Super black turtle clone

Chapter 300 The Might of Thunder!

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Zhuo Yun controlled the rainwater in front of him and wrapped himself in it like a barrier. After recovering from the creepy feeling, he glanced at Archbishop Wilson who was standing on the ground.

Soon Zhuo Yun discovered something was wrong. The two-winged angel phantom summoned by Archdeacon Churchill was controlled by his own consciousness, but now it is obvious that Archdeacon Churchill is not possessed, even though the angel's eyes in the sky There is no emotion in it, but it is obviously sane.

"Wilson, what is calling me!" The solid angel in the air turned his head to look at Wilson below, and his words revealed majesty and coldness.

"Master Messenger, this heretic in front of you is powerful, and your subordinates need to remember the power of Messenger, and eliminate this heretic in front of you, so as to shine the glory of my Holy See and let more people believe in my Lord." He has always been very arrogant. Wilson, facing the angel's inquiry, shivered and respectfully said.

"Heretical!" The angel in the sky murmured to himself, and turned his eyes to Zhuo Yun, his clear eyes were full of coldness and ruthlessness, and he looked up and down Zhuo Yun.

"Damn what's going on, this angel is clearly condensed by the holy power, why should it have wisdom, it shouldn't be." Looking at the angel in midair, Zhuo Yun was full of doubts and shocks, even though he Now he is very powerful and possesses unexpected superpowers, but he is an atheist and does not believe in the existence of gods. He has always believed that gods are fictitious, but the current situation makes him do not know what to do. to explain.

"Heretics, death or surrender!" The angel in mid-air looked at Zhuo Yun for a while, without any emotion in his tone.

Take a deep breath.Zhuo Yun recovered from the shock.A cold evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Pretending to be a ghost. I want to see how powerful you are as an angel. Is it really invincible like in the myth?"

While speaking, he immediately controlled the black tattoo and triggered the power of the clouds. The rain that was pouring down turned into ice and snow all over the sky, and the temperature of the air suddenly cooled down. Within a hundred meters of kung fu, it turned into a world of ice and snow.

Zhuo Yun, who has the ability to control the weather, is really like a god.After a brief shock, he quickly reacted.

If there are gods in the world, then there are still so many countries, and with the development of science, it is estimated that the gods of the Holy See can wipe out all the countries, leaving only the United States to rule the entire earth.

"Heretics, accept the divine judgment." The angel in mid-air seemed to be furious, a terrifying aura emanated from his body, the holy light surged on the palm of his hand to form a sacred longbow, and the other hand pulled the bowstring Condensed an arrow exuding a bright holy light.

At the moment when the holy light arrow condensed.Zhuo Yun felt a strong sense of crisis welling up in his heart, before he could react.The holy light arrows in the air have been shot out, as fast as lightning.

"Break it!" Stimulated by the sense of crisis, Zhuo Yun yelled angrily. Through controlling the surroundings, although the speed of the holy light arrow was very fast, it was not impossible to sense the trajectory of the arrow. The ice giant sword slashed at the holy light arrow.

"Boom!!" The Holy Light Arrow was attacked by the ice giant sword, and immediately exploded into a ball of dazzling light.

Zhuo Yun's figure flew upside down from the light, and his figure landed ten meters away. He looked at the ice giant sword in his hand, and his pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that the ice giant sword, which was nearly ten meters long, had been blasted to one-third, and the other parts that hadn't been blasted had also spread cracks.

Even though the Ice Giant Sword is made of Murasame Demon Saber and condensed ice, its strength is close to that of steel. You can imagine how powerful the Holy Light Arrow is just now, that is, Zhuo Yun's body is strong enough to resist it. Despite the impact of the Holy Light Arrow just now, if another person came, even if the ice giant sword stood on the Holy Light Arrow, it would definitely not be able to withstand the surging power, and in the end it would only end up being pierced and shot.

"Heretic, you have no chance of winning in front of the messenger. I advise you to submit to my lord obediently. There is still a way to survive." Archbishop Wilson smiled triumphantly when he saw Zhuo Yun's embarrassed look.

With the existence of the messenger angel, Archbishop Wilson did not believe that Zhuo Yun could play any tricks, and his expression was full of confidence.

"Huh!" Zhuo Yun snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and retracted the village rain knife into the space between his brows, the snowflakes that had fallen in the sky changed drastically as his thoughts moved slightly, and hailstones the size of watermelons fell from the sky towards The holy angel smashed in mid-air.

"Bang bang bang!" The ice castle the size of a watermelon hit the protective cover supported by the holy angel, and the severe cold and impact could not break the protective cover at all.

"Heretic, accept the trial!" The holy angel in mid-air still opened the bow in his hand expressionlessly, and a strong sense of crisis emerged in Zhuo Yun's heart again.

