Super black turtle clone

Chapter 324 Holy Maiden Chu Meier!

He glanced at the druid coldly, but Zhuo Yun didn't care too much about this matter. After all, things didn't go in a bad direction. It might be a good thing for Chu Meier to lose her original memory. Forget about the family she belongs to, and don't need to continue to be associated with that cold family.

With Zhuo Yun's approval, the druid immediately started to act. The holy bible was suspended above Chu Mei'er's body, emitting a faint golden light. The light transformed into special characters and entered her body. At the same time as these characters were submerged, Chu Meier's whole body began to emit white holy light.

At the beginning, the holy light was still very weak, but as time went by, the holy light became more and more intense, and eventually even overshadowed the light emitted by the holy bible.

"Master, the druid has activated the secret technique of the Holy See in the body of the mistress. The power of the secret technique will completely stimulate the system of the mistress. When the mistress wakes up, she will have the purest body and practice the Holy See exercises. If you do, you will become a powerhouse surpassing the Pope." The tired-looking Druid said excitedly.

Zhuo Yun did not pay too much attention to becoming a strong man surpassing the Pope. In his mind, these are far less important than Chu Meier. Anyway, with his existence, even Chu Meier is still the same as before. He also likes beautiful women, he doesn't need Chu Meier to become so powerful.

The druid returned to the holy bible to cultivate, while Zhuo Yun was guarding Chu Meier's side. He wanted to wait for Chu Meier to wake up and see him for the first time.

The druid has said before that when Chu Meier wakes up, she will regard the person she sees first as her most important master.He didn't want any surprises.At that time, Chu Meier recognized someone else as her master.Then he almost didn't even cry.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the holy light on Chu Meier's body became more and more intense, and finally even turned into a real flame, and when it reached this peak, it finally began to fade until it disappeared completely, revealing that She has a beautiful face and figure, but at this moment she is already naked.

The explosion of the holy light just now turned all of Chu Meier's clothes into ashes.At this moment, the whole body was naked, and the attractiveness displayed made Zhuo Yun, who had seen it a long time ago, couldn't control the impulse in his heart, and a strong impulse to press him under him emerged, and he couldn't help it. He swallowed hard.

After being nourished and transformed by the holy light, Chu Meier's skin, which was originally fair, has become crystal clear. It looks like a jade crystal, which can be called a work of art.Especially the huge monster on the chest is so strong that it is unimaginable, even if it is lying on the bed.Still looking full and firm.

Just when Zhuo Yun suspected that there would be no problem with Chu Meier's pair of big breasts, and they became hard, and wanted to reach out and touch them, Chu Meier, who had been sleeping soundly on the bed, suddenly opened them. His eyes just saw Zhuo Yun's half-stretched arm, which made his old face turn slightly red.

"Master!" Pausing for a moment, Chu Meier flashed a pair of big eyes that were as pure as water, opened her red lips and said softly, her voice was as moist as spring rain.

"Ah!!" Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses completely, an inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart, both joy and loss.

Chu Meier can wake up and become more beautiful than before, he is naturally very happy, but the pure and watery Chu Meier in front of him is no longer the original her.

"Forget it, why are you thinking about this? Sister Mei's ability to wake up is more important than anything else." Having figured it out, Zhuo Yun showed a gentle smile on his face.

Chu Meier woke up, which delayed Zhuo Yun's original idea of ​​leaving for a while. Now Chu Meier is just a blank sheet of paper, and he has to draw something on it to enrich her whole body. Only in this way can he truly relax.

Originally, in Zhuo Yun’s view, he needed to teach Chu Meier like teaching a child, but to his surprise, Chu Meier had not forgotten a lot of knowledge except for some things, which made his teaching work difficult. Undoubtedly a lot easier.

After living in Japan with Chu Meier and other daughters for a week, Zhuo Yun taught her a lot of things, and then he handed it over to Kitano Meidaizi and Angela with confidence. Bring Chu Meier back. After all, there are Lei Baoer, Wang Yanrou and other daughters in Huaxia. He doesn't know if Lei Baoer and the others will accept Chu Meier, so he can only talk about it for the time being, and make everything smooth Then, take Chu Meier back to Huaxia.

Before leaving, Zhuo Yun left the Qiaoba brothers and Angela in the Kitano family. After all, no one knows whether a second Japanese family will appear to cause trouble after one Muto family is wiped out.

So he had to leave a few people to assist Kitano Mei Daizi, so that he could rest assured, at least to ensure the safety of Mei Daizi and other women.

