Official road bends

Chapter 195 Offensive and Defensive Alliance

Chapter 195 Offensive and Defensive Alliance

Zheng Chunshan saw that the trick worked, and he glanced at Li Yi proudly, thinking: "Boy, keep pretending to be calm! Let's see how long you can stay calm!"

Comrade Li Yi raised his eyebrows and flashed a sneer.

Leaping clowns, there are many!

Zheng Chunshan cleared his throat and continued to bombard Li Yi.

"Comrades, I heard rumors from outside that the hundreds of thousands of funds in the Finance Bureau have been reduced by 200 million! This township enterprise reform has not yet seen the shadow, and it has lost 200 million for no reason! This matter Isn’t that something worth pondering for all of us?”

Sun Zhengyang said: "Comrade Chunshan, where did you hear the remarks, things that have no basis and no basis, don't talk about it in a nonsensical way, it will hurt the feelings of colleagues."

Li Yi immediately smelled a strong smell of gunpowder.

He glanced at Sun Zhengyang calmly.

Sun Zhengyang's words seemed to clarify for Li Yi, but they were actually instigating Zheng Chunshan to present evidence!

His heart can be punished!How could Sun Zhengyang make trouble for himself?Could it be that he couldn't see that he was too strong?

This is also common sense, which county magistrate would like to have a deputy who is equal to him, or even stronger?

Zheng Chunshan really grasped the meaning of Sun Zhengyang's words, and said: "I am not flattering, I also heard some comrades talking about it. These comrades are old comrades from the County Finance Bureau, and they will never Talking nonsense, in order to protect the reputation of the county party committee, I warned them not to talk 'nonsense', but they patted their chests and promised that what they said was true, and they would never pour dirty water on the leaders."

Sun Zhengyang said: "When the money came down, I called the Finance Bureau and asked them to approve some money and pay the teachers' salaries, but Comrade Si Jing said that unless Comrade Li Yi opened his mouth to sign, otherwise No money will be given! Hehe, Comrade Si Jing is so strictly guarded! Even I, the county magistrate, don’t have any money!”

Zheng Chunshan said: "Yes, only Comrade Li Yi can use the current financial money. If the money is gone, it must be Comrade Li Yi who lost it!"

Members of the Standing Committee listened to the conversation between Sun Zhengyang and Zheng Chunshan, and everyone was skeptical.

The money from the Finance Bureau is strictly controlled, and everyone knows about it.Chen Kaiming even sternly pointed out at the Standing Committee meeting that this special fund should not be used.

How did you turn around and the money disappeared for no reason?

Chen Kaiming was slightly surprised, and asked Li Yi, "Comrade Li Yi, do you know about this matter?"

Li Yi said: "Mr. Chen, I know that I used the 200 million yuan."

Zheng Chunshan immediately sneered and said, "Look, everyone, I didn't say anything wrong, right? Some people are like this. They treat their comrades with the same ruthlessness as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, but they treat themselves like the spring breeze sneaking into the night, and they move money quietly!"

Propaganda Minister Xi Rusong has always been close to Li Yi, and at this time he expressed solidarity with Li Yi: "Maybe Comrade Li Yi needs it urgently! Let's listen to Comrade Li Yi talk about the whereabouts of the money."

Zheng Chunshan said: "Is it urgent? The county party committee secretary and the county magistrate want to pay their salaries. Are you in a hurry? He is reluctant to spend them. What can be done now that he is more anxious than paying the salaries of the cadres? It is clearly embezzlement!" Said When he reached the last sentence, Zheng Chunshan knocked heavily on the table.

These words drew Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang to his side.

Both Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang nodded, obviously agreeing with Zheng Chunshan's words.

Sun Zhengyang said: "This matter is a bit unusual. 200 million funds! That's not a small sum! It's enough for our entire county's financial revenue for more than a month! If it is embezzled and embezzled, it will definitely be enough to be shot ten times!"

All the Standing Committee members were stunned, thinking that County Mayor Sun is so angry!

Wasn't he quite friendly with County Magistrate Li before?I often help Li Yi to speak, why is it so sharp now?

Li Yi understood Sun Zhengyang's change.

Sun Zhengyang must have thought that the reason why Mayor Yang Lie was investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection was Li Yi's fault.

The matter of the Standing Committee meeting in the province had already reached Sun Zhengyang's ears. The rumor that Li Yi was present at that time further corroborated Sun Zhengyang's guess.

Although Sun Zhengyang drew a clear line with Yang Lie to avoid suspicion, it doesn't mean he doesn't hold grudges.

Yang Lie has the kindness to know him and the virtue of promotion. Now that Yang Lie has been harmed by Li Yi, Sun Zhengyang will definitely hate Li Yi in his heart.

In addition, on the side of the county'government, Li Yi's power is increasing day by day. Not only Sun Zhengyang in the development zone cannot reach out, but even the Finance Bureau, which embodies the county magistrate's greatest authority, was once controlled by Li Yi.

It is common sense that Sun Zhengyang wants to unite with other members of the Standing Committee to check and balance Li Yi.

200 million is not a small amount. The members of the Standing Committee all looked at Li Yi and wanted to hear his explanation.

Chen Kaiming said in a stern tone: "Comrade Li Yi, wasn't it your idea when you said that you want to earmark the funds for special use? What's going on now? You have to explain to the Standing Committee!"

