Super black turtle clone

Chapter 326 The Great Reversal!

The sudden black cloud made the Japanese Air Force present dumbfounded. They had checked the weather in this area long ago, and it was absolutely clear and clear. Clouds shrouded, and before they could recover, the pouring rain poured down.

"Boom boom boom!" Immediately after the thundercloud rolled, flashing thunderbolts emerged as if they were summoned, enveloping all the fighter jets in the Wa country.

Amidst the explosion and roar, more than a dozen of the newest fighter jets were all scrapped, turning into smoking garbage, falling from the sky and plunged into the sea water.

The soldiers on the Japanese combat boats on the sea were all dumbfounded, staring dumbfounded at the dozens of streams of black smoke falling from the sky, and couldn't believe the sight in front of them. This was really amazing, so amazing that they couldn't believe it These are all facts.

Compared to the shocked Japanese people, Thomas and the others were so excited that they shouted and prayed loudly, because they knew that it was Lord Neptune who was helping them, and with the blessing of Lord Neptune, they would not be afraid They are not afraid of anyone, even the regular army of the Wa Kingdom.

Except for Thomas and others, the others didn't think about this at all. In their view, this should be a purely natural accident. Although this accident looks a bit weird, it is difficult to associate it with what they think. After all, this kind of accident The ability is beyond their imagination. Even the most powerful supernatural being in the world is not enough in front of the black turtle. If it weren't for the advanced technology of the society, the black turtle would definitely rule the entire earth.

Take out a dozen of the newest fighters in the sky.Zhuo Yun did not let Xuan Gui continue to attack.He didn't want to involve Xuangui.Besides, this is also a good whetstone to hone Thomas and others, and he also believes that with the current strength of the Thomas Pirates, they can definitely destroy the Japanese naval force.

Thomas, who saw the opportunity to counterattack, did not disappoint Zhuo Yun, and immediately touched the twenty or so top battleships, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the warships of the Japanese kingdom. The fierce firepower stunned the Japanese navy at once. , and wait until they react.When they wanted to fight back, their own side had already lost several ships, but Thomas and his party had already fled to a distant place relying on the fast speed of the battleships and their understanding of the surrounding terrain.

The Japanese navy furiously launched its ships and wanted to pursue them, but it ended up in a situation where it could never be restored. Various traps and hidden reefs, and even vortex currents in some places, swallowed the entire ship at once. When the Japanese navy discovered this Condition.When he wanted to evacuate, Thomas rushed up again.

Those who beat the dog in the water violently bombed the Japanese navy.Let the Japanese navy, which was originally in chaos, completely fall into a passive situation.

A victory that belonged to the Thomas Pirates was beyond doubt. The Japanese navy, which had been stunned, could not resist the battle-tested pirates at all. The appearance is simply the best portrayal of panic like a fish slipping through the net and active like a bereaved dog.

And just when the Japanese navy escaped from the red coral sea area, away from the sight of everyone, and at the same time they thought they were safe, a huge vortex suddenly rolled up on the sea surface and spread to hundreds of meters, covering all the Japanese naval ships. In the vortex, no navy can escape this bad luck.

The power of the vortex is extremely powerful, and more than a dozen naval ships were all sucked into the bottom of the sea along with the vortex. The tragic Japanese navy was wiped out at this moment.

As the mastermind this time, Zhuo Yun was attached to Xuangui, and he was watching the scene of more than a dozen ships falling into the sea at the same time in a leisurely manner.

If it was the navy of other countries, he might not have done such an absolute job. For the Japanese navy, he had no idea of ​​letting it evacuate safely.

With the addition of Xuangui, what was originally considered by the Japanese people was a sure-fire annihilation, but it turned into such a situation that the navy and air force were wiped out.

In the Japanese military headquarters, the Japanese officials who watched the battle through satellites looked so ugly that they looked like red-hot eggplants, especially those who supported the destruction of the Thomas Pirates. Some legs were weak, and each of them was like their own father who had died.

The loss this time may not be too serious for the Wa Kingdom, but the loss of face is enough to make the Wa Kingdom lose its head in the world. Once this matter is investigated, those who firmly supported the elimination of the Thomas Pirates before will definitely If they are sent out as a shield, their future may be miserable.

