Super black turtle clone

Chapter 310 The woman who dares to touch me, courts death!

The old sword idiot nodded, and looked at Kitano Meidaizi coldly: "You heard Changqing's words just now, and now your only way out is to completely surrender to my Muto family, whether it is the Kitano family or yourself, otherwise If not, the Kitano family will be completely removed from the history of the Wa Kingdom."

"How dare you!" Kitano Meidaizi's complexion changed suddenly, a pair of beautiful eyes burst out with murderous intent, and she seemed to turn back to the female killer back then.

"Hehe, there is nothing my Muto family dare not do. You have only one way now, and it depends on your choice." The old man Jian Chi said calmly, closed his eyes again after speaking, and hugged his arms. In front of him, quietly waiting for Kitano Midaiko's answer.

"Are the Muto family amazing? How dare you threaten my woman? You deserve to die." Just when Kitano Meidaizi was full of thoughts, a cold voice suddenly sounded, which shocked everyone present. , turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far away, four figures approached, one of them holding a beautiful woman with a perfect figure and enchanting appearance in his arms, giving people a strange visual sense.

Kitano Midaiko, who was originally hesitant and didn't know what to do, saw the figure appearing, her beautiful eyes widened, a layer of surging water mist emerged, her delicate body was trembling slightly, tears couldn't stop Lives flowed from the eye sockets, and the originally flustered mood suddenly became at ease.

"Who are you, dare to meddle in the affairs of our Muto family, arrest five of them for me." Muto Changqing saw Chu Meier in Zhuo Yun's arms, and Angela, whose appearance and figure can be called classic western beauty , the originally restless mind suddenly became more fiery.He gave the order immediately without hesitation.

The samurai who originally surrounded Kitano Midaiko and the others.He immediately rushed towards Zhuo Yun and the others.All of them held swords and looked fierce.

"Chopper, these people are entrusted to you!" Zhuo Yun said indifferently, without any fear on his face, not even a change in expression, and continued to walk like this.

"Yes, my lord!" Chopper who was following him nodded respectfully.At the same time as his words fell, his figure disappeared in place, and the pupils of the sword-crazed old man beside Muto Changqing shrank suddenly, and just as he stepped forward to stop him, he was already a step too slow.

"Ahhh!" There was a shrill scream, but this time it was not the screams of the members of the Kitano family, but the screams of the warriors of the Muto family, each holding the handle of the samurai sword The throw flew and fell, and in the blink of an eye, all five Kitano family samurai lost their right hands and samurai swords.

Muto Changqing, who was originally arrogant, staggered in fright.Subconsciously, he hastily shrank behind the old man with sword insanity, his eyes full of fear.

These samurai who followed him were all well-trained elite samurai of the Muto family.If he fought head-on, one person would be able to withstand a dozen ordinary men who also held weapons. Now these well-trained elite warriors have their arms cut off so easily, which is really hard for him to accept.

Compared to the horrified Muto Changqing, the eyes of the sword-crazed old man looked at Chopper, apart from being slightly shocked, there was more of a fiery fighting spirit.

Even though he has retired for more than ten years, the attachment that belongs to sword madness still has not dissipated. Seeing Chopper who is powerful and also suitable for long swords, the fighting spirit that has been hidden in his heart for more than ten years is ready to move again. Standing up, the whole body exuded a sharp sword intent, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a sharp sword.

Surprised, he glanced at Jian Chi who was exuding a powerful aura, but Zhuo Yun didn't stop his footsteps, just walked through the crowd, and came to Kitano Meidaizi, looking at the familiar but haggard and thin With so many cold and beautiful faces, Zhuo Yun felt guilty.

"Mei Daizi, you have worked hard these days." Zhuo Yun looked at the woman in front of him who had sacrificed a lot for herself, and said with an affirmative smile on her face.

Bei Yemei Daizi stopped crying tears, shook her head with a smile through her tears, stepped forward and threw herself into Zhuo Yun's arms, feeling the warm and firm chest.

"No, for you, I don't feel hard in everything I do." Lying in Zhuo Yun's arms, Kitano Meidaizi's expression was full of happiness and peace of mind. The stone that had been pressing on her heart finally fell to the ground. When she arrived, she knew that she had found her own support, and she would not have to bear the huge pressure alone.

Hearing Kitano Meidaizi's words, everyone in the room was taken aback. No one thought that Meidaizi, who had always been like a queen, would actually be such a small woman for a man. A man gives his all.

