Super black turtle clone

Chapter 301 The Weird Holy Bible!

"This guy is finally dead." Sensing Archbishop Wilson lying on the ground with his whole body scorched black through the domain, Zhuo Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground weakly. The cloud has also dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The battle just now may not have been very long, but the pressure on Zhuo Yun was definitely not inferior. When he met the elder Lei Punishment of Hell, the old guy Wilson, with the help of the holy Bible in his hand, exploded with terrifying strength. Fortunately, the thunder and lightning seemed to have a great restraint effect on the angels condensed from the holy bible, which is why the current battle situation occurred, otherwise even he would not be sure about the final result.

The battle just now almost exhausted all the vitality in Zhuo Yun's body. If he couldn't hit Wilson just now, he wouldn't be able to continue to attack.

"By the way, when old man Wilson was struck by lightning just now, there seemed to be a flash of white light." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun turned his eyes to the direction where the white light flew, and soon found a book with a faint light in his sight. the bible.

"This guy actually knew how to escape at a critical moment!" Looking at the bible lying on the ground, Zhuo Yun was filled with horror and couldn't believe it.

When he was fighting with the angel condensed from the holy bible, he felt that the angel was a little weird, as if he had his own sanity, but he was taken aback at the time, but now it seems that the holy bible should be responsible.

"Could it be that in this holy bible, there are some fantasy novels that say that the weapon spirit is not good." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun finally accepted it in his heart.

It is much better to have a spirit in the Bible than to have an angel, at least it will not make him feel huge pressure.After all, if angels really exist.That world would be too crazy.At that time, he probably can only find a piece of land to grow vegetables and live in seclusion, or he will really be judged by the angels.

Sitting cross-legged regained some strength, Zhuo Yun cautiously stepped up to the holy bible, hesitated for a while, and the holy bible was secretly on guard in his heart, picked up the holy bible on the ground.

During the whole process, the Holy Bible did not show any resistance. Except for the slight white light, it was almost indistinguishable from the Bibles sold on the market.

On the other hand, I read it several times, and Zhuo Yun didn't see anything unusual.He tried to inject a bit of vitality into it, but what surprised him was that the Holy Bible swallowed up the vitality immediately.

After devouring the vitality, the radiance from the Holy Bible seems to be stronger, but Zhuo Yun did not continue to experiment, after all, there is not much vitality in his body now, besides, he is still afraid of this weird holy Bible, He didn't want to take any chances without figuring out what was going on.

With a slight movement of the mind, the sacred Bible was collected into the space between the eyebrows.He didn't notice that when the holy bible appeared in the space between the eyebrows, the faint light emanating from it trembled violently all of a sudden.Immediately afterwards, even this ray of light disappeared, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Putting away the holy bible, Zhuo Yun stepped away from the battle site. The battle here is over, and he is still fighting to the death elsewhere.

Rogge and others are very strong, and they have various advanced high-tech weapons, but the Holy See monks led by Archbishop Wilson are also not weak, especially Wilson's exclusive guard team, all of them are masters , The battle between the two sides has been in a stalemate.

Both sides had casualties, but no one had a clear advantage. If the battle continued like this, the result would only be a loss for both sides.

Now that Zhuo Yun joined, the situation of the battle has changed fundamentally. Although he is only less than one-third of his strength in his heyday, it is still enough to deal with the monks of the Holy See, and immediately caused a lot of casualties on the side of the Holy See.

Zhuo Yun, who was covered in black tattoos all over his body, was simply a demon recorded by the Holy See. The strong defensive power made all the Holy See monks despair, and the huge power was even more traumatic. All were destroyed. Of course, Rogge and the others also suffered a lot of casualties in the process.

The only regret is that that kid Witt escaped in the chaos, and he was killed. This made Rogge and others very angry. For them, eliminating Witt is one of the biggest tasks, but they did not expect it to be In such a situation, if Witt could be eliminated directly, then Sean would have no opponent.

"Sister Mei, how is she?" After the fight, Zhuo Yun immediately came to George, looked at Chu Meier who was in a coma, and asked anxiously.

"My lord, when I sneaked into the secret room, Miss Chu Meier was already unconscious. I tried to wake her up just now, but it didn't work."

Stretching out his hand to hug Chu Mei'er from George's arms, Zhuo Yun tried to enter her body with a little vitality, but was ejected by a force as soon as he entered.

