Official road bends

Chapter 159 The Balance of Power

Chapter 159 The Balance of Power

Li Yi said forcefully: "What is the purpose of our economic development? It is not for a bunch of good-looking figures such as the gross national product, nor is it for coping with the inspections of the superiors, and it is not for promotion and wealth! It is for practical Improve people's livelihood! In order to let the people live a life of living and working in peace and contentment, with no worries about food and clothing, it is to improve their happiness index!

If the environment has been severely damaged, the rivers have been polluted, and even the drinking water contains a huge amount of chemical carcinogens. When you go out and look around, you will see barrenness everywhere, no green, no birds and flowers, and no clear streams. , without cheerful swimming fish, may I ask, what happiness can there be in such a life?

Is it beneficial or harmful to the development of this region to get all kinds of economic data in exchange for destroying the environment?Is what Deputy Mayor Ge is doing for the well-being of the people of Xizhou, or is it holding back?I believe that all the chiefs present here have an account in their hearts, and they will all calculate clearly!My speech is over, thank you to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for giving me this opportunity to express my humble opinion! "

Li Yi's words, like golden bells ringing in unison, were deafening and awakened the members of the Standing Committee.

Ouyang Ji, Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, was the first to support Li Yi. He patted his palms lightly and said, "Comrade Li Yi said well! We have been calling for reform for more than ten years, but what is the real truth? The reform? Build a few factories, attract a few investments, and collect hundreds of millions more in taxes. Is it a reform? Only when the people live affluent, healthy, live and work in peace and contentment, and feel happy physically and mentally, that is the real reform! That is the real reform. socialism! I agree with Comrade Ge Hemin's promotion to mayor of Xizhou City!"

"I agree!" Lu Zhibang, the executive vice governor, raised his hand and said, "Comrade Ge Hemin, I have more contact with him, he is down-to-earth, has ideas, and is innovative. I believe he can give full play to his new job position." Give more energy and lead the people of Xizhou to the new channel of socialism!"

Jiang Jiehua, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, said: "Our Propaganda Department has recently received letters from various provinces and places. The response is that due to development and the presence of enterprises in their hometowns, the mother river, which used to be clear to the bottom, is now turbid. Even the old sows raised at home dare not eat the pig food boiled in the river water!"

Everyone chuckled, and Jiang Jiehua continued: "Over the past ten years of reform and opening up, the spring breeze has blown all over the ground and inflated people's pockets, but it hasn't blown the south bank of the river green! Comrades, there is only one earth, and we are born and raised." There is only one piece of my land. This piece of land is just like our body. It is easy to destroy it, but it is very difficult to cure it. Even if it is cured, it will leave scars! Knowing how to protect the environment, Knowing how to improve the happiness index of people's lives, I think this mayor is definitely a good mayor! Let me state once, I have never met Comrade Ge Hemin, and I don't know him, but I will vote for him!" , raised his hand.

Li Yi thought to himself, four votes!If there are three more votes, there will be a majority, so Ge ​​Hemin's hope is still very high!It seems that most of the comrades still run the party for the public good and really think about the common people.

Cao Yongtai coughed lightly and said, "I agree!" No explanation!

Because Wen Yuxi voted for him just now, and now he reciprocates, he should also return Wen Yuxi's favor!What's more, he didn't want to fight for the mayor of Xizhou City, who would he not give it to?Giving it to Ge Hemin not only supported Wen Yuxi, but also disgusted Tang Chunqiang.Why not do it?

Yan Sihe, secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, said: "I don't understand the economy or the environment. I do discipline inspection work and have no other skills, but I can tell who is good and who is bad. .I agree with Comrade Ge Hemin's promotion to the mayor of Xizhou City. The reason is very simple. I don't have the slightest impression of this person in my mind, so it proves that this person is innocent and no one has reported him! Such a comrade deserves my support!"

He said this humorously, and several members of the Standing Committee laughed and said: "That's terrible, we have to buy an eraser quickly and erase the memory of Comrade Si and Comrade Si! Otherwise, all the cadres who have impressions in his mind will become Bad guy!"

Yan Sihe said: "I'm telling the truth. Think about it, if you are a good comrade, who would write a letter to our Discipline Inspection Commission? Even if you are a living Lei Feng, if you want to write a letter of praise, you should send it to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. So that they can help with publicity? Otherwise, send it to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, so that people can get promoted and get rich? The letters sent to our Discipline Inspection Commission are all letters that say bad things about people and accuse people of corruption! If I have any impression , does it prove that I have seen his name in these letters? Tell me, is this the truth? "

Everyone laughed and even claimed yes.

Shao Changkui, Chairman of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, said: "The words of Comrade Li Yi just now moved me! Although I don't know the Deputy Mayor Ge, I also vote for him!"

Seven votes!Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief.Of course, Ge Hemin still has two competitors, as long as one of them can get more votes than Ge Hemin, then Ge Hemin still cannot be elected.Therefore, Li Yi pinned his hopes on the other members of the Standing Committee. If two more tickets could be issued, it would be much safer.

Tang Chunqiang and Zheng Zhihong definitely can't count on it, they have already voted against it.

