Official road bends

Chapter 194 A New Round of Dispute

Chapter 194 A New Round of Dispute

Under Liang Ningfan's persuasion, a manager surnamed Tong from the meat joint factory came out carefully. Seeing the armed police and police outside, he felt relieved, adjusted his clothes, and under Liang Ningfan's guidance, came to the In front of Li Yi.

After introducing each other, Manager Tong said to Li Yi: "County Li, we can't blame us for this incident. When they were caught, they were stealing from the warehouse and trying to escape. Our staff caught up with them. It was a beating, but it shouldn’t be serious. These kids were all slick, and ran away when we weren’t paying attention. In the end, looking at their actions when they ran away, they were pretty neat.”

Li Yi said: "Manager Tong, no matter what you say, you must save people first. The medical expenses will be paid by your factory first, and the judiciary will intervene, try and draw a clear line. Whoever should be responsible is who you think. How about it?"

Under the coordination of Li Yi and other county and district leaders, the representatives of each manufacturer agreed to pay the medical expenses first and send the injured to the doctor.

Subsequently, all relevant responsible persons were taken back to the police station for interrogation and transcripts.

How to adjudicate cases is the job of the judiciary.

After Li Yi finished dealing with the matter, he returned to his office in the Economic Development Zone and held a temporary party committee meeting.

At the meeting, Comrade Li Yi pointed out that the current key work of Linyi Economic and Technological Development Zone, in addition to continuing to increase investment attraction, should also strengthen the management of the park, especially the supervision of production safety and environmental care around the enterprise.This environment not only refers to the hygienic environment, but also includes the humanistic environment and public security environment.

Comrade Li Yi emphasized that the Management Committee of Linyi Economic and Technological Development Zone should strengthen the publicity and education of the law in the park, go into enterprises, go deep into the community, and thoroughly promote the rule of law.

Li Yi knocked on the table and said earnestly: "Comrades, the citizens jumped over the wall and entered the factory to steal things! After being caught in the factory, they didn't think of calling the police, but beat them privately! To put it more seriously, this is a manifestation of legal illiteracy As government officials, you should take the overall responsibility to popularize laws and regulations!

At today's meeting, we will come up with a plan, organize a law popularization group, go deep into the community and the park, and carry out legal publicity!Comrade Liang Ningfan, you will take the lead in this matter. Comrade Sun Wei, the specific personnel list will be drafted by the office, coordinate with relevant departments, organize a law popularization group, and carry out a one-month intensive law popularization publicity!

Plan ahead and prevent problems before they happen!This is the main point of our work, and it is also a manifestation of giving full play to the "government" service function!Don't be alarmed when something goes wrong!From today, the Economic Development Zone implements a divisional responsibility system. The entire area is divided into several small areas. Each of our party committee members present is divided into a piece. If there is a problem in this area, if it is determined that it is caused by ineffective supervision The party committee members in charge of this film take the main responsibility! "

After this meeting, the work of the Economic and Technological Development Zone has indeed reached a new level, and the theft has gradually been eliminated in the bud.The legal publicity team goes deep into each manufacturer, organizes employees to study legal knowledge, and strengthens the publicity of the legal system.

The activity of this law popularization month has been maintained since this year, and has been praised and welcomed by people in Linyi Economic Development Zone.

Since this law popularization month falls in the spring of March, it is called the spring breeze law popularization month.

Zhu Feng came back from Donggouzi Township and stayed in the countryside for ten days. Not only did this guy not lose weight, but he gained a few catties instead.

Li Yi said with a smile: "You guy, didn't you go down to exploit the farmers?"

Zhu Feng said: "The cadres and masses in Donggouzi Township are too enthusiastic. I heard that I came down to inspect the pilot work of township enterprises, and they all enshrined me as a big leader. Wherever I went, someone dragged me to their home for dinner. Every meal is served with good wine and good meat, how can I not be fat? I understand now, why all the leaders are so fat!"

Li Yi said: "This is a bit big! You scolded me too. When did I get fat?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "I'm not scolding you, you are considered a thin one among the leaders, which proves that you are a good official."

"Stop talking, talk about it, what's the gain? How about the thing I asked you to observe?"

"Ah, this Donggouzi Township doesn't have any advantages! It's a pity that it doesn't belong to me because it guards a big coal mountain. It can't mine coal. At most, it's just like other villages. Let's engage in greenhouse and ecological mixed farming!" Zhu Feng shook his head and sighed, obviously he knew Donggouzi Township very well.

Li Yi smiled lightly: "Have you visited other places? For example, the surrounding areas of Donggouzi Township."

Zhu Feng said: "Didn't you ask me to inspect Donggouzi Township? What should I do elsewhere if I have nothing to do?"

