Official road bends

Chapter 204 Spring Capriccio

Chapter 4 Spring Capriccio

What made Li Yi feel embarrassed was that Luo Zhenghao was implicated and became Cao Yongtai's vanguard!

I don't know if Luo Zhenghao knows the root cause of this matter?Or was it just played by Cao Yongtai as a pawn?

The influence of Xizhou TV Station in this city cannot be underestimated. There are many TV sets in the countryside, and they can only watch a few channels. One is Central, one is South, and one is Xizhou. The popular drama series has high ratings. Most rural people have locked in this channel early, so they also saw the news.

Although the program that day was canceled in time, the impact was still great. Many farmers did not know the term tax rate. After listening to the conversation between Fang Shoutang and Luo Zhenghao, they realized that they had paid too much tax!

Peasants are the most simple people, but once they feel that they have been deceived and fooled, the energy they burst out will be amazing.

On the second day of the TV incident, people from various county and district 'governments' in Xizhou came to report tax rate issues one after another.

Most of those who dared to break into the gate of the county's 'government' were people of some social status, and most of them were retired workers or in-service teachers in factories and enterprises.These people are knowledgeable and educated, know how to use legal weapons to protect themselves, and can also say a few paragraphs of laws and regulations, so that you dare not take their words lightly.

The area most affected by this turmoil is naturally Lianshui County. On this day, the gate of Lianshui County's 'government' was almost smashed by petitioners.

Fang Zhen promised Li Yi that he would take care of Fang Shoutang and the villagers, but unfortunately, he failed to do so.

Fang Shoutang led a group of villagers, skipped the city 'government' and county 'government', and went directly to the province to appeal!

The situation in Linyi County is much better than that in Lianshui County. Although some people came to the county 'government', these people were polite and wise, and they didn't cause trouble, and they didn't quarrel with the county 'government'.They just came to understand the situation, and after hearing the explanation of the 'government' staff, they went back.

On this day, Li Yi received a call from Fang Zhen. Fang Zhen said in a panic, "Xiao Yi, Fang Shoutang went to the province to petition!"

"Uncle, don't worry, just let him go to petition!" After Li Yi wanted to understand the whole story of this matter, he had a different view on Fang Shoutang's petition.

"Xiaoyi, didn't you tell me to watch him and not let him run around? Now that he has gone to the provincial capital, you are not in a hurry?" Fang Zhen said.

"This tax rate is not set by you, not by me, nor by Wen Kejia! It is set by the state! The provincial and municipal 'governments' are only raised appropriately within the scope permitted by law. Since No one is wrong, what effect can they play when they go to petition?" Li Yi laughed and said: "They can't sue the country, can they?"

"That's what I said, but if County Magistrate Wen pursues responsibility, I don't know how to answer him."

"Reply to him as I said. Fang Shoutang is a free man with hands and feet. Who can control where he is going! This dispute over taxes and fees should be just a fuse. Their real purpose is nothing more than I just want to take this opportunity to launch some investigations! You can rest assured to work, remember to prepare all kinds of tax reports, I guess there will be imperial envoys to check them within three days." Li Yi said lightly.

Fang Zhen admired this little nephew quite a lot. At such a young age, he can earn so much money and become such a high-ranking official. Let alone the entire Xizhou City, even the entire Southern Province, how many people are there? Can you do this?He was naturally convinced by what Li Yi said, and he went to sort out relevant documents and reports immediately.

As expected, the tax rate turmoil has been resolved, and people from all over the country have learned clearly from various channels that the tax rate is formulated by the relevant laws of the country and is not determined by the local 'government', so they are relieved.Since it is stipulated by the state, who has the ability and qualifications to oppose it?Even if it is a petition, where can it go?

Relevant departments in the province organized a joint investigation team, stationed in Liulianshui County, and launched related investigations.

This investigation was done without the knowledge of most of the county party committee leaders.The investigation team stayed in Linyi for three days, and then went to Liulin Town and Fenglin Town to conduct a thorough investigation.

Fangjia'ao Village, where Fang Zhen lives, was also listed as a key investigation target by the investigation team. He followed Li Yi's words in advance and prepared a report. The investigation team searched for more than a day, but failed to find anything Suspicious bug.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting!As long as Wen Kejia acts upright and sits firmly, no matter who comes to investigate, they are not afraid of what they will find out.In fact, Wen Kejia's family background is very good, which is many times better than some stupid second-generation officials.Since he entered politics, he has been strict with himself, never greedy or taking money, and rarely even participated in welcoming and sending off among colleagues.

The investigation team stayed in Lianshui for a while, but found nothing, and returned to the provincial capital in despair.

Although Li Yi was not very clear about the wrestling that took place behind the scenes, after the final result came out, he understood that Wen Yuxi had won again.

