After some killing and bombardment, six complete red coral pirate ships finally surrendered. The other pirate ships needed major repairs to be able to operate normally, and the number of surrendered red coral pirates was more than 100.

Don't underestimate these 100 people, these people are the elites of the Red Coral Pirates, they are people who can fight, not old and young, women and children.

These gains alone have greatly increased the strength of the Thomas Pirates. Of course, this is just the beginning. When the Red Coral Pirates are fully mastered, the Thomas Pirates will truly rise.

Controlling the rest of the Red Coral Pirates, Thomas quickly won their support. After all, Thomas was a member of the Red Coral Pirates before, and many people knew about his presence. Compared to the selfish Bruce , he is more suitable to be the leader of a pirate group.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Zhuo Yun didn't need to stay here any longer, and with a slight movement of his mind, he returned his consciousness from Xuangui's body to his true self.

"Thomas' affairs are basically over now, and I can finally put all my experience on Witt's affairs." Waking up from a deep sleep, Zhuo Yun's eyes flickered coldly.

In the next few days, he was working hard to restore the vitality in his body, and the recovery speed of the vitality was beyond his imagination. It only took three days, and he restored the vitality to his peak period, and it seemed that the vitality was growing It didn't stop because of this, it was still increasing.

During these three days, he would go to Chu Meier's villa every night, and naturally every time would be a gut-wrenching battle.

I don't know if it was because of the fight for the patriarch of the family, or for other reasons, Witt just called Chu Meier a few times, and did not come to the villa, but it was precisely this that made Zhuo Yun even more worried.

In a forest in the suburbs of New York, Zhuo Yun stood expectantly in an empty space, and not far away stood Chopper and Angela.

Since regaining his vitality, he hasn't tested his abilities yet, and things have become more and more weird. He must restore his previous combat power as soon as possible. After all, he hasn't used his abilities for a long time, and his control over abilities has been exhausted. Rusty a lot.

For Zhuo Yun, the recovery of vitality should be like an instinct to cast supernatural powers. However, when he was about to experiment, he was shocked to find that he didn't have the slightest supernatural power. Whether it was the water control field or the ice system supernatural power, it seemed that they had all disappeared. No matter how the vitality in the body was running, there was no reaction at all.

"Damn it, what's going on!" Zhuo Yun shouted anxiously with a face full of astonishment.

Originally, in his opinion, the recovery of the vitality in his body meant that his abilities had also been restored, but now it seems that things are not as smooth as he imagined.

"How could this be? Calm down. I must calm down. Don't be affected by the irritability in my heart." Persuading himself secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun closed his eyes and thought about the reason for this situation. Found a possibility, that is the black tattoo in his body.

It was because of the black tattoo before that it swallowed up all the vitality, but now even though the problem of vitality has been solved, the ability still hasn't recovered.

Regarding the black tattoo in his body, Zhuo Yun already had some understanding through the black turtle, but it didn't mean he could control it.

"How on earth can I recover my powers!" Zhuo Yun was thinking anxiously, but suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, reminiscent of the situation when the mysterious turtle summoned a storm on the sea.

"Maybe I can learn from Xuangui and try to communicate with the black tattoo, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun sat cross-legged on the ground without the slightest hesitation. Anyway, there is no other way now, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and besides, even if he fails, there is no loss for him now.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Zhuo Yun tried to calm himself down completely, immersed his consciousness into his body, and circulated the tortoise's breath to follow the vitality in his body.

The vitality was running over and over again, and Zhuo Yun, who was concentrating all his attention, could feel the growth of vitality in his body, but he didn't feel the existence of the black tattoo in his body at all.

"By the way, why did I forget, besides the turtle's breath massage, why don't I try the turtle's breath formula, the turtle's breath formula itself is to spread vitality to various parts of the body, maybe there will be discoveries." Considering this , Zhuo Yun immediately changed his original cultivation method to the operation method of the Turtle Breathing Art.

The turtle's breath formula is different from the turtle's breath gun. The turtle's breath gun is a formula for cultivating vitality, while the turtle's breath formula is a means of using vitality. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks to old kk, gray boy, the evaluation votes of the two, and the reward of [-] starting point coins from the little tiger in the devil world. It has been a long time since there have been no evaluation votes and rewards, ha ha!

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