Li Yi said: "Comrade, don't just shoot at a place! Let me tell you something. After the investment investigation team from Lingnan Province came to our county, their inspection time in our county only accounted for their total inspection time." One-third of the time, and the other two-thirds of the time, were all devoted to the investigation of the surrounding counties and cities and even the overall environment of the southern province. It is precisely because they have gone through this meticulous and thorough investigation that they finally decided to settle in our county. As it turns out, they were right because their business is booming now!"

Zhu Feng nodded and said: "I understand what you mean. You need to broaden your horizons. A county is not a single county. It is in the big environment of Xizhou, it is also in the big environment of Southern Province, and it is even in the domestic environment. ! From a township, it’s the same.”

Li Yi smiled and said: "Looking at the bigger picture, we have to look at the problem from the perspective of the whole world! Especially economic issues. In a county, politics is limited to a country, but economic issues are always closely related to the global climate. "

Zhu Feng's heart shuddered, thinking that he was still a little short of Li Yi!This guy, I haven't seen him for three years, why does he seem to be a different person, thinking about problems, he is completely different from our peers!

Li Yi smiled and said: "Old classmate, I will give you three more days, go down and walk! I hope you can pass my test!"

Zhu Feng asked: "What test? Is it possible that I can't pass it, and you haven't arranged a job for me yet?"

Li Yi laughed: "Am I such a stingy person? Go ahead, look more, think more, and enlarge your vision." Li Yi circled his hands, and then suddenly zoomed in.

The test he gave Zhu Feng was a political test, because Li Yi planned to train several members of the Li family in the true sense.For this team candidate, Li Yi has his own school examination criteria, one is to match himself, and the other is to be eye-catching enough.Zhu Feng's character is undoubtedly to Li Yi's appetite, but if Zhu Feng is not eye-catching enough, Li Yi still won't reuse him.

At the next regular meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, a new round of disputes broke out between Li Yi and Zheng Chunshan, the deputy secretary of the County Party Committee.

The problem started around the opening of the *** Economic Division.

This meeting of the Standing Committee is mainly to study the documents of the Provincial Party Committee on strengthening the party style and clean government style.

After the study, Li Yi seriously pointed out at the meeting that the Economic Development Bureau of the *** Economic Development Bureau had seriously failed to act, and suggested that the leader of the Economic Development Bureau should be replaced.

As soon as he said these words, Zheng Chunshan jumped up and down like a fire, and said loudly: "No! Comrade Li Yi, no one oppresses people like you!"

Li Yi frowned and said, "Comrade Chunshan, I'm just talking about the facts, and I don't target anyone! I don't mean to suppress anyone."

Zheng Chunshan said with a sneer: "Comrade Li Yi, now the entire Jingkai District is basically your people. Do you want to turn the Jingkai District into your Li Yi's back garden?"

Li Yi said: "Comrade Chunshan, I don't understand what you said. We are all party members and cadres, and we all get financial salaries. If you want to say who we are, we are all members of the party, and we are all members of the country." People! Everyone has their own independent thinking and ability to act. How can it be possible for someone to belong to someone? I don’t agree with you. Besides, in the words of your Comrade Chun Shan, who is who? Yours? Is Comrade Liao Deyang from the Economic Development Bureau one of them?"

Li Yi seized his words, attacked Zi's shield with Zi's spear, and beat Zheng Chunshan hard.

Zheng Chunshan's tone faltered, he scratched his head, snorted heavily, and said, "Comrade Liao Deyang is also a party member and cadre. , is still recuperating in the hospital! Such a good comrade, how can we say that he is not fulfilling his responsibilities? Comrades, please comment, there are not many such good cadres in our "government" departments, but less ! How can we crack down on good comrades like Zinghuan?"

As he said that, his eyes swept over the faces of Chen Kaiming, Sun Zhengyang and other members of the Standing Committee one by one, expecting to use this feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit to arouse the sympathy of the members of the Standing Committee, so that they could speak for themselves.

Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang smiled slightly and did not 'interrupt'. They were not in a hurry to speak until they had time to express their views.

The current situation in the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee is becoming more and more delicate. Li Yi, a dark horse, has come from behind. He often makes unexpected moves on the Standing Committee, and often wins the support of most of the Standing Committee. Even Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang, on certain issues Up, let Li Yi three points.

They are shrewd and will not stand out easily for Zheng Chunshan.

The other members of the Standing Committee sat still, doing whatever they were supposed to do, turning a blind eye to Zheng Chunshan's look of eager anticipation.

Zheng Chunshan was not discouraged when he saw that he could not get the support of the members of the Standing Committee, and said with a sneer, "Dear comrades, I have heard that the millions allocated by the higher authorities were squandered by Comrade Li Yi indiscriminately!"

These words were like earth-shattering, and the Standing Committee exploded, and there was a burst of discussion and speculation immediately.

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