Ye Chengfeng, the head of the Dujuan Municipal Party Committee, has been silent all the time. After such a long meeting, he didn't say a few words.

Yanyang City Party Committee Chairman Jiang Zeli lowered his eyes slightly. The candidate he proposed, Rongcheng City Party Committee Vice Chairman Liu Zhongquan, was eliminated in the first round of elections, and he didn't speak much.

Pang Honghua, Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, is holding a large transparent kettle, which is filled with various nourishing and nourishing Chinese medicinal materials, such as red wolfberry, white Codonopsis pilosula, orange Colored tangerine peel, yellow lotus seeds, etc. filled half of the jug, and she kept taking a sip, enjoying the delicacy in this world comfortably.

Li Yi thought to himself, no wonder she is so old, she still maintains her fair skin and tender skin. It turned out that she drank it.

Pang Honghua proposed that Qi Laishan, the executive vice mayor of Hecheng City, be the mayor of Xizhou City. Ge Hemin is Qi Laishan's strong enemy, so of course she would not kill the enemy.

Li Yi shook his head, gave up on her, and turned to Sheng Ziqiang.

Sheng Ziqiang, political commissar of the provincial military region, sat upright, not looking sideways.Li Yi stared at him, and he also raised his eyes and looked at Li Yi.Li Yi smiled at him.

Sheng Ziqiang cracked his mouth, thinking that this doll is interesting, he smiled at himself for no reason, what do you want to do?

Li Yi?This name is somewhat familiar, is it the Li Yi who once quarreled with Commander Ding's nephew?

Ding Jinjin told him about Ding Yusheng last time, saying that this nephew was just careless and offended Mr. Li's grandson, causing him to be scolded by Mr. Li!

Well, could it be that this Li Yi is Mr. Li's grandson?Hehe, it really is a descendant of a hero, extraordinary!In front of so many provincial and ministerial bosses, he can still talk freely and argue hard!This doll is hard to get!

Sheng Ziqiang raised his hand expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Wen Yuxi nodded slightly!

This subtle movement was captured by Li Yi, thinking that Wen Yuxi was also a little worried, right?Now, you should be able to relax!Reminiscing about Wen Yuxi's visit to his grandfather during the Spring Festival, although we don't know the content of the conversation between them, what is certain is that Wen Yuxi went to his grandfather to seek support.What does Wen Yuxi want to seek help from the Li family?Is it for the vote of the military on the Standing Committee?Or is there something else important in the capital?

Eight votes seemed to be the highest number of votes Ge Hemin could get!

Wen Yuxi obviously understood this too, and said: "Comrade Ge Hemin finally got eight votes. Next, comrades who agree with Comrade Chang Tongwen as the mayor of Xizhou City, please raise your hand." After finishing speaking, he relaxed, Wei Wei leaned on the back of the chair, watching everyone express their opinions.He certainly would not have voted for it himself!

Chang Tongwen was proposed by Tang Chunqiang, and of course he himself was the first to raise his hand in support.

Zheng Zhihong didn't hesitate at all, and immediately raised his hand, for fear that if he raised it slowly, he would offend Tang Chunqiang.

Tang Chunqiang nodded in satisfaction and looked at the other comrades.

Ye Chengfeng stopped pretending to be deaf and dumb this time. He raised his right hand and said, "I agree. Comrade Chang Tongwen, I admire him for his hard-working, down-to-earth, fairness and selflessness."

Jiang Zeli also raised his hand and said, "Agreed!" Liu Zhongquan, the candidate he proposed, had been supported by Tang Chunqiang when Mao made his statement, and he voted for it as repayment.

Four votes in one go!

It seems that Tang Chunqiang's power is still very strong!Sometimes, if you make good use of the situation, you can indeed stand against Wen Yuxi!

Tang Chunqiang glanced at Lu Zhibang seemingly casually.Lu Zhibang hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised his hand and said, "Comrade Chang Tongwen is also a good comrade, I agree."

The governor and the vice-governor agreed, which is also reasonable. After all, the vice-governor's work is still in the hands of the governor. Sometimes he has to listen to what he says.Besides, the Standing Committee has a total of [-] votes, and the 'government' side actually only has two votes!In some provinces, there will be an extra vice-governor who is in charge of important work, just to strengthen the 'government''s right to speak, and prevent the provincial party committee leader from being the dominant one.

What the officialdom emphasizes is a balance. The province must achieve balance in the cities below, and the central government must also achieve balance in the province, so that no one company will dominate the world.

Back when Tang Chun was strong, the central government sent Wen Yuxi, a strong and iron-fisted leader, in, which quickly broke the situation where the Tang Clan was dominant. The pattern of the province has reached a delicate balance.However, it is too balanced, and some people are not convinced, and want to break this balance and increase their own power.So Cao Tang joined forces.It's a pity that the shrewd Wen Yuxi, with a clever push, disintegrated the Cao-Tang Alliance!

Tang Chunqiang turned his gaze to Pang Honghua.

Li Yi was startled, wondering if Tang Chunqiang had reached some kind of benefit exchange with Pang Honghua?

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