Official road bends

Chapter 205 Strange Official Scoring Form

Chapter 5 Strange Official Scoring Form

After listening to Li Yi's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

Li Yi said with a smile: "You don't have to rush to reply me, you can go back and think about it, come to me at any time, or you can find comrades from the township enterprise restructuring team."

A stocky and strong man asked: "County Li, is this Linyi coal gangue brick factory controlled by the 'government' or by our private business owners?"

Li Yi recognized him. This man was Hu Lang, the owner of the largest private brick factory in Linyi County. He nodded at him and said, "The 'government' will not invest, let alone hold shares. We only want to develop your business. Provide suitable soil and environment for growth and growth, so that you can reach a higher peak in the big 'tide' of the market."

Hu Lang said: "In addition to those of us here, will the 'government' invite other investors to buy shares?"

Li Yi said: "Yes! All Linyi people can buy shares! Of course, investors outside Linyi County are also welcome to buy shares."

Hu Lang said: "What preferential measures will the 'government' have in this regard?"

Li Yi said: "I can tell you responsibly that this enterprise will be built into a leading township enterprise in Linyi County. The 'government' will escort this enterprise, and all policies and preferential policies will be tilted towards it."

Hu Lang thought for a while, and was the first to raise his hand and said, "County Li, I agree to become a shareholder!"

Hu Lang is the boss of Linyi's brick-making industry. He took the lead in expressing his agreement, and some entrepreneurs who held a wait-and-see attitude had reference points and agreed to buy shares one after another.

There are only three small businesses, and because they are run by family brothers, only one representative came to the meeting, making it difficult to make a decision.

This result has met Li Yi's expectations.

After the preliminary work is completed, the rest of the work is left to the township enterprise restructuring team. Li Yi has drawn up the framework, and they only need to complete it according to the outline.

Leaders work hard.It is necessary to let go and delegate power, but also learn to receive power.

Although Li Yi has delegated the power of handling affairs to the township enterprise restructuring group, the personnel and financial power of this township enterprise restructuring group are firmly in Li Yi's hands. As long as he firmly grasps these two powers, he will not be afraid. Where are these people jumping to!

On this day, Zhu Feng came to Li Yi's office, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Li Yi, the contractor and the comrades below always send things to me! Do I accept these things or not?"

Li Yi stopped writing, put on the cap of the pen, looked up and smiled, "What is it?"

Zhu Feng said: "There are cigarettes, wine, and money."

Li Yi said: "How did you deal with it?"

Zhu Feng said: "As for the money, I didn't dare to take it. I returned it to them, and they took it away, but they insisted on keeping me the two things, tobacco and alcohol. I'll take it. I'm afraid of violating discipline, so don't take it." , and afraid of hurting the hearts of comrades, how embarrassing it is to see each other without looking up!"

Li Yi laughed and said: "You handled it pretty well! When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are inspected, there will be no friends. Cadres are also human beings. Normal human relations are still necessary, but just don't break the law and commit crimes! "

Zhu Feng said: "It's hard to grasp the speed. How do you usually deal with those things?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I, no one dares to give me anything at all. Therefore, I don't have the troubles you mentioned."

Zhu Feng said: "I also understand now that not only the gift giver has to worry about how to give the gift, but the recipient also has to worry about how to receive the gift! Since everyone is annoying, why do everyone have to give it? Li Yi, how did you not accept the gift?"

Li Yi laughed and said: "It's no wonder that there are many people who are polite, and you don't hit people with smiling faces when you reach out. Thousands of years of cultural traditions, it is very difficult to change. You can't go to plead with empty hands when you entrust someone to do things, right? As for Why no one dares to give gifts to me, I have to start when I first arrived in Linyi."

Zhu Feng said: "What's the story? Come and listen to it, so I can learn some tricks."

Li Yi said: "When I first arrived in Linyi, the division of work had just been agreed upon. Every day, many people came to my residence to give gifts. At that time, I was still living in the guest house, and a full-time waiter was arranged for me. I ordered She, tell her to help me get in the way, and whoever has been here, please write down the name and unit for me."

Zhu Feng nodded: "After writing it down, what's the use of it?"

Li Yi took out a form from the drawer, and when he saw the beautiful font on the form, he immediately thought of that little girl Shu Chang.That night, in my nightmare, I regarded her as Guo Xiaoling, hugged her in my arms and loved her wantonly. The tender breasts and the comfortable feeling of holding her in my hands seemed to have escaped from these words at this moment, reappearing in her arms. in his hands.

Zhu Feng came over, took a look, and asked, "What is this?"

Li Yi handed it to him and said, "This is the list of people who came to give me gifts. I asked her to write it down."

