Super black turtle clone

Chapter 306 The Pope's Desire!

Before the three of them figured out what was going on, they saw Zhuo Yun's footsteps resting on the water, as if walking on a gentle painted road. right in the middle.

"What are you three standing in a daze for? Come here quickly, we're leaving." Standing on the water, Zhuo Yun smiled and waved to the three of them.

Now the three of Chopper were dumbfounded, all three of them had some strength, especially the two brothers Chopper were born as killers, and they had undergone all kinds of difficult training, but it was impossible to do such a thing as walking on water From their point of view, Zhuo Yun's actions just now were all done by using supernatural powers.

"My lord, we don't have the ability to control water, so how can we walk on the water." Coming to the shore, Angela hesitated with an ugly expression.

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Zhuo Yun smiled: "Don't worry, it's okay, you can just go straight ahead, you won't fall into the water."

The two Chopper brothers, who obeyed the order, reacted first, gritted their teeth and walked towards the surface of the water. The appearance was obviously in a state of ready to fall into the water, but when his footsteps landed When the water surfaced, he was shocked to find that there was no falling into it.

"What's going on here!" The two brothers looked at the water under their feet in amazement, only to see that the river was supposed to be flowing, but the area under their feet was still, with no sign of flow at all. It feels weird, and the feeling of stepping on it is the same as stepping on a hard cement slab.

Seeing this situation, Angela hesitated for a moment, but also stepped forward.Also standing firmly on the surface of the river.There is no slight sag.

The three of them walked forward cautiously.Soon they came to Zhuo Yun's side, feeling Zhong's novel way, before they recovered, the water surface that was originally as hard as cement board suddenly became soft, Angela was about to scream, but was shocked The way he found himself sinking was odd.

It sank toward the water at a constant speed, and the whole process seemed to have an elevator descending slowly under the feet, and the sinking body did not feel the coldness of the river.Even the clothes didn't feel soaked at all, they just fell slowly like this, until the water flow completely concealed the heads of several people.

In this way, Zhuo Yun and his party completely disappeared on the surface of the river, and they could not be seen from the shore. They probably had already dived to the bottom of the river.

Less than 5 minutes after Zhuo Yun and others disappeared, a large number of Holy See personnel rushed over. Everyone was stunned when they saw the scene before them. The tragic situation was hard to describe in words. The Holy See immediately mobilized New York The local police have completely sealed off the area, and as for the previous thunder and lightning, there will naturally be so-called experts to refute the rumors.Let's talk about what scientific reasons caused this kind of thunder and lightning crash.

Far away in Washington, in the Church of the Holy See's headquarters.Pope Lauren's face was as ugly as the sky in June, and the expressions of other senior officials of the Holy See were also very ugly. Dozens of Holy See elites, including a Knight of the Round Table and two old ascetics, were so easily captured. Hundreds of thunderbolts were killed.

All items of the Holy See claim to belong to the holy and righteous side, and in many myths, Tianlei also represents a kind of justice referee, and now the righteous referee Tianlei bombarded and killed dozens of people belonging to the Holy See who belonged to the Holy See Clean, this is really a naked slap in the face, even more embarrassing than being killed by an archbishop.

"What the hell is going on? With the strength of Austin Sting and the two ascetic monks, how could they be wiped out in less than 5 minutes, and it was still in the form of lightning." Pope Lauren shouted with a livid face. Since he became the pope, although he has not made any great achievements, he has always maintained the prosperity of the Holy See. The emergence of this situation is definitely the biggest shame of his inauguration, and it is also the greatest shame of the Holy See from ancient times to the present. A big shame.

"Your Majesty, according to our investigation, not long after Lord Austin and his group surrounded the heretics, hundreds of thunderstorms fell in that area, turning Lord Austin and the surrounding area into a scorched black Thirty Holy See elites were all killed in that area in Asura Hell, and none of them survived."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, together with the Pope, his breathing suddenly became short of breath. Before that, he lost an archbishop, and now he has lost [-] elites. This is also a big loss for the colossus of the Holy See, and it will take a lot of time. It will take a long time to fully recover.

Not only that, but the damage to the reputation of the Holy See is immeasurable. It is estimated that many terrorist organizations suppressed by the Holy See in the past will rebound because of this. Maybe the current loss is just the beginning, and some people will definitely be unwilling Lonely, wanting to make the situation even more muddy.

