Chapter 160

Pang Honghua put down her big water glass slowly, raised her hand, and said lightly: "I agree!"

Li Yi never expected that Pang Honghua did not support Wen Yuxi, but supported Tang Chunqiang!Could it be that she felt that the candidate she had nominated had no chance, so why did the weak join forces to fight against the strong?Or do you want to use Tang Chunqiang's hand to achieve a certain wish?

Tang Chunqiang won six votes!Li Yi was shocked, this person was stronger than he imagined.

Wen Yuxi faced such a powerful local force, as well as Cao Yongtai, a resourceful deputy, and a secretary-general of the provincial party committee who was yin and yang, and the various forces were intricate, and the situation was not good for him. Under the circumstances, he went south alone, from the prosperous place of the capital city, to this province of Longtan and Tiger's Den, relying on his own wisdom and strategy, he broke through an unusual road to power. Within a short period of time, he has drawn most of the forces in the southern province to his side. This kind of courage and strategy is beyond the reach of others!It is also worthy of Li Yi's in-depth study.

Tang Chunqiang continued to seek supporters, his eyes slowly swept across the faces of several other Standing Committee members, and finally fell on Jiang Jiehua, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

However, Jiang Jiehua seemed to have not seen him, and continued with his own business. Tang Chunqiang frowned slightly, apparently a little dissatisfied.He was really not reconciled, only two votes short!If Cao Yongtai hadn't turned his back on the battlefield, today's battle would definitely be a perfect victory!Pity!

After 1 minute, Wen Yuxi said calmly: "Okay. Comrade Chang Tongwen won six votes. Finally, Comrade Qi Laishan, comrades who agree with Comrade Qi Laishan to be the mayor of Xizhou City, please show your hands to vote."

The result of Qi Laishan's vote was also very tragic, only three votes.The nominee Pang Honghua got one vote, Tang Chunqiang got one vote, and Zheng Zhihong got one vote.

Pang Honghua seemed to have expected this ending a long time ago, without the slightest surprise or any special emotion.Same as Jiang Zeli, Chairman of the Yanyang Municipal Party Committee.Both of them put forward candidates, but both ended in low votes.

Li Yi thought to himself that these two people must not be ordinary people if they can occupy a place in this conference room.Didn't they expect this ending when they proposed candidates?Knowing that the first, second, and third in command are striving for these two positions, why do the two of them squeeze in and study with the prince?Is it just for the nomination to prove his existence?Or is their purpose just to mention the name, and it doesn't matter whether it passes or not, as long as the nominated person knows that they have tried their best?

This is also a kind of power exchange technique.If a person's name can appear on the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee a few more times, even if he is not elected, he will definitely get the attention of all the Standing Committee members, which is extremely beneficial to the person's subsequent development.The standing committee members can use this nomination right to exchange some kind of power with the city leaders below.

Wen Yuxi's deep voice sounded: "Comrades, the poll results have been counted. Comrade Luo Zhenghao got thirteen votes. He passed with unanimous votes. He was formally appointed as Xizhou Municipal Party Committee Chairman. Comrade Ge Hemin got [-] votes. Eight votes, won among the three candidates, and was appointed as the acting mayor of Xizhou City. Comrade Luo Zhenghao's original position was the mayor of Sanjiang City, and Comrade Ge Hemin's original position was the executive vice mayor of Xizhou City. At the time of his appointment, both of them will be removed from their original positions at the same time."

Tang Chunqiang lifted his spirits. He failed to eat fat in the two rounds of competition just now. In the next round of power struggle, he must go all out.After hesitating just now, he still agreed to Luo Zhenghao's appointment. Firstly, because Luo Zhenghao was indeed the best candidate for Xizhou Municipal Party Committee Chairman among the three candidates.There is also a limit to the power struggle, it is not unreasonable, let alone unreasonable.The second is that after Luo Zhenghao's transfer, a position of mayor of Sanjiang City will be vacated. This position is more attractive to him than the two official positions in Xizhou City!

Power struggles are mostly about sitting in rows and sharing results.Among the thirteen members of the Standing Committee, Wen Yuxi has already been assigned the mayor of Xizhou City, and Cao Yongtai has even been assigned the chairman of the Xizhou Municipal Party Committee. Even if they are assigned in turn, the next mayor of Sanjiang City will be It's my turn to get a job, right?

Wen Yuxi glanced at the members of the Standing Committee, and everyone's expressions were filled with a trace of excitement, because it was their turn to fight for the vacancies in the next positions!

"Comrades, after Luo Zhenghao and Ge Hemin left their original positions, the positions of mayor of Sanjiang City and executive deputy mayor of Xizhou City will be vacant. Should we continue to discuss the candidates for these two positions? Or leave it to the next Standing Committee Discuss?" Wen Yuxi leaned on the back of the chair slightly, and said lightly.

"Strike the iron while it's hot, let's continue the discussion!" Tang Chunqiang was in high spirits, so why would he leave the discussion until later?Who knows what unpredictable situations will arise in the future?In case the central government directly sends the next mayor, it is not impossible!Those big bosses in the central government are also keeping an eye on the people below!I'm afraid that there will be no vacancies below, and once there are vacancies, several big bosses will fight for it!