"No, how is it possible, the owner of Meidaizi already has someone he likes, how is this possible." Not far away, Kitano Zhenglei saw the scene in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief. In his mind, Mei Daizi was as pure and pure as a goddess, but now everything has collapsed.

Compared with the unbelievable Kitano Masahide, Muto Changqing was even more furious. The woman he had always wanted to get was now cuddling with another man in front of him, and said such disgusting words, which made him A sense of humiliation surged in his heart, and in his opinion, this was simply being cuckolded.

"Kill that man for me, kill him for me." Wu Teng Changqing shouted angrily with a ferocious expression, his eyes were full of angry flames.

The rest of the samurai heard the words and immediately rushed towards Zhuo Yun without any hesitation. At this moment, Chopper was confronting the sword-crazed old man, and there was no way to rescue him. From Muto Changqing's point of view, Zhuo Yun must die this time , as long as Zhuo Yun is beheaded, he can get Kitano Meidaizi and the other two peerless beauties.

Even as the second son of the head of the Muto family, among the women Muto Changqing has played with, there are almost no women who can be compared with the three daughters of Chu Meier. Now I can meet three at a time, thinking of playing 4P on the bed at night Changqing Muto felt his blood getting excited.

"Go to hell, I'll accept your woman with a smile." She secretly smiled lewdly in her heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of Wu Teng Changqing's mouth, ready to see the tragic scene of Zhuo Yun being killed.

"Growth, dance of vegetation!" A calm voice sounded, and all the warriors who had just rushed to Zhuo Yun and the others wanted to back away in panic. Cover them in a piece of grass as tall as a person.

"Ahhh!" A shrill scream came from the grass, the creepy scream made people shudder, Muto Changqing's face turned blue.

The screams lasted for more than ten seconds, and soon the soaring weeds shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into ordinary grass again, revealing the dozen or so warriors of the Muto family who rushed to the money just now.

"Hiss!" Seeing the miserable appearance of more than a dozen Muto family warriors, everyone present couldn't help but gasped, their eyes showing horror.

There were cut scars all over the bodies of the dozen or so warriors, and almost none of them was uncut, as if they had rolled around in a mountain of knives.

The blood has covered the whole body of more than a dozen warriors, and it is also everywhere on the ground. Moaning and twitching, if they don't get timely treatment, even if they don't die from their injuries, they will die from bleeding too much. die.

"Supernatural being, this foreigner is actually a supernatural being." Kitano Zhenglei looked at George who was standing beside Zhuo Yun like a guard, and opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

After recovering from his senses, his eyes looking at Zhuo Yun became weird. Kitano Zhenglei really likes Kitano Meidaizi, so he can do his best for this. Seeing the strength of Zhuo Yun's subordinates now makes him still The feeling of reluctance gradually weakened, and in his mind only the truly strong were worthy of Kitano Meidaiko.

Satisfied Muto Changqing saw his twitching samurai on the ground, his complexion turned from green to white. Only now did he realize that there were less than five people left with him, and a wave of fear surged in his heart , his figure subconsciously moved closer to the old man with sword idiocy.

Patting Kitano Meidaizi in his arms, Zhuo Yun handed Chu Meier to her, and stepped forward to a place only three meters away from Muto Changqing.

"You, what do you want to do? I'm the second son of the head of the Muto family. If you dare to harm me, my Muto family will never let you go." Muto Changqing, who was overly frightened, shouted sternly, completely out of control. The arrogance just now.

"The second son of the patriarch of the Muto family, it's really amazing. I want to see how your family will deal with me." While speaking, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand to Muto Changqing, and a huge invisible suction acted on Muto Changqing body, making his body throw towards Zhuo Yun completely involuntarily.

"Buzz!" The sound of Jianming sounded. While Zhuo Yun was attacking Muto Changqing, the sword-crazed old man who had been gaining momentum also made a decisive move. He came to Zhuo Yun first, and the samurai sword in his hand exuded purity. And the sharp sword energy cut towards his raised arm.

"Clang!" There was a sound like the impact of steel. A palm full of black tattoos rested on the sharp katana. Duan's situation did not appear, and the sharp samurai sword was firmly grasped like this.

Looking at Zhuo Yun's palm dissatisfied with black tattoos, the pupils of the sword-crazed old man suddenly shrank, and the sword energy on the sword soared, spreading Zhuo Yun's palm, grabbing Muto Changqing's hand and retreating three or four meters away, his expression changed It was extremely dignified. (To be continued..)

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