Super black turtle clone

Chapter 299 Angels come!

"Oriental people, as long as you leave now, I will act as if nothing happened, and I won't embarrass you. Otherwise, not only you, but also your companions will definitely die, and will sink into the boundless hell." Far away The roaring sound of fighting sounded, and the intensity of the fighting made Wilson lose the idea of ​​​​continuing the stalemate.

He did this behavior without telling the Holy See, and now he is in New York again. The fight here will soon attract the attention of the Holy See. He has no ability to cover the sky in the Holy See. All of his plans fell through.

"If you want me to leave, it depends on whether you have the ability." Zhuo Yun sneered, and the pouring rain fell from the sky, completely covering the surrounding area within a hundred meters. The heavy raindrops were like bricks falling from the sky, and Wilson had to hold up A barrier of holy light.

Since his strength recovered, this was his first battle, especially the change of abilities, which made him eager to appraise his current strength, how strong it is, and Wilson in front of him is undoubtedly a good touchstone .

Looking up at the pouring rain, Wilson's face was a little ugly. So far he has not figured out what Zhuo Yun's ability is.

"Okay, since you want to die, then the archbishop will help you." Wilson sneered, since he couldn't see Zhuo Yun's ability clearly, he should find out through fighting, no matter what Zhuo Yun's ability is, he has it Confidence is enough to handle.

While speaking, Wilson reached out and took off the cross hanging around his neck. As the holy light surged, the cross swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.In the blink of an eye.The cross turned into a crossed sword.The sword exudes a sacred and sharp sword aura.

"Old buddy, I don't know how many years I haven't used you. I will use you to kill the heretics in front of me today." Wilson stroked the cross sword, and there was a chill in his eyes. Zhuo Yun.

"Good time!" Zhuo Yun sneered without fear, stretched out his hand and appeared in the village rain demon knife, and the dense water vapor condensed, swallowing the cold knife energy.

"Bump!!" The cross sword collided with the Murasame Yaodao.A huge force erupted from the collision, pushing the two in opposite directions.

"Haha, come again!" Feeling the power of the collision, Zhuo Yun had a strong fighting spirit in his heart. With the blessing of black tattoos, his physical defense and strength had undergone a qualitative change. His heart was racing.

Swimming through the rain, Zhuo Yun was like a fish swimming in the water, his aura was free, and his speed was even faster than usual.

And compared with it.Wilson, who had to deal with rain like bricks, seemed slow and clumsy.His stature was greatly restricted under the heavy rain.

"Boom boom boom!" The sword shadows all over the sky collided again and again. With each collision, the attacks of both sides became more and more powerful. The surface of the village rain demon knife in Zhuo Yun's hand was covered with a thick layer of ice , turned into a huge ice giant sword, and the cross sword in Wilson's hand had been enlarged by five or six times than before, and the strong holy light intertwined and collided with Sen Han's cold air.

"Boom!" There was another impact, and Wilson's figure flew upside down more than ten meters away. With tattoos and holding a great ice sword, he looks like a demon.

Wilson's arm holding the cross sword trembled slightly. The few fights just now allowed him to truly experience what is called great power. He could feel that what Zhuo Yun was using was only physical power, but the powerful impact made him a little hard to resist. .

"It's just a monster, no, it's hard for me to defeat him in close combat, I can only use the power of the Bible." Thinking in his heart, Wilson stuck the cross sword into the ground and took out the holy Bible.

When Wilson took out the holy bible, Zhuo Yun also immediately felt the power of the holy bible. At this moment, a place with a radius of [-] meters is within his domain. Even if Wilson keeps the rain out, he can still observe it. Clearly.

However, the appearance of the holy bible immediately made his grasp of Wilson disappear, and he was completely unable to sense Wilson's existence through the [-]-meter field.

Not only that, he also felt a powerful force from the holy bible, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis, enough to threaten his life.

"Buzz!" As if sensing danger, the black tattoo on Zhuo Yun's body began to shine with black light.

"Boy Dongfang, today I will show you the power of the Holy Bible." Wilson was bathed in the holy light, looking at Zhuo Yun with disdainful eyes like a god. The Holy Bible in front of him opened automatically, and a surging The divine power soared into the sky from it.

"Alilua, Alilua......!" The sacred mantra sounded, and the mantra was full of peace and sanctity, and it was passed to Zhuo Yun's ears, making him feel like he was a sinner, and he could only kill himself To be able to wash away the feeling of sin.

The black light was shining brightly on the black tattoo, and a vicissitudes of life emanated from the black tattoo, blocking the sacredness and peace of this Sanskrit sound, Zhuo Yun suddenly woke up.

"It's amazing. It's at least several times stronger than that old guy Wilson. I was almost lost in it." Staring at the holy Bible suspended in front of Wilson, Zhuo Yun played 120 points of caution, and his thoughts moved slightly. , connected with the black cloud in the sky, ready to attack at any time.

"The Lord said that light will dispel darkness, angels will descend on the world, and all heresy and evil will be purified!" Archbishop Wilson prayed loudly, and the divine light emanating from the holy Bible became stronger and stronger as he spoke, and gradually condensed in the air Create the image of an angel.

"No, could it be that there really are angels?" Zhuo Yun was shocked as he looked at the angel exuding a menacing aura in mid-air.

Different from the phantom of the angel congealed by Archdeacon Churchill of the Tribunal, the angel summoned by Archbishop Wilson with the help of the Holy Bible is like the essence, exuding a sacred aura that makes people get goosebumps. A breath of life.

The angel suspended in mid-air slowly opened his eyes, a feeling of being completely seen through rushed into Zhuo Yun's heart, the hair all over his body stood up in an instant, and he couldn't see the slightest trace from the angel's eyes. The feelings are so icy cold that the average person will definitely pee their pants in fright when they see it. (To be continued..)

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