Of course, at this time, the Japanese Military Command did not know that the dozen or so naval ships that had escaped from the Red Coral Sea had also sunk into the sea. If they found out, someone would pass out immediately. The entire army of the sea and air was wiped out. This has never been so tragic in the history of war in the country of Wa.

Compared with the angry Japanese officials, the major forces in the Malay Archipelago who were watching were shocked. They never expected such a situation. The fighting power displayed by the Thomas Pirates made many Malays The countries of the archipelago are eager to recruit, and some pirate forces have other ideas.

The originally unknown Thomas Pirates, with this battle with the Japanese Navy, can be said to be a hit and famous throughout the Malay Archipelago.

To temporarily resolve the crisis in the red coral sea area, Zhuo Yun did not let the black turtle leave. After all, the Wa country had been hit so badly before, who knows if they would shamelessly continue to send planes to fight ships. Just to be on the safe side, he let the black turtle sink to The bottom of the sea is waiting. Anyway, for Xuan Gui, the most fearful thing is waiting.

After only one year of development, Almighty Maritime has grown from a small company with only a dozen people to a large group with several hundred people.

Don't underestimate these hundreds of people. After all, Almighty Marine Group does not engage in processing and other industries. A few hundred people are equivalent to thousands of people in general processing and manufacturing. The leader Haitian Group squeezed out, and gradually developed rapidly to become the leader of Haitian Property in Z City

It turned out that Wang Yanrou, the general manager of a small company, also appeared in the sight of the bosses of major groups in city Z. Many people fell in love with her, a coquettish and beautiful female general manager with amazing working ability, especially Some children from rich families even regarded the charming and coquettish Wang Yanrou as the lover of their dreams.

In the villa area on the outskirts of City Z, two black shadows were shuttled at an alarming speed. The speed of the two was very fast. Although it was dark at night, the villa area was still brightly lit, but no one noticed their existence. Because when the two of them are running and shuttling, they always appear and disappear from time to time, and they use it to an amazing degree in every dark place around them, which is almost comparable to the skills of hiding the body of Japanese ninjas. , The villa's bodyguards didn't find out at all.

Soon these two people came to a villa, this villa was the one where Zhuo Yun used to live, and it was also where Wang Yanrou and other three beauties lived.

There are many men in black patrolling around the villa. They are all members of the Neptune Gang. Ever since Biaozi became the leader of the gang and unified the underworld in City Z, a group of elites have been selected to protect Wang Yanrou and others. , and even wanted to send some personal bodyguards, but Wang Yanrou and other girls refused.

After more than a year of development, the Neptune Gang has successfully taken the first step from black to white, set foot in many industries, and began to cooperate with other city gangs to grow the Neptune Gang. He is a genius, so the police have no way to catch the Neptune gang, so they can only stare blankly.

Nearly ten Neptune's helpers are surrounded by villas. If it is a normal situation, it can definitely be solved easily. There have been problems before. Don't let go, chased them to the villa area, and they were greeted by nearly ten specially trained Neptune gang thugs. Naturally, they were easily dealt with. These people are all people who have experienced real-life fighting, far from ordinary people. can be compared.

After a brief pause, the two men in black sneaked into the villa, and the killing unfolded at this moment. Every time they flashed, one of Haiwang's men died. In a blink of an eye, nearly ten Haiwang's thugs There was only one living creature left, and there was almost no sound during the whole process.

The last Neptune's helper, after telling the situation inside in horror, followed the brothers in front of him to report in front of the King of Hell's palace.

But when Haiwang's subordinates were killed by two men in black, Wang Yanrou and Lei Baoer in the villa didn't know at all that they were wearing pajamas, lying lazily on the sofa watching TV, while watching Watching the TV, the two were still discussing with each other, and of course the topic of discussion was always around Zhuo Yun.

Just when the two beauties went to Zhuo Yun for more than a year and hadn't come back and complained to each other, they didn't realize that there were already two more people in the hall.

"Brother, there are really two top-quality beauties. Now I can finally have a good time. Beauties of this level are rare. It's really exciting."

"That's right, it's not in vain. The two of us asked for 100 million less. These two girls are really hot. We'll have one for each of us in a while. We'll switch back after we're done playing."

A sharp duck-like voice suddenly sounded. Wang Yanrou and Lei Baoer, who were watching TV dramas and complaining to each other, turned their heads and looked away with a sudden shock in their hearts. (To be continued..)

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