"Find out why there are hundreds of thunders falling, and where are those heretics now." Pope Lauren took a deep breath and said.

"The reason for the thunderstorm is being studied, but according to special investigations, the greatest possibility is that it was summoned by a strong man with lightning abilities. As for the whereabouts of the group of heretics, I'm sorry, we haven't found any trace of them , according to observations, their final destination is a river not far away."

"A powerhouse with thunder and lightning abilities, how is this possible? Even the elders of the Thunder Punishment of Hell, it is impossible to drop hundreds of thunderbolts in just one minute. This is definitely not something that ordinary people with abilities can display. Yes." After listening to his subordinates' report, the head of the referee, Spike, took the lead in objecting, with an expression of disbelief in such a thing, and hundreds of thunderbolts falling in one minute, the power is enough to kill the world's top supernatural users In the sea of ​​thunder, if someone had such great strength, they would probably have been discovered long ago, or had some information. It is absolutely impossible for such a situation to happen suddenly.

"Director Spike, if it wasn't for the existence of the ability, what would be the reason? Don't forget that according to the original inspection, the person who killed Archbishop Wilson had once used the lightning ability. Perhaps his own strength is not enough. It's not that strong, but don't forget that there are still some treasures in this world, which can greatly improve people's strength in an instant." Frank glanced at the golden crown on Pope Lauren's head, With a smile all over his face, he pointed out.

Hearing Frank's words, Director Spike was not angry. He turned his head and glanced at the golden crown on Pope Lauren's head, his expression became a little heavy.

Seeing the actions and expressions of the two, Pope Lauren was secretly a little annoyed, especially for Frank who was always smiling.

Actually speaking, the death of Archbishop Wilson is also a good thing for Pope Lauren. He even hopes that even Frank will go to see God. Without the existence of the two archbishops, he will You can completely control the entire Holy See in your own hands.

In the Middle Ages, the Pope was the only leader of the Holy See. The Pope was the spokesperson of God in the world and had the supreme status. The Pope’s orders represented the orders of God. , the Pope is completely dictatorial over the entire Holy See affairs.

The reason for this situation is that apart from the nominal supremacy of the Pope, a very important point is that the Pope at that time had unrivaled strength. The Pope in the Middle Ages had a complete holy Bible and a crown of thorns on his head. Holding a papal scepter in hand, and even a holy relic, the holy scarab.

At that time, the Pope possessed the absolute leadership position and also possessed absolute strength. He could naturally rule perfectly. No one would dare to object. Even if he was dissatisfied, he could only think about it in his heart. That's all, I dare not do any acts of blasphemy against the Pope in reality.

The holy bible has infinite power. The reason why Wilson lost to Zhuo Yun at the beginning was not only because the Druids were restrained by Tianlei, but also because there was only the lower part of the holy bible. Will be another change.

As for the Pope's scepter, in the darkest battle in the Middle Ages, the Pope took the initiative to detonate it in order to severely damage the coalition forces of vampires and other forces, causing the coalition forces to suffer heavy losses.

As for the holy scarab, it suffered an almost fatal wound during the battle and was almost split in two. However, the tenacity of the holy scarab's vitality is absolutely terrifying, even after suffering such a severe injury He died, but fell into a deep sleep. As for when he would wake up, it was unknown.

Among the four treasures belonging to the Pope, after undergoing brutal fighting and struggle, the only thing that survived was the crown of thorns that can still be used.

The crown of thorns is the crown that Pope Lauren now wears on his head. This tripod crown is not for decoration, but a genuine holy artifact of the Holy See.

The crown of thorns has a very special ability, that is, it can store holy power. Since the establishment of the Holy See, every pope will input excess holy power into the crown of thorns. Even after fighting in the Middle Ages, it still contains a large amount of holy power. , so that the pope does not have to worry about the exhaustion of the holy power in his body.

It is precisely because of the existence of the crown of thorns that Pope Lauren can still suppress some ambitious people such as Frank. It can be seen how powerful a sacred object like the crown of thorns is, which is enough to change a person The treasure of the power of the supernatural being.

Pope Lauren has been very distressed since he lost the holy objects such as the Pope's scepter. Now that he heard Frank's words, a strong desire suddenly burst out in his heart, that is, he wanted to take the so-called Once he got a sacred object comparable to the holy bible, he would be able to completely control the entire Holy See. (To be continued..)

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