Super black turtle clone

Chapter 296 Ritual!

"George, I'll leave this guy to you." Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, turned around and left.

"Yes! Your Excellency." There was a flash of light and shadow on the grass next to him, and George, who was invisible, appeared, and the weeds that looked like pythons surged up, completely enveloping the bodyguard man.

Sitting in the car, Zhuo Yun's eyes were a little gloomy, and he raised his head to glance at the respectful and guilty George.

"My lord, George should be damned. It was because George was not doing well. At that time, one of the two supernatural beings with Witt had a strange supernatural power, which could detect invisibility. I was discovered and had to leave temporarily. Please, my lord. Punishment." George bowed his head and reported guiltily.

"Get in the car first, the punishment will be discussed later!" Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhuo Yun said coldly.

The two brothers Chopper were loyal to him. Although what he did this time was terrible, it was justifiable. He was not so angry that he lost his mind.

On the way George was driving back, Zhuo Yun called Sean and asked him to find out the location of Witt and Chu Meier immediately. The uneasy feeling in his heart told him that this time Witt took Chu Meier away. It's not that simple.

Back at the hotel, Zhuo Yun gathered Qiaoba and others in his room and gave the deployment order. Once he found Chu Meier's location, he would do it immediately, even if he offended the Morgan family for this. No hesitation, after all, he doesn't have much influence in the United States.

The Morgan family has a behemoth-like power in the United States, but it has no such influence in China. As long as he returns to China, the Morgan family will not be able to deal with him at all.And with his current strength.Zhuo Yun also doesn't think that ordinary people can hurt him.

Sean's mobility is still very strong.Only half an hour later, news came that Witt was at a church a hundred miles away from the center of New York.

That church is not the main church of the Holy See in New York, but a relatively remote church. It stands to reason that a character like Witt has no reason to go to such a remote church. The so-called abnormality must be a demon.

"Sean, this is an opportunity to eradicate Witt. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when it will be until the next time. I will do my best to help you when the time comes." Holding the phone, Zhuo Yun said seriously the way.

Sean on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment. For him, this was also a great temptation. Witt had assassinated him in the manor before, and now it happened to be a good opportunity for him to attack Witt.

The only thing that made Sean undecided was that he was afraid that this time it would be a trap set by Witt. If that was the case, the people he sent would definitely be in danger, since the last assassination.His subordinates were severely injured, if they were killed again.This is also a serious blow to Sean.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get any tiger cubs!" After thinking for a moment, Xiao En made up his mind, agreed to Zhuo Yun's proposal, and made an appointment for a meeting place.

After receiving Xiao En's answer, Zhuo Yun hung up the call in satisfaction, thinking about some things in his mind.

The reason why he wanted to pull Xiao En this time was not only to avoid accidents, but also for the sake of Chu Meier's family. A person who doesn't care about his own happiness will only make him feel contemptuous.

But the other party is Chu Meier's family after all, he doesn't want his behavior to implicate Chu Meier's family, it will only make Chu Meier sad, now pulling Xiao En into the water, he can not only use Xiao En's strength, but also The incident can be characterized as a battle for the position of the patriarch of the family, so that a lot of trouble can be avoided.

Ten minutes later, at the agreed place, Zhuo Yun and his party met Xiao En and his subordinates.

This time, in order to be able to kill Witt in one fell swoop, Sean was bleeding. Ten of the dozens of people turned out to be supernatural beings, especially the one standing behind him. Feel a strong breath.

After recovering his strength, Zhuo Yun became more sensitive to the surrounding senses, even though the opponent restrained his breath, he still couldn't escape his senses.

"Your Excellency Zhuo Yun, this is my personal bodyguard, Rogge. If Rogge wasn't by my side last time, Witt wouldn't have dared to do anything. He is a very powerful supernatural being." Sean looked proud He introduced to the man behind him exuding a powerful aura.

"He is Rogge!" Zhuo Yun nodded as he looked at this plain-looking man who exuded a menacing aura.

He had heard from Sean before that Rogge was the strongest ability user under him, who had always protected his safety and saved him several times, and it was precisely because of Rogge that Witt dared not easily To attack him, the last time Witt sent the Vatican to assassinate him because Rogge was not by his side.

