The leader was known to almost everyone present, Lu Zhibang, executive vice-governor of Southern Province!

Following him were Wu Jiachun, deputy mayor of Dujuan City, Tian Kewen, deputy director of the Municipal Construction Committee, and Hu Li, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.Behind them are several secretaries and drivers.

Lu Zhibang and others obviously did not expect that Wen Kejia and Wang Yang would be there!

This means that if they are too partial to their son, they will inevitably be publicized.In that case, I will be more passive.

Lu Zhibang walked up to the pale-faced Lu Jun, raised his big slap with a cattail fan, and slapped Lu Jun on the face.

Lu Jun swayed, stood still, covered half of his face, spit out a mouthful of Xuezhu Xingzi, looked at his father who fell from the sky, and asked tremblingly: "Dad, why are you here?"

6 Zhibang said angrily: "If I don't come, what kind of stupid things will you do?"

Lu Jun is not stupid, he understands that this is Li Yi's trick, and he is completely fooled and played by Li Yi!He looked at Li Yi with sharp eyes.

Wu Jiachun and the others were not stupid, they were being strict with their son at this time, that was to save him, they followed suit at the moment, each fought violently, and slapped their son hard.

Li Yi stood up and greeted Lu Zhibang and others respectfully.

Lu Zhibang looked at Li Yi deeply, and this young man was becoming more and more unpredictable to him.In today's matter, Lu Jun was in charge, and Li Yi let himself know what happened when he was sure of winning.

This trick is really very clever, advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended.Even Lu Zhibang himself couldn't think of a better trick than this.

Li Yi expected that Lu Zhibang would call the other parents over, so he purposely announced their identities loudly.

Now, these well-known figures in the official circles of Southern Province and Dujuan City are all standing in front of Li Yi. Obviously, they want to hear the opinion of Li Yi, the victim.

In Li Yi's heart, he wished that these scumbags would be pulled out and shot. However, now he understands rationally that it is not his turn to punish these people, and today's matter is so terrible that it cannot be given to these people. fatal blow.That being the case, why not turn bad things into good things and get your own maximum benefit from it?

With the shrewdness of Lu Zhibang and others, I believe they should be able to appreciate their hard work.Otherwise, they would not have been recruited.

"Leaders, we have already understood what happened today. Everything was caused by the instigation of villains." Li Yi smiled.

Lu Zhibang let out a sigh: "I don't know which villain it is?"

Li Yi's eyes swept over the bodies of several yamen one by one, and whoever fell on them would bow their heads nervously and humiliated.

In the end, Li Yi's eyes stayed on Kang Ping, and he sneered in his heart: "Kang Ping, I will take you under the knife today! As for the other guys, I will have time to deal with them in the future!"

Although Kang Ping lowered his head, he still felt a series of burning eyes shooting at him.

He raised his head in horror, shook his head and waved his hands: "It's not me! It's not me!"

Li Yi smiled and asked Lu Jun: "Young Master Lu, is that him?"

Lu Jun nodded vigorously: "That's him!"

Wu Bin and others immediately pointed at Kang Ping and shouted: "That's the guy!"

Kang Ping said in a panic: "It's not me! It's really not me, Governor Lu, you have to believe me... Lu Zhibang glanced at him coldly, and said indifferently:

"Whether it's you or not, the public security organs will handle it."

Kang Ping was about to run, but he was caught by two police officers as soon as he took two steps.Kang Ping's body went limp, and he fell to the ground, muttering to himself: "It's not me, it's not me!"

At this time, Liu Hongguang finally understood that Li Yi, this kid, had already planned to deal with this matter like this!His thoughts turned quickly, and he immediately said: "It turns out that this kid is making trouble! Hey! My old Liu's reputation was almost ruined by this brat!" He said haha, but his tone was not sinister Bu Yang, these words were obviously meant for Lu Zhibang and the others.Today's matter, my lord has a lot, let you bastards go, in the future, it depends on how you support me at work!

6 Zhibang smiled wryly in his heart, who told his son not to live up to his expectations, and let someone else take the blame, so he could only say: "Director Liu, today's situation, I wrote it down!"

Liu Hongguang laughed, waved his hands and said, "Governor Lu is very polite. I will report to Governor Lu some other day."

6 Zhibang nodded and looked at Li Yi: "Li Yi, you..."

Li Yi smiled faintly: "Governor Lu, it's late at night, so many of us are stuck here, I'm afraid it will affect other people's rest." He knew what Lu Zhibang wanted to say, but this is not the place to talk.He believes that when encountering Li Yi in the future, Lu Zhibang will definitely give him considerable support.

Lu Zhibang took a deep look at him, turned around and left.After walking a few steps, seeing that Lu Jun hadn't moved, he turned around and shouted, "Don't you think it's shameful enough?"

Lu Jun snorted coldly at Li Yi, and followed Lu Zhibang to leave.

Wu Jiachun and others nodded at Li Yi and left one after another.

When Liu Hongguang was about to leave, he glanced at Tan Jingyi, sighed, opened his mouth to Li Yi, and finally left without saying anything. He believed that Li Yi would deal with her appropriately.

Wang Yang laughed loudly and said: "Li Yi, I have convinced you! What a disadvantageous thing it was, but it turned out to be a beneficial thing after being teased by you like this! This game is well broken, broken Wonderful! It’s just too cheap for those boys!”