Officials are as passionate about power as children are about toys. As long as they fancy something, if they can't get it, they won't be able to sleep all night.

Wen Yuxi said: "Let's discuss it." As if deliberately whetting his appetite, he said: "We will discuss the vacancies in Xizhou first, and then discuss Sanjiang City. This personnel issue, If you don’t move, don’t move, this movement is a series! I have a good suggestion for the position of executive deputy mayor of Xizhou City.”

When he said this, he paused on purpose.Everyone's faces turned pale, thinking that Wen Yuxi still wanted to get the executive vice mayor of Xizhou?

After observing the expressions of everyone, Wen Yuxi continued: "The current Xizhou team is full of old men, and they are too masculine! Are we considering transferring a female county party committee from Xizhou City* ** Come up and bring a ray of spring to the Xizhou Municipal Standing Committee and the Xizhou Municipal Government."

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, wondering if Wen Yuxi was going to promote Xue Xue?

The other standing committee members looked at each other in blank dismay after hearing this.

Cao Yongtai asked: "Comrade Yuxi, do you have any good candidates?"

Wen Yuxi said: "Comrade Xue Xue, the county party committee member of Lianshui County, has worked hard in Lianshui and made outstanding achievements. He has made great contributions to the economic development of Lianshui County. As a woman, he can have such achievements. It's not easy, so don't we have to take care of the lesbians?"

This time, Pang Honghua was the first to respond, saying: "I agree with Mrs. Wen's opinion. 'Women' and lesbians can hold up half the sky! I think it's better to promote a few more 'women' and lesbians to come up. It’s best to be half male and half female, so that men and women are matched, so it’s not tiring to work!”

Tang Chunqiang frowned and said, "Xue Xue? A county party secretary who is directly promoted to the executive deputy mayor is going to be a permanent member. Isn't it a bit too fast? It's good to be promoted to the deputy mayor for a transition." He obviously still It was the first time I heard the name Xue Xue, and it was very strange.Since he is a lesbian and has been nominated by Wen Yuxi and approved by Pang Honghua, it is not easy for him to kill him with a stick, but he just proposed a compromise plan.

Wen Yuxi said: "Let's downgrade talents without sticking to one pattern! Besides, it's a normal promotion from the director level to the deputy department level! What's wrong? I think it's very good. It solves the problem The male-female ratio of the municipal government team has also solved the yin-yang imbalance of the Xizhou Municipal Committee team. Kill two birds with one stone! Ha ha."

Having said that, he gave a rare smile, but immediately became solemn.

Li Yi didn't expect that Wen Yuxi not only wanted to promote Xue Xue, but also reused her, and directly promoted her to become a regular!This greatly exceeded Li Yi's expectations.Originally thought, at most, she would be a deputy mayor!

Ouyang Ji said: "I have noticed this problem in Xizhou City for a long time, but I have never had a chance to solve it. Now that there is such a good time, let's bring Comrade Xue Xue up." He was expressing his support.

Cao Yongtai smiled and said: "Although I have never met Comrade Xue Xue, I must ask her for a drink after the meeting. Isn't this person's luck too good? Haha, once luck comes, it will stop I can't stop it!"

With this, the big tone was basically settled. If Tang Chunqiang strongly opposed it, let alone whether he could succeed or not, at least he would be labeled as suppressing women cadres. Spreading rumors will definitely have a negative impact on his reputation.

Therefore, this topic was passed without any surprise!And it was unanimously approved!

Li Yi admires Wen Yuxi's ability to control the overall situation.While talking and laughing, he won the position of an executive deputy mayor!

Wen Yuxi said: "Let's leave the vacancy of the Lianshui County Party Committee to the Xizhou Municipal Party Committee! Next, let's discuss the position of the mayor of Sanjiang City."

Li Yi thought to himself, in the standing committee of Xizhou City, Wen Yuxi lost Ma Hongqi, a leading figure, but had a mayor and an executive deputy mayor!In fact, the strength has not been weakened!It seems that every move Wen Yuxi makes has a deep meaning!

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is so volatile!While opening the eyes of ***, I learned a lot.

Yao Pengcheng was even more secretly startled, because he saw Li Yi write down the names in the notebook just now, among them were Ge Hemin and Xue Xue, followed by two names, Chen Kaiming and Yao Pengcheng.At first, Yao Pengcheng didn't understand why Li Yi wrote the names of these four people, but now he knows that Li Yi is recommending talents to Wen Yuxi!

Wen Yuxi, but the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the number one figure in the Southern Province!

A deputy county magistrate directly recommended talents to the provincial party committee secretary, and half of them have already been promoted and reused!If you didn't see this kind of thing with your own eyes, who would believe it?

Yao Pengcheng was a little fortunate that he was determined to follow Li Yi at the beginning, and he was right!

Li Yi thought that the wonderful program on the Standing Committee was over, but he did not expect that the battle for the mayor of Sanjiang City would really reach its peak in the Standing Committee!

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