Super black turtle clone

Chapter 311 The Evil Black Long Sword!

From the battle just now, both Chopper and George showed super strength. Even if there is still a little gap compared with him, the combination of the two is enough to make the sword-crazy old man retreat temporarily. Now Coupled with Zhuo Yun who seems to be stronger, how can he not frighten the old man Jian Chi.

"Uncle, kill them all quickly, let them go to hell." Muto Changqing, who was still in shock, shouted in a panic with a frightened expression on his face.

"Shut up!" The sword-crazed old man glared at Changqing Muteng with a bit of hatred for iron and steel. He was very disappointed with his brother's son. Under such circumstances, he was completely unable to see the facts clearly. These people beheaded, but whether these people should let them live.

Muto Changqing, who was clamoring, did not expect that his uncle would reprimand him angrily, and was stunned in place after being taught a lesson. It seemed that the situation of being reprimanded came over, and he looked nervously at Zhuo Yun and the others, especially when he saw Zhuo Yun's body. When he got the terrifying tattoo, he felt a chill all over his body.

"Your Excellency, for the sake of my Muto family, please hold your hand high." The old man Jianzhi said with a complicated look in his eyes, with a compromise attitude.

Hearing the old man Jian Chi's words, everyone present who knew his experience all showed a look of astonishment. It was hard to believe that Jian Chi, who was also full of fighting spirit and sharp-edged when facing the Japanese master of swordsmanship, was in a dozen years. It's hard for them to believe that after a year, they would be like a young man begging for perfection.

Although Zhuo Yun didn't know the old man Jianzhi, he could still feel a blood-boiling fighting spirit from the old man Jianzhi, but he didn't know why the old man Jianzhi kept trying to suppress his fighting spirit.Instead, she wanted to beg him for forgiveness.This made Zhuo Yun feel inexplicably interested in this old man.

"Okay. I can let you go, but the kid next to you has to stay." Zhuo Yun glanced coldly at Changqing Muto, his naked killing intent not restrained in the slightest, allowing him to stand four or five meters away. Muto Changqing who was outside felt a chill all over his body, strong fear emerged in his heart, and quickly hid behind the old sword idiot.

"Uncle, you can't leave me. You promised my father to help me. You can't leave my nephew alone." Muto Changqing, who was really scared, reached out and grabbed the clothes of the old man with sword, full of Pleading with a panicked face, as the second son of the Muto family, he still has a good life, so he doesn't want to die here.

The sword-crazy old man glanced at Changqing Muto with a disappointed expression. Before, he only saw that this nephew was rather a dude, but he didn't expect him to be such a waste.

"Don't worry, Uncle won't abandon you, you go to the side and wait first. Don't get close." Sighing slightly, the old man Jian Chi instructed Muto Changqing.

At this moment, Muto Changqing was really honest.Not daring to have the slightest objection, they carefully hid by the wall four or five meters away, watching Zhuo Yun and the others vigilantly.

Glancing at Changqing Muto indifferently, Zhuo Yun turned his attention to the old sword idiot. He must kill Changqing Muto. Although he didn't come for a long time, he heard some Changqing Muto shouting He will never be merciful to a guy who dares to touch his own woman, not to mention that Muto Changqing is just the second son of the Muto family patriarch Muto Gen, even if he is the son of the Emperor of Japan, he will never let it go.

"Originally, I didn't want to do anything. I was lucky enough to get a samurai sword that was extremely sharp and powerful. I confidently challenged the masters of Japanese swordsmanship, but I didn't expect that samurai sword to be a magic sword. In the constant challenges and battles, I was gradually controlled by the demonic nature, and it took nearly ten years to suppress this demonic nature. Since then, I have never dared to fight with others, and dared to use that magic knife As he spoke, an evil light shot out from the eyes of the old man with sword idiocy, and the originally suppressed fighting spirit burst out from his body. With the outbreak of surging fighting spirit, a faint black energy surged from the body of the old man with sword idiocy. out.

"Young man, it's still too late for you to give up now. I know that your strength is very strong, but once I become enchanted, my strength will increase several times. I don't even know what I will do at that time." Tangled faintly The black-spirited sword-crazed old man exuded a dangerous aura, and said coldly again.

Feeling the aura emanating from the sword-crazed old man, Zhuo Yun also put away his contemptuous emotions. From the black energy on the sword-crazed old man, he felt an evil aura, which even he could feel I feel a little restless.

"Mei Daizi, lead the others to hide in the distance." Zhuo Yun turned and hugged Chu Meier's Kitano Mei Daizi and ordered.

"Well, be careful yourself." Kitano Midaiko, who had always been very strong since she became the head of the family, nodded in agreement with gentleness.

Kitano Mei Daizi and the others retreated to the distance, and even the two brothers Qiaoba, Zhuo Yun let them be responsible for protecting Mei Daizi and Chu Meier. He didn't want any accidents to happen to these two loyal subordinates.

"I still say the same thing, you can leave by yourself, but your good-for-nothing nephew must stay." Zhuo Yun shouted again in a cold voice without showing any weakness. With his strength improved to the present, it is very difficult to find an evenly matched opponent. Difficult, now that he sees the strange sword-crazed old man, he will naturally not let it go like this.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's reply, the sword-crazed old man stopped talking, and stretched out his hand to insert the samurai sword in his hand back into the scabbard. There was a look of pain on his face, and the muscles in his right arm squirmed violently. An astonishing scene With the squirming of the arm muscles of the sword-crazy old man, he appeared in the sight of everyone present.

Some timid people felt their legs tremble slightly when they saw the scene in front of them, their eyes were full of fear, Muto Changqing almost sat on the ground.

A ferocious black long sword emerged from the arm of the sword-crazed old man in this way. The black long sword was engraved with patterns of various ghosts and monsters, and the hilt was even shaped into a ferocious skull. When the sword appeared, the black skull's eyes emitted a strange red light.

"What an evil sword!" Looking at the black long sword exuding an evil aura in front of him, Zhuo Yun couldn't help being secretly shocked. Compared with it, the Murasame Sword, known as the Demon Sword, is nothing at all. What, it has simply become the sword of justice that judges all evil, and there is almost no comparison between the two. (To be continued..)

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