Super black turtle clone

Chapter 325 Encirclement and Suppression from the Wa Country!

At the speed of the fire python and the deep-sea crab king, Thomas and the others are estimated to have been wiped out by the Japanese navy long ago and only ashes are left if they want to rush to the red coral sea area.

In order to increase the speed, the black turtle showed super powers, carrying the two of them through the deep sea at an astonishing speed. The high pressure in the sea water and the resistance of the sea water are very large for ordinary submarines. For Xuangui, there is no need to worry about these things at all. Wherever the water passes, it will be separated automatically as if surrendering to the king's hand, just like the magic of the legendary water-avoiding beads on Xuangui's body. The speed is naturally very fast.

When the black turtle was heading towards the red coral sea area at the fastest speed, the red coral sea area was already in a mess, and the smoke of war filled the entire red coral sea area.

Although the Wa Kingdom was defeated in the World War and was restricted in the development of its military power, the ambitious Wa Kingdom has gradually recovered its original national strength after these years of development, and it has made great efforts in the military. High-tech and advanced weapons are absolutely top-notch in the world.

Due to the limitation of the joint military force, the Japanese navy has always been developed as a defensive naval force. In recent years, it has gradually become active. From the original pure defense to offensive training, This does not mean that the Japanese navy is very weak.

On the contrary, under the full development of the Japanese country, the naval power has made great progress, and coupled with high-tech weapons, the naval power of the Japanese country is comparable to that of a first-class country.

Of course, this is only in terms of hardware, because the long-term development of the defensive navy has caused the Japanese navy to have considerable shortcomings in combat effectiveness.There was no formal engagement at all.It is for this reason.This gave the Thomas Pirates a chance to breathe, relying on the terrain to block them.

The terrain of the red coral sea area is definitely a natural barrier. Although the previous battles damaged many traps, it still severely hindered the Japanese navy, and even lost several warships because of this. The Japanese army was furious. After all, their naval power was developed recently, and they had never fought before.I thought the siege would be easy, but I didn't expect to lose several warships before they even reached the island.

The furious Japanese Ministry of Defense immediately mobilized the support of air power. The Japanese Ministry of Defense was furious about the betrayal of Thomas and his party. It will be condemned by major countries and seriously affect its international status.

relative to naval power.The development of Japan's air power is definitely at the advanced level in the world.At this moment, the bombing resounded throughout the red coral sea area, with the sound of explosions everywhere, waves of more than ten meters high were blown up, and the absolutely suppressed air power made the Thomas Pirates suffer.

The red coral sea area is indeed a natural barrier, but that is only relative to the sea, and there is no barrier at all in the air.

When the bombardment broke out in the Red Coral Sea, all major countries and forces in the Malay Archipelago were paying attention. Since it is impossible to ignore the countries in the Malay Archipelago this time, this attack belongs to the Malay Archipelago. In the sea area, the Wa country also paid some price to be able to do it.

Regarding the strength of the Thomas Pirates, this is the first time that some countries in the Malay Archipelago have seen it. If it is just a sea battle, it is estimated that even with the naval power of the Japanese country, if they want to wipe out the Thomas Pirates in the Red Coral Sea, that would be too much. A very difficult thing.

This is only under the premise that the Thomas Pirates will not escape. Once they give up the red coral sea area and choose to escape here, the Japanese navy will be unable to defend at all.

In normal times, some countries in the Malay Archipelago would definitely offer an olive branch to the Thomas Pirates immediately, but now no country is willing to offend the powerful Japanese country for the sake of the Thomas Pirates. Of course, if the Thomas Pirates can stop this If there is another attack, it is another matter.

It's just that no country, or force, would think that the Thomas Pirates could withstand the Wa Kingdom's massive attack by sea, land and air.

Facing the bombing of the Japanese Air Force, Thomas and others could only dodge passively. Fortunately, he had already thought of this possibility before, and did not dispatch those top-notch combat boats, but some old-fashioned combat boats from the original Red Coral Pirates. It didn't feel bad, but this passive beating made Thomas and the others very aggrieved. They were secretly looking forward to the appearance of the Sea King God, who would send all the Japanese devils to the ocean to bury them.

After the bombing, the Japanese navy continued to advance. Because of the suppression of air power, the Thomas Pirates were unable to form an effective delaying tactic, and could only carry out small-scale obstruction. However, this also bought them some time. Next, the distance to the red coral sea area is getting closer and closer.

"Damn the Japanese devils, I knew this would happen. I should have made a big fuss in the Japanese country before, so that they would not have the energy to deal with Thomas." Possessed on the black turtle, Zhuo Yun could sense it through the black turtle's sensing power. The violent fluctuations from a distance, through the fluctuations, one can imagine the intensity of the battle on the battlefield.

It took another 5 minutes for the black turtle to travel at full speed. Zhuo Yun easily sensed the battle situation in the distance through the super sensitive power of the black turtle.

"This group of beasts in the Japanese country really paid a lot of money." Zhuo Yun frowned secretly in his heart. If you do it, it will definitely cause a sensation in Wa country and even the whole world.

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Yun finally dispelled these worries. With Xuangui's current strength, if he wanted to hide, it is estimated that even with the technological power of the United States, he would not be able to find his existence. They couldn't fully detect it, let alone the mysterious turtle in the deep sea.

Having figured it out, Zhuo Yun told Xuan Gui his thoughts with a slight movement of his mind. Since Xuan Gui became conscious, he no longer always occupies Xuan Gui's body.

After receiving Zhuo Yun's order, Xuan Gui immediately mobilized the vitality in his body, and in an instant a dark cloud appeared within a radius of ten miles, covering the entire sky in pitch black. (To be continued..)

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