Zhu Feng took a look at it and asked, "What does the number behind this mean? Score?"

Li Yi said: "Yes, everyone, every time I come, I will deduct 60 points from him! If the score is lower than [-] points, then in my eyes, this person has failed! I will not reuse him in the future, what's the matter?" When things are good, I will give priority to those with high scores."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "The one with the highest score is Liang Ningfan? Isn't this the Deputy Director Liang of the Economic and Technological Development Zone? Hehe, 90 points! Not bad! No wonder I can be your deputy."

Li Yi said with a smile: "Comrade Ning Fan only came to give a gift once, and he never came again after being rejected by me."

Zhu Feng watched it very interestingly, and said while watching: "Most of them are 70 and 80 points! Is there really someone with a score lower than 60? Is this person still in office?"

Li Yi said indifferently: "I have been sent to the town below by me a long time ago!"

Zhu Feng shook his head and said: "This is not right, Li Yi, think about it, people give you gifts over and over again, which proves that they really rely on you, and they really have something to ask for you, but you refuse people thousands of miles away. Besides, isn’t it too hurtful to make such a broken form and divide subordinates into ranks and ranks? How do you unite subordinates?”

Li Yi said: "I just use this form as a reference. When I really want to use a person, or move a person, I will also do some research on the person's actual working ability and business ability. Take Comrade Ning Fan To put it bluntly, at the time there were at least three candidates who had stronger professional abilities than him, but because the scores of those three candidates on my form were too low, I gave up on them.

It is necessary for a cadre to interact with the leader moderately and give gifts. The leader is also a human being. If you don't show your face, the leader will know who you are?However, if you only know how to exploit and cheat, then I'm sorry, this kind of person, no matter how powerful you are, is not to my liking. "

Zhu Feng said: "You can scare them away with such a watch? The problem is, they don't know that you made such a monster!"

Li Yi said: "I called the waiter and woke them up at the right time, saying that I made such a form. Those who have given gifts several times were too scared to come to the door again!"

"Haha!" Zhu Feng laughed and said: "Li Yi, you are too hurt! This trick seems to be really effective! However, this kind of trick is only used by a big leader like you. I was originally a junior staff member, so I dare to ask others to grade?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "My method does have shortcomings, because when you reject others, you also close a window for yourself. Fish and bear's paw, you can't have it at the same time. All in all, you can control it yourself That's enough, don't step on the bottom line! That's playing with fire."

Zhu Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not short of money now. What do I do for the money? It is said that the officialdom is a pyramid, and my goal in life is to climb the pyramid along the winding official road. Higher!"

Li Yi took a deep look at him, Zhu Feng, an old classmate, is a bit paranoid!Is it a blessing or a curse for such a person to walk in the officialdom?

He couldn't help but advise: "Zhu Feng, people only know that the bottom of the pyramid has the most people, but they don't know that there are more people buried under the pyramid! I believe you also know a number. Under the Great Wall, there are countless people buried." Millions of wronged souls!"

Zhu Feng's eyelids twitched, and he naturally understood the meaning of Li Yi's words. He laughed and said, "I'll just say a few bold words. For things like promotion, let's resign ourselves to fate!"

After thinking about it, Zhu Feng smiled again: "Li Yi, I have another question, what do you think of those who have never given you gifts?"

Li Yi replied lightly: "I won't even give gifts, will I pay attention to him?"

Zhu Feng let out an oh, deeply moved.

After Zhu Feng left, Li Yi took a look at the form, and suddenly remembered that little girl named Shu Chang, wondering how she is doing now?I moved to the dormitory a few years later, and never went to the guest house again.I remembered that Shu Chang had told himself years ago that he wanted to continue to work as a waiter for him, but he didn't even leave her a farewell word.

Although he said that he was the leader, and he didn't need to say goodbye to a waiter if he wanted to leave the hostel, but the little girl Shu Chang was quite affectionate to her. After living together for nearly a year, she had some friendship, right?

After get off work, Li Yi did not go back to the dormitory directly, but ordered Qian Duo to drive to the guest house.

This guy Qian Duo is also a sentimental and sad person. Last time, he went to Sangyu's hometown again. This time, he made up his mind to propose marriage. Let's get it over with!

After returning from Xichuan, Qian Duo looked like a wilted cucumber. He who didn't talk much before, became even more taciturn.

Li Yi knew without guessing that the snobbish Sang family must have rejected Qian Duo's marriage proposal.

According to Qian Duo later, that woman Sangyu didn't know if she really loved him, but she broke up with him with tears in her eyes, and said some nonsense about not being worthy of him.

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