"Hello!" Rogge walked up to Zhuo Yun with a cold face, and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Rogge!" Zhuo Yun greeted with a smile, and stretched out his hand to hold Rogge's palm. The moment the two palms touched, Rogge's palm immediately felt a huge squeeze. Broken palm immediately.

Feeling the squeezing force from the palm, Zhuo Yun smiled, and also increased the strength of his palm calmly, from the pure physical strength at the beginning, to mobilizing the vitality in the body later, except that it did not stimulate the vitality in the body. The black tattoo almost showed all its strength.

"Quack quack!" The clasped palms of the two made an unpleasant sound, an invisible vortex was surging, and the arms of the two were also bulging muscles.

"Rogge admires your strength, and I hope this cooperation will be happy." Rogge said with the same cold expression, but there was a trace of respect for the strong in his words.

"You're not bad!" Zhuo Yun said with a serious smile, and the two of them knowingly let go of their clenched hands. Although it was only a short competition just now, Zhuo Yun could tell that Rogge was very strong. Strong, it depends on his ability level, he didn't see Rogge's ability from the grip strength competition just now.

When Zhuo Yun judged Rogge's strength, Rogge's withdrawn palm trembled slightly behind him, and the muscles on his face twitched a few times. The competition just now was not as powerful as he appeared on the surface. After all, Zhuo Yun's Even if it is as powerful as Pusalu who has a body of steel, he will not give up.

After a brief acquaintance, everyone didn't stay too long, and Zhuo Yun, Rogge and others immediately drove to the church where Witt was.

And just as they were going to the church, Witt was staying with a gray-haired priest in a strange room in the church.

"Archbishop Wilson, there is no danger in doing this." Witt asked worriedly with a hesitant expression.

If someone heard Witt's words at this moment, they would open their mouths in shock. The real identity of the white-haired old priest in front of him was Archbishop Wilson.

In the Holy See, Archbishop Wilson is definitely second only to the Pope in real power. The power he possesses is slightly inferior to that of the Morgan family, and his strength is even more powerful. It is rumored that he was called the number one expert in the Holy See when he was young. It's just that his strength has declined as he gets older, but he is still the top powerhouse in the world.

"Son, don't worry, will I still harm you, Archbishop Wilson? There are not many days left until the selection of the Morgan family patriarch. You must improve your value as soon as possible. Only in this way can you become the Morgan family patriarch. And then rely on the Eucharist to become the Pope of the Holy See, and then your full power will be poured over the entire United States." Archbishop Wilson, with a kind expression on his face, said with deceptive words.

Witt, who was still a little hesitant at first, heard the words of Archbishop Wilson, and his eyes burst out with a frightening ambition. The scene of him holding the Holy See and the Morgan family in his hands has already appeared in his mind, and then he will regain the rest. If there are several big families in the country, then the whole of America will be his world.

"Archbishop Wilson, let's start then, may God bless!" Witt put on a praying posture, suppressing his passionate thoughts.

"Very well, only with a firm New Year can you be blessed by God and transform your body into the purest Eucharist. At that time, even if the Pope doesn't want to abdicate, he won't be tolerated." Archbishop Wilson said with a smile on his face. As he spoke, Witt, who was immersed in fantasy, did not notice the excitement and ambition revealed in Archbishop Wilson's eyes while speaking.

The two walked out of the room, and soon came to a secret room under the church. The secret room was as spacious as an ancient hall. In the center of the hall was a statue of God. The whole person was tied to a cross and a nail was nailed to his chest. handle wooden nails.

In the center of this secret room is a stone bed filled with various strange runes. On the stone bed lies a woman. This person is none other than Chu Meier, but at this moment, Chu Meier is already in a coma. When he died, his body was tied to a stone bed.

"As long as you complete the ceremony, you can have the perfect Eucharist, and you will have a bright future." Archbishop Wilson said with a smile, glancing at Chu Meier who was lying on it.

"Yes! Archbishop!" Witt looked at Chu Meier with some pity, and when he put away his pity, it was replaced by fiery desire and ambition.

Archbishop Wilson nodded in satisfaction, and walked to the stone bed where Chu Meier was lying, and a Bible exuding a simple atmosphere appeared in the air in his hand, suspended above Chu Meier's body.

Various strange patterns shone on the bible, and waves of mysterious aura emanated from it, completely different from the bibles used by ordinary monks of the Holy See. (To be continued..)

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