Super black turtle clone

Chapter 297 Bombard the cathedral!

The Bible used by ordinary monks in the Holy See is just an ordinary thing infused with holy power, but the Bible in the hands of Archbishop Wilson is a part of the sacred Holy Bible of the Holy See. The reason why it is called a part is because the Bible has two parts, divided into two parts. Up and down, the upper part has disappeared during the medieval battle, and the bible in his hand is the lower part.

In order for Witt to have the Eucharist that is said to be possessed only by the messenger of God in the Holy See, he must use the power of the lower Bible. In order to get this Bible from the Pope, he also spent a lot of money, all for today's moment.

The light on Archbishop Wilson's body was shining brightly, and an angel phantom appeared above his body. Unlike the holy protection of the Knight of the Round Table Ospin, the phantom of the angel condensed by Archbishop Wilson appeared more vivid, as if alive.

The phantom of the angel flashed in the air, and immediately turned into a stream of light and shot into the lower holy bible.

"Buzz!" The lower part of the Bible immediately emitted a dazzling holy light. The holy light turned into strange characters and fell on the stone bed. The characters drawn on the stone bed were attracted and emitted light, and finally formed a strange pattern. Floating down quietly merged into Chu Meier's body.

The moment the pattern was integrated into Chu Meier's body, Archbishop Wilson's expression, which was full of anticipation and excitement, suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Damn it, what's going on here, God, Witt, how do you do things." Seeing the faint light emanating from Chu Meier's body, Archbishop Wilson turned his head and shouted at Witt in anger, his eyes There was a ferocious wolf-like expression in his eyes, which startled Witt, who was used to the gentle side of Archbishop Wilson.

"Archbishop Wilson. What happened?" Witt stabilized his emotions.asked with some surprise.

Archbishop Wilson took a deep breath.Suppressing his anger, he stared at Witt with a stern expression: "Didn't I tell you before, you can't break her body, why don't you listen to me, now this Chinese woman's vitality has been lost, help you shape the holy The probability of body has dropped from the original [-]% to [-]%."

"Once you fail, you will die miserably." Archbishop Wilson.He shouted coldly, if it wasn't for Witt's identity, and he was still coming out, he almost couldn't help but want to kill Witt, how many years he had been waiting for this moment, he didn't expect It turned out to be the case at the last minute.

"What!" Hearing what Archbishop Wilson said, Witt froze in place, looking at the angry-looking Archbishop Wilson in disbelief.

Racking his brains, Witt tragically found that he had only slept with Chu Meier, and only held hands a few times.It is still his initiative.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible. I didn't sleep with Chu Meier at all. How could she have lost her virginity? My lord, are you wrong in your judgment?" Witt shook his head quickly, his expression full of Doubt and doubt.

Wilson looked at Witt in surprise, and he did not see the slightest sign of lying from his expression.

"Didn't you see the radiance emanating from her body? The stronger the radiance, the higher the chance of success. And if there is no broken virginity, the radiance is definitely much more dazzling. Now there is only one One possibility is that she is no longer a holy virgin." Archbishop Wilson shouted angrily.

Hearing the words of Archbishop Wilson, Witt finally confirmed that he was actually cuckolded by Chu Meier. Of course, this is also in his opinion. After all, the relationship between the two is not a normal boyfriend and girlfriend. Poor Witt I was given a green hat, but I still don't know who wore it.

Even if Witt's city is very tall, he can't suppress the anger in his heart at this moment, and his eyes are full of angry resentment when he looks at Chu Meier who is lying on the stone bed.

"Witt, there are two choices in front of you now. Continue to complete the ceremony, but there is only a [-]% chance of success, and another [-]% chance of failure. Once you fail, death will be inevitable. If you choose to give up the ceremony, Then you will lose my support, and in the competition for the patriarch, you will suffer a crushing defeat and be completely trampled under by Sean." Archbishop Wilson said indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes.

Under Wilson's gaze, the expression on Witt's face was constantly changing, like a cloudy and sunny June day, and he was also struggling violently in his heart.

The two roads are not good for Witt. The first road has a large degree, and he will lose his life, and the second road, without the support of the Holy See, he can't compete with Sean at all. , in the end, he will definitely be stepped on by Xiao En, and maybe he will die miserably.

"I'm going to die anyway, fight!" Witt's expression of struggle disappeared, replaced by a look of determination.

