Super black turtle clone

Chapter 323 Surrender!

The sacred power itself is the nemesis of the evil aura on the Ghost Sword Snake Demon. In addition, the holy bible is complete at this moment, and the holy power produced has a qualitative leap, making the Ghost Sword Snake Demon unable to resist. The speed visible to the naked eye is suppressed and sealed.

The holy light completely enveloped the ghost sword and snake demon. At the beginning, the chain was only wrapped around the half-human half-snake phantom and the ghost sword. Later, it spread directly and bound the sword-crazed old man. Suppressed by the snake demon, the chain of holy light gradually sank into their bodies, finally sealing it completely.

The half-human, half-snake phantom flew into the ghost sword and returned to the sword-crazed old man's hand. At the same time, the holy light chains were completely submerged into the sword-crazy old man's body.

"Ghost Sword Snake Demon, what's the matter, what do you have to say now, should you submit to my master, or endure endless torture, and finally turn into ashes." Sealing the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, the druid gaze Staring disdainfully, his words were full of indifference and majesty.

"Master, isn't your master the Pope and God the ghost? When will your majestic Holy See's holy bible spirit recognize a Chinese man as master? What a joke." Ghost Sword Snake Demon twisted unconvinced Moving his body, it's a pity that all his strength has been sealed at this moment, and he is not as good as an ordinary person.

"Hmph!" Druid's face sank slightly, the chains of holy light that had disappeared from the Ghost Sword Snake appeared instantly, and the intense holy light burned on his body like a flame, and the Ghost Sword Snake immediately let out a mournful cry. Shouting, figure rolling around on the ground.

"How about it, Ghost Sword Snake Demon, now I will give you the last chance. Do you submit to my master. Or endure endless torture." The druid is like a machine without emotion.He continued to ask in a cold tone, without the slightest emotion in his eyes, and the staring eyes made ghost swords and snakes feel chills.

The Ghost Sword Snake Demon is a monster condensed from killing, resentment and other consciousness, but it does not mean that he is a completely irrational lunatic, otherwise he would not have escaped twice in a row. Now he really feels the pain of being tortured by the Holy Light, Not to mention a monster without moral integrity, even those noble people can't bear it.

Without too much hesitation.After enduring two miserable pains, Ghost Sword and Snake Demon became much more obedient, and decisively chose to surrender to Zhuo Yun. As for whether he is sincere, it is not known, and there is no need to know, after all, there is a chain of holy light Even if there is a ghost in his heart, the ghost sword and snake demon dare not make any rebellion.

Successfully subduing the ghost sword and snake demon is definitely a top-notch help for Zhuo Yun. After all, the strength of the ghost sword and snake demon is a guy who makes Zhuo Yun feel difficult.If it weren't for the power of the holy bible to restrain the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, and the Ghost Sword Snake Demon had been seriously injured in fighting so many people before.It is absolutely impossible to be subdued so easily, let alone let the powerful, cruel ghost sword and snake demon surrender to a human being.

When the people chasing the ghost sword and snake demon arrived at the scene, they had already gone to the ground, and the Japanese masters didn't even know that they had been Zhuo Yun's helpers for free, and not only succeeded in attracting their attention Attracted to the Ghost Sword Snake Demon, he was able to obtain the upper part of the Holy Bible from the Jingri Shrine relatively easily. He also took the opportunity to use the Holy Bible Druid to kill the powerful and vicious Ghost Sword Snake Demon The seal was recovered.

Fortunately, they didn't know that these were all planned by Zhuo Yun later, otherwise they would be so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood. After fighting desperately on their side, the one who finally benefited was Zhuo Yun from Huaxia. For the proud Wa people, it was definitely a huge blow.

Back in the Beiye family, Zhuo Yun and the two daughters had another battle between the dragon and the phoenix. While it was hearty, he couldn't help thinking about what he would do next.

Now Meidaizi Kitano is basically done with it, with enough money and influence support, I believe that the Kitano family will develop quickly, and it doesn't make much sense for him to stay here, which makes him miss it a little Wang Yanrou and other women who are in Huaxia, after all, the two sides have not seen each other for nearly a year.

Of course, before leaving, he still had one more important thing to do, which was to wake up Chu Meier, who had been in a deep sleep, and let her recover.

"How about it, how sure are you that you can save Sister Mei?" Zhuo Yun said solemnly, looking at Chu Meier who was lying on the bed with a peaceful face.

The Druid, who had condensed the figure of an angel, exuded a faint holy light, hesitated a little and said: "Master, I have now integrated the first half of the Holy Bible, and I can completely wake up the mistress from her deep sleep. It's just that if you do this, there will be a problem that is not too serious, and it needs to be decided by the master."

"What's the problem!" Zhuo Yun frowned, and glanced at the druid with some displeasure. The guy promised him before, but now there is another problem.

"Master, it's like this. I checked just now. That guy Wilson has imposed another Holy See secret technique on the mistress. If he wants to rescue the mistress, the mistress will be frustrated. Forget a lot of things from the past, the most important thing is to regard the person you see at the first sight as the most important master in your life, even if you die for it, you will not hesitate at all." Druid put things in a cautious manner. Speak out.

After listening to the druid's words, Zhuo Yun frowned. The question he said was really not a big problem, but he was also a little worried.

"In this way, will sister Mei become another person completely, or become like a robot." Zhuo Yun asked worriedly.

"The master can rest assured that the secret technique of the Holy See will only wash away the memory of the mistress, and the mistress still retains her personal character and emotions, just like a piece of white paper, which can be added at will. Master, you are determined." Druid quickly explained, a little uneasy while speaking.

In fact, he knew about this before, but he deliberately concealed it in order to let Zhuo Yun get the first volume of the Holy Bible.

After being in constant contact with Zhuo Yun, the Druid gradually discovered that Zhuo Yun was far stronger than he imagined, and his trump card made him dare not have other thoughts. , took the opportunity to rebel, but now he had to kill this idea in the bud. (To be continued..)

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