A certain leader of Xizhou TV Station was dismissed, and Shen Xinyao was originally a scapegoat, so naturally she came out again at this moment and became the head of Xizhou TV Station.

Everything happened so peacefully, before any waves were stirred up, the 'tide' receded.

Li Yi felt all this silently, and learned how to play games in the officialdom.

While the road was being built in Donggouzi Township, Li Yi led a business delegation to Fangnan County and held friendly talks with Nanling Coal Mine in Fangnan County.

As a result of the talks, Linyi County contracted the coal gangue of Nanling Coal Mine at a very low price.Coal gangue is basically equivalent to waste for Nanling Coal Mine. Not only is it useless, but also a lot of manpower and material resources are invested every year to prevent disasters.

Now that Linyi County is willing to spend money to buy these waste materials, the leadership of Nanling Coal Mine has a feeling of turning waste into treasure. For them, it not only gets rid of a heavy burden, but also generates an extra income. funds!This fund can be included in your own small treasury, without paying or paying taxes!Because this property is completely unexpected income and unplanned property!

What a win-win situation!

The two parties quickly reached an agreement. Under Li Yi's insistence, Nanling Coal Mine and Linyi County signed a 20-year coal gangue contract!

After 20 years, can we still buy so much coal gangue at this price?At that time, the price of pork had risen seven or eight times!The development and utilization value of coal gangue has gradually been developed and recognized by people, and more and more investors have begun to see the profits in it and develop in this direction.

Southern Province is not a large coal-producing province, but Nanling Coal Mine is one of the largest large-scale coal mines in the Southern Province. The coal production here ranks among the top in the province. Correspondingly, the output of coal gangue is also the top in the province.And Li Yi signed a 20-year contract with them at a very low price!As long as the coal gangue in this coal mine is controlled, it will be difficult for the brick-making enterprises in Linyi County to encounter strong opponents in the southern province!

Such advantages and benefits will only gradually become apparent with the passage of time and the rise in prices. At that time, the people of Linyi still remember how wise and great their deputy county magistrate Li was at the beginning, and what kind of talents he possessed. Foresight!

This year in the Southern Province, it was a freezing spring. Although the winter had passed long ago, the cold had been lingering on the border of the Southern Province. It was not until the end of March that the warm spring scene appeared.

Facing the fragrance of rhododendrons, the business owners of more than a dozen brick factories in Linyi County were invited by the county party committee to come to Linyi City to discuss future plans together.

Comrade Li Yi presided over the meeting and made an important speech at the meeting. In this spring, he imagined the future of the restructuring of township enterprises.

When Comrade Li Yi talked about the coal gangue brick-making technology with very promising prospects, the bosses of the brick factory were all ecstatic. They were all businessmen, and businessmen were the most sensitive to interests.With low investment costs, high profits, and good product quality, who wouldn't want to do such a business?

Li Yi said: "Everyone is a businessman, and you should understand one truth, that is, the importance of capital. There are 30 people present here. The largest industry has assets in the millions, and the smallest has assets of [-] million. Looking at it separately, everyone is just playing small fights and can't make a big climate. However, have you ever thought about it? If eighteen of you are combined together, eighteen hands, tightly hugged into a ball, the eighteen factories What kind of effect will the combination of funds and manpower produce?"

The entrepreneurs all whispered to each other, shocked by Li Yi's idea.They originally thought that Li Yi called them to teach them new brick-making techniques!

"Eighteen arhats can form an arhat formation to subdue demons and demons, with boundless power! You eighteen hands can form a large brick factory with assets of tens of millions! You can build the first township in Linyi County The golden signboard of the enterprise! It can be cultivated to become a leading enterprise in Linyi County!" Li Yi waved his right arm and said loudly: "One chopstick is easy to break, but everyone can gather firewood to make a fire! The restructuring of joint-stock enterprises is a new way out for township enterprises. Next, everyone will have a 10-minute free discussion to discuss whether my proposal is feasible."

Most of these entrepreneurs are family businesses. Although the prospects Li Yi described are very attractive, they also have many worries and worries.

Someone asked: "Major Li, if I don't agree to join the Linyi Coal Gangue Brick Factory established by the 'government', can our small factory continue to operate? The county will not deliberately embarrass us, 'forced 'We can't go on, can we?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Brother, you are worrying too much. The establishment of this joint-stock brick factory is entirely voluntary. You can choose to participate or not to participate. We will never force it. Even among the eighteen people present, none of them If you are willing to participate and cooperate, our Linyi Coal Gangue Brick Factory will still be established! Think about it, if Linyi really has such a large brick factory, does your small old brick factory still have advantages? ? Do you still need our 'government' to 'force' you to stop driving? If you don't need us to do it, you will drown in the historical river of technological transformation!"

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