Li Yi said lightly: "The 200 million, I transferred to the account of the county transportation bureau."

Everyone was shocked, and Zheng Chunshan sneered as expected.

Chen Kaiming's face suddenly turned ugly, like a young girl whose pure feelings were teased by a dude, and she blushed a little.

He was once moved by the great truth Li Yi said, and he supported Li Yi.

Now, Li Yi easily transferred 200 million away, and he didn't discuss it with him, the top leader, and he didn't report it to the Standing Committee!

Chen Kaiming suddenly felt like he was being tricked!

He frowned and asked, "Comrade Li Yi, what's going on? What's the use of you allocating 200 million to the County Transportation Bureau?"

Li Yi said: "I have always wanted to report this matter to the Standing Committee. It's just that I was delayed by the development zone recently and I didn't take care of it. Taking this opportunity, I will report this matter to everyone .”

Zheng Chunshan immediately said like a machine gun: "We have caught your handle, and you will know how to report to the Standing Committee. Why haven't I seen you report before? Who knows if you are really assigned to the county traffic bureau?" account?"

Li Yi said unhurriedly: "Comrade Chunshan, you can confront Comrade Si Jing from the Finance Bureau and Comrade Liu Huaiyong from the Transportation Bureau! There are accounts to check the money. The account entered at the time will be recorded in the finances of the two bureaus! If it doesn’t work, you can go to the bank’s transfer records to check! See if there is any penny, and it has passed through my hands, Li Yi.”

Chen Kaiming waved his hand and said, "Everyone, calm down. If you don't understand what you say, the reason will become clearer. Comrade Li Yi said that the 200 million was deposited in the account of the Transportation Bureau, and Comrade Zheng Chunshan didn't trust him. So let's do it. We invite the two heads of the Finance Bureau and the Transportation Bureau to come to the meeting and clarify in person. Comrades from the County Party Committee Office, please inform Comrade Si Jing and Comrade Liu Huaiyong to come to the Standing Committee meeting room."

The staff of the county party committee office immediately went to call to inform the heads of the two bureaus.

Si Jing received a call from the County Party Committee Office, saying that she was asked to attend the ongoing Standing Committee. After a little thought, she realized that it might be a matter of 200 million transfers, and a dispute arose in the Standing Committee.

Li Yi must be criticized again!

She prepared the corresponding materials and reports before rushing to the county committee building.

In the meeting room of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, the dispute is still going on.

Li Yi once again brought the topic back to the personnel issue of the Economic Development Zone *** Branch, and said: "Before the arrival of the two directors, let's talk about the previous issue. I said that we will replace the Economic Development Zone* The candidate for the ** branch does not refer to Liao Deyang alone! Here, I would like to inform the standing committee members of a few things! I don’t know if you have visited the Economic Development Zone recently? If any comrades have been there, You must have heard the news."

Chen Kaiming said: "Recently there have been a lot of things, I really haven't been there, what's wrong? What happened to the Jingkai District?"

Li Yi slowly talked about what happened in the Economic and Technological Development Zone in recent days, focusing on the incidents of the hotel being smashed and the factory being stolen.

After hearing this, Zheng Chunshan smiled and said, "This is funny, Comrade Li Yi, you are the secretary of the party working committee and the director of the management committee of the development zone, right? If there is such a big problem in the development zone, you should be responsible for it." The leader of the party and government in this development zone is in charge! How can you be so shameless and pass the blame on to the comrades in the *** sub-bureau? This style of work is unacceptable!"

Li Yi said firmly: "Comrade Chunshan, I ask you to pay attention to your words and deeds! I will never shirk my responsibility! In these two incidents, I would like to invite all comrades to see the performance of the *** branch! In the incident, the police arrived almost half an hour after the victim made the call to the police! The location of the incident is less than 5 minutes away from the police station!"

Li Yi paused, glanced at Zheng Chunshan, and said awe-inspiringly: "If a bloody conflict really happened at that time, how many things could have happened in half an hour? I can't imagine! Are these still policemen serving the people? Rely on them, Can it protect the safety of the people in the development zone?"

Organization Minister Xie Mingzhen said: "How can such a person become the leader of the people? How can the safety of the people be guaranteed? It seems that a snake can't do without a head. The candidate for the leader of the Political and Legal Committee must be determined as soon as possible!"

Xi Rusong nodded in agreement: "It's a raging nest! Such administrative inaction by the Economic Development Bureau is a serious dereliction of duty!"

These two people supported Li Yi nine times out of ten, and faintly formed a three-person offensive and defensive alliance with Li Yi.

Li Yi continued: "Comrade Chunshan mentioned something just now, that is, Comrade Liao Deyang hunted cattle. This incident is true, but I don't know whether he was injured. That day, it happened that eight factories in the park were killed by the masses. On the day of the siege, as for the reason for the siege, I have already said it before, so I won’t repeat it here. How critical was the situation that day? All the comrades present could understand that the masses and the factory security guards were only a short distance away. Already!"

Li Yi sneered, and said, "At this time, where are the people from the Police Department? When I rushed there with comrades from the County Police Bureau and the County Armed Police Squadron, the incident had already happened for more than 40 minutes, and the entire police station *No one from the sub-bureau was present, and they all went looking for cattle!"

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