Originally, he planned to let the ghost sword and snake demon stay, but seeing his honor, and his rebellious and brutal temperament, even if he is bound by the chain of the holy light, he is not sure that he will not take the opportunity to make trouble. He decided to keep this dangerous guy by his side.

Parting is naturally sad, and Zhuo Yun has put in a lot of sweat for this, spending a whole night in the room with the three girls.

Ever since her body was transformed by the holy light, Chu Meier's physical fitness has become the strongest among the three girls, and her skin has become extremely smooth and supple. Zhuo Yun's breasts, which were worried about problems at first, became real after being kneaded. I learned that the previous worries were superfluous, it was a mess.

Not only is it firm and abnormal, but it is also full of elasticity, so soft that you can't wait to integrate your whole body into it.

In addition, the bottom has also become very sensitive, just a little teasing will flood the spring water, and there is a suction in the battle, which makes Zhuo Yunshuang almost unable to resist becoming a quick shooter, making him really There is an urge to linger.

While the three girls were lying on the bed limp and sleeping, Zhuo Yun got up a little tired, took a bath and left the ancestral house where the Kitano family lived together with the Ghost Sword Snake Demon.

When I came here before, I took the bubble submarine, and I didn't have any legal documents at all. When I left, I had to take the bubble submarine again and sank into the sea.

Compared with Zhuo Yun, who has long been used to it, the Ghost Sword Snake Demon is quite shocked by this situation. The ability to maintain bubbles in the thousand-meter deep sea and move forward quickly cannot be explained by supernatural powers, even if it is strength. The mighty Ghost Sword Snake Demon didn't think he could reach this level either. The resistance and disdain in Zhuo Yun's heart because Zhuo Yun relied on the Druid to subdue him was completely gone at this moment. For the first time I am in awe of Zhuo Yun.

The distance between Wa Kingdom and Huaxia can be said to be one step away. Riding a fast bubble submarine, Zhuo Yun soon came to the land of Huaxia.

Almost at the same time that he had just landed, the voice of text messages rang one after another. When he opened it, it was all calls from Thomas. He called at least seven or eight times within one minute. According to his understanding of Thomas, It would be impossible for him to do this if something very important hadn't happened.

Regardless of going to see Wang Yanrou and other women, Zhuo Yun went directly to a nearby hotel to stay and dialed the number Thomas had called.

"My lord!" The phone was connected, and Thomas shouted happily, with an unconcealable impatience in his tone.

"What exactly happened? After subduing the Red Coral Pirates, did something go wrong?" Sitting on the sofa, Zhuo Yun asked in surprise.

With the current strength of the Thomas Pirates, among the pirates and other forces in the entire Malay Archipelago, they are definitely considered very strong, especially in the pirate group, the strength of the other two pirate groups is definitely not small. The gap, after all, pirates are not as lucrative as imagined.

Every pirate group has to bear the risk of death, and also needs a lot of money to buy weapons, pirate ships, and other expenses. Many pirate groups are actually not rich, but they only rely on continuous accumulation to have the current In terms of strength, they do not have any advantage over the Thomas Pirates.

"Lord Neptune, the red coral area where we are located has been bombarded by the Japanese navy. Now the Japanese navy has entered the red coral area. Despite the help of various hidden reefs, it is still unable to withstand the attack of the Japanese navy. Please, Mr. Neptune Take the shot." Thomas's shy voice sounded from the other end of the phone. For Thomas, who was a rebellious man, he always wanted to show his strength in front of Zhuo Yun, and this direct call for help made him feel very ashamed.

"Okay, I get it, you guys hold on first, I need some time." Zhuo Yun nodded coldly, secretly regretting that he should not have been too careless. There must be some conspiracy in the Japanese kingdom's inclusion of Thomas before, and now If Thomas rebels, Wa will definitely take action.

After ordering Thomas, Zhuo Yun immediately notified the mysterious turtle who had just entered the deep sea area with his mind, and told him to head towards the red coral sea area at full speed. He also went with the fire python and the deep sea crab king. Although the gap between them and the black tortoise has widened, it can be regarded as a great help in the sea. After all, just because of their huge size, they already have abilities similar to superpowers, which are enough to deal with ordinary naval warships. .

The Almighty Maritime Company in City Z has replaced the original overlord Haitian Group under continuous development, and no longer needs to trade deep-sea fish. After all, no ordinary creatures can survive in the deep sea. It was also very limited, and Zhuo Yun did not let the deep sea crab king continue hunting. (To be continued..)

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