"Damn it, I want to see how strong your protective shield is." Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a stern look, and with a slight movement in his mind, a huge iceberg appeared above the head of the holy angel, more than ten meters away. The tall iceberg roared and smashed towards the holy angel.

The huge shadow and pressure finally alarmed the holy angel in the midair. Looking up at the huge iceberg in the sky, the war bow originally pointed at Zhuo Yun turned to the iceberg falling from the sky, and the bright holy light burst out from the holy light arrow, slashing in the air. Let out a bright light.

"Boom!!" The arrow of the holy light hit the base of the iceberg like a ray of light, and the huge impact broke through the ice, shattering the entire iceberg and turning it into huge ice cubes that filled the sky.

"Humph!" With a cold shout, the vitality in Zhuo Yun's body drained rapidly, and a huge iceberg condensed in mid-air, falling from the sky and hitting the holy angel, the two icebergs were almost connected, and there was no time between them.

The second iceberg almost fell from the sky when it collided with the fragments of the first iceberg, the acceleration of gravity, coupled with Zhuo Yun's deliberate control, the speed was far faster than the first iceberg.

"Holy will judge all heretics!" The holy angel yelled violently, and the bow in his hand dissipated, turning into a holy giant sword and charging straight up.

Bright holy light burst out from the iceberg, and the hard iceberg seemed to have little resistance in front of the holy giant sword, and was forcibly split in half by the bright holy light sword energy.

The holy angel holding the holy giant sword flew out from the crack of the iceberg, and at the moment he flew out of the crack of the iceberg, a flash of silver lightning suddenly burst out from the surging black clouds in midair, directly bombarding the on the unsuspecting holy angel.

"Boom boom boom!" At the same time as the first bolt of lightning fell, the black cloud made rolling thunder, and thunder and lightning shot out of the black cloud like pieces of iron attracted by a magnet. The angel was completely wrapped in a flash of lightning.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded from the thunder group where the holy angel was, and a violent holy light exploded, tearing a hole in the wrapped thunder and lightning, and then a white light and shadow shot out from it, like a bereaved dog He rushed straight down and submerged into the holy bible in front of Wilson in the blink of an eye.

The holy bible, which was originally shining with holy light, suddenly became dim, and it seemed to become difficult even to suspend in the air, completely losing the powerful power it radiated just now.

"How could this happen? It shouldn't be!" Archbishop Wilson looked at the dim holy Bible in his sight, his face full of disbelief.

Not only Wilson, but even Zhuo Yun was a little surprised by the situation with the Holy Bible. Even though he triggered the thunder bombardment just now, he didn't expect such a good effect. He thought that at most it could hurt the holy angel. Unexpectedly It actually directly injured the holy angel.

After recovering from the shock, Wilson's expression became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that even though he sacrificed the holy bible, he failed to wipe out the heresy Zhuo Yun, and instead caused the holy bible to be severely damaged. He is a little hard to accept.

"Want to leave, it's not that easy!" Zhuo Yun's domain is within a hundred meters. As soon as Wilson's figure made a move, Zhuo Yun immediately reacted. With a slight movement of his mind, the clouds in the sky surged, and one after another shone Silver-white lightning crashed down.

Wilson, who had lost the sacred Bible, faced the thunder bombardment from the sky, and had no choice but to flee in embarrassment. After resisting two thunderbolts, the holy light on his body accelerated again, and he was about to rush out of the range of [-] meters.

With Zhuo Yun's current control, he could move the black clouds, but the speed of his movement couldn't keep up with the fleeing Wilson. Once he was allowed to escape within a hundred meters, it would be very troublesome to catch him.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yun didn't care about the consumption of vitality in his body. The snowy sky once again poured down rain, black clouds and thunder roared, and a lightning bolt that was far thicker than before fell from the sky, winding like a silver White python.

"Chi Chi Chi!" Just as Wilson mobilized the holy power in his body in shock and was about to dodge and escape at full speed, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared, covering his whole body in thunder.

Wilson, who was restrained by Lei Mang, suddenly realized that the reason why Zhuo Yun turned snowflakes into torrential rain was to take advantage of the characteristic of electric current propagating with water.

"No no!!" Wilson exclaimed tragically, a white light shot out from his body, and then the silver-white lightning that snaked in the air bombarded him.

"Boom!" The flashing thunder light spread rapidly, covering a distance of nearly ten meters around it. The scene was very spectacular. It took more than ten seconds for it to subside gradually, revealing that the ground was already scorched black.

In addition to the scorched ground, there was a scorched human-shaped object lying on the ground in the very center, and Lei Mang ran over the human-shaped object from time to time, and the stimulating human-shaped object trembled slightly. (To be continued..)

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