"Holy light!" Looking at the holy aura emanating from Chu Meier, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a chill.

"Damn Holy See, if sister Mei has any problems, I will definitely let you all be buried together." Zhuo Yun shouted angrily. He was covered with black tattoos all over his body, and he looked extraordinarily ferocious. When he was angry, the tattoos gleamed black and emitted There was a trace of fierceness that made George next to him stand on end.

After retreating more than ten steps in a row, George stopped with a sigh of relief, and looked at Zhuo Yun standing in front of him in horror. Thinking of the feeling just now, he still felt a little out of breath. Breathing, the feeling of blood coagulation all over the body.

Such a fierce battle took place here, so naturally they couldn't stay here any longer. After simply destroying the corpses and eradicating traces, everyone quickly left this place of right and wrong by car.

The Holy See lost so many monks at one time, including an archbishop, which was enough to shake the entire Holy See. Even Rogge and others did not dare to let them take advantage of it, otherwise even the Morgan family would not be able to keep them.

Back in the hotel room, Zhuo Yun put Chu Meier on the bed, secretly anxious in his heart, on the way back just now, he had tried various methods, but it didn’t work at all, he didn’t know about Chu Meier at all What is the reason for falling into a coma? Naturally, there is no way to prescribe the right medicine.

"This must be a good thing that old guy Wilson did. I would have spared his life if I knew it. Hey, now I think it's useless to think about these people. Do you want to arrest someone from the Holy See?" With this thought in his heart, Zhuo Yun Shaking his head again, not to mention that it is the cusp of the moment, the Holy See will definitely go crazy looking for the murderer after losing an archbishop. The most sensible thing for him to do now is to leave New York immediately, or even leave the United States. Only in this way can he avoid getting involved.

In addition to this, there is another reason, that is, he does not think that ordinary Holy See monks will know the reason for Chu Meier's coma. This is the method used by Archbishop Wilson. Even monks may not be able to solve it.

Unless it is to capture a figure at the archbishop level, but this idea is good, the possibility of implementing it is almost zero, and there is no possibility of implementing it at all.

"Damn it, with my current strength, it's far from enough to face the Holy See, a behemoth that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. If it's at sea, with the existence of strange beasts such as black turtles, I might be able to fight against it. It's impossible to fight him head-on on the ground." Zhuo Yun was secretly annoyed.

Regardless of the fact that he just beheaded an archbishop of the Holy See, for the Holy See that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, it can't hurt his vitality at all.

On the surface, there are only two archbishops and one pope in the Holy See, but no one would really think that this is the real strength of the Holy See. If that is the case, the Holy See will not be able to dominate the whole of Europe. Several countries have very strong strength.

Regarding the behemoth of the Holy See, even Huaxia is unwilling to have a serious fight with it. In the recent period, both sides have been greatly relieved, and a large part of the reason is due to a fear of their respective strengths.

"Damn it, what should I do now." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun frowned, and looked worriedly at Chu Mei'er lying on the bed like a sleeping beauty.

"By the way, I don't know if the Bible I got from the old man Wilson will be of any help to Chu Meier's current situation." Holding the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Zhuo Yun moved slightly The holy bible was taken out, and the originally dull bible left the space between the eyebrows, and immediately emitted a faint white light.

Staring at the holy bible that appeared in his hands, Zhuo Yun felt a little depressed. He didn't know anything about the Holy See at all, and this holy bible was so weird that it could swallow the vitality in his body to restore his own energy. He had to deal with it carefully. .

"By the way, this guy is very likely to have developed a sense of wisdom. No matter what the reason is, it should be able to sense the situation outside. Otherwise, it would not have left Wilson before fleeing." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun stared at him coldly. Holy Bible, there was a hint of unkindness in his eyes.

"Bible, I know that you can sense the situation outside, and you should understand what I say. I want to save the girl lying on the bed now. You should know the way. Tell me the way to let the girl on the bed welcome, otherwise I will destroy you completely, or send down lightning and chop you into ashes."

If anyone is around at the moment, they will definitely call 120 immediately, thinking that Zhuo Yun is a psychopath. After all, if he is a normal person, who would hold a Bible and talk to himself, but if he sees the next situation, he will definitely He opened his mouth wide in astonishment, showing a ghostly look. (To be continued..)

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