Super black turtle clone

Chapter 305 Thunder!

"My lord, the two of them should be ascetic monks of the Holy See. They are a group of weird people who put their minds on cultivation, and almost every ascetic monk is very strong. Some of them are even stronger than the Pope of the Holy See. They don't have the slightest interest in power, they only like to go to difficult places to practice and gain insights, and in dangerous places all over the world, they can see traces of the ascetic monks of the Holy See." Qiaoba, who followed Zhuo Yun, faithfully acted as a commentator member responsibilities.

"Ascetic monks!" Hearing this word, Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly. When he was learning about some information about the Holy See, he had been introduced by some ascetic monks. According to the above statement, ascetic monks are a group of paranoid lunatics. This also made the Ascetic Monk stronger.

Not only the strength of the strength, but more importantly the strength of the dead heart. Once every ascetic monk does something, he will be reckless and reckless.

"Heretic, let go of all resistance and accept the divine judgment. This is your only way." The ascetic old man on the left said softly with a blank expression.

"Resistance will be completely destroyed!" The ascetic old man on the right followed closely. Their words were very brief, but they revealed an unimaginably firm consciousness.

At the same time as they finished speaking, the two of them erupted with a mountain-like aura, directly locking Zhuo Yun and his party. If that arrogant posture was facing other people, Zhuo Yun would be very angry, and for these two An old man who is ascetic, but he can't get angry at all.

The appearance of these two ascetic old men seemed to be telling the truth, which made it difficult for people to feel uncomfortable.

"If you want to destroy me, it depends on whether you have the strength." Zhuo Yun smiled evilly.He looked at the two ascetic elders opposite him with a relaxed expression.It seems that they have not sensed the aura emanating from them at all.

"If that's the case, then accept the divine judgment." The two ascetic old men shouted with serious eyes, and they stretched out their hands to condense a holy sword. Rushing towards Zhuo Yun, the holy sword in his hand was dazzling as he ran, as if he wanted to swallow Zhuo Yun.

Other members of the Holy See saw the behavior of the two ascetic elders.They also used their own means one after another, one after another holy light bloomed, and the sky-wide attack enveloped Zhuo Yun and Qiaoba and others beside him. Looking at Zhuo Yun's location from a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​holy light.

The three of Qiaoba broke into a cold sweat nervously. Facing such an attack, they could not resist at all, and Zhuo Yun stood there as if he had been frightened, and did not act because of the attack of the members of the Holy See. The overwhelming holy light attack was about to bombard Zhuo Yun and his party of five.

"Ho Ho!" A deafening roar sounded suddenly, and before all the people present could react, in the river not far away.Suddenly, a ferocious water dragon shot out, and the water dragon roared and shot out.One head hit the attacking moves of the monks of the Holy See.

"Boom!!" The huge roar was deafening, and the high-rise buildings a hundred meters away trembled slightly in the explosion. Many American citizens almost jumped out of the high-rise buildings in fright. People who didn't know Thought it was an earthquake or something.

The bursting water splashed everywhere, and the surrounding ground was covered by a stream of water, forming a pond. All the monks of the Holy See were in a state of distress, and their bodies were covered with water stains, especially the monks of the Holy See who were the closest and were directly attacked, which was even more tragic. The mouth and nose that were hit by the water dragon were bleeding, and it seemed that he would not survive.

In such a violent impact, not everyone was in a panic. Zhuo Yun and others, who were in the center of the explosion, seemed to be at ease compared to the panicked monks around the Holy See. The expressions of the three people in Ba were all shocked, and some of them couldn't recover.

Around the five of them, a water flow barrier surrounded them, and the impact of the explosion was all resisted by the water flow barrier.

Just when everyone except Zhuo Yun was shocked, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and violent thunder and lightning poured down at an astonishing speed.

"Boom boom boom!" A series of meandering thunderbolts descended from the sky, all pouring towards a location as if they were summoned, and the huge roar continued.

The citizens of the United States who were a hundred meters away were all dumbfounded when they saw the thunderbolts falling from the sky, and some even shouted to God in horror.

Thunder strikes have occurred in many places, even in cities from time to time, and like now, at least hundreds of thunder strikes have fallen in one minute, which is almost the same in the history of the United States and even in the history of the world. It has never appeared before, and hundreds of lightning bolts are all bombarded in one place.

Compared with the American citizens who were [-] meters away, the three Choppers who watched in place felt a strong visual stimulation.

Hundreds of thunderbolts poured down in front of their eyes, none of the monks of the Holy See who were close at hand could escape the bombardment of lightning, especially the two old ascetic monks who were very arrogant and indifferent just now, who suffered even more. Thanks to Lei Dian's special care, nearly [-] lightning bolts blocked their path, and they forcibly endured nearly [-] lightning bolts.

At first they could resist with their deep cultivation base, but soon after only a dozen thunderstorms, the two old ascetic monks whose hearts were as calm as a lake also showed despair, and were still poured down The thunder and lightning blasted into a pile of coke.

After the bombardment of hundreds of thunderbolts fell from the sky, the black clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing an environment that was already full of mess, black smoke, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt, like a purgatory environment.

Except for Zhuo Yun and his group of five, there was no living person around. It should be said that there was not a single living land creature. It is estimated that even the ants and insects in the soil were killed by hundreds of lightning bolts.

Dozens of Holy See elites were all buried on the bank of the river in this way, including not only two old ascetic monks, but also a knight of the round table.

"Okay, don't be dumb, don't you want to wait for people from the Holy See to come to us for revenge." Zhuo Yun was the first to recover from the shock, and smiled confidently. After speaking, he took a step forward. Walk towards the opposite river.

The three of Qiaoba came back to their senses and suppressed the shock in their hearts. As soon as they turned their heads to look, they saw Zhuo Yun stepping from the bank into the surging river. No matter how you look at it, they were a bit suspected of committing suicide by throwing themselves into the river. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of 芝诺有情∷Loanlu!

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