Compared with the miserable second path, he would rather fight at this moment. If he succeeds, he will leap into the dragon's gate, and if he fails, he will die.

Archbishop Wilson, who had been paying attention to the changes in Witt's expression, nodded in satisfaction, and the formulaic kind smile appeared on his expressionless face again.

"Very well, it seems that you have made your choice, so let's start the ceremony now!" Archbishop Wilson said to Witt with a smile, and walked to the side with a hint of playfulness in his expression.

Taking a deep breath, Witt stepped towards Chu Meier on the stone bed, with a distorted lust in his eyes, scanning Chu Meier's uneven figure.

"Damn Chinese woman, dare to make me Witt wear a cuckold. Now I will let you taste the power of my Witt, and make your life worse than death." Under the huge pressure and anger, Witt's heart surged The tyrannical **, the lower body can't help listening.

When he came to the stone bed, Witt stopped, suppressed his strong desire, and turned his head to look at Archbishop Wilson not far behind him with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Archbishop Wilson, can you avoid it for a while." Witt said embarrassingly, he didn't have the habit of showing sex scenes in front of others, and now that Archbishop Wilson was here, he felt very uncomfortable.

"The ceremony is extremely dangerous. I need to help you by the side, otherwise you won't even have a [-]% chance."

"Okay!" Hearing Archbishop Wilson's words, Witt could only nod helplessly, suppressed the uncomfortable feeling, and stretched out his hand towards the clothes on Chu Meier's chest lying on the stone bed.

"Boom!" Just as Witt's salty pig's hand was about to touch Chu Meier's chest, there was a deafening roar, which made Witt withdraw his palm in fright.

"What happened!" Archbishop Wilson shouted angrily.

The progress of the ceremony cannot be disturbed. A loud sound like this will definitely make the ceremony collapse immediately. How can this not make him angry.

As if in response to Archbishop Wilson's words, another huge roar sounded, and the entire basement was trembling and shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

Outside the church, Zhuo Yun and others surrounded him. Except for Zhuo Yun and others, everyone else was carrying heavy weapons. The bazooka sprayed flames and bombarded the gunmen arranged in the church. If it was not to avoid hurting Chu Meier, These heavy weapons alone can blow up the entire church into ruins.

"I'll use my ability to lock Witt and the others in a while, and I must kill them this time!" Zhuo Yun glanced at Rogge and the others, nodded and closed his eyes, the vitality in his body surged violently , as his body twitched slightly, a series of hideous black tattoos appeared on the surface of his body.

The clear sky was covered with black clouds in the blink of an eye, and the dense rain fell from the sky, completely covering the whole church. With the rain falling, Zhuo Yun could control everything around.

Rogge and others present, seeing the sudden change in the sky, all looked at Zhuo Yun in astonishment, awed by Zhuo Yun's strange ability.

The rain clearly enveloped them all, but not a single drop of rain fell on them, as if there was an invisible shield protecting them.

"I found it!" After closing his eyes for a while, Zhuo Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

The houses of the Holy See have resisted the rain, but the moisture in the air is everywhere, and the situation inside the church cannot escape Zhuo Yun's sensing, even if it is a tightly sealed underground chamber, it is still within Zhuo Yun's sensing range, but It's relatively vague.

Through the induction of air moisture, he seemed to have a vague vision of the situation in the underground secret room, except for Witt and Wilson, and Chu Meier who was tied to the stone bed.

"They are in a secret room below the church, and they have come out now, and they are coming to the top of the church along the underground stairs." Zhuo Yun walked towards the church while talking.

"Bang bang bang!" The remaining gunmen in the church immediately shot at Zhuo Yun crazily, but when the flying bullets reached more than one meter in front of him, it was as if they had fallen into a sticky swamp. The speed became slower and slower, and finally fell powerlessly to the ground when it was half a meter away.

While resisting the flying bullets, Zhuo Yun waved his hand, and water droplets shot out one after another. Each water droplet had amazing penetrating power, easily killing a famous gunman.

Now this church is completely under Zhuo Yun's control, no matter how well these gunmen hide, they can't escape his induction, death is just an inevitable thing.

"It's amazing!" Rogge, who was following behind, marveled secretly. Naturally, he was not afraid of these gunmen, but he couldn't be as casual and natural as Zhuo Yun, as if he was stretching instead of killing people just now. (To be continued..)

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