Super black turtle clone

Chapter 302 Weapon Spirit Druid!

After Zhuo Yun's words fell, a burst of white light radiated from the holy bible, and a holy aura leaked out of the white light, and a handsome and unusually handsome face, which looked like an angel's face, soon condensed on the bible.

"Master, I know the way to save the girl, don't ruin me." The angel on the holy bible said hurriedly with a tense expression, with a hint of humility in his words.

"No, this guy is really an angel condensed from the previous Wilson." Looking at the angel's face with a humble tone and a servant-like face, it was difficult for Zhuo Yun to match it with the previous high-ranking angel with a holy face.

"You are really the angel that Wilson condensed before, which is what he said about the messenger." Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously.

Seeming to see Zhuo Yun's suspicion, the angel looked a little embarrassed: "Master, the villain is indeed the angel that Wilson summoned before, but the villain is not a messenger, but the consciousness condensed from the holy bible."

"The condensed consciousness, you are really the artifact spirit in the holy bible, and why do you call me master, shouldn't your master be God, or the Pope?" Zhuo Yun continued to ask suspiciously, before he He had already thought in his heart that if Qi Ling didn't cooperate, how could he coerce and lure him? The current situation made all the things he thought before unavailable, and the humility shown on the angel's face was very abrupt.

"God and everything else are deceitful things. You are my master. I feel the call of my soul from you. The holy bible weapon spirit Druid, I am willing to submit to a powerful and charming master." Originally Holy angel face.Look humble and respectful at the moment.The words spoken are even more shocking.

"Are you really the tool spirit of the Holy Bible?" Zhuo Yun recovered from his astonishment.Looking up and down at the guy who claimed to be a druid, he asked suspiciously.

"I have been in the Holy Bible since I came into consciousness, I don't know how I am formed, I don't know what I am, since I came into consciousness, because I can control the relationship of the Holy Bible, the Pope of the Holy See Just treat me as an emissary photographed by God." Druid shook his head and said with a distressed expression.Even he himself didn't know what he was.

Zhuo Yun was very interested in what the druid said, but he didn't know much about it. Now that the druid was seriously injured, even if there was any conspiracy, he would not be afraid. Everything should be given priority to treating Chu Meier.

"Okay, let's talk about other things later. First, let's talk about saving Chu Meier, that is, the girl lying on the bed. Do you know how to wake her up?" Cast her gaze on Chu Meier's body, Zhuo Yun asked worriedly.

"Master, don't worry. This woman's system is called a sacred body in the Holy See. She is the best candidate for practicing the Holy See's exercises. Once a person with this magical system practices the Holy See's exercises, his achievements will definitely far exceed any Humans will be even stronger than the Pope. Before that, Wilson used the secret method of the Holy See in the woman's body to transfer the woman's sacred body to Witt's body, but because of the woman's broken body, the possibility of success Sex is less than [-]%."

"I just want to know how to save Sister Mei, instead of listening to your story here." Zhuo Yun, who was a little impatient, shouted with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

The angelic face condensed by the druid was slightly shocked, and he continued quickly: "Master, it is very simple to wake up the girl. I can do it easily, but it will cause certain damage to the girl's body."

"Is there no way to revive Sister Mei without hurting her?"

"It's not impossible. Another way is to find the second holy bible, which is the first volume of the holy bible. Only by combining our two bibles can we be sure that the woman can be revived without being hurt. And when the time comes, her sacred body can be fully activated, and she can definitely grow into a powerhouse second only to her master in a short period of time."

"Where is the first volume of the Holy Bible?" Zhuo Yun asked quickly.

"Since a great war in the Middle Ages, the first volume has been lost, but I can sense that the first volume of the holy bible should be in the country of Wa, but it seems that the first volume has been sealed, and even I can't be sure of the exact location."

After listening to the druid's words, Zhuo Yun pondered for a moment, sorted out the whole thing in his mind, turned his eyes to the druid in his hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Druid, finding the first volume of the Holy Bible will definitely be of great benefit to you. You don't want to take this opportunity to ask me to help you retrieve the first volume of the Holy Bible, and then turn against me." Zhuo Yun There was a chill in his eyes, and the black tattoo appeared on his body in the blink of an eye, and a vicissitudes of vicissitudes like a beast permeated the room, making the druid who showed his face show a look of fear in his eyes .

"Master, don't misunderstand me. I really surrender to you with all my heart. It is indeed of great benefit to me to find the first volume of the holy Bible, but what I just said is indeed the truth. With that adult, my little one I don’t dare to have the slightest intention of doing anything wrong.” Druid quickly argued nervously, as if he was about to cry.

"My lord, what is my lord!" Zhuo Yun, who had a murderous intent in his heart, shouted suspiciously when he heard a sensitive word in the druid's words.

When the Druid was talking about that lord just now, the awe revealed in his expression was definitely not a feign. Even he could clearly feel the awe from the soul, which made him say something to the Druid. The adult was very puzzled and curious, and even a little confused.

"Did this guy become unconscious because he was struck by lightning? Not only did his personality change drastically, but even his memory seems to have some problems." Zhuo Yun wondered vigilantly.

"Master, you don't know!" Druid looked at Zhuo Yun in surprise.

"What do I know!" Zhuo Yun, who was originally very puzzled, was even more at a loss when he heard the Druid's retorted question.

There didn't seem to be any particularly powerful people around him. Apart from him, there were only the two brothers Chopper and Angela, and none of them should have the ability to make the Druid feel in awe.

"My lord, have you forgotten that I was taken into the space where that lord was?" Druid said in amazement, as if recalling the scene at that time, the condensed angel's face was full of awe and fear. (To be continued..)

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