Official road bends

Chapter 102 Sketch

The snow on both sides of the road was dirty with ruthless footprints and wheels, covered with a layer of dusty black dust.

On this day, just after the lively New Year, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

Li Yi looked through the car window at the bustling street outside, and asked his uncle Li Zhengyu who was sitting in the driving seat: "Uncle, where are you taking me?"

Li Zhengyu smiled and said, "I'm impatient! Don't you know when you get to the ground?"

Li Yi said: "I don't want to talk to my uncle!"

"Why, you can only chat with my uncle, but not go shopping with my uncle?"

"Uncle, you know I don't mean that. Uncle will go abroad in two days, and I still spend a lot of time with uncle!"

Li Zhengyu said: "It doesn't take up much of your time, just have a cup of coffee with Tian."

Li Yi wondered if his uncle had something to talk to him about, so he stopped talking.

The car turned a corner and stopped in front of an antique building.

When the two got out of the car, Li Yi took a look at the house and said with a smile:

"Uncle, is this a coffee shop? It looks like the mansion of the Manchu Emperor!"

Li Zhengyu smiled and said: "You don't understand now, what is doing as the Romans do? This foreign coffee, as soon as it enters our capital, blends with our ancient culture! That's called the blending of Eastern and Western cultures. Hehe, go in, pack You won't be disappointed."

There is only a plaque hanging outside the door, with two elegant characters written on it: "Shen Yun".There is no description or advertisement to prove that this is a place for coffee.If Li Yi passed by here alone, he would never have imagined that this looks like an ordinary old-fashioned building, but there is something strange inside.

Li Yi reached out to push the ancient door, but found that it couldn't be pushed.Li Zhengyu smiled and took out a card, brushed it lightly in a small crack on the door, and the door opened in response.Only then did Li Yi notice that it was an advanced access control system, which was relatively rare in Lanshi.

How come it looks like an underground party joint!Li Yi smiled wryly and shook his head. Does the upper class have to keep it a hundred thousand percent secret when they drink coffee?

Pushing open the door and entering, a maid dressed in Qing Dynasty costume at the door, with a sweet smile, bowed and saluted, and asked:

"Sir, are there two?"

Li Zhengyu said: "No, three. There is one more who will arrive later."

"This way, sir." The maid led the two inside.

There are not many people there, and of course there are very few people who can go to such a remote place to drink coffee during the big festival.

Li Yi didn't know what other distinguished guests Li Zhengyu had invited, so it was not easy to ask, so he followed behind.

After the gate, the inside is a scene of a paradise. The rockery in the yard is made of Taihu Lake stones, and the stream flows from outside.

Sitting on a mahogany wide chair, drinking authentic Mandheling coffee, listening to the elegant and classical zither sound, and admiring the occasional white-clad maids walking outside the window.In a trance, Li Yi felt like he had traveled to the Qing Dynasty.

"How is it?" Li Zhengyu asked with a smile, "It feels good?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "It's really good. This blend of Eastern and Western cultures reminded me of many things suddenly, and I gained a lot of insights."

Li Zhengyu nodded: "I came here for the first time, and I thought and felt the same as you. I was thinking, in the long history of human beings; but in the long and colorful human civilization on the earth, I, as a primate The existence of it is so sacred."

Li Yi said: "I didn't think about those philosophical issues. I just thought that every nation and every civilization has its brilliant things, which are worthy of people's serious study."

Li Zhengyu laughed and said, "Okay, let's talk about something lighter."

Li Yi said: "Is it related to the guest who will come later?"

Li Zhengyu said: "Yes. Xiaoyi, I want to talk to you about your father's past."

"Oh? We can talk about this!" Li Yi put down the lakfei in his hand.

Li Zhengyu said: "Actually, your biological mother is not A Yuan's first love. The reason why A Yuan went to such a far country is to escape a fruitless love."

Li Yi listened quietly, he knew that A Yuan was his biological father, Li Zhengyuan.

"A Yuan is the smartest among our brothers and sisters. Of course, he is also the one with the most strange ideas. He didn't obey his father's arrangement when he was young. His father wanted him to go into politics, but he refused. His hobby is painting. He His ambition is to become a Lijia. After graduating from high school, without telling his father, he applied for the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, and met a woman in the school, her name is Fangming."

Li Yi imagined in his mind what that woman named Chen Ming looked like.

"Their love is not blessed by the woman's parents. You can imagine the ending." Li Zhengyu said here, feeling very lonely: "I am useless. If I used it more, I would call Chen Ming." If the parents accept A Yuan, A Yuan will not run away in a fit of anger, and he will not die!"

Li Yiqiang smiled and said: "Uncle, what you said is a bit wrong. If my dad didn't run away from home, he wouldn't know my mother. If he doesn't know my mother, then where do I come from? If that's the case, I'll sit with you now The one on the opposite side will not be me, Li Yi!"