Li Yi said: "Cheap? When they get home, they will never be able to get a bargain! There are many ways to deal with these children, but their fathers are not easy! Oh, let's do this first! Buddy, it's getting late, it's lively It's over, shouldn't it be time to leave?"

Chen Xiang asked: "Brother, what did that girl do yesterday?"

Li Yi said coldly: "If it should be done yesterday, it will be done yesterday!"

Chen Xiang said: "Then I can take it away. 1" Take it away. Seeing Tan Jingyi's resentful expression, Li Yi said softly, "Brother Chen, enough is enough." "

Chen Xiang laughed heartily: "I knew you were sympathetic!

Let's go first, call me if something happens! With a big wave of his hand, several subordinates left with Kang Ping and Tan Jingyi. Tan Jingyi turned around and just stared at Li Yi with teary eyes without saying a word.

Xiao Jianfei came over and chatted with Li Yi for a few words before leaving with the security guard.

At the end of the song, everyone broke up, leaving only Li Yi and the other three.

Wen Kejia said: "Li Yi, I think you won't die if you beat a snake, but you will be bitten by a snake instead. Your handling today is a little too warm."

Li Yi said: "What happened today, those people can't be killed. But it's enough to deal with that kid Kang Ping."

Wen Kejia said: "Anyway, you have to be more careful. That man Lu Jun is not as beautiful on the inside as he looks on the outside. The way he looked at you before he left, he could eat people!"

Li Yi sneered and said: "If he doesn't know how to live or die, then don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Yang said: "Young Master Yi, I heard you say that he has offended you several times in a row, don't you want to fight back?"

Li Yi smiled without saying a word.

Wen Kejia said: "I understand. Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan!"

Li Yi gave him a thumbs up: "Heroes see the same thing."

Wang Yang was listening to the scriptures beside him: "What kind of charades are you playing? Zheng Boke, Duan Yuyan! I don't even know each other!"

Li Yi and Wen Kejia looked at each other and laughed.

Wen Kejia said: "You, who told you not to study hard, Zheng Boke and Duan Yuyan, this is an allusion, a classic battle example of boiling a frog in warm water and trying to catch it."

Wang Yang became interested: "Tell me about it, I like listening to allusions the most."

Wen Kejia smiled and told the story of Zheng Zhuanggong and Uncle Duan, and then said: "If you want to subdue and control others, before the situation permits and the time is not right, let him go, obey him, satisfy his desire, let him If you perform enough, you will be on the road to perdition, and then you will be completely attacked in one fell swoop. This is what "Laozi" said: "If you want to take it, you must give it to you." This move kills without blood! The real brilliant move !"

After Wang Yang listened, he tsk-tsk praised: "So, don't make enemies with educated people! Fortunately, Li Yi and I are brothers! Otherwise, I don't know how to die in the future!"

Li Yi said: "You two guys, I am a good person, and I have become a conspirator after being said so by you!"

Wang Yang said: "Okay, I've been rambunctious for half the night, I'm hungry, I'm going to eat supper!"

Wen Kejia said: "Well, I'll just play until the early hours of the morning and then go back, as if I woke up early."

The three laughed and went outside.

Time flies, and the Chinese New Year is approaching in a blink of an eye.

The Li family called to take Fang Fang and Li Yi back to the capital for a reunion year.Li Yi didn't care, and asked Fang Fang's opinion.

Fang Fang heard that the Li family used the word "Hui" when they picked her up, and the bitterness and bitterness of more than 20 years suddenly turned into tears and gushed out.

Although the Fang family really wanted to have Fang Fang and Li Yi at home for the New Year, they couldn't hold back Fang Fang's strong desire to visit her husband's grave, so they had to agree to Fang Fang.

Because of a happy family, Fang Youde's sick and frail body gradually improved.He said to Fang Fang: "I don't object to you going to the capital for the New Year, but you have to remember two things.

First, the Li family is a big family. When you get there, you must be careful in everything, and don't lose face to our old Fang family. "

Fang Fang nodded: "Dad, don't worry, I know the pros and cons."

Fang Youde said: "Second rule, you are not allowed to stay in the Li family, and come back to me after the Chinese New Year!"

Fang Fang smiled and said, "Dad, I'll come back if you don't tell me."

Only then did Fang Youde say in relief, "Okay, let's go!"

In winter in the capital, there has just been a heavy snowfall.In the small mountain forest, there is a piece of pure white everywhere, and a few green pines in the yard are so heavy that they can't straighten their waists under the heavy snow.

Except for my uncle Li Yuanxiao who was still on the way, the rest of the Li family had returned.

Mr. Li took Li Yi's hand and said hello several times.

Fang Fang respectfully called out: "Dad!"

Mr. Li looked at the daughter-in-law whom he met for the first time. She was so simple and dignified. Thinking of her being a widow for so long for her son and bringing up her grandson, it is conceivable that she has suffered so much. Very well known.

He reached out his hand to wipe away the muddy tears from the corners of his eyes, said hello a few more times, and sighed: "If I had seen you sooner and knew that you are such an excellent woman, maybe I wouldn't have been so stubborn back then!"

Fang Fang couldn't bear it anymore, tears welled up in her eyes and flowed into her mouth, she couldn't tell whether it was bitter or sweet.


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