Super black turtle clone

Chapter 307 Bubble Submarine!

"The splendor that belongs to me, Pope Lauren, will bloom!" Secretly excited in his heart, Pope Lauren's eyes flashed a gleam, suppressing the strong desire in his heart, and immediately dispatched all the power of the Holy See to search for the existence of Zhuo Yun and others , In order to trigger the sacred artifact of Tianlei, he decided to do whatever it takes.

Just when Pope Laurent mobilized all the forces of the Holy See to look for Zhuo Yun and the others, Zhuo Yun and the others were in a place they would never even think of.

The Pacific Ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, making it hard to imagine such a large ocean. There are all kinds of creatures in the ocean, including humans living in bubbles.

Perhaps this is unbelievable, but for Chopper and others, it is real, because they are in a bubble at this moment, completely placed in the ocean above a thousand meters, and they are running in the sea at an extremely fast speed That, to be precise, the bubbles are moving at an astonishing speed, almost comparable to the speed of the most advanced submarine in the world.

The three Choppers in the bubble, even though several hours have passed, still cannot believe that the scene in front of them is real.

They didn't know that there was a gigantic tortoise following in a deeper place, otherwise, they would definitely think that they were hallucinating.

Xuangui's strength has made a huge breakthrough, and the ability to condense bubbles like this is nothing. The group of people took the Bubble submarine and stayed away from the land and waters of the United States. As for the people in the Holy See, they still seemed crazy. They are looking for traces of Zhuo Yun and others, but they are doomed to be disappointed.

Leaving the land and waters of the United States, under Zhuo Yun's instruction, the bubbles flew towards the Japanese country at full speed.This time he not only wanted to find the second holy bible to save Chu Meier.At the same time, I also want to meet Kitano Midaiko.It has been a long time since the two separated, and he really misses Mei Daizi who is usually cold but fiery on the bed.

"Mei Daizi, how are you doing now? I'll be able to see you soon." Standing in the air bubble, Zhuo Yun looked up at Wa Guo's peace of mind, full of anticipation in his heart.

Wa country is a country full of complex culture, while advocating some classical Chinese culture.It also has an extremely open side. In addition to this, there is an aggressive factor, which makes the whole country seem to be living in contradictions. It is difficult for people to understand which aspect is the real Wa country.

In Japan, the tradition of the family system has always been inherited. There are many various families, and the status gap between the families is also very large. Although it is already a society in the 21st century, the status of men in Japan still has not made much progress. In Japanese families, women only play the role of having children and managing the family.As for other outside matters, there is little right to speak.

Maybe some ordinary families have changed, but those big families have always inherited this tradition.Even in some militaristic families, women are just a tool for men to vent their desires, and they don't even have the right to manage the family. They are more like creatures kept in captivity at home to vent their fertility.

Unlike other Japanese families, after a series of great changes took place in the Kitano family, the position of the head of the family was replaced by a woman. After some difficult planning and competition, she was finally allowed to take charge of the dilapidated Kitano family.

The Kitano family, which once occupied a large position in the history of the Japanese country, has been showing a downward trend after experiencing prosperity and decline. It was not until Masao Kitano joined the Muto family that the Muto family, which had been in decline, stabilized. But that also changed from an independent family to a vassal.

After Kitano Masao was wiped out by Zhuo Yun, the Kitano family was even directly abandoned by the Muto family. After all, apart from Kitano Masao, the Kitano family didn't even find a decent person, and had already lost the qualification to become a wolf dog in the hands of the Muto family. , no longer have the fangs that originally grew in the mouth.

It is precisely because of the complete loneliness of the Kitano family that the Muto family canceled its vassal relationship with the Kitano family. This is also a very important reason why Kitano Midaiko is able to win the position of Patriarch. Not to mention one Kitano Midaiko, even ten of them are useless.

Women's power is still very much resisted in Japan. Although the Kitano family is in decline, compared with other powerful families, it is not a relatively wealthy family. He was also obstructed a lot, and even his life was in danger.

Relying on her own strength, as well as flexible and ruthless means, she finally allowed her to cut through layers of thorns, and either wiped out or regained those who opposed her, and finally sat on the position of the head of the Kitano family and became a The only female patriarch in the history of the Kitano family caused quite a stir in the Wa country at that time. Of course, this sensation was quickly suppressed. After all, the Kitano family is no longer the big family that can influence the Wa country.

Originally, other families, including the Muto family, were dissatisfied with Kitano Midaiko sitting on the throne of the head of the Kitano family, but they didn't care too much. After all, in their eyes, the Kitano family actually let a woman be the head of the family. This is also a disguised form. It shows that this family has fallen to the point of no cure.

It's just that as time went by, the Muto family gradually couldn't sit still. After Kitano Midaiko took the position of patriarch, she immediately carried out drastic reforms to the family, making the family look brand new. All were replaced, and a lot of underappreciated newcomers were used.

In addition, Zhuo Yun also specially asked Thomas's people to help Kitano Meidaizi before, sending a lot of money and manpower with various weapons.

It is precisely because of these assistances, as well as Kitano Meidaizi's natural management ability, that the Kitano family has undergone earth-shaking changes in just one year.

From the family that had declined to the point of no return, it has gradually developed, and has once again shown the sharp and energetic fangs, which made the Muto family who had let go originally unwilling. They were separated because of the decline of the Kitano family. Abandoned this oil bottle, but now they have changed their minds.

After Kitano Midaiko's reform, the Kitano family has regained the qualification to become a wolf dog from the oil bottle, and it is far more than when Kitano Masao was there before. (To be continued..)

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