Li Zhengyu was amused by Li Yi's words: "That's right! The past is like smoke and can't be recalled! Look at me, it's easy to talk about it. This is Chen Ming, and later another 9}

Married. '

Li Yi said: "Uncle, isn't it Aunt Chen Ming that you made an appointment with today?"

Li Zhengyu said: "Don't interrupt. After Chen Ming got married, he only gave birth to a daughter, who was beautiful and dignified. Anyway, I can't find a second person who is better than her in the whole capital. !"

Li Yi stared and said: "Uncle, are you sure you are not destroying the fairy in the sky?"

Li Zhengyu smiled and said: "When she comes later, you will know whether uncle is bragging!"

"Ah, you are dating Chen Ming's daughter? Could it be a blind date?" Li Yi leaned back in his chair helplessly: "Uncle, I have made it clear to Grandpa Gen about this matter. Already have a girlfriend!"

Li Zhengyu said: "Can someone take a fancy to you and visit you twice? Why are you so excited?"

Li Yi said: "Anyway, no matter whether she looks like a fairy or Chang'e, I won't be tempted!"

Li Zhengyu said: "Beforehand, this is not a blind date.

This is not my arrangement, nor is it the old man's arrangement, don't mess around with weird people. "

"Oh-" Li Yi looked disbelieving.

Li Zhengyu said: "This is brought up by the little girl herself. She knows that you are in the capital, so she asked to see you."

Li Yi has nothing to say, the girl offered to meet, isn't it too much?

Li Zhengyu looked at his watch: "It's coming soon. My kidneys are not good. If I drink more water, I will always go to the toilet. You wait here, and I will come when I go."

Li Yi nodded, took a sip of coffee.

In the corridor, a graceful and affectionate young girl walked towards this side under the guidance of the maid.

Li Yi felt that she had a kind face, so he couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

He kept watching her walk in front of him.

"Li Yi, hello!" The girl smiled and stretched out her hand:

"Why, don't you know me?"

"Some impression." Li Yi smiled, got up and shook hands with her, and asked her to sit down.

"My name is Lin Xin."

"Hello, Lin Xin. Where have we met?" Li Yi asked.

Lin Qin smiled slightly, took out a notebook from his bag, opened one of the pages, and handed it to Li Yi: "Look at this."

Li Yi took it in doubt, and only glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned.

This is a sketch of a character, and the character in the painting is Li Yi himself!

Lifelike, with high spirits, he is waving his hands and giving a speech.

"How is it, do you have any impression?" Lin Yu asked with a smile.

"Oh!" Li Yi suddenly thought of a person: "I confessed, this is the only situation when I gave a speech at the State Council Counselor Meeting. Look at the Luo Hansong behind this, I have a special impression!"

Lin Xin said: "It turns out that the impression I gave you is actually not as good as a Podocarpus pine. Is this a great sorrow in my life?"

"Haha! Ms. Lin really knows how to joke. Uh, weren't you a reporter at the time? I praised you in my heart that day, saying that Yumei is really dedicated to her work, and she never left the paper! Are you busy drawing it for me? This is too much-"

Li Yi joked.

Lin Qin smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not a staff member of the Central Office. That day, when I heard that you were going to participate in that meeting, I pestered Uncle Prime Minister and asked him to take me to see you."

Li Yi said: "I'm flattered. But why do you want to see me?"

Lin Xin said: "Don't think wrongly. I always heard my mother mention your father, saying how handsome and rare he is. I heard it a lot since I was a child. In my young heart, a very persistent Thinking about it, when I grow up, I must see Uncle Li's face. Unfortunately, I won't see Uncle Li's face anymore."

Li Yi said: "So, you just wanted to come to see me? Kou Si, did you not disappoint?"

Lin Xin said: "I really want to see you because of the accident at Haidu Airport. I'm curious, what kind of person is it, who actually predicted that there was a bomb on a plane thousands of miles away, thus saving Dad's life!"

Li Yi said: "Can I not talk about this issue?"

Lin Xin said: "Of course. I respect your wishes. Do you think I look good?"

Li Yi nodded honestly: "It looks good.

Lin Xin smiled slightly: "No wonder you keep staring at me."

Li Yi smiled awkwardly: "You can only blame your mother, who told her to give birth to you so young! Really, you are the most amazing woman I have ever had. Although I used It’s the word stunning, but this word can’t describe all the advantages of bamboo. Even among all the women I’ve met in my past and present lives, there’s no one more beautiful than you.”

Hearing the compliment, Lin Que still felt a little vanity, and said with a sweet smile, "Why, do you believe in past lives?"

"Past life?" An image suddenly flashed in Li Yi's mind, a shadow that he searched hard but could not remember, a face of a stunning woman, that was the previous life, when he heard his soul leave his body, he saw through the car window A stunning woman overlooking the face!


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