Super black turtle clone

Chapter 294 The true ability of black tattoos!

The vitality in the body began to spread toward the body according to the operation method of the turtle's breath formula. During the diffusion process, the body was strengthened, and at the same time, a strong defensive force was generated to protect the internal organs and the body.

"Huh!" Zhuo Yun, who was concentrated, frowned violently during the diffusion of vitality. In his feeling, when the vitality spread to his body muscles, the vitality seemed to be swallowed by an invisible force. Although not much was absorbed, it still made him who was concentrating feel it.

"Could it be the black tattoo that devoured the vitality just now!" Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun was secretly excited.

Suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, and continued to maintain the operation method of the turtle's breath formula. The vitality spread in his body at a stretch. During the process of spreading, he has been concentrating on observing.

After trying again and again, he finally found some clues.

Exercising the turtle's breath formula again, Zhuo Yun concentrated all his energy to control the surging vitality, and when he came to the place where the vitality was absorbed every time, he actively controlled the vitality in his body to flow into that position.

"Hiss!" The vitality was too concentrated, causing Zhuo Yun's body to feel tearing pain immediately. Even with his physical fitness, he couldn't bear the massive concentration of vitality, but even if the pain came from his body, he couldn't bear it. He didn't stop at all, and continued to search for that feeling, using the vitality in his body to stimulate it.

Severe pain surged into Zhuo Yun's heart like a tide, and the accumulation of a large amount of vitality made him feel as if that part of his body was about to explode. Just when he was about to lose his hold, a suction force suddenly appeared.The gathered vitality was absorbed immediately.

"Success. Success!" Panting heavily, she slumped on the ground.Zhuo Yun looked at the black tattoo on his arm with excitement.

Under his almost self-harming stimulation, he finally forced out the black tattoo, and at the same time he forced out the black tattoo, a strong feeling rushed into his heart, that feeling seemed to be possessed When Xuangui was on it.

Trying to pour vitality into the black tattoo, Zhuo Yun immediately felt a sense of mastery over everything around him, that feeling was very strange, as if he had transformed himself into nature.

"It's strange. It's getting dark!" Chopper and Angela, who were guarding not far from Zhuo Yun, raised their heads in doubt. look.

Just when they were secretly wondering and wanted to remind Zhuo Yun, the dark clouds in the sky immediately thundered, followed by heavy rain pouring down from them.

"Huh, huh, huh!!" Pieces of torrential raindrops fell from the sky, Angela instinctively put her hands on top of her head to block the rain, but the result surprised her.The rain did not fall on him.

"Hey, what's going on here. God!" Taking off the palm on top of her head, looking at the scene in front of her, Angela even moved God out.

The torrential rain enveloped the surroundings, but Zhuo Yun, Angela, and Chopper were the only ones isolated, as if there were three invisible shields covering the three of them from the rain that fell from the sky.

"This feeling is really great!" Just as Angela and Chopper were horrified by the sight in front of them, Zhuo Yun was immersed in the pleasure of controlling everything and manipulating nature.

Everything that happens in the sky is under his control. The reason why the rain will not fall on the three of them is also under his control. Everything around him is completely under his control. At this moment, he seems to be transformed into omnipotent god.

He just watched the storm played by the black turtle on the sea before. Although it was shocking, he did not experience it himself. Now he has really experienced the pleasure of controlling nature. That feeling is simply obsessed. .

Of course, Zhuo Yun can only control the weather within a range of nearly ten miles compared to Xuan Gui, which can only control a radius of [-] meters. Of course, the consumption of vitality is relatively much smaller in this way, especially with the help of black tattoos. He is confident that he can maintain it for a day, and if he cultivates while performing it, he can maintain it for a longer period of time.

Familiar with controlling the rainstorm, Zhuo Yun began to study other abilities. The rainstorm only has the effect of rainfall, and the ability to perceive the environment within a range of [-] meters. There is no particularly powerful attack power at all. Is it necessary to flood the opponent with rain? You can't die.

"By the way, controlling the weather and rain now can be said to be a water attribute ability. I don't know if I can turn it into ice and snow." Thinking of his previous ice attribute ability, Zhuo Yun felt that this idea still made sense.

Just do what he wants, he immediately controls the black tattoo, and controls the black cloud in the sky through the vitality in his body.

"Chopper, do you feel that the air is getting colder!" Angela, who was in shock, couldn't help shivering, and said with her arms folded in front of her chest.

Apart from her own invisibility ability, Angela's other physical qualities are stronger than the average person's. She is still very sensitive to changes in the surrounding temperature. In contrast, Chopper is much slower, until the rainstorm in the sky changes to snowflakes. , he felt the temperature drop.

"It's snowing, it's summer now, and it's snowing." Looking at the crystal snowflakes falling in the sky, Angela and the two were shocked.

"Could it be that adults made all of this? It's amazing, it's like an omnipotent god!" Staring at Zhuo Yun standing in the open space, Angela was filled with awe, and unconsciously Zhuo Yun was in awe. The status in her mind has improved a lot.

"Icicle!" Zhuo Yun, who was standing in the middle of the open space, shouted suddenly after the snowflakes fell for more than ten seconds, as if talking to himself.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" At the same time as the shout came out, there were bursts of sharp piercing sounds in the air. The two of Angela looked up at the sky, and fist-sized ice cones fell from the sky between them.

"Bang bang bang!" In an instant, the ground with a radius of [-] meters was attacked by ice cones one after another. Except for the position where the three of them were standing, all other places, whether it was trees or flowers, were all ravaged by ice cones. Some trees were even worse. It was riddled with holes pierced by ice picks.

Glancing at the ravaged forest, Zhuo Yun nodded inwardly. He just experimented with his abilities a little bit, and he can summon even more powerful moves, but there is no need to fully expose them now.

"Sure enough it's not that simple!" After summoning an ice cone, Zhuo Yun keenly found that the vitality in his body had been consumed twice as much as before, and Zhuo Yun was secretly startled. (to be continued..)

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